#!/usr/bin/env python # # Simple benchmarking framework # # Copyright (c) 2019 Virtuozzo International GmbH. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # def bench_one(test_func, test_env, test_case, count=5, initial_run=True): """Benchmark one test-case test_func -- benchmarking function with prototype test_func(env, case), which takes test_env and test_case arguments and returns {'seconds': int} (which is benchmark result) on success and {'error': str} on error. Returned dict may contain any other additional fields. test_env -- test environment - opaque first argument for test_func test_case -- test case - opaque second argument for test_func count -- how many times to call test_func, to calculate average initial_run -- do initial run of test_func, which don't get into result Returns dict with the following fields: 'runs': list of test_func results 'average': average seconds per run (exists only if at least one run succeeded) 'delta': maximum delta between test_func result and the average (exists only if at least one run succeeded) 'n-failed': number of failed runs (exists only if at least one run failed) """ if initial_run: print(' #initial run:') print(' ', test_func(test_env, test_case)) runs = [] for i in range(count): print(' #run {}'.format(i+1)) res = test_func(test_env, test_case) print(' ', res) runs.append(res) result = {'runs': runs} successed = [r for r in runs if ('seconds' in r)] if successed: avg = sum(r['seconds'] for r in successed) / len(successed) result['average'] = avg result['delta'] = max(abs(r['seconds'] - avg) for r in successed) if len(successed) < count: result['n-failed'] = count - len(successed) return result def ascii_one(result): """Return ASCII representation of bench_one() returned dict.""" if 'average' in result: s = '{:.2f} +- {:.2f}'.format(result['average'], result['delta']) if 'n-failed' in result: s += '\n({} failed)'.format(result['n-failed']) return s else: return 'FAILED' def bench(test_func, test_envs, test_cases, *args, **vargs): """Fill benchmark table test_func -- benchmarking function, see bench_one for description test_envs -- list of test environments, see bench_one test_cases -- list of test cases, see bench_one args, vargs -- additional arguments for bench_one Returns dict with the following fields: 'envs': test_envs 'cases': test_cases 'tab': filled 2D array, where cell [i][j] is bench_one result for test_cases[i] for test_envs[j] (i.e., rows are test cases and columns are test environments) """ tab = {} results = { 'envs': test_envs, 'cases': test_cases, 'tab': tab } n = 1 n_tests = len(test_envs) * len(test_cases) for env in test_envs: for case in test_cases: print('Testing {}/{}: {} :: {}'.format(n, n_tests, env['id'], case['id'])) if case['id'] not in tab: tab[case['id']] = {} tab[case['id']][env['id']] = bench_one(test_func, env, case, *args, **vargs) n += 1 print('Done') return results def ascii(results): """Return ASCII representation of bench() returned dict.""" from tabulate import tabulate tab = [[""] + [c['id'] for c in results['envs']]] for case in results['cases']: row = [case['id']] for env in results['envs']: row.append(ascii_one(results['tab'][case['id']][env['id']])) tab.append(row) return tabulate(tab)