QA output created by 131 Formatting 'TEST_DIR/t.IMGFMT', fmt=IMGFMT size=67108864 == read empty image == read 65536/65536 bytes at offset 32768 64 KiB, X ops; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY/sec and XXX ops/sec) == write more than 1 block in a row == wrote 131072/131072 bytes at offset 32768 128 KiB, X ops; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY/sec and XXX ops/sec) == read less than block == read 32768/32768 bytes at offset 32768 32 KiB, X ops; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY/sec and XXX ops/sec) == read exactly 1 block == read 65536/65536 bytes at offset 65536 64 KiB, X ops; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY/sec and XXX ops/sec) == read more than 1 block == read 131072/131072 bytes at offset 32768 128 KiB, X ops; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY/sec and XXX ops/sec) == check that there is no trash after written == read 32768/32768 bytes at offset 163840 32 KiB, X ops; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY/sec and XXX ops/sec) == check that there is no trash before written == read 32768/32768 bytes at offset 0 32 KiB, X ops; XX:XX:XX.X (XXX YYY/sec and XXX ops/sec) *** done