 * Intel ACPI Component Architecture
 * AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20190509 (64-bit version)
 * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2019 Intel Corporation
 * Disassembling to symbolic ASL+ operators
 * Disassembly of tests/data/acpi/q35/SSDT.dimmpxm, Mon Sep 28 17:24:38 2020
 * Original Table Header:
 *     Signature        "SSDT"
 *     Length           0x000002DE (734)
 *     Revision         0x01
 *     Checksum         0x46
 *     OEM ID           "BOCHS "
 *     OEM Table ID     "NVDIMM"
 *     OEM Revision     0x00000001 (1)
 *     Compiler ID      "BXPC"
 *     Compiler Version 0x00000001 (1)
DefinitionBlock ("", "SSDT", 1, "BOCHS ", "NVDIMM", 0x00000001)
    Scope (\_SB)
        Device (NVDR)
            Name (_HID, "ACPI0012" /* NVDIMM Root Device */)  // _HID: Hardware ID
            Method (NCAL, 5, Serialized)
                Local6 = MEMA /* \MEMA */
                OperationRegion (NPIO, SystemIO, 0x0A18, 0x04)
                OperationRegion (NRAM, SystemMemory, Local6, 0x1000)
                Field (NPIO, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
                    NTFI,   32

                Field (NRAM, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
                    HDLE,   32, 
                    REVS,   32, 
                    FUNC,   32, 
                    FARG,   32672

                Field (NRAM, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
                    RLEN,   32, 
                    ODAT,   32736

                If ((Arg4 == Zero))
                    Local0 = ToUUID ("2f10e7a4-9e91-11e4-89d3-123b93f75cba")
                ElseIf ((Arg4 == 0x00010000))
                    Local0 = ToUUID ("648b9cf2-cda1-4312-8ad9-49c4af32bd62")
                    Local0 = ToUUID ("4309ac30-0d11-11e4-9191-0800200c9a66")

                If (((Local6 == Zero) | (Arg0 != Local0)))
                    If ((Arg2 == Zero))
                        Return (Buffer (One)
                             0x00                                             // .

                    Return (Buffer (One)
                         0x01                                             // .

                HDLE = Arg4
                REVS = Arg1
                FUNC = Arg2
                If (((ObjectType (Arg3) == 0x04) & (SizeOf (Arg3) == One)))
                    Local2 = Arg3 [Zero]
                    Local3 = DerefOf (Local2)
                    FARG = Local3

                NTFI = Local6
                Local1 = (RLEN - 0x04)
                If ((Local1 < 0x08))
                    Local2 = Zero
                    Name (TBUF, Buffer (One)
                         0x00                                             // .
                    Local7 = Buffer (Zero){}
                    While ((Local2 < Local1))
                        TBUF [Zero] = DerefOf (ODAT [Local2])
                        Concatenate (Local7, TBUF, Local7)

                    Return (Local7)

                Local1 = (Local1 << 0x03)
                CreateField (ODAT, Zero, Local1, OBUF)
                Return (OBUF) /* \_SB_.NVDR.NCAL.OBUF */

            Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)  // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
                Return (NCAL (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Zero))

            Name (RSTA, Zero)
            Method (RFIT, 1, Serialized)
                Name (OFST, Zero)
                OFST = Arg0
                Local0 = NCAL (ToUUID ("648b9cf2-cda1-4312-8ad9-49c4af32bd62"), One, One, Package (0x01)
                        }, 0x00010000)
                CreateDWordField (Local0, Zero, STAU)
                RSTA = STAU /* \_SB_.NVDR.RFIT.STAU */
                If ((Zero != STAU))
                    Return (Buffer (Zero){})

                Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
                Local1 -= 0x04
                If ((Local1 == Zero))
                    Return (Buffer (Zero){})

                CreateField (Local0, 0x20, (Local1 << 0x03), BUFF)
                Return (BUFF) /* \_SB_.NVDR.RFIT.BUFF */

            Method (_FIT, 0, Serialized)  // _FIT: Firmware Interface Table
                Local2 = Buffer (Zero){}
                Local3 = Zero
                While (One)
                    Local0 = RFIT (Local3)
                    Local1 = SizeOf (Local0)
                    If ((RSTA == 0x0100))
                        Local2 = Buffer (Zero){}
                        Local3 = Zero
                        If ((Local1 == Zero))
                            Return (Local2)

                        Local3 += Local1
                        Concatenate (Local2, Local0, Local2)

            Device (NV00)
                Name (_ADR, One)  // _ADR: Address
                Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)  // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
                    Return (NCAL (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, One))

            Device (NV01)
                Name (_ADR, 0x02)  // _ADR: Address
                Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)  // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
                    Return (NCAL (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, 0x02))

            Device (NV02)
                Name (_ADR, 0x03)  // _ADR: Address
                Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)  // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
                    Return (NCAL (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, 0x03))

    Name (MEMA, 0x07FFF000)