# -*- Mode: Python -*-
# vim: filetype=python
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# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.

# = Cryptography devices

# @QCryptodevBackendAlgoType:
# The supported algorithm types of a crypto device.
# @sym: symmetric encryption
# @asym: asymmetric Encryption
# Since: 8.0
{ 'enum': 'QCryptodevBackendAlgoType',
  'data': ['sym', 'asym']}

# @QCryptodevBackendServiceType:
# The supported service types of a crypto device.
# @cipher: Symmetric Key Cipher service
# @hash: Hash service
# @mac: Message Authentication Codes service
# @aead: Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data service
# @akcipher: Asymmetric Key Cipher service
# Since: 8.0
{ 'enum': 'QCryptodevBackendServiceType',
  'data': ['cipher', 'hash', 'mac', 'aead', 'akcipher']}

# @QCryptodevBackendType:
# The crypto device backend type
# @builtin: the QEMU builtin support
# @vhost-user: vhost-user
# @lkcf: Linux kernel cryptographic framework
# Since: 8.0
{ 'enum': 'QCryptodevBackendType',
  'data': ['builtin', 'vhost-user', 'lkcf']}

# @QCryptodevBackendClient:
# Information about a queue of crypto device.
# @queue: the queue index of the crypto device
# @type: the type of the crypto device
# Since: 8.0
{ 'struct': 'QCryptodevBackendClient',
  'data': { 'queue': 'uint32',
            'type': 'QCryptodevBackendType' } }

# @QCryptodevInfo:
# Information about a crypto device.
# @id: the id of the crypto device
# @service: supported service types of a crypto device
# @client: the additional information of the crypto device
# Since: 8.0
{ 'struct': 'QCryptodevInfo',
  'data': { 'id': 'str',
            'service': ['QCryptodevBackendServiceType'],
            'client': ['QCryptodevBackendClient'] } }

# @query-cryptodev:
# Returns information about current crypto devices.
# Returns: a list of @QCryptodevInfo
# Since: 8.0
{ 'command': 'query-cryptodev', 'returns': ['QCryptodevInfo']}