package SBO::Lib::Info; use 5.016; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '2.6'; use SBO::Lib::Util qw/ get_arch get_sbo_from_loc open_read script_error slurp usage_error /; use SBO::Lib::Tree qw/ get_orig_location get_sbo_location is_local /; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw{ check_x32 get_download_info get_from_info get_orig_version get_requires get_sbo_version parse_info }; our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK, ); =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME SBO::Lib::Info - Utilities to get data from SBo .info files. =head1 SYNOPSIS use SBO::Lib::Info qw/ get_reqs /; my @reqs = @{ get_requires($sbo) }; =head1 SUBROUTINES =cut =head2 check_x32 my $bool = check_x32($location); C checks if the SBo in C<$location> considers 64bit builds C or C, and if so returns a true value. Otherwise it returns a false value. =cut # determine whether or not a given sbo is 32-bit only sub check_x32 { script_error('check_x32 requires an argument.') unless @_ == 1; my $dl = get_from_info(LOCATION => shift, GET => 'DOWNLOAD_x86_64'); return $$dl[0] =~ /UN(SUPPOR|TES)TED/ ? 1 : undef; } =head2 get_download_info my $downloads = get_download_info(LOCATION => $location, X64 => $x64); my $downloads = get_download_info(LOCATION => $location); C takes a C<$location> to read a .info file in, and C<$x64> which is a flag to determine if the x64 link should be used or not. If the C<$x64> flag is not given, it defaults to a true value. It returns a hashref where each key is a download link, and the corresponding value is the md5sum it should have. =cut # get downloads and md5sums from an sbo's .info file, first # checking for x86_64-specific info if we are told to sub get_download_info { my %args = ( LOCATION => 0, X64 => 1, @_ ); $args{LOCATION} or script_error('get_download_info requires LOCATION.'); my ($get, $downs, $exit, $md5s, %return); $get = ($args{X64} ? 'DOWNLOAD_x86_64' : 'DOWNLOAD'); $downs = get_from_info(LOCATION => $args{LOCATION}, GET => $get); # did we get nothing back, or UNSUPPORTED/UNTESTED? if ($args{X64}) { if (! $$downs[0] || $$downs[0] =~ qr/^UN(SUPPOR|TES)TED$/) { $args{X64} = 0; $downs = get_from_info(LOCATION => $args{LOCATION}, GET => 'DOWNLOAD'); } } # if we still don't have any links, something is really wrong. return() unless $$downs[0]; # grab the md5s and build a hash $get = $args{X64} ? 'MD5SUM_x86_64' : 'MD5SUM'; $md5s = get_from_info(LOCATION => $args{LOCATION}, GET => $get); return() unless $$md5s[0]; $return{$$downs[$_]} = $$md5s[$_] for (keys @$downs); return \%return; } =head2 get_from_info my $data = get_from_info(LOCATION => $location, GET => $key); C retrieves the information under C<$key> from the .info file in C<$location>. =cut # pull piece(s) of data, GET, from the $ file under LOCATION. sub get_from_info { my %args = ( LOCATION => '', GET => '', @_ ); unless ($args{LOCATION} && $args{GET}) { script_error('get_from_info requires LOCATION and GET.'); } state $store = {LOCATION => ['']}; my $sbo = get_sbo_from_loc($args{LOCATION}); return $store->{$args{GET}} if $store->{LOCATION}[0] eq $args{LOCATION}; # if we're here, we haven't read in the .info file yet. my $contents = slurp("$args{LOCATION}/$"); usage_error("get_from_info: could not read $args{LOCATION}/$") unless defined $contents; my %parse = parse_info($contents); script_error("error when parsing $ file.") unless %parse; $store = {}; $store->{LOCATION} = [$args{LOCATION}]; foreach my $k (keys %parse) { $store->{$k} = $parse{$k}; } # allow local overrides to get away with not having quite all the fields if (is_local($sbo)) { for my $key (qw/DOWNLOAD_x86_64 MD5SUM_x86_64 REQUIRES/) { $store->{$key} //= ['']; # if they don't exist, treat them as empty } } return $store->{$args{GET}}; } =head2 get_orig_version my $ver = get_orig_version($sbo); C returns the version in the tree for the given C<$sbo>. =cut sub get_orig_version { script_error('get_orig_version requires an argument.') unless @_ == 1; my $sbo = shift; my $location = get_orig_location($sbo); return $location if not defined $location; return get_sbo_version($location); } =head2 get_requires my $reqs = get_requires($sbo); C returns the requirements for a given C<$sbo>. =cut # wrapper to pull the list of requirements for a given sbo sub get_requires { my $location = get_sbo_location(shift); return undef unless $location; my $info = get_from_info(LOCATION => $location, GET => 'REQUIRES'); return $info; } =head2 get_sbo_version my $ver = get_sbo_version($location); C returns the version found in the .info file in C<$location>. =cut # find the version in the tree for a given sbo (provided a location) sub get_sbo_version { script_error('get_sbo_version requires an argument.') unless @_ == 1; my $version = get_from_info(LOCATION => shift, GET => 'VERSION'); return $version->[0]; } =head2 parse_info my %parse = parse_info($str); C parses the contents of an .info file from C<$str> and returns a key-value list of it. =cut sub parse_info { script_error('parse_info requires an argument.') unless @_ == 1; my $info_str = shift; my $pos = 0; my %ret; while ($info_str =~ /\G([A-Za-z0-9_]+)="([^"]*)"\s*(?:\n|\z)/g) { my ($key, $val) = ($1, $2); $val =~ s/\\[ \t]*$/ /mg; my @val = split " ", $val; @val = '' unless @val; $ret{$key} = \@val; $pos = pos($info_str); } return if $pos != length($info_str); return %ret; } =head1 AUTHORS SBO::Lib was originally written by Jacob Pipkin with contributions from Luke Williams and Andreas Guldstrand . =head1 LICENSE The sbotools are licensed under the WTFPL . Copyright (C) 2012-2017, Jacob Pipkin, Luke Williams, Andreas Guldstrand. =cut 1;