# -*- Mode: Python -*-
# QAPI Schema

# @NameInfo:
# Guest name information.
# @name: #optional The name of the guest
# Since 0.14.0
{ 'type': 'NameInfo', 'data': {'*name': 'str'} }

# @query-name:
# Return the name information of a guest.
# Returns: @NameInfo of the guest
# Since 0.14.0
{ 'command': 'query-name', 'returns': 'NameInfo' }

# @VersionInfo:
# A description of QEMU's version.
# @qemu.major:  The major version of QEMU
# @qemu.minor:  The minor version of QEMU
# @qemu.micro:  The micro version of QEMU.  By current convention, a micro
#               version of 50 signifies a development branch.  A micro version
#               greater than or equal to 90 signifies a release candidate for
#               the next minor version.  A micro version of less than 50
#               signifies a stable release.
# @package:     QEMU will always set this field to an empty string.  Downstream
#               versions of QEMU should set this to a non-empty string.  The
#               exact format depends on the downstream however it highly
#               recommended that a unique name is used.
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'type': 'VersionInfo',
  'data': {'qemu': {'major': 'int', 'minor': 'int', 'micro': 'int'},
           'package': 'str'} }

# @query-version:
# Returns the current version of QEMU.
# Returns:  A @VersionInfo object describing the current version of QEMU.
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'command': 'query-version', 'returns': 'VersionInfo' }

# @KvmInfo:
# Information about support for KVM acceleration
# @enabled: true if KVM acceleration is active
# @present: true if KVM acceleration is built into this executable
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'type': 'KvmInfo', 'data': {'enabled': 'bool', 'present': 'bool'} }

# @query-kvm:
# Returns information about KVM acceleration
# Returns: @KvmInfo
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'command': 'query-kvm', 'returns': 'KvmInfo' }

# @RunState
# An enumation of VM run states.
# @debug: QEMU is running on a debugger
# @inmigrate: guest is paused waiting for an incoming migration
# @internal-error: An internal error that prevents further guest execution
# has occurred
# @io-error: the last IOP has failed and the device is configured to pause
# on I/O errors
# @paused: guest has been paused via the 'stop' command
# @postmigrate: guest is paused following a successful 'migrate'
# @prelaunch: QEMU was started with -S and guest has not started
# @finish-migrate: guest is paused to finish the migration process
# @restore-vm: guest is paused to restore VM state
# @running: guest is actively running
# @save-vm: guest is paused to save the VM state
# @shutdown: guest is shut down (and -no-shutdown is in use)
# @watchdog: the watchdog action is configured to pause and has been triggered
{ 'enum': 'RunState',
  'data': [ 'debug', 'inmigrate', 'internal-error', 'io-error', 'paused',
            'postmigrate', 'prelaunch', 'finish-migrate', 'restore-vm',
            'running', 'save-vm', 'shutdown', 'watchdog' ] }

# @StatusInfo:
# Information about VCPU run state
# @running: true if all VCPUs are runnable, false if not runnable
# @singlestep: true if VCPUs are in single-step mode
# @status: the virtual machine @RunState
# Since:  0.14.0
# Notes: @singlestep is enabled through the GDB stub
{ 'type': 'StatusInfo',
  'data': {'running': 'bool', 'singlestep': 'bool', 'status': 'RunState'} }

# @query-status:
# Query the run status of all VCPUs
# Returns: @StatusInfo reflecting all VCPUs
# Since:  0.14.0
{ 'command': 'query-status', 'returns': 'StatusInfo' }

# @UuidInfo:
# Guest UUID information.
# @UUID: the UUID of the guest
# Since: 0.14.0
# Notes: If no UUID was specified for the guest, a null UUID is returned.
{ 'type': 'UuidInfo', 'data': {'UUID': 'str'} }

# @query-uuid:
# Query the guest UUID information.
# Returns: The @UuidInfo for the guest
# Since 0.14.0
{ 'command': 'query-uuid', 'returns': 'UuidInfo' }

# @ChardevInfo:
# Information about a character device.
# @label: the label of the character device
# @filename: the filename of the character device
# Notes: @filename is encoded using the QEMU command line character device
#        encoding.  See the QEMU man page for details.
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'type': 'ChardevInfo', 'data': {'label': 'str', 'filename': 'str'} }

# @query-chardev:
# Returns information about current character devices.
# Returns: a list of @ChardevInfo
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'command': 'query-chardev', 'returns': ['ChardevInfo'] }

# @CommandInfo:
# Information about a QMP command
# @name: The command name
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'type': 'CommandInfo', 'data': {'name': 'str'} }

# @query-commands:
# Return a list of supported QMP commands by this server
# Returns: A list of @CommandInfo for all supported commands
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'command': 'query-commands', 'returns': ['CommandInfo'] }

# @quit:
# This command will cause the QEMU process to exit gracefully.  While every
# attempt is made to send the QMP response before terminating, this is not
# guaranteed.  When using this interface, a premature EOF would not be
# unexpected.
# Since: 0.14.0
{ 'command': 'quit' }

# @stop:
# Stop all guest VCPU execution.
# Since:  0.14.0
# Notes:  This function will succeed even if the guest is already in the stopped
#         state
{ 'command': 'stop' }