# Example yaml for use by any of the x86 based scripts in tests/vm.
# Can be provided as an environment variable QEMU_CONFIG

    # If any of the below are not provided, we will just use the qemu defaults.

    # Login username and password(has to be sudo enabled)
    guest_user: "qemu"
    guest_pass: "qemupass"

    # Password for root user can be different from guest.
    root_pass: "qemupass"

    # Provide default ssh keys of current user.
    # You need to edit the below for your user.
    #ssh_key_file: /home/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa
    #ssh_pub_key_file: /home/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

    cpu: max
    machine: pc
    memory: 8G

    # The below is a example for how to configure NUMA topology with
    # 4 NUMA nodes and 2 different NUMA distances.
    qemu_args: "-smp cpus=8,sockets=2,cores=4
                -object memory-backend-ram,size=4G,policy=bind,host-nodes=0,id=ram-node0
                -object memory-backend-ram,size=4G,policy=bind,host-nodes=0,id=ram-node1
                -object memory-backend-ram,size=4G,policy=bind,host-nodes=1,id=ram-node2
                -object memory-backend-ram,size=4G,policy=bind,host-nodes=1,id=ram-node3
                -numa node,cpus=0-1,nodeid=0 -numa node,cpus=2-3,nodeid=1
                -numa node,cpus=4-5,nodeid=2 -numa node,cpus=6-7,nodeid=3
                -numa dist,src=0,dst=1,val=15 -numa dist,src=2,dst=3,val=15
                -numa dist,src=0,dst=2,val=20 -numa dist,src=0,dst=3,val=20
                -numa dist,src=1,dst=2,val=20 -numa dist,src=1,dst=3,val=20"

    # By default we do not set the DNS.
    # You override the defaults by setting the below.
    #dns: "1.234.567.89"

    # By default we will use a "block" device, but
    # you can also boot from a "scsi" device.
    # Just keep in mind your scripts might need to change
    # As you will have /dev/sda instead of /dev/vda (for block device)
    boot_dev_type: "block"

    # By default the ssh port is not fixed.
    # A fixed ssh port makes it easier for automated tests.
    ssh_port: 5555