#ifndef BSWAP_H
#define BSWAP_H

#include "config-host.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fpu/softfloat.h"

# include <sys/endian.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <machine/bswap.h>
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
# include <sys/endian.h>
#elif defined(CONFIG_BYTESWAP_H)
# include <byteswap.h>

static inline uint16_t bswap16(uint16_t x)
    return bswap_16(x);

static inline uint32_t bswap32(uint32_t x)
    return bswap_32(x);

static inline uint64_t bswap64(uint64_t x)
    return bswap_64(x);
# else
static inline uint16_t bswap16(uint16_t x)
    return (((x & 0x00ff) << 8) |
            ((x & 0xff00) >> 8));

static inline uint32_t bswap32(uint32_t x)
    return (((x & 0x000000ffU) << 24) |
            ((x & 0x0000ff00U) <<  8) |
            ((x & 0x00ff0000U) >>  8) |
            ((x & 0xff000000U) >> 24));

static inline uint64_t bswap64(uint64_t x)
    return (((x & 0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56) |
            ((x & 0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40) |
            ((x & 0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24) |
            ((x & 0x00000000ff000000ULL) <<  8) |
            ((x & 0x000000ff00000000ULL) >>  8) |
            ((x & 0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24) |
            ((x & 0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40) |
            ((x & 0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56));

static inline void bswap16s(uint16_t *s)
    *s = bswap16(*s);

static inline void bswap32s(uint32_t *s)
    *s = bswap32(*s);

static inline void bswap64s(uint64_t *s)
    *s = bswap64(*s);

#define be_bswap(v, size) (v)
#define le_bswap(v, size) glue(bswap, size)(v)
#define be_bswaps(v, size)
#define le_bswaps(p, size) do { *p = glue(bswap, size)(*p); } while(0)
#define le_bswap(v, size) (v)
#define be_bswap(v, size) glue(bswap, size)(v)
#define le_bswaps(v, size)
#define be_bswaps(p, size) do { *p = glue(bswap, size)(*p); } while(0)

#define CPU_CONVERT(endian, size, type)\
static inline type endian ## size ## _to_cpu(type v)\
    return glue(endian, _bswap)(v, size);\
static inline type cpu_to_ ## endian ## size(type v)\
    return glue(endian, _bswap)(v, size);\
static inline void endian ## size ## _to_cpus(type *p)\
    glue(endian, _bswaps)(p, size);\
static inline void cpu_to_ ## endian ## size ## s(type *p)\
    glue(endian, _bswaps)(p, size);\
static inline type endian ## size ## _to_cpup(const type *p)\
    return glue(glue(endian, size), _to_cpu)(*p);\
static inline void cpu_to_ ## endian ## size ## w(type *p, type v)\
    *p = glue(glue(cpu_to_, endian), size)(v);\

CPU_CONVERT(be, 16, uint16_t)
CPU_CONVERT(be, 32, uint32_t)
CPU_CONVERT(be, 64, uint64_t)

CPU_CONVERT(le, 16, uint16_t)
CPU_CONVERT(le, 32, uint32_t)
CPU_CONVERT(le, 64, uint64_t)

/* len must be one of 1, 2, 4 */
static inline uint32_t qemu_bswap_len(uint32_t value, int len)
    return bswap32(value) >> (32 - 8 * len);

/* Unions for reinterpreting between floats and integers.  */

typedef union {
    float32 f;
    uint32_t l;
} CPU_FloatU;

typedef union {
    float64 d;
    struct {
        uint32_t upper;
        uint32_t lower;
    } l;
    struct {
        uint32_t lower;
        uint32_t upper;
    } l;
    uint64_t ll;
} CPU_DoubleU;

typedef union {
     floatx80 d;
     struct {
         uint64_t lower;
         uint16_t upper;
     } l;
} CPU_LDoubleU;

typedef union {
    float128 q;
    struct {
        uint32_t upmost;
        uint32_t upper;
        uint32_t lower;
        uint32_t lowest;
    } l;
    struct {
        uint64_t upper;
        uint64_t lower;
    } ll;
    struct {
        uint32_t lowest;
        uint32_t lower;
        uint32_t upper;
        uint32_t upmost;
    } l;
    struct {
        uint64_t lower;
        uint64_t upper;
    } ll;
} CPU_QuadU;

/* unaligned/endian-independent pointer access */

 * the generic syntax is:
 * load: ld{type}{sign}{size}{endian}_p(ptr)
 * store: st{type}{size}{endian}_p(ptr, val)
 * Note there are small differences with the softmmu access API!
 * type is:
 * (empty): integer access
 *   f    : float access
 * sign is:
 * (empty): for floats or 32 bit size
 *   u    : unsigned
 *   s    : signed
 * size is:
 *   b: 8 bits
 *   w: 16 bits
 *   l: 32 bits
 *   q: 64 bits
 * endian is:
 *   he   : host endian
 *   be   : big endian
 *   le   : little endian
 * (except for byte accesses, which have no endian infix).

static inline int ldub_p(const void *ptr)
    return *(uint8_t *)ptr;

static inline int ldsb_p(const void *ptr)
    return *(int8_t *)ptr;

static inline void stb_p(void *ptr, uint8_t v)
    *(uint8_t *)ptr = v;

/* Any compiler worth its salt will turn these memcpy into native unaligned
   operations.  Thus we don't need to play games with packed attributes, or
   inline byte-by-byte stores.  */

static inline int lduw_he_p(const void *ptr)
    uint16_t r;
    memcpy(&r, ptr, sizeof(r));
    return r;

static inline int ldsw_he_p(const void *ptr)
    int16_t r;
    memcpy(&r, ptr, sizeof(r));
    return r;

static inline void stw_he_p(void *ptr, uint16_t v)
    memcpy(ptr, &v, sizeof(v));

static inline int ldl_he_p(const void *ptr)
    int32_t r;
    memcpy(&r, ptr, sizeof(r));
    return r;

static inline void stl_he_p(void *ptr, uint32_t v)
    memcpy(ptr, &v, sizeof(v));

static inline uint64_t ldq_he_p(const void *ptr)
    uint64_t r;
    memcpy(&r, ptr, sizeof(r));
    return r;

static inline void stq_he_p(void *ptr, uint64_t v)
    memcpy(ptr, &v, sizeof(v));

static inline int lduw_le_p(const void *ptr)
    return (uint16_t)le_bswap(lduw_he_p(ptr), 16);

static inline int ldsw_le_p(const void *ptr)
    return (int16_t)le_bswap(lduw_he_p(ptr), 16);

static inline int ldl_le_p(const void *ptr)
    return le_bswap(ldl_he_p(ptr), 32);

static inline uint64_t ldq_le_p(const void *ptr)
    return le_bswap(ldq_he_p(ptr), 64);

static inline void stw_le_p(void *ptr, uint16_t v)
    stw_he_p(ptr, le_bswap(v, 16));

static inline void stl_le_p(void *ptr, uint32_t v)
    stl_he_p(ptr, le_bswap(v, 32));

static inline void stq_le_p(void *ptr, uint64_t v)
    stq_he_p(ptr, le_bswap(v, 64));

/* float access */

static inline float32 ldfl_le_p(const void *ptr)
    CPU_FloatU u;
    u.l = ldl_le_p(ptr);
    return u.f;

static inline void stfl_le_p(void *ptr, float32 v)
    CPU_FloatU u;
    u.f = v;
    stl_le_p(ptr, u.l);

static inline float64 ldfq_le_p(const void *ptr)
    CPU_DoubleU u;
    u.ll = ldq_le_p(ptr);
    return u.d;

static inline void stfq_le_p(void *ptr, float64 v)
    CPU_DoubleU u;
    u.d = v;
    stq_le_p(ptr, u.ll);

static inline int lduw_be_p(const void *ptr)
    return (uint16_t)be_bswap(lduw_he_p(ptr), 16);

static inline int ldsw_be_p(const void *ptr)
    return (int16_t)be_bswap(lduw_he_p(ptr), 16);

static inline int ldl_be_p(const void *ptr)
    return be_bswap(ldl_he_p(ptr), 32);

static inline uint64_t ldq_be_p(const void *ptr)
    return be_bswap(ldq_he_p(ptr), 64);

static inline void stw_be_p(void *ptr, uint16_t v)
    stw_he_p(ptr, be_bswap(v, 16));

static inline void stl_be_p(void *ptr, uint32_t v)
    stl_he_p(ptr, be_bswap(v, 32));

static inline void stq_be_p(void *ptr, uint64_t v)
    stq_he_p(ptr, be_bswap(v, 64));

/* float access */

static inline float32 ldfl_be_p(const void *ptr)
    CPU_FloatU u;
    u.l = ldl_be_p(ptr);
    return u.f;

static inline void stfl_be_p(void *ptr, float32 v)
    CPU_FloatU u;
    u.f = v;
    stl_be_p(ptr, u.l);

static inline float64 ldfq_be_p(const void *ptr)
    CPU_DoubleU u;
    u.ll = ldq_be_p(ptr);
    return u.d;

static inline void stfq_be_p(void *ptr, float64 v)
    CPU_DoubleU u;
    u.d = v;
    stq_be_p(ptr, u.ll);

static inline unsigned long leul_to_cpu(unsigned long v)
    /* In order to break an include loop between here and
       qemu-common.h, don't rely on HOST_LONG_BITS.  */
    return le_bswap(v, 32);
    return le_bswap(v, 64);
# error Unknown sizeof long

#undef le_bswap
#undef be_bswap
#undef le_bswaps
#undef be_bswaps

#endif /* BSWAP_H */