/* * GUSEMU32 - mixing engine (similar to Interwave GF1 compatibility) * * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Tibor "TS" Schütz * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "gusemu.h" #include "gustate.h" #define GUSregb(position) (* (gusptr+(position))) #define GUSregw(position) (*(GUSword *) (gusptr+(position))) #define GUSregd(position) (*(GUSdword *)(gusptr+(position))) #define GUSvoice(position) (*(GUSword *)(voiceptr+(position))) /* samples are always 16bit stereo (4 bytes each, first right then left interleaved) */ void gus_mixvoices(GUSEmuState * state, unsigned int playback_freq, unsigned int numsamples, GUSsample *bufferpos) { /* note that byte registers are stored in the upper half of each voice register! */ uint8_t *gusptr; int Voice; GUSword *voiceptr; unsigned int count; for (count = 0; count < numsamples * 2; count++) *(bufferpos + count) = 0; /* clear */ gusptr = state->gusdatapos; voiceptr = (GUSword *) gusptr; if (!(GUSregb(GUS4cReset) & 0x01)) /* reset flag active? */ return; for (Voice = 0; Voice <= (GUSregb(NumVoices) & 31); Voice++) { if (GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x200) GUSvoice(wVSRControl) |= 0x100; /* voice stop request */ if (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x200) GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) |= 0x100; /* Volume ramp stop request */ if (!(GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x100)) /* neither voice nor volume calculation active - save some time here ;) */ { unsigned int sample; unsigned int LoopStart = (GUSvoice(wVSRLoopStartHi) << 16) | GUSvoice(wVSRLoopStartLo); /* 23.9 format */ unsigned int LoopEnd = (GUSvoice(wVSRLoopEndHi) << 16) | GUSvoice(wVSRLoopEndLo); /* 23.9 format */ unsigned int CurrPos = (GUSvoice(wVSRCurrPosHi) << 16) | GUSvoice(wVSRCurrPosLo); /* 23.9 format */ int VoiceIncrement = ((((unsigned long) GUSvoice(wVSRFreq) * 44100) / playback_freq) * (14 >> 1)) / ((GUSregb(NumVoices) & 31) + 1); /* 6.10 increment/frame to 23.9 increment/sample */ int PanningPos = (GUSvoice(wVSRPanning) >> 8) & 0xf; unsigned int Volume32 = 32 * GUSvoice(wVSRCurrVol); /* 32 times larger than original gus for maintaining precision while ramping */ unsigned int StartVol32 = (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampStartVol) & 0xff00) * 32; unsigned int EndVol32 = (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampEndVol) & 0xff00) * 32; int VolumeIncrement32 = (32 * 16 * (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampRate) & 0x3f00) >> 8) >> ((((GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampRate) & 0xc000) >> 8) >> 6) * 3); /* including 1/8/64/512 volume speed divisor */ VolumeIncrement32 = (((VolumeIncrement32 * 44100 / 2) / playback_freq) * 14) / ((GUSregb(NumVoices) & 31) + 1); /* adjust ramping speed to playback speed */ if (GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x4000) VoiceIncrement = -VoiceIncrement; /* reverse playback */ if (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x4000) VolumeIncrement32 = -VolumeIncrement32; /* reverse ramping */ for (sample = 0; sample < numsamples; sample++) { int sample1, sample2, Volume; if (GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x400) /* 16bit */ { int offset = ((CurrPos >> 9) & 0xc0000) + (((CurrPos >> 9) & 0x1ffff) << 1); int8_t *adr; adr = (int8_t *) state->himemaddr + offset; sample1 = (*adr & 0xff) + (*(adr + 1) * 256); sample2 = (*(adr + 2) & 0xff) + (*(adr + 2 + 1) * 256); } else /* 8bit */ { int offset = (CurrPos >> 9) & 0xfffff; int8_t *adr; adr = (int8_t *) state->himemaddr + offset; sample1 = (*adr) * 256; sample2 = (*(adr + 1)) * 256; } Volume = ((((Volume32 >> (4 + 5)) & 0xff) + 256) << (Volume32 >> ((4 + 8) + 5))) / 512; /* semi-logarithmic volume, +5 due to additional precision */ sample1 = (((sample1 * Volume) >> 16) * (512 - (CurrPos % 512))) / 512; sample2 = (((sample2 * Volume) >> 16) * (CurrPos % 512)) / 512; sample1 += sample2; if (!(GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x100)) { Volume32 += VolumeIncrement32; if ((GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x4000) ? (Volume32 <= StartVol32) : (Volume32 >= EndVol32)) /* ramp up boundary cross */ { if (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x2000) GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) |= 0x8000; /* volramp IRQ enabled? -> IRQ wait flag */ if (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x800) /* loop enabled */ { if (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x1000) /* bidir. loop */ { GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) ^= 0x4000; /* toggle dir */ VolumeIncrement32 = -VolumeIncrement32; } else Volume32 = (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x4000) ? EndVol32 : StartVol32; /* unidir. loop ramp */ } else { GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) |= 0x100; Volume32 = (GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x4000) ? StartVol32 : EndVol32; } } } if ((GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0xa000) == 0xa000) /* volramp IRQ set and enabled? */ { GUSregd(voicevolrampirq) |= 1 << Voice; /* set irq slot */ } else { GUSregd(voicevolrampirq) &= (~(1 << Voice)); /* clear irq slot */ GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) &= 0x7f00; } if (!(GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x100)) { CurrPos += VoiceIncrement; if ((GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x4000) ? (CurrPos <= LoopStart) : (CurrPos >= LoopEnd)) /* playback boundary cross */ { if (GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x2000) GUSvoice(wVSRControl) |= 0x8000; /* voice IRQ enabled -> IRQ wait flag */ if (GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x800) /* loop enabled */ { if (GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x1000) /* pingpong loop */ { GUSvoice(wVSRControl) ^= 0x4000; /* toggle dir */ VoiceIncrement = -VoiceIncrement; } else CurrPos = (GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0x4000) ? LoopEnd : LoopStart; /* unidir. loop */ } else if (!(GUSvoice(wVSRVolRampControl) & 0x400)) GUSvoice(wVSRControl) |= 0x100; /* loop disabled, rollover check */ } } if ((GUSvoice(wVSRControl) & 0xa000) == 0xa000) /* wavetable IRQ set and enabled? */ { GUSregd(voicewavetableirq) |= 1 << Voice; /* set irq slot */ } else { GUSregd(voicewavetableirq) &= (~(1 << Voice)); /* clear irq slot */ GUSvoice(wVSRControl) &= 0x7f00; } /* mix samples into buffer */ *(bufferpos + 2 * sample) += (GUSsample) ((sample1 * PanningPos) >> 4); /* right */ *(bufferpos + 2 * sample + 1) += (GUSsample) ((sample1 * (15 - PanningPos)) >> 4); /* left */ } /* write back voice and volume */ GUSvoice(wVSRCurrVol) = Volume32 / 32; GUSvoice(wVSRCurrPosHi) = CurrPos >> 16; GUSvoice(wVSRCurrPosLo) = CurrPos & 0xffff; } voiceptr += 16; /* next voice */ } } void gus_irqgen(GUSEmuState * state, unsigned int elapsed_time) /* time given in microseconds */ { int requestedIRQs = 0; uint8_t *gusptr; gusptr = state->gusdatapos; if (GUSregb(TimerDataReg2x9) & 1) /* start timer 1 (80us decrement rate) */ { unsigned int timer1fraction = state->timer1fraction; int newtimerirqs; newtimerirqs = (elapsed_time + timer1fraction) / (80 * (256 - GUSregb(GUS46Counter1))); state->timer1fraction = (elapsed_time + timer1fraction) % (80 * (256 - GUSregb(GUS46Counter1))); if (newtimerirqs) { if (!(GUSregb(TimerDataReg2x9) & 0x40)) GUSregb(TimerStatus2x8) |= 0xc0; /* maskable bits */ if (GUSregb(GUS45TimerCtrl) & 4) /* timer1 irq enable */ { GUSregb(TimerStatus2x8) |= 4; /* nonmaskable bit */ GUSregb(IRQStatReg2x6) |= 4; /* timer 1 irq pending */ GUSregw(TimerIRQs) += newtimerirqs; requestedIRQs += newtimerirqs; } } } if (GUSregb(TimerDataReg2x9) & 2) /* start timer 2 (320us decrement rate) */ { unsigned int timer2fraction = state->timer2fraction; int newtimerirqs; newtimerirqs = (elapsed_time + timer2fraction) / (320 * (256 - GUSregb(GUS47Counter2))); state->timer2fraction = (elapsed_time + timer2fraction) % (320 * (256 - GUSregb(GUS47Counter2))); if (newtimerirqs) { if (!(GUSregb(TimerDataReg2x9) & 0x20)) GUSregb(TimerStatus2x8) |= 0xa0; /* maskable bits */ if (GUSregb(GUS45TimerCtrl) & 8) /* timer2 irq enable */ { GUSregb(TimerStatus2x8) |= 2; /* nonmaskable bit */ GUSregb(IRQStatReg2x6) |= 8; /* timer 2 irq pending */ GUSregw(TimerIRQs) += newtimerirqs; requestedIRQs += newtimerirqs; } } } if (GUSregb(GUS4cReset) & 0x4) /* synth IRQ enable */ { if (GUSregd(voicewavetableirq)) GUSregb(IRQStatReg2x6) |= 0x20; if (GUSregd(voicevolrampirq)) GUSregb(IRQStatReg2x6) |= 0x40; } if ((!requestedIRQs) && GUSregb(IRQStatReg2x6)) requestedIRQs++; if (GUSregb(IRQStatReg2x6)) GUSregw(BusyTimerIRQs) = GUS_irqrequest(state, state->gusirq, requestedIRQs); }