Index: rombios.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/bios/rombios.c,v
retrieving revision 1.205
diff -u -d -p -r1.205 rombios.c
--- rombios.c	21 Mar 2008 19:06:31 -0000	1.205
+++ rombios.c	10 Apr 2008 09:47:48 -0000
@@ -4395,22 +4395,25 @@ BX_DEBUG_INT15("case default:\n");
 #endif // BX_USE_PS2_MOUSE

-void set_e820_range(ES, DI, start, end, type)
+void set_e820_range(ES, DI, start, end, extra_start, extra_end, type)
      Bit16u ES;
      Bit16u DI;
      Bit32u start;
      Bit32u end;
+     Bit8u extra_start;
+     Bit8u extra_end;
      Bit16u type;
     write_word(ES, DI, start);
     write_word(ES, DI+2, start >> 16);
-    write_word(ES, DI+4, 0x00);
+    write_word(ES, DI+4, extra_start);
     write_word(ES, DI+6, 0x00);

     end -= start;
+    extra_end -= extra_start;
     write_word(ES, DI+8, end);
     write_word(ES, DI+10, end >> 16);
-    write_word(ES, DI+12, 0x0000);
+    write_word(ES, DI+12, extra_end);
     write_word(ES, DI+14, 0x0000);

     write_word(ES, DI+16, type);
@@ -4423,7 +4426,9 @@ int15_function32(regs, ES, DS, FLAGS)
   Bit16u ES, DS, FLAGS;
   Bit32u  extended_memory_size=0; // 64bits long
+  Bit32u  extra_lowbits_memory_size=0;
   Bit16u  CX,DX;
+  Bit8u   extra_highbits_memory_size=0;

 BX_DEBUG_INT15("int15 AX=%04x\n",;

@@ -4497,11 +4502,18 @@ ASM_END
                     extended_memory_size += (1L * 1024 * 1024);

+                extra_lowbits_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x5c);
+                extra_lowbits_memory_size <<= 8;
+                extra_lowbits_memory_size |= inb_cmos(0x5b);
+                extra_lowbits_memory_size *= 64;
+                extra_lowbits_memory_size *= 1024;
+                extra_highbits_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x5d);
                     case 0:
                         set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di,
-                                       0x0000000L, 0x0009fc00L, 1);
+                                       0x0000000L, 0x0009fc00L, 0, 0, 1);
                         regs.u.r32.ebx = 1;
                         regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
                         regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
@@ -4510,7 +4522,7 @@ ASM_END
                     case 1:
                         set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di,
-                                       0x0009fc00L, 0x000a0000L, 2);
+                                       0x0009fc00L, 0x000a0000L, 0, 0, 2);
                         regs.u.r32.ebx = 2;
                         regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
                         regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
@@ -4519,7 +4531,7 @@ ASM_END
                     case 2:
                         set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di,
-                                       0x000e8000L, 0x00100000L, 2);
+                                       0x000e8000L, 0x00100000L, 0, 0, 2);
                         regs.u.r32.ebx = 3;
                         regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
                         regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
@@ -4529,7 +4541,7 @@ ASM_END
                     case 3:
                         set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di,
-                                       extended_memory_size - ACPI_DATA_SIZE, 1);
+                                       extended_memory_size - ACPI_DATA_SIZE ,0, 0, 1);
                         regs.u.r32.ebx = 4;
                         regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
                         regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
@@ -4539,7 +4551,7 @@ ASM_END
                     case 4:
                         set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di,
                                        extended_memory_size - ACPI_DATA_SIZE,
-                                       extended_memory_size, 3); // ACPI RAM
+                                       extended_memory_size ,0, 0, 3); // ACPI RAM
                         regs.u.r32.ebx = 5;
                         regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
                         regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
@@ -4549,7 +4561,20 @@ ASM_END
                     case 5:
                         /* 256KB BIOS area at the end of 4 GB */
                         set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di,
-                                       0xfffc0000L, 0x00000000L, 2);
+                                       0xfffc0000L, 0x00000000L ,0, 0, 2);
+                        if (extra_highbits_memory_size || extra_lowbits_memory_size)
+                            regs.u.r32.ebx = 6;
+                        else
+                            regs.u.r32.ebx = 0;
+                        regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
+                        regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
+                        CLEAR_CF();
+                        return;
+                    case 6:
+                        /* Maping of memory above 4 GB */
+                        set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di, 0x00000000L,
+                        extra_lowbits_memory_size, 1, extra_highbits_memory_size
+                                       + 1, 1);
                         regs.u.r32.ebx = 0;
                         regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
                         regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
Index: rombios.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/bios/rombios.h,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -p -r1.6 rombios.h
--- rombios.h	26 Jan 2008 09:15:27 -0000	1.6
+++ rombios.h	10 Apr 2008 09:47:48 -0000
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 //  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
 /* define it to include QEMU specific code */
-//#define BX_QEMU
+#define BX_QEMU
 #ifndef LEGACY
 #  define BX_ROMBIOS32     1
Index: rombios32.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/bios/rombios32.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -d -p -r1.24 rombios32.c
--- rombios32.c	6 Mar 2008 20:18:20 -0000	1.24
+++ rombios32.c	10 Apr 2008 09:47:48 -0000
@@ -477,7 +477,12 @@ void smp_probe(void)
         sipi_vector = AP_BOOT_ADDR >> 12;
         writel(APIC_BASE + APIC_ICR_LOW, 0x000C4600 | sipi_vector);
+#ifndef BX_QEMU
+	while (cmos_readb(0x5f) + 1 != readw((void *)CPU_COUNT_ADDR))
+		;
         smp_cpus = readw((void *)CPU_COUNT_ADDR);
Index: rombios32start.S
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/bios/rombios32start.S,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -p -r1.4 rombios32start.S
--- rombios32start.S	26 Jan 2008 09:15:27 -0000	1.4
+++ rombios32start.S	10 Apr 2008 09:47:48 -0000
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ _start:
   xor %ax, %ax
   mov %ax, %ds
+  lock incw CPU_COUNT_ADDR
   jmp 1b