#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Bench backup block-job # # Copyright (c) 2020 Virtuozzo International GmbH. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import argparse import json import simplebench from results_to_text import results_to_text from bench_block_job import bench_block_copy, drv_file, drv_nbd def bench_func(env, case): """ Handle one "cell" of benchmarking table. """ cmd_options = env['cmd-options'] if 'cmd-options' in env else {} return bench_block_copy(env['qemu-binary'], env['cmd'], cmd_options, case['source'], case['target']) def bench(args): test_cases = [] sources = {} targets = {} for d in args.dir: label, path = d.split(':') # paths with colon not supported sources[label] = drv_file(path + '/test-source') targets[label] = drv_file(path + '/test-target') if args.nbd: nbd = args.nbd.split(':') host = nbd[0] port = '10809' if len(nbd) == 1 else nbd[1] drv = drv_nbd(host, port) sources['nbd'] = drv targets['nbd'] = drv for t in args.test: src, dst = t.split(':') test_cases.append({ 'id': t, 'source': sources[src], 'target': targets[dst] }) binaries = [] # list of (<label>, <path>, [<options>]) for i, q in enumerate(args.env): name_path = q.split(':') if len(name_path) == 1: label = f'q{i}' path_opts = name_path[0].split(',') else: assert len(name_path) == 2 # paths with colon not supported label = name_path[0] path_opts = name_path[1].split(',') binaries.append((label, path_opts[0], path_opts[1:])) test_envs = [] bin_paths = {} for i, q in enumerate(args.env): opts = q.split(',') label_path = opts[0] opts = opts[1:] if ':' in label_path: # path with colon inside is not supported label, path = label_path.split(':') bin_paths[label] = path elif label_path in bin_paths: label = label_path path = bin_paths[label] else: path = label_path label = f'q{i}' bin_paths[label] = path x_perf = {} is_mirror = False for opt in opts: if opt == 'mirror': is_mirror = True elif opt == 'copy-range=on': x_perf['use-copy-range'] = True elif opt == 'copy-range=off': x_perf['use-copy-range'] = False elif opt.startswith('max-workers='): x_perf['max-workers'] = int(opt.split('=')[1]) if is_mirror: assert not x_perf test_envs.append({ 'id': f'mirror({label})', 'cmd': 'blockdev-mirror', 'qemu-binary': path }) else: test_envs.append({ 'id': f'backup({label})\n' + '\n'.join(opts), 'cmd': 'blockdev-backup', 'cmd-options': {'x-perf': x_perf} if x_perf else {}, 'qemu-binary': path }) result = simplebench.bench(bench_func, test_envs, test_cases, count=3) with open('results.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(result, f, indent=4) print(results_to_text(result)) class ExtendAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): items = getattr(namespace, self.dest) or [] items.extend(values) setattr(namespace, self.dest, items) if __name__ == '__main__': p = argparse.ArgumentParser('Backup benchmark', epilog=''' ENV format (LABEL:PATH|LABEL|PATH)[,max-workers=N][,use-copy-range=(on|off)][,mirror] LABEL short name for the binary PATH path to the binary max-workers set x-perf.max-workers of backup job use-copy-range set x-perf.use-copy-range of backup job mirror use mirror job instead of backup''', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) p.add_argument('--env', nargs='+', help='''\ Qemu binaries with labels and options, see below "ENV format" section''', action=ExtendAction) p.add_argument('--dir', nargs='+', help='''\ Directories, each containing "test-source" and/or "test-target" files, raw images to used in benchmarking. File path with label, like label:/path/to/directory''', action=ExtendAction) p.add_argument('--nbd', help='''\ host:port for remote NBD image, (or just host, for default port 10809). Use it in tests, label is "nbd" (but you cannot create test nbd:nbd).''') p.add_argument('--test', nargs='+', help='''\ Tests, in form source-dir-label:target-dir-label''', action=ExtendAction) bench(p.parse_args())