/* * PPC emulation helpers for qemu. * * Copyright (c) 2003 Jocelyn Mayer * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <math.h> #include "exec.h" #define MEMSUFFIX _raw #include "op_helper_mem.h" #if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY) #define MEMSUFFIX _user #include "op_helper_mem.h" #define MEMSUFFIX _kernel #include "op_helper_mem.h" #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /* Exceptions processing helpers */ void do_queue_exception_err (uint32_t exception, int error_code) { /* Queue real PPC exceptions */ if (exception < EXCP_PPC_MAX) { env->exceptions |= 1 << exception; env->errors[exception] = error_code; } else { /* Preserve compatibility with qemu core */ env->exceptions |= 1; env->exception_index = exception; env->error_code = error_code; } } void do_queue_exception (uint32_t exception) { do_queue_exception_err(exception, 0); } void do_check_exception_state (void) { if ((env->exceptions & 1) == 1 || check_exception_state(env)) { env->exceptions &= ~1; cpu_loop_exit(); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Helpers for "fat" micro operations */ /* Special registers load and store */ void do_load_cr (void) { T0 = (env->crf[0] << 28) | (env->crf[1] << 24) | (env->crf[2] << 20) | (env->crf[3] << 16) | (env->crf[4] << 12) | (env->crf[5] << 8) | (env->crf[6] << 4) | (env->crf[7] << 0); } void do_store_cr (uint32_t mask) { int i, sh; for (i = 0, sh = 7; i < 8; i++, sh --) { if (mask & (1 << sh)) env->crf[i] = (T0 >> (sh * 4)) & 0xF; } } void do_load_xer (void) { T0 = (xer_so << XER_SO) | (xer_ov << XER_OV) | (xer_ca << XER_CA) | (xer_bc << XER_BC); } void do_store_xer (void) { xer_so = (T0 >> XER_SO) & 0x01; xer_ov = (T0 >> XER_OV) & 0x01; xer_ca = (T0 >> XER_CA) & 0x01; xer_bc = (T0 >> XER_BC) & 0x1f; } void do_load_msr (void) { T0 = (msr_pow << MSR_POW) | (msr_ile << MSR_ILE) | (msr_ee << MSR_EE) | (msr_pr << MSR_PR) | (msr_fp << MSR_FP) | (msr_me << MSR_ME) | (msr_fe0 << MSR_FE0) | (msr_se << MSR_SE) | (msr_be << MSR_BE) | (msr_fe1 << MSR_FE1) | (msr_ip << MSR_IP) | (msr_ir << MSR_IR) | (msr_dr << MSR_DR) | (msr_ri << MSR_RI) | (msr_le << MSR_LE); } void do_store_msr (void) { if (((T0 >> MSR_IR) & 0x01) != msr_ir || ((T0 >> MSR_DR) & 0x01) != msr_dr) { /* Flush all tlb when changing translation mode or privilege level */ do_tlbia(); } #if 0 if ((T0 >> MSR_IP) & 0x01) { printf("Halting CPU. Stop emulation\n"); do_queue_exception(EXCP_HLT); cpu_loop_exit(); } #endif msr_pow = (T0 >> MSR_POW) & 0x03; msr_ile = (T0 >> MSR_ILE) & 0x01; msr_ee = (T0 >> MSR_EE) & 0x01; msr_pr = (T0 >> MSR_PR) & 0x01; msr_fp = (T0 >> MSR_FP) & 0x01; msr_me = (T0 >> MSR_ME) & 0x01; msr_fe0 = (T0 >> MSR_FE0) & 0x01; msr_se = (T0 >> MSR_SE) & 0x01; msr_be = (T0 >> MSR_BE) & 0x01; msr_fe1 = (T0 >> MSR_FE1) & 0x01; msr_ip = (T0 >> MSR_IP) & 0x01; msr_ir = (T0 >> MSR_IR) & 0x01; msr_dr = (T0 >> MSR_DR) & 0x01; msr_ri = (T0 >> MSR_RI) & 0x01; msr_le = (T0 >> MSR_LE) & 0x01; } /* shift right arithmetic helper */ void do_sraw (void) { int32_t ret; xer_ca = 0; if (T1 & 0x20) { ret = (-1) * (T0 >> 31); if (ret < 0) xer_ca = 1; } else { ret = (int32_t)T0 >> (T1 & 0x1f); if (ret < 0 && ((int32_t)T0 & ((1 << T1) - 1)) != 0) xer_ca = 1; } (int32_t)T0 = ret; } /* Floating point operations helpers */ void do_load_fpscr (void) { /* The 32 MSB of the target fpr are undefined. * They'll be zero... */ union { double d; struct { uint32_t u[2]; } s; } u; int i; u.s.u[0] = 0; u.s.u[1] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) u.s.u[1] |= env->fpscr[i] << (4 * i); FT0 = u.d; } void do_store_fpscr (uint32_t mask) { /* * We use only the 32 LSB of the incoming fpr */ union { double d; struct { uint32_t u[2]; } s; } u; int i; u.d = FT0; if (mask & 0x80) env->fpscr[0] = (env->fpscr[0] & 0x9) | ((u.s.u[1] >> 28) & ~0x9); for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { if (mask & (1 << (7 - i))) env->fpscr[i] = (u.s.u[1] >> (4 * (7 - i))) & 0xF; } /* TODO: update FEX & VX */ /* Set rounding mode */ switch (env->fpscr[0] & 0x3) { case 0: /* Best approximation (round to nearest) */ fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); break; case 1: /* Smaller magnitude (round toward zero) */ fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); break; case 2: /* Round toward +infinite */ fesetround(FE_UPWARD); break; case 3: /* Round toward -infinite */ fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); break; } } void do_fctiw (void) { union { double d; uint64_t i; } *p = (void *)&FT1; if (FT0 > (double)0x7FFFFFFF) p->i = 0x7FFFFFFFULL << 32; else if (FT0 < -(double)0x80000000) p->i = 0x80000000ULL << 32; else p->i = 0; p->i |= (uint32_t)FT0; FT0 = p->d; } void do_fctiwz (void) { union { double d; uint64_t i; } *p = (void *)&FT1; int cround = fegetround(); fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); if (FT0 > (double)0x7FFFFFFF) p->i = 0x7FFFFFFFULL << 32; else if (FT0 < -(double)0x80000000) p->i = 0x80000000ULL << 32; else p->i = 0; p->i |= (uint32_t)FT0; FT0 = p->d; fesetround(cround); } void do_fsqrt (void) { FT0 = sqrt(FT0); } void do_fsqrts (void) { FT0 = (float)sqrt((float)FT0); } void do_fres (void) { FT0 = 1.0 / FT0; } void do_fsqrte (void) { FT0 = 1.0 / sqrt(FT0); } void do_fsel (void) { if (FT0 >= 0) FT0 = FT2; else FT0 = FT1; } void do_fcmpu (void) { env->fpscr[4] &= ~0x1; if (isnan(FT0) || isnan(FT1)) { T0 = 0x01; env->fpscr[4] |= 0x1; env->fpscr[6] |= 0x1; } else if (FT0 < FT1) { T0 = 0x08; } else if (FT0 > FT1) { T0 = 0x04; } else { T0 = 0x02; } env->fpscr[3] |= T0; } void do_fcmpo (void) { env->fpscr[4] &= ~0x1; if (isnan(FT0) || isnan(FT1)) { T0 = 0x01; env->fpscr[4] |= 0x1; /* I don't know how to test "quiet" nan... */ if (0 /* || ! quiet_nan(...) */) { env->fpscr[6] |= 0x1; if (!(env->fpscr[1] & 0x8)) env->fpscr[4] |= 0x8; } else { env->fpscr[4] |= 0x8; } } else if (FT0 < FT1) { T0 = 0x08; } else if (FT0 > FT1) { T0 = 0x04; } else { T0 = 0x02; } env->fpscr[3] |= T0; } void do_fabs (void) { FT0 = fabsl(FT0); } void do_fnabs (void) { FT0 = -fabsl(FT0); } /* Instruction cache invalidation helper */ #define ICACHE_LINE_SIZE 32 void do_icbi (void) { /* Invalidate one cache line */ T0 &= ~(ICACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1); tb_invalidate_page_range(T0, T0 + ICACHE_LINE_SIZE); } /* TLB invalidation helpers */ void do_tlbia (void) { tlb_flush(env, 1); } void do_tlbie (void) { tlb_flush_page(env, T0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Special helpers for debug */ extern FILE *stdout; void dump_state (void) { cpu_ppc_dump_state(env, stdout, 0); } void dump_rfi (void) { #if 0 printf("Return from interrupt %d => 0x%08x\n", pos, env->nip); // cpu_ppc_dump_state(env, stdout, 0); #endif } void dump_store_sr (int srnum) { #if 0 printf("%s: reg=%d 0x%08x\n", __func__, srnum, T0); #endif } static void _dump_store_bat (char ID, int ul, int nr) { printf("Set %cBAT%d%c to 0x%08x (0x%08x)\n", ID, nr, ul == 0 ? 'u' : 'l', T0, env->nip); } void dump_store_ibat (int ul, int nr) { _dump_store_bat('I', ul, nr); } void dump_store_dbat (int ul, int nr) { _dump_store_bat('D', ul, nr); } void dump_store_tb (int ul) { printf("Set TB%c to 0x%08x\n", ul == 0 ? 'L' : 'U', T0); } void dump_update_tb(uint32_t param) { #if 0 printf("Update TB: 0x%08x + %d => 0x%08x\n", T1, param, T0); #endif }