#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.16.0; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Test::More; use Capture::Tiny qw/ capture_merged /; use FindBin '$RealBin'; use lib $RealBin; use Test::Sbotools qw/ make_slackbuilds_txt set_lo sboinstall restore_perf_dummy /; if ($ENV{TEST_INSTALL}) { plan tests => 5; } else { plan skip_all => 'Only run these tests if TEST_INSTALL=1'; } $ENV{TEST_ONLINE} //= 0; sub cleanup { my $tmp = shift; my $output = shift; capture_merged { system(qw!/sbin/removepkg nonexistentslackbuild!); system(qw!/sbin/removepkg nonexistentslackbuild4!); system(qw!/sbin/removepkg nonexistentslackbuild5!); unlink "$RealBin/LO/nonexistentslackbuild/perf.dummy"; unlink "$RealBin/LO/nonexistentslackbuild4/perf.dummy"; unlink "$RealBin/LO/nonexistentslackbuild5/perf.dummy"; system(qw!rm -rf!, "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild-1.0"); system(qw!rm -rf!, "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild4-1.0"); system(qw!rm -rf!, "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild5-1.0"); system(qw!rm -rf!, "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild"); system(qw!rm -rf!, "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild4"); system(qw!rm -rf!, "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild5"); }; } cleanup('/tmp/SBo', '/tmp'); make_slackbuilds_txt(); set_lo("$RealBin/LO"); restore_perf_dummy(); SKIP: { skip "Not testing unset OUTPUT", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} and $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} ne ''; subtest 'OUTPUT unset', sub { delete local $ENV{OUTPUT}; tmp_tests(); }; } SKIP: { skip "Not testing OUTPUT=/tmp", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} and $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} ne '/tmp'; subtest 'OUTPUT=/tmp', sub { local $ENV{OUTPUT}='/tmp'; tmp_tests(); }; } SKIP: { skip "Not testing OUTPUT=/tmp", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} and $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} ne '/tmp/SBo'; subtest 'OUTPUT=/tmp/SBo', sub { local $ENV{OUTPUT}='/tmp/SBo'; tmp_tests(); }; } SKIP: { skip "Not testing OUTPUT=/tmp/foo", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} and $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} ne '/tmp/foo'; subtest 'OUTPUT=/tmp/foo', sub { local $ENV{OUTPUT}='/tmp/foo'; tmp_tests(); }; } SKIP: { skip "Not testing OUTPUT=/tmp/bar", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} and $ENV{TEST_OUTPUT} ne '/tmp/bar'; subtest 'OUTPUT=/tmp/bar', sub { local $ENV{OUTPUT}='/tmp/bar'; tmp_tests(); }; } sub tmp_tests { plan tests => 4; SKIP: { skip "Not testing unset TMP", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_TMP} and $ENV{TEST_TMP} ne ''; subtest 'TMP unset', sub { delete local $ENV{TMP}; env_tests(); }; } SKIP: { skip "Not testing TMP=/tmp", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_TMP} and $ENV{TEST_TMP} ne '/tmp'; subtest 'TMP=/tmp', sub { local $ENV{TMP}='/tmp'; env_tests(); }; } SKIP: { skip "Not testing TMP=/tmp/SBo", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_TMP} and $ENV{TEST_TMP} ne '/tmp/SBo'; subtest 'TMP=/tmp/SBo', sub { local $ENV{TMP}='/tmp/SBo'; env_tests(); }; } SKIP: { skip "Not testing TMP=/tmp/foo", 1 if exists $ENV{TEST_TMP} and $ENV{TEST_TMP} ne '/tmp/foo'; subtest 'TMP=/tmp/foo', sub { local $ENV{TMP}='/tmp/foo'; env_tests(); }; } } sub env_tests { my $tmp = $ENV{TMP} // '/tmp/SBo'; my $output = $ENV{OUTPUT} // '/tmp'; cleanup($tmp, $output); my $tmpmsg = "TMP=" . ( defined $ENV{TMP} ? $tmp : '' ); my $outmsg = "OUTPUT=" . ( defined $ENV{OUTPUT} ? $output : '' ); plan tests => 20; ok (! -e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild-1.0/README", "README file 1 doesn't exist ($tmpmsg)"); ok (! -e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild4-1.0/README", "README file 4 doesn't exist ($tmpmsg)"); ok (! -e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild5-1.0/README", "README file 5 doesn't exist ($tmpmsg)"); ok (! -e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild", "package dir 1 doesn't exist ($outmsg)"); ok (! -e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild4", "package4 dir 1 doesn't exist ($outmsg)"); ok (! -e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild5", "package5 dir 1 doesn't exist ($outmsg)"); sboinstall qw/ -c FALSE nonexistentslackbuild /, { input => "y\ny", expected => qr!Cleaning for nonexistentslackbuild-1\.0!, note => 0 }; ok (! -e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild-1.0/README", "README file 1 doesn't exist after sboinstall ($tmpmsg)"); ok (! -e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild", "package dir 1 doesn't exist after sboinstall ($outmsg)"); sboinstall qw/ -c FALSE nonexistentslackbuild4 /, { input => "y\ny\ny", expected => qr!Cleaning for nonexistentslackbuild5-1\.0.*Cleaning for nonexistentslackbuild4-1\.0!s, note => 0 }; ok (! -e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild4-1.0/README", "README file 4 doesn't exist after sboinstall ($tmpmsg)"); ok (! -e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild5-1.0/README", "README file 5 doesn't exist after sboinstall ($tmpmsg)"); ok (! -e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild4", "package dir 4 doesn't exist after sboinstall ($outmsg)"); ok (! -e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild5", "package dir 5 doesn't exist after sboinstall ($outmsg)"); cleanup($tmp, $output); sboinstall qw/ -c TRUE nonexistentslackbuild /, { input => "y\ny", test => 0, note => 0 }; ok (-e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild-1.0/README", "README file 1 exists after sboinstall -c TRUE ($tmpmsg)"); ok (-e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild", "package dir 1 exists after sboinstall -c TRUE ($outmsg)"); sboinstall qw/ -c TRUE nonexistentslackbuild4 /, { input => "y\ny\ny", test => 0, note => 0 }; ok (-e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild4-1.0/README", "README file 4 exists after sboinstall -c TRUE ($tmpmsg)"); ok (-e "$tmp/nonexistentslackbuild5-1.0/README", "README file 5 exists after sboinstall -c TRUE ($tmpmsg)"); ok (-e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild4", "package dir 4 exists after sboinstall -c TRUE ($outmsg)"); ok (-e "$output/package-nonexistentslackbuild5", "package dir 5 exists after sboinstall -c TRUE ($outmsg)"); cleanup($tmp, $output); } # Cleanup END { cleanup('/tmp/SBo', '/tmp'); }