/* * QEMU Guest Agent win32-specific command implementations * * Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 * * Authors: * Michael Roth <mdroth@linux.vnet.ibm.com> * Gal Hammer <ghammer@redhat.com> * * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later. * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. */ #include <glib.h> #include <wtypes.h> #include <powrprof.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "qga/guest-agent-core.h" #include "qga/vss-win32.h" #include "qga-qmp-commands.h" #include "qapi/qmp/qerror.h" #include "qemu/queue.h" #ifndef SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED #define SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED 0x80000000 #endif /* multiple of 100 nanoseconds elapsed between windows baseline * (1/1/1601) and Unix Epoch (1/1/1970), accounting for leap years */ #define W32_FT_OFFSET (10000000ULL * 60 * 60 * 24 * \ (365 * (1970 - 1601) + \ (1970 - 1601) / 4 - 3)) #define INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ((DWORD)-1) typedef struct GuestFileHandle { int64_t id; HANDLE fh; QTAILQ_ENTRY(GuestFileHandle) next; } GuestFileHandle; static struct { QTAILQ_HEAD(, GuestFileHandle) filehandles; } guest_file_state; typedef struct OpenFlags { const char *forms; DWORD desired_access; DWORD creation_disposition; } OpenFlags; static OpenFlags guest_file_open_modes[] = { {"r", GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING}, {"rb", GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING}, {"w", GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS}, {"wb", GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS}, {"a", GENERIC_WRITE, OPEN_ALWAYS }, {"r+", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING}, {"rb+", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING}, {"r+b", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING}, {"w+", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, CREATE_ALWAYS}, {"wb+", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, CREATE_ALWAYS}, {"w+b", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, CREATE_ALWAYS}, {"a+", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, OPEN_ALWAYS }, {"ab+", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, OPEN_ALWAYS }, {"a+b", GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, OPEN_ALWAYS } }; static OpenFlags *find_open_flag(const char *mode_str) { int mode; Error **errp = NULL; for (mode = 0; mode < ARRAY_SIZE(guest_file_open_modes); ++mode) { OpenFlags *flags = guest_file_open_modes + mode; if (strcmp(flags->forms, mode_str) == 0) { return flags; } } error_setg(errp, "invalid file open mode '%s'", mode_str); return NULL; } static int64_t guest_file_handle_add(HANDLE fh, Error **errp) { GuestFileHandle *gfh; int64_t handle; handle = ga_get_fd_handle(ga_state, errp); if (handle < 0) { return -1; } gfh = g_malloc0(sizeof(GuestFileHandle)); gfh->id = handle; gfh->fh = fh; QTAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&guest_file_state.filehandles, gfh, next); return handle; } static GuestFileHandle *guest_file_handle_find(int64_t id, Error **errp) { GuestFileHandle *gfh; QTAILQ_FOREACH(gfh, &guest_file_state.filehandles, next) { if (gfh->id == id) { return gfh; } } error_setg(errp, "handle '%" PRId64 "' has not been found", id); return NULL; } int64_t qmp_guest_file_open(const char *path, bool has_mode, const char *mode, Error **errp) { int64_t fd; HANDLE fh; HANDLE templ_file = NULL; DWORD share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ; DWORD flags_and_attr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa_attr = NULL; OpenFlags *guest_flags; if (!has_mode) { mode = "r"; } slog("guest-file-open called, filepath: %s, mode: %s", path, mode); guest_flags = find_open_flag(mode); if (guest_flags == NULL) { error_setg(errp, "invalid file open mode"); return -1; } fh = CreateFile(path, guest_flags->desired_access, share_mode, sa_attr, guest_flags->creation_disposition, flags_and_attr, templ_file); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { error_setg_win32(errp, GetLastError(), "failed to open file '%s'", path); return -1; } fd = guest_file_handle_add(fh, errp); if (fd < 0) { CloseHandle(&fh); error_setg(errp, "failed to add handle to qmp handle table"); return -1; } slog("guest-file-open, handle: % " PRId64, fd); return fd; } void qmp_guest_file_close(int64_t handle, Error **errp) { bool ret; GuestFileHandle *gfh = guest_file_handle_find(handle, errp); slog("guest-file-close called, handle: %" PRId64, handle); if (gfh == NULL) { return; } ret = CloseHandle(gfh->fh); if (!ret) { error_setg_win32(errp, GetLastError(), "failed close handle"); return; } QTAILQ_REMOVE(&guest_file_state.filehandles, gfh, next); g_free(gfh); } static void acquire_privilege(const char *name, Error **errp) { HANDLE token = NULL; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES priv; Error *local_err = NULL; if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES|TOKEN_QUERY, &token)) { if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, name, &priv.Privileges[0].Luid)) { error_set(&local_err, QERR_QGA_COMMAND_FAILED, "no luid for requested privilege"); goto out; } priv.PrivilegeCount = 1; priv.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, FALSE, &priv, 0, NULL, 0)) { error_set(&local_err, QERR_QGA_COMMAND_FAILED, "unable to acquire requested privilege"); goto out; } } else { error_set(&local_err, QERR_QGA_COMMAND_FAILED, "failed to open privilege token"); } out: if (token) { CloseHandle(token); } if (local_err) { error_propagate(errp, local_err); } } static void execute_async(DWORD WINAPI (*func)(LPVOID), LPVOID opaque, Error **errp) { Error *local_err = NULL; HANDLE thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, func, opaque, 0, NULL); if (!thread) { error_set(&local_err, QERR_QGA_COMMAND_FAILED, "failed to dispatch asynchronous command"); error_propagate(errp, local_err); } } void qmp_guest_shutdown(bool has_mode, const char *mode, Error **errp) { Error *local_err = NULL; UINT shutdown_flag = EWX_FORCE; slog("guest-shutdown called, mode: %s", mode); if (!has_mode || strcmp(mode, "powerdown") == 0) { shutdown_flag |= EWX_POWEROFF; } else if (strcmp(mode, "halt") == 0) { shutdown_flag |= EWX_SHUTDOWN; } else if (strcmp(mode, "reboot") == 0) { shutdown_flag |= EWX_REBOOT; } else { error_set(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "mode", "halt|powerdown|reboot"); return; } /* Request a shutdown privilege, but try to shut down the system anyway. */ acquire_privilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &local_err); if (local_err) { error_propagate(errp, local_err); return; } if (!ExitWindowsEx(shutdown_flag, SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED)) { slog("guest-shutdown failed: %lu", GetLastError()); error_set(errp, QERR_UNDEFINED_ERROR); } } GuestFileRead *qmp_guest_file_read(int64_t handle, bool has_count, int64_t count, Error **errp) { GuestFileRead *read_data = NULL; guchar *buf; HANDLE fh; bool is_ok; DWORD read_count; GuestFileHandle *gfh = guest_file_handle_find(handle, errp); if (!gfh) { return NULL; } if (!has_count) { count = QGA_READ_COUNT_DEFAULT; } else if (count < 0) { error_setg(errp, "value '%" PRId64 "' is invalid for argument count", count); return NULL; } fh = gfh->fh; buf = g_malloc0(count+1); is_ok = ReadFile(fh, buf, count, &read_count, NULL); if (!is_ok) { error_setg_win32(errp, GetLastError(), "failed to read file"); slog("guest-file-read failed, handle %" PRId64, handle); } else { buf[read_count] = 0; read_data = g_malloc0(sizeof(GuestFileRead)); read_data->count = (size_t)read_count; read_data->eof = read_count == 0; if (read_count != 0) { read_data->buf_b64 = g_base64_encode(buf, read_count); } } g_free(buf); return read_data; } GuestFileWrite *qmp_guest_file_write(int64_t handle, const char *buf_b64, bool has_count, int64_t count, Error **errp) { GuestFileWrite *write_data = NULL; guchar *buf; gsize buf_len; bool is_ok; DWORD write_count; GuestFileHandle *gfh = guest_file_handle_find(handle, errp); HANDLE fh; if (!gfh) { return NULL; } fh = gfh->fh; buf = g_base64_decode(buf_b64, &buf_len); if (!has_count) { count = buf_len; } else if (count < 0 || count > buf_len) { error_setg(errp, "value '%" PRId64 "' is invalid for argument count", count); goto done; } is_ok = WriteFile(fh, buf, count, &write_count, NULL); if (!is_ok) { error_setg_win32(errp, GetLastError(), "failed to write to file"); slog("guest-file-write-failed, handle: %" PRId64, handle); } else { write_data = g_malloc0(sizeof(GuestFileWrite)); write_data->count = (size_t) write_count; } done: g_free(buf); return write_data; } GuestFileSeek *qmp_guest_file_seek(int64_t handle, int64_t offset, int64_t whence, Error **errp) { GuestFileHandle *gfh; GuestFileSeek *seek_data; HANDLE fh; LARGE_INTEGER new_pos, off_pos; off_pos.QuadPart = offset; BOOL res; gfh = guest_file_handle_find(handle, errp); if (!gfh) { return NULL; } fh = gfh->fh; res = SetFilePointerEx(fh, off_pos, &new_pos, whence); if (!res) { error_setg_win32(errp, GetLastError(), "failed to seek file"); return NULL; } seek_data = g_new0(GuestFileSeek, 1); seek_data->position = new_pos.QuadPart; return seek_data; } void qmp_guest_file_flush(int64_t handle, Error **errp) { HANDLE fh; GuestFileHandle *gfh = guest_file_handle_find(handle, errp); if (!gfh) { return; } fh = gfh->fh; if (!FlushFileBuffers(fh)) { error_setg_win32(errp, GetLastError(), "failed to flush file"); } } static void guest_file_init(void) { QTAILQ_INIT(&guest_file_state.filehandles); } GuestFilesystemInfoList *qmp_guest_get_fsinfo(Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return NULL; } /* * Return status of freeze/thaw */ GuestFsfreezeStatus qmp_guest_fsfreeze_status(Error **errp) { if (!vss_initialized()) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return 0; } if (ga_is_frozen(ga_state)) { return GUEST_FSFREEZE_STATUS_FROZEN; } return GUEST_FSFREEZE_STATUS_THAWED; } /* * Freeze local file systems using Volume Shadow-copy Service. * The frozen state is limited for up to 10 seconds by VSS. */ int64_t qmp_guest_fsfreeze_freeze(Error **errp) { int i; Error *local_err = NULL; if (!vss_initialized()) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return 0; } slog("guest-fsfreeze called"); /* cannot risk guest agent blocking itself on a write in this state */ ga_set_frozen(ga_state); qga_vss_fsfreeze(&i, &local_err, true); if (local_err) { error_propagate(errp, local_err); goto error; } return i; error: local_err = NULL; qmp_guest_fsfreeze_thaw(&local_err); if (local_err) { g_debug("cleanup thaw: %s", error_get_pretty(local_err)); error_free(local_err); } return 0; } int64_t qmp_guest_fsfreeze_freeze_list(bool has_mountpoints, strList *mountpoints, Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return 0; } /* * Thaw local file systems using Volume Shadow-copy Service. */ int64_t qmp_guest_fsfreeze_thaw(Error **errp) { int i; if (!vss_initialized()) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return 0; } qga_vss_fsfreeze(&i, errp, false); ga_unset_frozen(ga_state); return i; } static void guest_fsfreeze_cleanup(void) { Error *err = NULL; if (!vss_initialized()) { return; } if (ga_is_frozen(ga_state) == GUEST_FSFREEZE_STATUS_FROZEN) { qmp_guest_fsfreeze_thaw(&err); if (err) { slog("failed to clean up frozen filesystems: %s", error_get_pretty(err)); error_free(err); } } vss_deinit(true); } /* * Walk list of mounted file systems in the guest, and discard unused * areas. */ void qmp_guest_fstrim(bool has_minimum, int64_t minimum, Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); } typedef enum { GUEST_SUSPEND_MODE_DISK, GUEST_SUSPEND_MODE_RAM } GuestSuspendMode; static void check_suspend_mode(GuestSuspendMode mode, Error **errp) { SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES sys_pwr_caps; Error *local_err = NULL; ZeroMemory(&sys_pwr_caps, sizeof(sys_pwr_caps)); if (!GetPwrCapabilities(&sys_pwr_caps)) { error_set(&local_err, QERR_QGA_COMMAND_FAILED, "failed to determine guest suspend capabilities"); goto out; } switch (mode) { case GUEST_SUSPEND_MODE_DISK: if (!sys_pwr_caps.SystemS4) { error_set(&local_err, QERR_QGA_COMMAND_FAILED, "suspend-to-disk not supported by OS"); } break; case GUEST_SUSPEND_MODE_RAM: if (!sys_pwr_caps.SystemS3) { error_set(&local_err, QERR_QGA_COMMAND_FAILED, "suspend-to-ram not supported by OS"); } break; default: error_set(&local_err, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "mode", "GuestSuspendMode"); } out: if (local_err) { error_propagate(errp, local_err); } } static DWORD WINAPI do_suspend(LPVOID opaque) { GuestSuspendMode *mode = opaque; DWORD ret = 0; if (!SetSuspendState(*mode == GUEST_SUSPEND_MODE_DISK, TRUE, TRUE)) { slog("failed to suspend guest, %lu", GetLastError()); ret = -1; } g_free(mode); return ret; } void qmp_guest_suspend_disk(Error **errp) { Error *local_err = NULL; GuestSuspendMode *mode = g_malloc(sizeof(GuestSuspendMode)); *mode = GUEST_SUSPEND_MODE_DISK; check_suspend_mode(*mode, &local_err); acquire_privilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &local_err); execute_async(do_suspend, mode, &local_err); if (local_err) { error_propagate(errp, local_err); g_free(mode); } } void qmp_guest_suspend_ram(Error **errp) { Error *local_err = NULL; GuestSuspendMode *mode = g_malloc(sizeof(GuestSuspendMode)); *mode = GUEST_SUSPEND_MODE_RAM; check_suspend_mode(*mode, &local_err); acquire_privilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &local_err); execute_async(do_suspend, mode, &local_err); if (local_err) { error_propagate(errp, local_err); g_free(mode); } } void qmp_guest_suspend_hybrid(Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); } GuestNetworkInterfaceList *qmp_guest_network_get_interfaces(Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return NULL; } int64_t qmp_guest_get_time(Error **errp) { SYSTEMTIME ts = {0}; int64_t time_ns; FILETIME tf; GetSystemTime(&ts); if (ts.wYear < 1601 || ts.wYear > 30827) { error_setg(errp, "Failed to get time"); return -1; } if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&ts, &tf)) { error_setg(errp, "Failed to convert system time: %d", (int)GetLastError()); return -1; } time_ns = ((((int64_t)tf.dwHighDateTime << 32) | tf.dwLowDateTime) - W32_FT_OFFSET) * 100; return time_ns; } void qmp_guest_set_time(bool has_time, int64_t time_ns, Error **errp) { Error *local_err = NULL; SYSTEMTIME ts; FILETIME tf; LONGLONG time; if (!has_time) { /* Unfortunately, Windows libraries don't provide an easy way to access * RTC yet: * * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa908981.aspx */ error_setg(errp, "Time argument is required on this platform"); return; } /* Validate time passed by user. */ if (time_ns < 0 || time_ns / 100 > INT64_MAX - W32_FT_OFFSET) { error_setg(errp, "Time %" PRId64 "is invalid", time_ns); return; } time = time_ns / 100 + W32_FT_OFFSET; tf.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD) time; tf.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD) (time >> 32); if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&tf, &ts)) { error_setg(errp, "Failed to convert system time %d", (int)GetLastError()); return; } acquire_privilege(SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME, &local_err); if (local_err) { error_propagate(errp, local_err); return; } if (!SetSystemTime(&ts)) { error_setg(errp, "Failed to set time to guest: %d", (int)GetLastError()); return; } } GuestLogicalProcessorList *qmp_guest_get_vcpus(Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return NULL; } int64_t qmp_guest_set_vcpus(GuestLogicalProcessorList *vcpus, Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return -1; } void qmp_guest_set_user_password(const char *username, const char *password, bool crypted, Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); } GuestMemoryBlockList *qmp_guest_get_memory_blocks(Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return NULL; } GuestMemoryBlockResponseList * qmp_guest_set_memory_blocks(GuestMemoryBlockList *mem_blks, Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return NULL; } GuestMemoryBlockInfo *qmp_guest_get_memory_block_info(Error **errp) { error_set(errp, QERR_UNSUPPORTED); return NULL; } /* add unsupported commands to the blacklist */ GList *ga_command_blacklist_init(GList *blacklist) { const char *list_unsupported[] = { "guest-suspend-hybrid", "guest-network-get-interfaces", "guest-get-vcpus", "guest-set-vcpus", "guest-set-user-password", "guest-get-memory-blocks", "guest-set-memory-blocks", "guest-get-memory-block-size", "guest-fsfreeze-freeze-list", "guest-get-fsinfo", "guest-fstrim", NULL}; char **p = (char **)list_unsupported; while (*p) { blacklist = g_list_append(blacklist, *p++); } if (!vss_init(true)) { g_debug("vss_init failed, vss commands are going to be disabled"); const char *list[] = { "guest-get-fsinfo", "guest-fsfreeze-status", "guest-fsfreeze-freeze", "guest-fsfreeze-thaw", NULL}; p = (char **)list; while (*p) { blacklist = g_list_append(blacklist, *p++); } } return blacklist; } /* register init/cleanup routines for stateful command groups */ void ga_command_state_init(GAState *s, GACommandState *cs) { if (!vss_initialized()) { ga_command_state_add(cs, NULL, guest_fsfreeze_cleanup); } ga_command_state_add(cs, guest_file_init, NULL); }