/* * libqos driver framework * * Copyright (c) 2018 Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <e.emanuelegiuseppe@gmail.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> */ /* * Not so fast! You might want to read the 9p developer docs first: * https://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/9p */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "../libqtest.h" #include "qemu/module.h" #include "standard-headers/linux/virtio_ids.h" #include "virtio-9p.h" #include "qgraph.h" static QGuestAllocator *alloc; static char *local_test_path; /* Concatenates the passed 2 paths. Returned result must be freed. */ static char *concat_path(const char* a, const char* b) { return g_build_filename(a, b, NULL); } void virtio_9p_create_local_test_dir(void) { g_assert(local_test_path == NULL); struct stat st; g_autofree char *pwd = g_get_current_dir(); /* * template gets cached into local_test_path and freed in * virtio_9p_remove_local_test_dir(). */ char *template = concat_path(pwd, "qtest-9p-local-XXXXXX"); local_test_path = g_mkdtemp(template); if (!local_test_path) { g_test_message("g_mkdtemp('%s') failed: %s", template, strerror(errno)); } g_assert(local_test_path != NULL); /* ensure test directory exists now ... */ g_assert(stat(local_test_path, &st) == 0); /* ... and is actually a directory */ g_assert((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR); } void virtio_9p_remove_local_test_dir(void) { g_assert(local_test_path != NULL); g_autofree char *cmd = g_strdup_printf("rm -fr '%s'\n", local_test_path); int res = system(cmd); if (res < 0) { /* ignore error, dummy check to prevent compiler error */ } g_free(local_test_path); local_test_path = NULL; } char *virtio_9p_test_path(const char *path) { g_assert(local_test_path); return concat_path(local_test_path, path); } static void virtio_9p_cleanup(QVirtio9P *interface) { qvirtqueue_cleanup(interface->vdev->bus, interface->vq, alloc); } static void virtio_9p_setup(QVirtio9P *interface) { uint64_t features; features = qvirtio_get_features(interface->vdev); features &= ~(QVIRTIO_F_BAD_FEATURE | (1ull << VIRTIO_RING_F_EVENT_IDX)); qvirtio_set_features(interface->vdev, features); interface->vq = qvirtqueue_setup(interface->vdev, alloc, 0); qvirtio_set_driver_ok(interface->vdev); } /* virtio-9p-device */ static void virtio_9p_device_destructor(QOSGraphObject *obj) { QVirtio9PDevice *v_9p = (QVirtio9PDevice *) obj; QVirtio9P *v9p = &v_9p->v9p; virtio_9p_cleanup(v9p); } static void virtio_9p_device_start_hw(QOSGraphObject *obj) { QVirtio9PDevice *v_9p = (QVirtio9PDevice *) obj; QVirtio9P *v9p = &v_9p->v9p; virtio_9p_setup(v9p); } static void *virtio_9p_get_driver(QVirtio9P *v_9p, const char *interface) { if (!g_strcmp0(interface, "virtio-9p")) { return v_9p; } if (!g_strcmp0(interface, "virtio")) { return v_9p->vdev; } fprintf(stderr, "%s not present in virtio-9p-device\n", interface); g_assert_not_reached(); } static void *virtio_9p_device_get_driver(void *object, const char *interface) { QVirtio9PDevice *v_9p = object; return virtio_9p_get_driver(&v_9p->v9p, interface); } static void *virtio_9p_device_create(void *virtio_dev, QGuestAllocator *t_alloc, void *addr) { QVirtio9PDevice *virtio_device = g_new0(QVirtio9PDevice, 1); QVirtio9P *interface = &virtio_device->v9p; interface->vdev = virtio_dev; alloc = t_alloc; virtio_device->obj.destructor = virtio_9p_device_destructor; virtio_device->obj.get_driver = virtio_9p_device_get_driver; virtio_device->obj.start_hw = virtio_9p_device_start_hw; return &virtio_device->obj; } /* virtio-9p-pci */ static void virtio_9p_pci_destructor(QOSGraphObject *obj) { QVirtio9PPCI *v9_pci = (QVirtio9PPCI *) obj; QVirtio9P *interface = &v9_pci->v9p; QOSGraphObject *pci_vobj = &v9_pci->pci_vdev.obj; virtio_9p_cleanup(interface); qvirtio_pci_destructor(pci_vobj); } static void virtio_9p_pci_start_hw(QOSGraphObject *obj) { QVirtio9PPCI *v9_pci = (QVirtio9PPCI *) obj; QVirtio9P *interface = &v9_pci->v9p; QOSGraphObject *pci_vobj = &v9_pci->pci_vdev.obj; qvirtio_pci_start_hw(pci_vobj); virtio_9p_setup(interface); } static void *virtio_9p_pci_get_driver(void *object, const char *interface) { QVirtio9PPCI *v_9p = object; if (!g_strcmp0(interface, "pci-device")) { return v_9p->pci_vdev.pdev; } return virtio_9p_get_driver(&v_9p->v9p, interface); } static void *virtio_9p_pci_create(void *pci_bus, QGuestAllocator *t_alloc, void *addr) { QVirtio9PPCI *v9_pci = g_new0(QVirtio9PPCI, 1); QVirtio9P *interface = &v9_pci->v9p; QOSGraphObject *obj = &v9_pci->pci_vdev.obj; virtio_pci_init(&v9_pci->pci_vdev, pci_bus, addr); interface->vdev = &v9_pci->pci_vdev.vdev; alloc = t_alloc; g_assert_cmphex(interface->vdev->device_type, ==, VIRTIO_ID_9P); obj->destructor = virtio_9p_pci_destructor; obj->start_hw = virtio_9p_pci_start_hw; obj->get_driver = virtio_9p_pci_get_driver; return obj; } /** * Performs regular expression based search and replace on @a haystack. * * @param haystack - input string to be parsed, result of replacement is * stored back to @a haystack * @param pattern - the regular expression pattern for scanning @a haystack * @param replace_fmt - matches of supplied @a pattern are replaced by this, * if necessary glib printf format can be used to add * variable arguments of this function to this * replacement string */ G_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4) static void regex_replace(GString *haystack, const char *pattern, const char *replace_fmt, ...) { g_autoptr(GRegex) regex = NULL; g_autofree char *replace = NULL, *s = NULL; va_list argp; va_start(argp, replace_fmt); replace = g_strdup_vprintf(replace_fmt, argp); va_end(argp); regex = g_regex_new(pattern, 0, 0, NULL); s = g_regex_replace(regex, haystack->str, -1, 0, replace, 0, NULL); g_string_assign(haystack, s); } void virtio_9p_assign_local_driver(GString *cmd_line, const char *args) { g_assert_nonnull(local_test_path); /* replace 'synth' driver by 'local' driver */ regex_replace(cmd_line, "-fsdev synth,", "-fsdev local,"); /* append 'path=...' to '-fsdev ...' group */ regex_replace(cmd_line, "(-fsdev \\w[^ ]*)", "\\1,path='%s'", local_test_path); if (!args) { return; } /* append passed args to '-fsdev ...' group */ regex_replace(cmd_line, "(-fsdev \\w[^ ]*)", "\\1,%s", args); } static void virtio_9p_register_nodes(void) { const char *str_simple = "fsdev=fsdev0,mount_tag=" MOUNT_TAG; const char *str_addr = "fsdev=fsdev0,addr=04.0,mount_tag=" MOUNT_TAG; QPCIAddress addr = { .devfn = QPCI_DEVFN(4, 0), }; QOSGraphEdgeOptions opts = { .before_cmd_line = "-fsdev synth,id=fsdev0", }; /* virtio-9p-device */ opts.extra_device_opts = str_simple, qos_node_create_driver("virtio-9p-device", virtio_9p_device_create); qos_node_consumes("virtio-9p-device", "virtio-bus", &opts); qos_node_produces("virtio-9p-device", "virtio"); qos_node_produces("virtio-9p-device", "virtio-9p"); /* virtio-9p-pci */ opts.extra_device_opts = str_addr; add_qpci_address(&opts, &addr); qos_node_create_driver("virtio-9p-pci", virtio_9p_pci_create); qos_node_consumes("virtio-9p-pci", "pci-bus", &opts); qos_node_produces("virtio-9p-pci", "pci-device"); qos_node_produces("virtio-9p-pci", "virtio"); qos_node_produces("virtio-9p-pci", "virtio-9p"); } libqos_init(virtio_9p_register_nodes);