/* * ARM GICv3 support - internal interfaces * * Copyright (c) 2012 Linaro Limited * Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei. * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * Written by Peter Maydell * Reworked for GICv3 by Shlomo Pongratz and Pavel Fedin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef QEMU_ARM_GICV3_INTERNAL_H #define QEMU_ARM_GICV3_INTERNAL_H #include "hw/intc/arm_gicv3_common.h" /* Distributor registers, as offsets from the distributor base address */ #define GICD_CTLR 0x0000 #define GICD_TYPER 0x0004 #define GICD_IIDR 0x0008 #define GICD_STATUSR 0x0010 #define GICD_SETSPI_NSR 0x0040 #define GICD_CLRSPI_NSR 0x0048 #define GICD_SETSPI_SR 0x0050 #define GICD_CLRSPI_SR 0x0058 #define GICD_SEIR 0x0068 #define GICD_IGROUPR 0x0080 #define GICD_ISENABLER 0x0100 #define GICD_ICENABLER 0x0180 #define GICD_ISPENDR 0x0200 #define GICD_ICPENDR 0x0280 #define GICD_ISACTIVER 0x0300 #define GICD_ICACTIVER 0x0380 #define GICD_IPRIORITYR 0x0400 #define GICD_ITARGETSR 0x0800 #define GICD_ICFGR 0x0C00 #define GICD_IGRPMODR 0x0D00 #define GICD_NSACR 0x0E00 #define GICD_SGIR 0x0F00 #define GICD_CPENDSGIR 0x0F10 #define GICD_SPENDSGIR 0x0F20 #define GICD_IROUTER 0x6000 #define GICD_IDREGS 0xFFD0 /* GICD_CTLR fields */ #define GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP0 (1U << 0) #define GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1NS (1U << 1) /* GICv3 5.3.20 */ #define GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1S (1U << 2) #define GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1_ALL (GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1NS | GICD_CTLR_EN_GRP1S) /* Bit 4 is ARE if the system doesn't support TrustZone, ARE_S otherwise */ #define GICD_CTLR_ARE (1U << 4) #define GICD_CTLR_ARE_S (1U << 4) #define GICD_CTLR_ARE_NS (1U << 5) #define GICD_CTLR_DS (1U << 6) #define GICD_CTLR_E1NWF (1U << 7) #define GICD_CTLR_RWP (1U << 31) /* * Redistributor frame offsets from RD_base */ #define GICR_SGI_OFFSET 0x10000 /* * Redistributor registers, offsets from RD_base */ #define GICR_CTLR 0x0000 #define GICR_IIDR 0x0004 #define GICR_TYPER 0x0008 #define GICR_STATUSR 0x0010 #define GICR_WAKER 0x0014 #define GICR_SETLPIR 0x0040 #define GICR_CLRLPIR 0x0048 #define GICR_PROPBASER 0x0070 #define GICR_PENDBASER 0x0078 #define GICR_INVLPIR 0x00A0 #define GICR_INVALLR 0x00B0 #define GICR_SYNCR 0x00C0 #define GICR_IDREGS 0xFFD0 /* SGI and PPI Redistributor registers, offsets from RD_base */ #define GICR_IGROUPR0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0080) #define GICR_ISENABLER0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0100) #define GICR_ICENABLER0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0180) #define GICR_ISPENDR0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0200) #define GICR_ICPENDR0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0280) #define GICR_ISACTIVER0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0300) #define GICR_ICACTIVER0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0380) #define GICR_IPRIORITYR (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0400) #define GICR_ICFGR0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0C00) #define GICR_ICFGR1 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0C04) #define GICR_IGRPMODR0 (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0D00) #define GICR_NSACR (GICR_SGI_OFFSET + 0x0E00) #define GICR_CTLR_ENABLE_LPIS (1U << 0) #define GICR_CTLR_RWP (1U << 3) #define GICR_CTLR_DPG0 (1U << 24) #define GICR_CTLR_DPG1NS (1U << 25) #define GICR_CTLR_DPG1S (1U << 26) #define GICR_CTLR_UWP (1U << 31) #define GICR_TYPER_PLPIS (1U << 0) #define GICR_TYPER_VLPIS (1U << 1) #define GICR_TYPER_DIRECTLPI (1U << 3) #define GICR_TYPER_LAST (1U << 4) #define GICR_TYPER_DPGS (1U << 5) #define GICR_TYPER_PROCNUM (0xFFFFU << 8) #define GICR_TYPER_COMMONLPIAFF (0x3 << 24) #define GICR_TYPER_AFFINITYVALUE (0xFFFFFFFFULL << 32) #define GICR_WAKER_ProcessorSleep (1U << 1) #define GICR_WAKER_ChildrenAsleep (1U << 2) #define GICR_PROPBASER_OUTER_CACHEABILITY_MASK (7ULL << 56) #define GICR_PROPBASER_ADDR_MASK (0xfffffffffULL << 12) #define GICR_PROPBASER_SHAREABILITY_MASK (3U << 10) #define GICR_PROPBASER_CACHEABILITY_MASK (7U << 7) #define GICR_PROPBASER_IDBITS_MASK (0x1f) #define GICR_PENDBASER_PTZ (1ULL << 62) #define GICR_PENDBASER_OUTER_CACHEABILITY_MASK (7ULL << 56) #define GICR_PENDBASER_ADDR_MASK (0xffffffffULL << 16) #define GICR_PENDBASER_SHAREABILITY_MASK (3U << 10) #define GICR_PENDBASER_CACHEABILITY_MASK (7U << 7) #define ICC_CTLR_EL1_CBPR (1U << 0) #define ICC_CTLR_EL1_EOIMODE (1U << 1) #define ICC_CTLR_EL1_PMHE (1U << 6) #define ICC_CTLR_EL1_PRIBITS_SHIFT 8 #define ICC_CTLR_EL1_IDBITS_SHIFT 11 #define ICC_CTLR_EL1_SEIS (1U << 14) #define ICC_CTLR_EL1_A3V (1U << 15) #define ICC_PMR_PRIORITY_MASK 0xff #define ICC_BPR_BINARYPOINT_MASK 0x07 #define ICC_IGRPEN_ENABLE 0x01 #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_CBPR_EL1S (1U << 0) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_CBPR_EL1NS (1U << 1) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_EOIMODE_EL3 (1U << 2) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_EOIMODE_EL1S (1U << 3) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_EOIMODE_EL1NS (1U << 4) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_RM (1U << 5) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_PMHE (1U << 6) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_PRIBITS_SHIFT 8 #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_IDBITS_SHIFT 11 #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_SEIS (1U << 14) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_A3V (1U << 15) #define ICC_CTLR_EL3_NDS (1U << 17) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG0_SHIFT 0 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG0 (1U << ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG0_SHIFT) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG1_SHIFT 1 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG1 (1U << ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG1_SHIFT) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VACKCTL (1U << 2) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VFIQEN (1U << 3) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VCBPR_SHIFT 4 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VCBPR (1U << ICH_VMCR_EL2_VCBPR_SHIFT) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VEOIM_SHIFT 9 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VEOIM (1U << ICH_VMCR_EL2_VEOIM_SHIFT) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR1_SHIFT 18 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR1_LENGTH 3 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR1_MASK (0x7U << ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR1_SHIFT) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR0_SHIFT 21 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR0_LENGTH 3 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR0_MASK (0x7U << ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR0_SHIFT) #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VPMR_SHIFT 24 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VPMR_LENGTH 8 #define ICH_VMCR_EL2_VPMR_MASK (0xffU << ICH_VMCR_EL2_VPMR_SHIFT) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_EN (1U << 0) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_UIE (1U << 1) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_LRENPIE (1U << 2) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_NPIE (1U << 3) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_VGRP0EIE (1U << 4) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_VGRP0DIE (1U << 5) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_VGRP1EIE (1U << 6) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_VGRP1DIE (1U << 7) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_TC (1U << 10) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_TALL0 (1U << 11) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_TALL1 (1U << 12) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_TSEI (1U << 13) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_TDIR (1U << 14) #define ICH_HCR_EL2_EOICOUNT_SHIFT 27 #define ICH_HCR_EL2_EOICOUNT_LENGTH 5 #define ICH_HCR_EL2_EOICOUNT_MASK (0x1fU << ICH_HCR_EL2_EOICOUNT_SHIFT) #define ICH_LR_EL2_VINTID_SHIFT 0 #define ICH_LR_EL2_VINTID_LENGTH 32 #define ICH_LR_EL2_VINTID_MASK (0xffffffffULL << ICH_LR_EL2_VINTID_SHIFT) #define ICH_LR_EL2_PINTID_SHIFT 32 #define ICH_LR_EL2_PINTID_LENGTH 10 #define ICH_LR_EL2_PINTID_MASK (0x3ffULL << ICH_LR_EL2_PINTID_SHIFT) /* Note that EOI shares with the top bit of the pINTID field */ #define ICH_LR_EL2_EOI (1ULL << 41) #define ICH_LR_EL2_PRIORITY_SHIFT 48 #define ICH_LR_EL2_PRIORITY_LENGTH 8 #define ICH_LR_EL2_PRIORITY_MASK (0xffULL << ICH_LR_EL2_PRIORITY_SHIFT) #define ICH_LR_EL2_GROUP (1ULL << 60) #define ICH_LR_EL2_HW (1ULL << 61) #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_SHIFT 62 #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_LENGTH 2 #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_MASK (3ULL << ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_SHIFT) /* values for the state field: */ #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_INVALID 0 #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_PENDING 1 #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_ACTIVE 2 #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_ACTIVE_PENDING 3 #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_PENDING_BIT (1ULL << ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_SHIFT) #define ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_ACTIVE_BIT (2ULL << ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_SHIFT) #define ICH_MISR_EL2_EOI (1U << 0) #define ICH_MISR_EL2_U (1U << 1) #define ICH_MISR_EL2_LRENP (1U << 2) #define ICH_MISR_EL2_NP (1U << 3) #define ICH_MISR_EL2_VGRP0E (1U << 4) #define ICH_MISR_EL2_VGRP0D (1U << 5) #define ICH_MISR_EL2_VGRP1E (1U << 6) #define ICH_MISR_EL2_VGRP1D (1U << 7) #define ICH_VTR_EL2_LISTREGS_SHIFT 0 #define ICH_VTR_EL2_TDS (1U << 19) #define ICH_VTR_EL2_NV4 (1U << 20) #define ICH_VTR_EL2_A3V (1U << 21) #define ICH_VTR_EL2_SEIS (1U << 22) #define ICH_VTR_EL2_IDBITS_SHIFT 23 #define ICH_VTR_EL2_PREBITS_SHIFT 26 #define ICH_VTR_EL2_PRIBITS_SHIFT 29 /* Special interrupt IDs */ #define INTID_SECURE 1020 #define INTID_NONSECURE 1021 #define INTID_SPURIOUS 1023 /* Functions internal to the emulated GICv3 */ /** * gicv3_redist_update: * @cs: GICv3CPUState for this redistributor * * Recalculate the highest priority pending interrupt after a * change to redistributor state, and inform the CPU accordingly. */ void gicv3_redist_update(GICv3CPUState *cs); /** * gicv3_update: * @s: GICv3State * @start: first interrupt whose state changed * @len: length of the range of interrupts whose state changed * * Recalculate the highest priority pending interrupts after a * change to the distributor state affecting @len interrupts * starting at @start, and inform the CPUs accordingly. */ void gicv3_update(GICv3State *s, int start, int len); /** * gicv3_full_update_noirqset: * @s: GICv3State * * Recalculate the cached information about highest priority * pending interrupts, but don't inform the CPUs. This should be * called after an incoming migration has loaded new state. */ void gicv3_full_update_noirqset(GICv3State *s); /** * gicv3_full_update: * @s: GICv3State * * Recalculate the highest priority pending interrupts after * a change that could affect the status of all interrupts, * and inform the CPUs accordingly. */ void gicv3_full_update(GICv3State *s); MemTxResult gicv3_dist_read(void *opaque, hwaddr offset, uint64_t *data, unsigned size, MemTxAttrs attrs); MemTxResult gicv3_dist_write(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint64_t data, unsigned size, MemTxAttrs attrs); MemTxResult gicv3_redist_read(void *opaque, hwaddr offset, uint64_t *data, unsigned size, MemTxAttrs attrs); MemTxResult gicv3_redist_write(void *opaque, hwaddr offset, uint64_t data, unsigned size, MemTxAttrs attrs); void gicv3_dist_set_irq(GICv3State *s, int irq, int level); void gicv3_redist_set_irq(GICv3CPUState *cs, int irq, int level); void gicv3_redist_send_sgi(GICv3CPUState *cs, int grp, int irq, bool ns); void gicv3_init_cpuif(GICv3State *s); /** * gicv3_cpuif_update: * @cs: GICv3CPUState for the CPU to update * * Recalculate whether to assert the IRQ or FIQ lines after a change * to the current highest priority pending interrupt, the CPU's * current running priority or the CPU's current exception level or * security state. */ void gicv3_cpuif_update(GICv3CPUState *cs); static inline uint32_t gicv3_iidr(void) { /* Return the Implementer Identification Register value * for the emulated GICv3, as reported in GICD_IIDR and GICR_IIDR. * * We claim to be an ARM r0p0 with a zero ProductID. * This is the same as an r0p0 GIC-500. */ return 0x43b; } static inline uint32_t gicv3_idreg(int regoffset) { /* Return the value of the CoreSight ID register at the specified * offset from the first ID register (as found in the distributor * and redistributor register banks). * These values indicate an ARM implementation of a GICv3. */ static const uint8_t gicd_ids[] = { 0x44, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x92, 0xB4, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x0D, 0xF0, 0x05, 0xB1 }; return gicd_ids[regoffset / 4]; } /** * gicv3_irq_group: * * Return the group which this interrupt is configured as (GICV3_G0, * GICV3_G1 or GICV3_G1NS). */ static inline int gicv3_irq_group(GICv3State *s, GICv3CPUState *cs, int irq) { bool grpbit, grpmodbit; if (irq < GIC_INTERNAL) { grpbit = extract32(cs->gicr_igroupr0, irq, 1); grpmodbit = extract32(cs->gicr_igrpmodr0, irq, 1); } else { grpbit = gicv3_gicd_group_test(s, irq); grpmodbit = gicv3_gicd_grpmod_test(s, irq); } if (grpbit) { return GICV3_G1NS; } if (s->gicd_ctlr & GICD_CTLR_DS) { return GICV3_G0; } return grpmodbit ? GICV3_G1 : GICV3_G0; } /** * gicv3_redist_affid: * * Return the 32-bit affinity ID of the CPU connected to this redistributor */ static inline uint32_t gicv3_redist_affid(GICv3CPUState *cs) { return cs->gicr_typer >> 32; } /** * gicv3_cache_target_cpustate: * * Update the cached CPU state corresponding to the target for this interrupt * (which is kept in s->gicd_irouter_target[]). */ static inline void gicv3_cache_target_cpustate(GICv3State *s, int irq) { GICv3CPUState *cs = NULL; int i; uint32_t tgtaff = extract64(s->gicd_irouter[irq], 0, 24) | extract64(s->gicd_irouter[irq], 32, 8) << 24; for (i = 0; i < s->num_cpu; i++) { if (s->cpu[i].gicr_typer >> 32 == tgtaff) { cs = &s->cpu[i]; break; } } s->gicd_irouter_target[irq] = cs; } /** * gicv3_cache_all_target_cpustates: * * Populate the entire cache of CPU state pointers for interrupt targets * (eg after inbound migration or CPU reset) */ static inline void gicv3_cache_all_target_cpustates(GICv3State *s) { int irq; for (irq = GIC_INTERNAL; irq < GICV3_MAXIRQ; irq++) { gicv3_cache_target_cpustate(s, irq); } } #endif /* QEMU_ARM_GICV3_INTERNAL_H */