#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Convert plain qtest traces to C or Bash reproducers Use this to help build bug-reports or create in-tree reproducers for bugs. Note: This will not format C code for you. Pipe the output through clang-format -style="{BasedOnStyle: llvm, IndentWidth: 4, ColumnLimit: 90}" or similar """ import sys import os import argparse import textwrap from datetime import date __author__ = "Alexander Bulekov <alxndr@bu.edu>" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2021, Red Hat, Inc." __license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version" __maintainer__ = "Alexander Bulekov" __email__ = "alxndr@bu.edu" def c_header(owner): return """/* * Autogenerated Fuzzer Test Case * * Copyright (c) {date} {owner} * * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later. * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "libqos/libqtest.h" """.format(date=date.today().year, owner=owner) def c_comment(s): """ Return a multi-line C comment. Assume the text is already wrapped """ return "/*\n * " + "\n * ".join(s.splitlines()) + "\n*/" def print_c_function(s): print("/* ") for l in s.splitlines(): print(" * {}".format(l)) def bash_reproducer(path, args, trace): result = '\\\n'.join(textwrap.wrap("cat << EOF | {} {}".format(path, args), 72, break_on_hyphens=False, drop_whitespace=False)) for l in trace.splitlines(): result += "\n" + '\\\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(l,72,drop_whitespace=False)) result += "\nEOF" return result def c_reproducer(name, args, trace): result = [] result.append("""static void {}(void)\n{{""".format(name)) # libqtest will add its own qtest args, so get rid of them args = args.replace("-accel qtest","") args = args.replace(",accel=qtest","") args = args.replace("-machine accel=qtest","") args = args.replace("-qtest stdio","") result.append("""QTestState *s = qtest_init("{}");""".format(args)) for l in trace.splitlines(): param = l.split() cmd = param[0] if cmd == "write": buf = param[3][2:] #Get the 0x... buffer and trim the "0x" assert len(buf)%2 == 0 bufbytes = [buf[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(buf), 2)] bufstring = '\\x'+'\\x'.join(bufbytes) addr = param[1] size = param[2] result.append("""qtest_bufwrite(s, {}, "{}", {});""".format( addr, bufstring, size)) elif cmd.startswith("in") or cmd.startswith("read"): result.append("qtest_{}(s, {});".format( cmd, param[1])) elif cmd.startswith("out") or cmd.startswith("write"): result.append("qtest_{}(s, {}, {});".format( cmd, param[1], param[2])) elif cmd == "clock_step": if len(param) ==1: result.append("qtest_clock_step_next(s);") else: result.append("qtest_clock_step(s, {});".format(param[1])) result.append("qtest_quit(s);\n}") return "\n".join(result) def c_main(name, arch): return """int main(int argc, char **argv) {{ const char *arch = qtest_get_arch(); g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL); if (strcmp(arch, "{arch}") == 0) {{ qtest_add_func("fuzz/{name}",{name}); }} return g_test_run(); }}""".format(name=name, arch=arch) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-bash", help="Only output a copy-pastable bash command", action="store_true") group.add_argument("-c", help="Only output a c function", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-owner', help="If generating complete C source code, \ this specifies the Copyright owner", nargs='?', default="<name of author>") parser.add_argument("-no_comment", help="Don't include a bash reproducer \ as a comment in the C reproducers", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-name', help="The name of the c function", nargs='?', default="test_fuzz") parser.add_argument('input_trace', help="input QTest command sequence \ (stdin by default)", nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin) args = parser.parse_args() qemu_path = os.getenv("QEMU_PATH") qemu_args = os.getenv("QEMU_ARGS") if not qemu_args or not qemu_path: print("Please set QEMU_PATH and QEMU_ARGS environment variables") sys.exit(1) bash_args = qemu_args if " -qtest stdio" not in qemu_args: bash_args += " -qtest stdio" arch = qemu_path.split("-")[-1] trace = args.input_trace.read().strip() if args.bash : print(bash_reproducer(qemu_path, bash_args, trace)) else: output = "" if not args.c: output += c_header(args.owner) + "\n" if not args.no_comment: output += c_comment(bash_reproducer(qemu_path, bash_args, trace)) output += c_reproducer(args.name, qemu_args, trace) if not args.c: output += c_main(args.name, arch) print(output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()