 * Copyright IBM, Corp. 2009
 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2015 Red Hat Inc.
 * Authors:
 *  Anthony Liguori   <aliguori@us.ibm.com>
 *  Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
 * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
 * See the COPYING.LIB file in the top-level directory.

#include "qemu/osdep.h"

#include "qapi/error.h"
#include "qapi/qmp/types.h"
#include "qapi/qmp/qjson.h"
#include "qemu-common.h"

static void escaped_string(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *encoded;
        const char *decoded;
        int skip;
    } test_cases[] = {
        { "\"\\b\"", "\b" },
        { "\"\\f\"", "\f" },
        { "\"\\n\"", "\n" },
        { "\"\\r\"", "\r" },
        { "\"\\t\"", "\t" },
        { "\"/\"", "/" },
        { "\"\\/\"", "/", .skip = 1 },
        { "\"\\\\\"", "\\" },
        { "\"\\\"\"", "\"" },
        { "\"hello world \\\"embedded string\\\"\"",
          "hello world \"embedded string\"" },
        { "\"hello world\\nwith new line\"", "hello world\nwith new line" },
        { "\"single byte utf-8 \\u0020\"", "single byte utf-8  ", .skip = 1 },
        { "\"double byte utf-8 \\u00A2\"", "double byte utf-8 \xc2\xa2" },
        { "\"triple byte utf-8 \\u20AC\"", "triple byte utf-8 \xe2\x82\xac" },
        { "'\\b'", "\b", .skip = 1 },
        { "'\\f'", "\f", .skip = 1 },
        { "'\\n'", "\n", .skip = 1 },
        { "'\\r'", "\r", .skip = 1 },
        { "'\\t'", "\t", .skip = 1 },
        { "'\\/'", "/", .skip = 1 },
        { "'\\\\'", "\\", .skip = 1 },

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].encoded; i++) {
        QObject *obj;
        QString *str;

        obj = qobject_from_json(test_cases[i].encoded, &error_abort);
        str = qobject_to_qstring(obj);
        g_assert_cmpstr(qstring_get_str(str), ==, test_cases[i].decoded);

        if (test_cases[i].skip == 0) {
            str = qobject_to_json(obj);
            g_assert_cmpstr(qstring_get_str(str), ==, test_cases[i].encoded);


static void simple_string(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *encoded;
        const char *decoded;
    } test_cases[] = {
        { "\"hello world\"", "hello world" },
        { "\"the quick brown fox jumped over the fence\"",
          "the quick brown fox jumped over the fence" },

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].encoded; i++) {
        QObject *obj;
        QString *str;

        obj = qobject_from_json(test_cases[i].encoded, &error_abort);
        str = qobject_to_qstring(obj);
        g_assert(strcmp(qstring_get_str(str), test_cases[i].decoded) == 0);

        str = qobject_to_json(obj);
        g_assert(strcmp(qstring_get_str(str), test_cases[i].encoded) == 0);


static void single_quote_string(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *encoded;
        const char *decoded;
    } test_cases[] = {
        { "'hello world'", "hello world" },
        { "'the quick brown fox \\' jumped over the fence'",
          "the quick brown fox ' jumped over the fence" },

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].encoded; i++) {
        QObject *obj;
        QString *str;

        obj = qobject_from_json(test_cases[i].encoded, &error_abort);
        str = qobject_to_qstring(obj);
        g_assert(strcmp(qstring_get_str(str), test_cases[i].decoded) == 0);


static void utf8_string(void)
     * FIXME Current behavior for invalid UTF-8 sequences is
     * incorrect.  This test expects current, incorrect results.
     * They're all marked "bug:" below, and are to be replaced by
     * correct ones as the bugs get fixed.
     * The JSON parser rejects some invalid sequences, but accepts
     * others without correcting the problem.
     * We should either reject all invalid sequences, or minimize
     * overlong sequences and replace all other invalid sequences by a
     * suitable replacement character.  A common choice for
     * replacement is U+FFFD.
     * Problem: we can't easily deal with embedded U+0000.  Parsing
     * the JSON string "this \\u0000" is fun" yields "this \0 is fun",
     * which gets misinterpreted as NUL-terminated "this ".  We should
     * consider using overlong encoding \xC0\x80 for U+0000 ("modified
     * UTF-8").
     * Most test cases are scraped from Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 decoder
     * capability and stress test at
     * http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-test.txt
    static const struct {
        const char *json_in;
        const char *utf8_out;
        const char *json_out;   /* defaults to @json_in */
        const char *utf8_in;    /* defaults to @utf8_out */
    } test_cases[] = {
         * Bug markers used here:
         * - bug: not corrected
         *   JSON parser fails to correct invalid sequence(s)
         * - bug: rejected
         *   JSON parser rejects invalid sequence(s)
         *   We may choose to define this as feature
         * - bug: want "..."
         *   JSON parser produces incorrect result, this is the
         *   correct one, assuming replacement character U+FFFF
         *   We may choose to reject instead of replace

        /* 1  Some correct UTF-8 text */
            /* a bit of German */
            "\"Falsches \xC3\x9C" "ben von Xylophonmusik qu\xC3\xA4lt"
            " jeden gr\xC3\xB6\xC3\x9F" "eren Zwerg.\"",
            "Falsches \xC3\x9C" "ben von Xylophonmusik qu\xC3\xA4lt"
            " jeden gr\xC3\xB6\xC3\x9F" "eren Zwerg.",
            "\"Falsches \\u00DCben von Xylophonmusik qu\\u00E4lt"
            " jeden gr\\u00F6\\u00DFeren Zwerg.\"",
            /* a bit of Greek */
        /* 2  Boundary condition test cases */
        /* 2.1  First possible sequence of a certain length */
        /* 2.1.1  1 byte U+0000 */
            "",                 /* bug: want overlong "\xC0\x80" */
        /* 2.1.2  2 bytes U+0080 */
        /* 2.1.3  3 bytes U+0800 */
        /* 2.1.4  4 bytes U+10000 */
        /* 2.1.5  5 bytes U+200000 */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 2.1.6  6 bytes U+4000000 */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 2.2  Last possible sequence of a certain length */
        /* 2.2.1  1 byte U+007F */
        /* 2.2.2  2 bytes U+07FF */
         * 2.2.3  3 bytes U+FFFC
         * The last possible sequence is actually U+FFFF.  But that's
         * a noncharacter, and already covered by its own test case
         * under 5.3.  Same for U+FFFE.  U+FFFD is the last character
         * in the BMP, and covered under 2.3.  Because of U+FFFD's
         * special role as replacement character, it's worth testing
         * U+FFFC here.
        /* 2.2.4  4 bytes U+1FFFFF */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 2.2.5  5 bytes U+3FFFFFF */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 2.2.6  6 bytes U+7FFFFFFF */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 2.3  Other boundary conditions */
            /* last one before surrogate range: U+D7FF */
            /* first one after surrogate range: U+E000 */
            /* last one in BMP: U+FFFD */
            /* last one in last plane: U+10FFFD */
            /* first one beyond Unicode range: U+110000 */
        /* 3  Malformed sequences */
        /* 3.1  Unexpected continuation bytes */
        /* 3.1.1  First continuation byte */
            "\x80",             /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.1.2  Last continuation byte */
            "\xBF",             /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.1.3  2 continuation bytes */
            "\x80\xBF",         /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.1.4  3 continuation bytes */
            "\x80\xBF\x80",     /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.1.5  4 continuation bytes */
            "\x80\xBF\x80\xBF", /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.1.6  5 continuation bytes */
            "\x80\xBF\x80\xBF\x80", /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.1.7  6 continuation bytes */
            "\x80\xBF\x80\xBF\x80\xBF", /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.1.8  7 continuation bytes */
            "\x80\xBF\x80\xBF\x80\xBF\x80", /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.1.9  Sequence of all 64 possible continuation bytes */
             /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.2  Lonely start characters */
        /* 3.2.1  All 32 first bytes of 2-byte sequences, followed by space */
            "\"\xC0 \xC1 \xC2 \xC3 \xC4 \xC5 \xC6 \xC7 "
            "\xC8 \xC9 \xCA \xCB \xCC \xCD \xCE \xCF "
            "\xD0 \xD1 \xD2 \xD3 \xD4 \xD5 \xD6 \xD7 "
            "\xD8 \xD9 \xDA \xDB \xDC \xDD \xDE \xDF \"",
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            "\"\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD "
            "\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD "
            "\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD "
            "\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \"",
            "\xC0 \xC1 \xC2 \xC3 \xC4 \xC5 \xC6 \xC7 "
            "\xC8 \xC9 \xCA \xCB \xCC \xCD \xCE \xCF "
            "\xD0 \xD1 \xD2 \xD3 \xD4 \xD5 \xD6 \xD7 "
            "\xD8 \xD9 \xDA \xDB \xDC \xDD \xDE \xDF ",
        /* 3.2.2  All 16 first bytes of 3-byte sequences, followed by space */
            "\"\xE0 \xE1 \xE2 \xE3 \xE4 \xE5 \xE6 \xE7 "
            "\xE8 \xE9 \xEA \xEB \xEC \xED \xEE \xEF \"",
            /* bug: not corrected */
            "\xE0 \xE1 \xE2 \xE3 \xE4 \xE5 \xE6 \xE7 "
            "\xE8 \xE9 \xEA \xEB \xEC \xED \xEE \xEF ",
            "\"\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD "
            "\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \"",
        /* 3.2.3  All 8 first bytes of 4-byte sequences, followed by space */
            "\"\xF0 \xF1 \xF2 \xF3 \xF4 \xF5 \xF6 \xF7 \"",
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            "\"\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \"",
            "\xF0 \xF1 \xF2 \xF3 \xF4 \xF5 \xF6 \xF7 ",
        /* 3.2.4  All 4 first bytes of 5-byte sequences, followed by space */
            "\"\xF8 \xF9 \xFA \xFB \"",
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            "\"\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \\uFFFD \"",
            "\xF8 \xF9 \xFA \xFB ",
        /* 3.2.5  All 2 first bytes of 6-byte sequences, followed by space */
            "\"\xFC \xFD \"",
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            "\"\\uFFFD \\uFFFD \"",
            "\xFC \xFD ",
        /* 3.3  Sequences with last continuation byte missing */
        /* 3.3.1  2-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000) */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 3.3.2  3-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000) */
            "\xE0\x80",           /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.3.3  4-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000) */
            "\xF0\x80\x80",     /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.3.4  5-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000) */
            NULL,                   /* bug: rejected */
        /* 3.3.5  6-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+0000) */
            NULL,                        /* bug: rejected */
        /* 3.3.6  2-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+07FF) */
            "\xDF",             /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.3.7  3-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+FFFF) */
            "\xEF\xBF",           /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 3.3.8  4-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+1FFFFF) */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 3.3.9  5-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+3FFFFFF) */
            NULL,                 /* bug: rejected */
        /* 3.3.10  6-byte sequence with last byte missing (U+7FFFFFFF) */
            NULL,                        /* bug: rejected */
        /* 3.4  Concatenation of incomplete sequences */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 3.5  Impossible bytes */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            NULL,                 /* bug: rejected */
        /* 4  Overlong sequences */
        /* 4.1  Overlong '/' */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            "\xE0\x80\xAF",     /* bug: not corrected */
            "\xF0\x80\x80\xAF",  /* bug: not corrected */
            NULL,                        /* bug: rejected */
            NULL,                               /* bug: rejected */
         * 4.2  Maximum overlong sequences
         * Highest Unicode value that is still resulting in an
         * overlong sequence if represented with the given number of
         * bytes.  This is a boundary test for safe UTF-8 decoders.
            /* \U+007F */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            /* \U+07FF */
            "\xE0\x9F\xBF",     /* bug: not corrected */
             * \U+FFFC
             * The actual maximum would be U+FFFF, but that's a
             * noncharacter.  Testing U+FFFC seems more useful.  See
             * also 2.2.3
            "\xF0\x8F\xBF\xBC",   /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+1FFFFF */
            NULL,                        /* bug: rejected */
            /* \U+3FFFFFF */
            NULL,                               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 4.3  Overlong representation of the NUL character */
            /* \U+0000 */
            NULL,               /* bug: rejected */
            /* \U+0000 */
            "\xE0\x80\x80",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+0000 */
            "\xF0\x80\x80\x80",   /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+0000 */
            NULL,                        /* bug: rejected */
            /* \U+0000 */
            NULL,                               /* bug: rejected */
        /* 5  Illegal code positions */
        /* 5.1  Single UTF-16 surrogates */
            /* \U+D800 */
            "\xED\xA0\x80",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DB7F */
            "\xED\xAD\xBF",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DB80 */
            "\xED\xAE\x80",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DBFF */
            "\xED\xAF\xBF",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DC00 */
            "\xED\xB0\x80",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DF80 */
            "\xED\xBE\x80",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DFFF */
            "\xED\xBF\xBF",     /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 5.2  Paired UTF-16 surrogates */
            /* \U+D800\U+DC00 */
            "\xED\xA0\x80\xED\xB0\x80", /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+D800\U+DFFF */
            "\xED\xA0\x80\xED\xBF\xBF", /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DB7F\U+DC00 */
            "\xED\xAD\xBF\xED\xB0\x80", /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DB7F\U+DFFF */
            "\xED\xAD\xBF\xED\xBF\xBF", /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DB80\U+DC00 */
            "\xED\xAE\x80\xED\xB0\x80", /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DB80\U+DFFF */
            "\xED\xAE\x80\xED\xBF\xBF", /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DBFF\U+DC00 */
            "\xED\xAF\xBF\xED\xB0\x80", /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+DBFF\U+DFFF */
            "\xED\xAF\xBF\xED\xBF\xBF", /* bug: not corrected */
        /* 5.3  Other illegal code positions */
        /* BMP noncharacters */
            /* \U+FFFE */
            "\xEF\xBF\xBE",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* \U+FFFF */
            "\xEF\xBF\xBF",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* U+FDD0 */
            "\xEF\xB7\x90",     /* bug: not corrected */
            /* U+FDEF */
            "\xEF\xB7\xAF",     /* bug: not corrected */
        /* Plane 1 .. 16 noncharacters */
            /* U+1FFFE U+1FFFF U+2FFFE U+2FFFF ... U+10FFFE U+10FFFF */
            /* bug: not corrected */
    int i;
    QObject *obj;
    QString *str;
    const char *json_in, *utf8_out, *utf8_in, *json_out;

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].json_in; i++) {
        json_in = test_cases[i].json_in;
        utf8_out = test_cases[i].utf8_out;
        utf8_in = test_cases[i].utf8_in ?: test_cases[i].utf8_out;
        json_out = test_cases[i].json_out ?: test_cases[i].json_in;

        obj = qobject_from_json(json_in, utf8_out ? &error_abort : NULL);
        if (utf8_out) {
            str = qobject_to_qstring(obj);
            g_assert_cmpstr(qstring_get_str(str), ==, utf8_out);
        } else {

        obj = QOBJECT(qstring_from_str(utf8_in));
        str = qobject_to_json(obj);
        if (json_out) {
            g_assert_cmpstr(qstring_get_str(str), ==, json_out);
        } else {

         * Disabled, because qobject_from_json() is buggy, and I can't
         * be bothered to add the expected incorrect results.
         * FIXME Enable once these bugs have been fixed.
        if (0 && json_out != json_in) {
            obj = qobject_from_json(json_out, &error_abort);
            str = qobject_to_qstring(obj);
            g_assert_cmpstr(qstring_get_str(str), ==, utf8_out);

static void vararg_string(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *decoded;
    } test_cases[] = {
        { "hello world" },
        { "the quick brown fox jumped over the fence" },

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].decoded; i++) {
        QString *str;

        str = qobject_to_qstring(qobject_from_jsonf("%s",
        g_assert(strcmp(qstring_get_str(str), test_cases[i].decoded) == 0);


static void simple_number(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *encoded;
        int64_t decoded;
        int skip;
    } test_cases[] = {
        { "0", 0 },
        { "1234", 1234 },
        { "1", 1 },
        { "-32", -32 },
        { "-0", 0, .skip = 1 },
        { },

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].encoded; i++) {
        QInt *qint;

        qint = qobject_to_qint(qobject_from_json(test_cases[i].encoded,
        g_assert(qint_get_int(qint) == test_cases[i].decoded);
        if (test_cases[i].skip == 0) {
            QString *str;

            str = qobject_to_json(QOBJECT(qint));
            g_assert(strcmp(qstring_get_str(str), test_cases[i].encoded) == 0);


static void float_number(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *encoded;
        double decoded;
        int skip;
    } test_cases[] = {
        { "32.43", 32.43 },
        { "0.222", 0.222 },
        { "-32.12313", -32.12313 },
        { "-32.20e-10", -32.20e-10, .skip = 1 },
        { },

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].encoded; i++) {
        QObject *obj;
        QFloat *qfloat;

        obj = qobject_from_json(test_cases[i].encoded, &error_abort);
        qfloat = qobject_to_qfloat(obj);
        g_assert(qfloat_get_double(qfloat) == test_cases[i].decoded);

        if (test_cases[i].skip == 0) {
            QString *str;

            str = qobject_to_json(obj);
            g_assert(strcmp(qstring_get_str(str), test_cases[i].encoded) == 0);


static void vararg_number(void)
    QInt *qint;
    QFloat *qfloat;
    int value = 0x2342;
    long long value_ll = 0x2342342343LL;
    double valuef = 2.323423423;

    qint = qobject_to_qint(qobject_from_jsonf("%d", value));
    g_assert(qint_get_int(qint) == value);

    qint = qobject_to_qint(qobject_from_jsonf("%lld", value_ll));
    g_assert(qint_get_int(qint) == value_ll);

    qfloat = qobject_to_qfloat(qobject_from_jsonf("%f", valuef));
    g_assert(qfloat_get_double(qfloat) == valuef);

static void keyword_literal(void)
    QObject *obj;
    QBool *qbool;
    QObject *null;
    QString *str;

    obj = qobject_from_json("true", &error_abort);
    qbool = qobject_to_qbool(obj);
    g_assert(qbool_get_bool(qbool) == true);

    str = qobject_to_json(obj);
    g_assert(strcmp(qstring_get_str(str), "true") == 0);


    obj = qobject_from_json("false", &error_abort);
    qbool = qobject_to_qbool(obj);
    g_assert(qbool_get_bool(qbool) == false);

    str = qobject_to_json(obj);
    g_assert(strcmp(qstring_get_str(str), "false") == 0);


    qbool = qobject_to_qbool(qobject_from_jsonf("%i", false));
    g_assert(qbool_get_bool(qbool) == false);

    /* Test that non-zero values other than 1 get collapsed to true */
    qbool = qobject_to_qbool(qobject_from_jsonf("%i", 2));
    g_assert(qbool_get_bool(qbool) == true);

    obj = qobject_from_json("null", &error_abort);
    g_assert(obj != NULL);
    g_assert(qobject_type(obj) == QTYPE_QNULL);

    null = qnull();
    g_assert(null == obj);


typedef struct LiteralQDictEntry LiteralQDictEntry;
typedef struct LiteralQObject LiteralQObject;

struct LiteralQObject
    int type;
    union {
        int64_t qint;
        const char *qstr;
        LiteralQDictEntry *qdict;
        LiteralQObject *qlist;
    } value;

struct LiteralQDictEntry
    const char *key;
    LiteralQObject value;

#define QLIT_QINT(val) (LiteralQObject){.type = QTYPE_QINT, .value.qint = (val)}
#define QLIT_QSTR(val) (LiteralQObject){.type = QTYPE_QSTRING, .value.qstr = (val)}
#define QLIT_QDICT(val) (LiteralQObject){.type = QTYPE_QDICT, .value.qdict = (val)}
#define QLIT_QLIST(val) (LiteralQObject){.type = QTYPE_QLIST, .value.qlist = (val)}

typedef struct QListCompareHelper
    int index;
    LiteralQObject *objs;
    int result;
} QListCompareHelper;

static int compare_litqobj_to_qobj(LiteralQObject *lhs, QObject *rhs);

static void compare_helper(QObject *obj, void *opaque)
    QListCompareHelper *helper = opaque;

    if (helper->result == 0) {

    if (helper->objs[helper->index].type == QTYPE_NONE) {
        helper->result = 0;

    helper->result = compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&helper->objs[helper->index++], obj);

static int compare_litqobj_to_qobj(LiteralQObject *lhs, QObject *rhs)
    if (!rhs || lhs->type != qobject_type(rhs)) {
        return 0;

    switch (lhs->type) {
    case QTYPE_QINT:
        return lhs->value.qint == qint_get_int(qobject_to_qint(rhs));
        return (strcmp(lhs->value.qstr, qstring_get_str(qobject_to_qstring(rhs))) == 0);
    case QTYPE_QDICT: {
        int i;

        for (i = 0; lhs->value.qdict[i].key; i++) {
            QObject *obj = qdict_get(qobject_to_qdict(rhs), lhs->value.qdict[i].key);

            if (!compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&lhs->value.qdict[i].value, obj)) {
                return 0;

        return 1;
    case QTYPE_QLIST: {
        QListCompareHelper helper;

        helper.index = 0;
        helper.objs = lhs->value.qlist;
        helper.result = 1;
        qlist_iter(qobject_to_qlist(rhs), compare_helper, &helper);

        return helper.result;

    return 0;

static void simple_dict(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *encoded;
        LiteralQObject decoded;
    } test_cases[] = {
            .encoded = "{\"foo\": 42, \"bar\": \"hello world\"}",
            .decoded = QLIT_QDICT(((LiteralQDictEntry[]){
                        { "foo", QLIT_QINT(42) },
                        { "bar", QLIT_QSTR("hello world") },
                        { }
        }, {
            .encoded = "{}",
            .decoded = QLIT_QDICT(((LiteralQDictEntry[]){
                        { }
        }, {
            .encoded = "{\"foo\": 43}",
            .decoded = QLIT_QDICT(((LiteralQDictEntry[]){
                        { "foo", QLIT_QINT(43) },
                        { }
        { }

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].encoded; i++) {
        QObject *obj;
        QString *str;

        obj = qobject_from_json(test_cases[i].encoded, &error_abort);
        g_assert(compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&test_cases[i].decoded, obj) == 1);

        str = qobject_to_json(obj);

        obj = qobject_from_json(qstring_get_str(str), &error_abort);
        g_assert(compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&test_cases[i].decoded, obj) == 1);

 * this generates json of the form:
 * a(0,m) = [0, 1, ..., m-1]
 * a(n,m) = {
 *            'key0': a(0,m),
 *            'key1': a(1,m),
 *            ...
 *            'key(n-1)': a(n-1,m)
 *          }
static void gen_test_json(GString *gstr, int nest_level_max,
                          int elem_count)
    int i;

    if (nest_level_max == 0) {
        g_string_append(gstr, "[");
        for (i = 0; i < elem_count; i++) {
            g_string_append_printf(gstr, "%d", i);
            if (i < elem_count - 1) {
                g_string_append_printf(gstr, ", ");
        g_string_append(gstr, "]");

    g_string_append(gstr, "{");
    for (i = 0; i < nest_level_max; i++) {
        g_string_append_printf(gstr, "'key%d': ", i);
        gen_test_json(gstr, i, elem_count);
        if (i < nest_level_max - 1) {
            g_string_append(gstr, ",");
    g_string_append(gstr, "}");

static void large_dict(void)
    GString *gstr = g_string_new("");
    QObject *obj;

    gen_test_json(gstr, 10, 100);
    obj = qobject_from_json(gstr->str, &error_abort);
    g_assert(obj != NULL);

    g_string_free(gstr, true);

static void simple_list(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *encoded;
        LiteralQObject decoded;
    } test_cases[] = {
            .encoded = "[43,42]",
            .decoded = QLIT_QLIST(((LiteralQObject[]){
                        { }
            .encoded = "[43]",
            .decoded = QLIT_QLIST(((LiteralQObject[]){
                        { }
            .encoded = "[]",
            .decoded = QLIT_QLIST(((LiteralQObject[]){
                        { }
            .encoded = "[{}]",
            .decoded = QLIT_QLIST(((LiteralQObject[]){
        { }

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].encoded; i++) {
        QObject *obj;
        QString *str;

        obj = qobject_from_json(test_cases[i].encoded, &error_abort);
        g_assert(compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&test_cases[i].decoded, obj) == 1);

        str = qobject_to_json(obj);

        obj = qobject_from_json(qstring_get_str(str), &error_abort);
        g_assert(compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&test_cases[i].decoded, obj) == 1);

static void simple_whitespace(void)
    int i;
    struct {
        const char *encoded;
        LiteralQObject decoded;
    } test_cases[] = {
            .encoded = " [ 43 , 42 ]",
            .decoded = QLIT_QLIST(((LiteralQObject[]){
                        { }
            .encoded = " [ 43 , { 'h' : 'b' }, [ ], 42 ]",
            .decoded = QLIT_QLIST(((LiteralQObject[]){
                                    { "h", QLIT_QSTR("b") },
                                    { }})),
                                    { }})),
                        { }
            .encoded = " [ 43 , { 'h' : 'b' , 'a' : 32 }, [ ], 42 ]",
            .decoded = QLIT_QLIST(((LiteralQObject[]){
                                    { "h", QLIT_QSTR("b") },
                                    { "a", QLIT_QINT(32) },
                                    { }})),
                                    { }})),
                        { }
        { }

    for (i = 0; test_cases[i].encoded; i++) {
        QObject *obj;
        QString *str;

        obj = qobject_from_json(test_cases[i].encoded, &error_abort);
        g_assert(compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&test_cases[i].decoded, obj) == 1);

        str = qobject_to_json(obj);

        obj = qobject_from_json(qstring_get_str(str), &error_abort);
        g_assert(compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&test_cases[i].decoded, obj) == 1);


static void simple_varargs(void)
    QObject *embedded_obj;
    QObject *obj;
    LiteralQObject decoded = QLIT_QLIST(((LiteralQObject[]){

    embedded_obj = qobject_from_json("[32, 42]", &error_abort);
    g_assert(embedded_obj != NULL);

    obj = qobject_from_jsonf("[%d, 2, %p]", 1, embedded_obj);
    g_assert(compare_litqobj_to_qobj(&decoded, obj) == 1);


static void empty_input(void)
    const char *empty = "";
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json(empty, &error_abort);
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void unterminated_string(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("\"abc", &err);
    g_assert(!err);             /* BUG */
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void unterminated_sq_string(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("'abc", &err);
    g_assert(!err);             /* BUG */
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void unterminated_escape(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("\"abc\\\"", &err);
    g_assert(!err);             /* BUG */
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void unterminated_array(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("[32", &err);
    g_assert(!err);             /* BUG */
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void unterminated_array_comma(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("[32,", &err);
    g_assert(!err);             /* BUG */
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void invalid_array_comma(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("[32,}", &err);
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void unterminated_dict(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("{'abc':32", &err);
    g_assert(!err);             /* BUG */
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void unterminated_dict_comma(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("{'abc':32,", &err);
    g_assert(!err);             /* BUG */
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void invalid_dict_comma(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("{'abc':32,}", &err);
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static void unterminated_literal(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    QObject *obj = qobject_from_json("nul", &err);
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

static char *make_nest(char *buf, size_t cnt)
    memset(buf, '[', cnt - 1);
    buf[cnt - 1] = '{';
    buf[cnt] = '}';
    memset(buf + cnt + 1, ']', cnt - 1);
    buf[2 * cnt] = 0;
    return buf;

static void limits_nesting(void)
    Error *err = NULL;
    enum { max_nesting = 1024 }; /* see qobject/json-streamer.c */
    char buf[2 * (max_nesting + 1) + 1];
    QObject *obj;

    obj = qobject_from_json(make_nest(buf, max_nesting), &error_abort);
    g_assert(obj != NULL);

    obj = qobject_from_json(make_nest(buf, max_nesting + 1), &err);
    g_assert(obj == NULL);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL);

    g_test_add_func("/literals/string/simple", simple_string);
    g_test_add_func("/literals/string/escaped", escaped_string);
    g_test_add_func("/literals/string/utf8", utf8_string);
    g_test_add_func("/literals/string/single_quote", single_quote_string);
    g_test_add_func("/literals/string/vararg", vararg_string);

    g_test_add_func("/literals/number/simple", simple_number);
    g_test_add_func("/literals/number/float", float_number);
    g_test_add_func("/literals/number/vararg", vararg_number);

    g_test_add_func("/literals/keyword", keyword_literal);

    g_test_add_func("/dicts/simple_dict", simple_dict);
    g_test_add_func("/dicts/large_dict", large_dict);
    g_test_add_func("/lists/simple_list", simple_list);

    g_test_add_func("/whitespace/simple_whitespace", simple_whitespace);

    g_test_add_func("/varargs/simple_varargs", simple_varargs);

    g_test_add_func("/errors/empty_input", empty_input);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/unterminated/string", unterminated_string);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/unterminated/escape", unterminated_escape);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/unterminated/sq_string", unterminated_sq_string);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/unterminated/array", unterminated_array);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/unterminated/array_comma", unterminated_array_comma);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/unterminated/dict", unterminated_dict);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/unterminated/dict_comma", unterminated_dict_comma);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/invalid_array_comma", invalid_array_comma);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/invalid_dict_comma", invalid_dict_comma);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/unterminated/literal", unterminated_literal);
    g_test_add_func("/errors/limits/nesting", limits_nesting);

    return g_test_run();