/* * Copyright(c) 2019-2021 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * Floating-Point Instructions */ /*************************************/ /* Scalar FP */ /*************************************/ Q6INSN(F2_sfadd,"Rd32=sfadd(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Add", { RdV=fUNFLOAT(fFLOAT(RsV)+fFLOAT(RtV));}) Q6INSN(F2_sfsub,"Rd32=sfsub(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Subtract", { RdV=fUNFLOAT(fFLOAT(RsV)-fFLOAT(RtV));}) Q6INSN(F2_sfmpy,"Rd32=sfmpy(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Multiply", { RdV=fUNFLOAT(fSFMPY(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV)));}) Q6INSN(F2_sffma,"Rx32+=sfmpy(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Fused Multiply Add", { RxV=fUNFLOAT(fFMAF(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV),fFLOAT(RxV)));}) Q6INSN(F2_sffma_sc,"Rx32+=sfmpy(Rs32,Rt32,Pu4):scale",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Fused Multiply Add w/ Additional Scaling (2**Pu)", { fHIDE(size4s_t tmp;) fCHECKSFNAN3(RxV,RxV,RsV,RtV); tmp=fUNFLOAT(fFMAFX(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV),fFLOAT(RxV),PuV)); if (!((fFLOAT(RxV) == 0.0) && fISZEROPROD(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV)))) RxV = tmp; }) Q6INSN(F2_sffms,"Rx32-=sfmpy(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Fused Multiply Add", { RxV=fUNFLOAT(fFMAF(-fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV),fFLOAT(RxV))); }) Q6INSN(F2_sffma_lib,"Rx32+=sfmpy(Rs32,Rt32):lib",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Fused Multiply Add for Library Routines", { fFPSETROUND_NEAREST(); fHIDE(int infinp; int infminusinf; size4s_t tmp;) infminusinf = ((isinf(fFLOAT(RxV))) && (fISINFPROD(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV))) && (fGETBIT(31,RsV ^ RxV ^ RtV) != 0)); infinp = (isinf(fFLOAT(RxV))) || (isinf(fFLOAT(RtV))) || (isinf(fFLOAT(RsV))); fCHECKSFNAN3(RxV,RxV,RsV,RtV); tmp=fUNFLOAT(fFMAF(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV),fFLOAT(RxV))); if (!((fFLOAT(RxV) == 0.0) && fISZEROPROD(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV)))) RxV = tmp; fFPCANCELFLAGS(); if (isinf(fFLOAT(RxV)) && !infinp) RxV = RxV - 1; if (infminusinf) RxV = 0; }) Q6INSN(F2_sffms_lib,"Rx32-=sfmpy(Rs32,Rt32):lib",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Fused Multiply Add for Library Routines", { fFPSETROUND_NEAREST(); fHIDE(int infinp; int infminusinf; size4s_t tmp;) infminusinf = ((isinf(fFLOAT(RxV))) && (fISINFPROD(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV))) && (fGETBIT(31,RsV ^ RxV ^ RtV) == 0)); infinp = (isinf(fFLOAT(RxV))) || (isinf(fFLOAT(RtV))) || (isinf(fFLOAT(RsV))); fCHECKSFNAN3(RxV,RxV,RsV,RtV); tmp=fUNFLOAT(fFMAF(-fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV),fFLOAT(RxV))); if (!((fFLOAT(RxV) == 0.0) && fISZEROPROD(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV)))) RxV = tmp; fFPCANCELFLAGS(); if (isinf(fFLOAT(RxV)) && !infinp) RxV = RxV - 1; if (infminusinf) RxV = 0; }) Q6INSN(F2_sfcmpeq,"Pd4=sfcmp.eq(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating Point Compare for Equal", {PdV=f8BITSOF(fFLOAT(RsV)==fFLOAT(RtV));}) Q6INSN(F2_sfcmpgt,"Pd4=sfcmp.gt(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Compare for Greater Than", {PdV=f8BITSOF(fFLOAT(RsV)>fFLOAT(RtV));}) /* cmpge is not the same as !cmpgt(swapops) in IEEE */ Q6INSN(F2_sfcmpge,"Pd4=sfcmp.ge(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Compare for Greater Than / Equal To", {PdV=f8BITSOF(fFLOAT(RsV)>=fFLOAT(RtV));}) /* Everyone seems to have this... */ Q6INSN(F2_sfcmpuo,"Pd4=sfcmp.uo(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Compare for Unordered", {PdV=f8BITSOF(isunordered(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV)));}) Q6INSN(F2_sfmax,"Rd32=sfmax(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Maximum of Floating-Point values", { RdV = fUNFLOAT(fSF_MAX(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV))); }) Q6INSN(F2_sfmin,"Rd32=sfmin(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Minimum of Floating-Point values", { RdV = fUNFLOAT(fSF_MIN(fFLOAT(RsV),fFLOAT(RtV))); }) Q6INSN(F2_sfclass,"Pd4=sfclass(Rs32,#u5)",ATTRIBS(), "Classify Floating-Point Value", { fHIDE(int class;) PdV = 0; class = fpclassify(fFLOAT(RsV)); /* Is the value zero? */ if (fGETBIT(0,uiV) && (class == FP_ZERO)) PdV = 0xff; if (fGETBIT(1,uiV) && (class == FP_NORMAL)) PdV = 0xff; if (fGETBIT(2,uiV) && (class == FP_SUBNORMAL)) PdV = 0xff; if (fGETBIT(3,uiV) && (class == FP_INFINITE)) PdV = 0xff; if (fGETBIT(4,uiV) && (class == FP_NAN)) PdV = 0xff; fFPCANCELFLAGS(); }) /* Range: +/- (1.0 .. 1+(63/64)) * 2**(-6 .. +9) */ /* More immediate bits should probably be used for more precision? */ Q6INSN(F2_sfimm_p,"Rd32=sfmake(#u10):pos",ATTRIBS(), "Make Floating Point Value", { RdV = (127 - 6) << 23; RdV += uiV << 17; }) Q6INSN(F2_sfimm_n,"Rd32=sfmake(#u10):neg",ATTRIBS(), "Make Floating Point Value", { RdV = (127 - 6) << 23; RdV += (uiV << 17); RdV |= (1 << 31); }) Q6INSN(F2_sfrecipa,"Rd32,Pe4=sfrecipa(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Reciprocal Approximation for Division", { fHIDE(int idx;) fHIDE(int adjust;) fHIDE(int mant;) fHIDE(int exp;) if (fSF_RECIP_COMMON(RsV,RtV,RdV,adjust)) { PeV = adjust; idx = (RtV >> 16) & 0x7f; mant = (fSF_RECIP_LOOKUP(idx) << 15) | 1; exp = fSF_BIAS() - (fSF_GETEXP(RtV) - fSF_BIAS()) - 1; RdV = fMAKESF(fGETBIT(31,RtV),exp,mant); } }) Q6INSN(F2_sffixupn,"Rd32=sffixupn(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Fix Up Numerator", { fHIDE(int adjust;) fSF_RECIP_COMMON(RsV,RtV,RdV,adjust); RdV = RsV; }) Q6INSN(F2_sffixupd,"Rd32=sffixupd(Rs32,Rt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Fix Up Denominator", { fHIDE(int adjust;) fSF_RECIP_COMMON(RsV,RtV,RdV,adjust); RdV = RtV; }) Q6INSN(F2_sfinvsqrta,"Rd32,Pe4=sfinvsqrta(Rs32)",ATTRIBS(), "Reciprocal Square Root Approximation", { fHIDE(int idx;) fHIDE(int adjust;) fHIDE(int mant;) fHIDE(int exp;) if (fSF_INVSQRT_COMMON(RsV,RdV,adjust)) { PeV = adjust; idx = (RsV >> 17) & 0x7f; mant = (fSF_INVSQRT_LOOKUP(idx) << 15); exp = fSF_BIAS() - ((fSF_GETEXP(RsV) - fSF_BIAS()) >> 1) - 1; RdV = fMAKESF(fGETBIT(31,RsV),exp,mant); } }) Q6INSN(F2_sffixupr,"Rd32=sffixupr(Rs32)",ATTRIBS(), "Fix Up Radicand", { fHIDE(int adjust;) fSF_INVSQRT_COMMON(RsV,RdV,adjust); RdV = RsV; }) /*************************************/ /* Scalar DP */ /*************************************/ Q6INSN(F2_dfadd,"Rdd32=dfadd(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Add", { RddV=fUNDOUBLE(fDOUBLE(RssV)+fDOUBLE(RttV));}) Q6INSN(F2_dfsub,"Rdd32=dfsub(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Subtract", { RddV=fUNDOUBLE(fDOUBLE(RssV)-fDOUBLE(RttV));}) Q6INSN(F2_dfmax,"Rdd32=dfmax(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Maximum of Floating-Point values", { RddV = fUNDOUBLE(fDF_MAX(fDOUBLE(RssV),fDOUBLE(RttV))); }) Q6INSN(F2_dfmin,"Rdd32=dfmin(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Minimum of Floating-Point values", { RddV = fUNDOUBLE(fDF_MIN(fDOUBLE(RssV),fDOUBLE(RttV))); }) Q6INSN(F2_dfmpyfix,"Rdd32=dfmpyfix(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Fix Up Multiplicand for Multiplication", { if (fDF_ISDENORM(RssV) && fDF_ISBIG(RttV) && fDF_ISNORMAL(RttV)) RddV = fUNDOUBLE(fDOUBLE(RssV) * 0x1.0p52); else if (fDF_ISDENORM(RttV) && fDF_ISBIG(RssV) && fDF_ISNORMAL(RssV)) RddV = fUNDOUBLE(fDOUBLE(RssV) * 0x1.0p-52); else RddV = RssV; }) Q6INSN(F2_dfmpyll,"Rdd32=dfmpyll(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Multiply low*low and shift off low 32 bits into sticky (in MSB)", { fHIDE(size8u_t prod;) prod = fMPY32UU(fGETUWORD(0,RssV),fGETUWORD(0,RttV)); RddV = (prod >> 32) << 1; if (fGETUWORD(0,prod) != 0) fSETBIT(0,RddV,1); }) Q6INSN(F2_dfmpylh,"Rxx32+=dfmpylh(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Multiply low*high and accumulate", { RxxV += (fGETUWORD(0,RssV) * (0x00100000 | fZXTN(20,64,fGETUWORD(1,RttV)))) << 1; }) Q6INSN(F2_dfmpyhh,"Rxx32+=dfmpyhh(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Multiply high*high and accumulate with L*H value", { RxxV = fUNDOUBLE(fDF_MPY_HH(fDOUBLE(RssV),fDOUBLE(RttV),RxxV)); }) Q6INSN(F2_dfcmpeq,"Pd4=dfcmp.eq(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating Point Compare for Equal", {PdV=f8BITSOF(fDOUBLE(RssV)==fDOUBLE(RttV));}) Q6INSN(F2_dfcmpgt,"Pd4=dfcmp.gt(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Compare for Greater Than", {PdV=f8BITSOF(fDOUBLE(RssV)>fDOUBLE(RttV));}) /* cmpge is not the same as !cmpgt(swapops) in IEEE */ Q6INSN(F2_dfcmpge,"Pd4=dfcmp.ge(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Compare for Greater Than / Equal To", {PdV=f8BITSOF(fDOUBLE(RssV)>=fDOUBLE(RttV));}) /* Everyone seems to have this... */ Q6INSN(F2_dfcmpuo,"Pd4=dfcmp.uo(Rss32,Rtt32)",ATTRIBS(), "Floating-Point Compare for Unordered", {PdV=f8BITSOF(isunordered(fDOUBLE(RssV),fDOUBLE(RttV)));}) Q6INSN(F2_dfclass,"Pd4=dfclass(Rss32,#u5)",ATTRIBS(), "Classify Floating-Point Value", { fHIDE(int class;) PdV = 0; class = fpclassify(fDOUBLE(RssV)); /* Is the value zero? */ if (fGETBIT(0,uiV) && (class == FP_ZERO)) PdV = 0xff; if (fGETBIT(1,uiV) && (class == FP_NORMAL)) PdV = 0xff; if (fGETBIT(2,uiV) && (class == FP_SUBNORMAL)) PdV = 0xff; if (fGETBIT(3,uiV) && (class == FP_INFINITE)) PdV = 0xff; if (fGETBIT(4,uiV) && (class == FP_NAN)) PdV = 0xff; fFPCANCELFLAGS(); }) /* Range: +/- (1.0 .. 1+(63/64)) * 2**(-6 .. +9) */ /* More immediate bits should probably be used for more precision? */ Q6INSN(F2_dfimm_p,"Rdd32=dfmake(#u10):pos",ATTRIBS(), "Make Floating Point Value", { RddV = (1023ULL - 6) << 52; RddV += (fHIDE((size8u_t))uiV) << 46; }) Q6INSN(F2_dfimm_n,"Rdd32=dfmake(#u10):neg",ATTRIBS(), "Make Floating Point Value", { RddV = (1023ULL - 6) << 52; RddV += (fHIDE((size8u_t))uiV) << 46; RddV |= ((1ULL) << 63); }) /* CONVERSION */ #define CONVERT(TAG,DEST,DESTV,SRC,SRCV,OUTCAST,OUTTYPE,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ Q6INSN(F2_conv_##TAG##MODETAG,#DEST"=convert_"#TAG"("#SRC")"#MODESYN,ATTRIBS(), \ "Floating point format conversion", \ { MODEBEH DESTV = OUTCAST(conv_##INTYPE##_to_##OUTTYPE(INCAST(SRCV))); }) CONVERT(sf2df,Rdd32,RddV,Rs32,RsV,fUNDOUBLE,df,fFLOAT,sf,,,) CONVERT(df2sf,Rd32,RdV,Rss32,RssV,fUNFLOAT,sf,fDOUBLE,df,,,) #define ALLINTDST(TAGSTART,SRC,SRCV,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ CONVERT(TAGSTART##uw,Rd32,RdV,SRC,SRCV,fCAST4u,4u,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ CONVERT(TAGSTART##w,Rd32,RdV,SRC,SRCV,fCAST4s,4s,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ CONVERT(TAGSTART##ud,Rdd32,RddV,SRC,SRCV,fCAST8u,8u,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ CONVERT(TAGSTART##d,Rdd32,RddV,SRC,SRCV,fCAST8s,8s,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) #define ALLFPDST(TAGSTART,SRC,SRCV,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ CONVERT(TAGSTART##sf,Rd32,RdV,SRC,SRCV,fUNFLOAT,sf,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ CONVERT(TAGSTART##df,Rdd32,RddV,SRC,SRCV,fUNDOUBLE,df,INCAST,INTYPE,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) #define ALLINTSRC(GEN,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ GEN(uw##2,Rs32,RsV,fCAST4u,4u,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ GEN(w##2,Rs32,RsV,fCAST4s,4s,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ GEN(ud##2,Rss32,RssV,fCAST8u,8u,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ GEN(d##2,Rss32,RssV,fCAST8s,8s,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) #define ALLFPSRC(GEN,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ GEN(sf##2,Rs32,RsV,fFLOAT,sf,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) \ GEN(df##2,Rss32,RssV,fDOUBLE,df,MODETAG,MODESYN,MODEBEH) ALLINTSRC(ALLFPDST,,,) ALLFPSRC(ALLINTDST,,,) ALLFPSRC(ALLINTDST,_chop,:chop,fFPSETROUND_CHOP();)