/* * QEMU ESD audio driver * * Copyright (c) 2006 Frederick Reeve (brushed up by malc) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <esd.h> #include "qemu-common.h" #include "audio.h" #include <signal.h> #define AUDIO_CAP "esd" #include "audio_int.h" #include "audio_pt_int.h" typedef struct { HWVoiceOut hw; int done; int live; int decr; int rpos; void *pcm_buf; int fd; struct audio_pt pt; } ESDVoiceOut; typedef struct { HWVoiceIn hw; int done; int dead; int incr; int wpos; void *pcm_buf; int fd; struct audio_pt pt; } ESDVoiceIn; static struct { int samples; int divisor; char *dac_host; char *adc_host; } conf = { .samples = 1024, .divisor = 2, }; static void GCC_FMT_ATTR (2, 3) qesd_logerr (int err, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); AUD_vlog (AUDIO_CAP, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); AUD_log (AUDIO_CAP, "Reason: %s\n", strerror (err)); } /* playback */ static void *qesd_thread_out (void *arg) { ESDVoiceOut *esd = arg; HWVoiceOut *hw = &esd->hw; int threshold; threshold = conf.divisor ? hw->samples / conf.divisor : 0; if (audio_pt_lock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { return NULL; } for (;;) { int decr, to_mix, rpos; for (;;) { if (esd->done) { goto exit; } if (esd->live > threshold) { break; } if (audio_pt_wait (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { goto exit; } } decr = to_mix = esd->live; rpos = hw->rpos; if (audio_pt_unlock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { return NULL; } while (to_mix) { ssize_t written; int chunk = audio_MIN (to_mix, hw->samples - rpos); struct st_sample *src = hw->mix_buf + rpos; hw->clip (esd->pcm_buf, src, chunk); again: written = write (esd->fd, esd->pcm_buf, chunk << hw->info.shift); if (written == -1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) { goto again; } qesd_logerr (errno, "write failed\n"); return NULL; } if (written != chunk << hw->info.shift) { int wsamples = written >> hw->info.shift; int wbytes = wsamples << hw->info.shift; if (wbytes != written) { dolog ("warning: Misaligned write %d (requested %zd), " "alignment %d\n", wbytes, written, hw->info.align + 1); } to_mix -= wsamples; rpos = (rpos + wsamples) % hw->samples; break; } rpos = (rpos + chunk) % hw->samples; to_mix -= chunk; } if (audio_pt_lock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { return NULL; } esd->rpos = rpos; esd->live -= decr; esd->decr += decr; } exit: audio_pt_unlock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); return NULL; } static int qesd_run_out (HWVoiceOut *hw) { int live, decr; ESDVoiceOut *esd = (ESDVoiceOut *) hw; if (audio_pt_lock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { return 0; } live = audio_pcm_hw_get_live_out (hw); decr = audio_MIN (live, esd->decr); esd->decr -= decr; esd->live = live - decr; hw->rpos = esd->rpos; if (esd->live > 0) { audio_pt_unlock_and_signal (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); } else { audio_pt_unlock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); } return decr; } static int qesd_write (SWVoiceOut *sw, void *buf, int len) { return audio_pcm_sw_write (sw, buf, len); } static int qesd_init_out (HWVoiceOut *hw, struct audsettings *as) { ESDVoiceOut *esd = (ESDVoiceOut *) hw; struct audsettings obt_as = *as; int esdfmt = ESD_STREAM | ESD_PLAY; int err; sigset_t set, old_set; sigfillset (&set); esdfmt |= (as->nchannels == 2) ? ESD_STEREO : ESD_MONO; switch (as->fmt) { case AUD_FMT_S8: case AUD_FMT_U8: esdfmt |= ESD_BITS8; obt_as.fmt = AUD_FMT_U8; break; case AUD_FMT_S32: case AUD_FMT_U32: dolog ("Will use 16 instead of 32 bit samples\n"); case AUD_FMT_S16: case AUD_FMT_U16: deffmt: esdfmt |= ESD_BITS16; obt_as.fmt = AUD_FMT_S16; break; default: dolog ("Internal logic error: Bad audio format %d\n", as->fmt); goto deffmt; } obt_as.endianness = AUDIO_HOST_ENDIANNESS; audio_pcm_init_info (&hw->info, &obt_as); hw->samples = conf.samples; esd->pcm_buf = audio_calloc (AUDIO_FUNC, hw->samples, 1 << hw->info.shift); if (!esd->pcm_buf) { dolog ("Could not allocate buffer (%d bytes)\n", hw->samples << hw->info.shift); return -1; } esd->fd = -1; err = pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &set, &old_set); if (err) { qesd_logerr (err, "pthread_sigmask failed\n"); goto fail1; } esd->fd = esd_play_stream (esdfmt, as->freq, conf.dac_host, NULL); if (esd->fd < 0) { qesd_logerr (errno, "esd_play_stream failed\n"); goto fail2; } if (audio_pt_init (&esd->pt, qesd_thread_out, esd, AUDIO_CAP, AUDIO_FUNC)) { goto fail3; } err = pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &old_set, NULL); if (err) { qesd_logerr (err, "pthread_sigmask(restore) failed\n"); } return 0; fail3: if (close (esd->fd)) { qesd_logerr (errno, "%s: close on esd socket(%d) failed\n", AUDIO_FUNC, esd->fd); } esd->fd = -1; fail2: err = pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &old_set, NULL); if (err) { qesd_logerr (err, "pthread_sigmask(restore) failed\n"); } fail1: qemu_free (esd->pcm_buf); esd->pcm_buf = NULL; return -1; } static void qesd_fini_out (HWVoiceOut *hw) { void *ret; ESDVoiceOut *esd = (ESDVoiceOut *) hw; audio_pt_lock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); esd->done = 1; audio_pt_unlock_and_signal (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); audio_pt_join (&esd->pt, &ret, AUDIO_FUNC); if (esd->fd >= 0) { if (close (esd->fd)) { qesd_logerr (errno, "failed to close esd socket\n"); } esd->fd = -1; } audio_pt_fini (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); qemu_free (esd->pcm_buf); esd->pcm_buf = NULL; } static int qesd_ctl_out (HWVoiceOut *hw, int cmd, ...) { (void) hw; (void) cmd; return 0; } /* capture */ static void *qesd_thread_in (void *arg) { ESDVoiceIn *esd = arg; HWVoiceIn *hw = &esd->hw; int threshold; threshold = conf.divisor ? hw->samples / conf.divisor : 0; if (audio_pt_lock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { return NULL; } for (;;) { int incr, to_grab, wpos; for (;;) { if (esd->done) { goto exit; } if (esd->dead > threshold) { break; } if (audio_pt_wait (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { goto exit; } } incr = to_grab = esd->dead; wpos = hw->wpos; if (audio_pt_unlock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { return NULL; } while (to_grab) { ssize_t nread; int chunk = audio_MIN (to_grab, hw->samples - wpos); void *buf = advance (esd->pcm_buf, wpos); again: nread = read (esd->fd, buf, chunk << hw->info.shift); if (nread == -1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) { goto again; } qesd_logerr (errno, "read failed\n"); return NULL; } if (nread != chunk << hw->info.shift) { int rsamples = nread >> hw->info.shift; int rbytes = rsamples << hw->info.shift; if (rbytes != nread) { dolog ("warning: Misaligned write %d (requested %zd), " "alignment %d\n", rbytes, nread, hw->info.align + 1); } to_grab -= rsamples; wpos = (wpos + rsamples) % hw->samples; break; } hw->conv (hw->conv_buf + wpos, buf, nread >> hw->info.shift, &nominal_volume); wpos = (wpos + chunk) % hw->samples; to_grab -= chunk; } if (audio_pt_lock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { return NULL; } esd->wpos = wpos; esd->dead -= incr; esd->incr += incr; } exit: audio_pt_unlock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); return NULL; } static int qesd_run_in (HWVoiceIn *hw) { int live, incr, dead; ESDVoiceIn *esd = (ESDVoiceIn *) hw; if (audio_pt_lock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC)) { return 0; } live = audio_pcm_hw_get_live_in (hw); dead = hw->samples - live; incr = audio_MIN (dead, esd->incr); esd->incr -= incr; esd->dead = dead - incr; hw->wpos = esd->wpos; if (esd->dead > 0) { audio_pt_unlock_and_signal (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); } else { audio_pt_unlock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); } return incr; } static int qesd_read (SWVoiceIn *sw, void *buf, int len) { return audio_pcm_sw_read (sw, buf, len); } static int qesd_init_in (HWVoiceIn *hw, struct audsettings *as) { ESDVoiceIn *esd = (ESDVoiceIn *) hw; struct audsettings obt_as = *as; int esdfmt = ESD_STREAM | ESD_RECORD; int err; sigset_t set, old_set; sigfillset (&set); esdfmt |= (as->nchannels == 2) ? ESD_STEREO : ESD_MONO; switch (as->fmt) { case AUD_FMT_S8: case AUD_FMT_U8: esdfmt |= ESD_BITS8; obt_as.fmt = AUD_FMT_U8; break; case AUD_FMT_S16: case AUD_FMT_U16: esdfmt |= ESD_BITS16; obt_as.fmt = AUD_FMT_S16; break; case AUD_FMT_S32: case AUD_FMT_U32: dolog ("Will use 16 instead of 32 bit samples\n"); esdfmt |= ESD_BITS16; obt_as.fmt = AUD_FMT_S16; break; } obt_as.endianness = AUDIO_HOST_ENDIANNESS; audio_pcm_init_info (&hw->info, &obt_as); hw->samples = conf.samples; esd->pcm_buf = audio_calloc (AUDIO_FUNC, hw->samples, 1 << hw->info.shift); if (!esd->pcm_buf) { dolog ("Could not allocate buffer (%d bytes)\n", hw->samples << hw->info.shift); return -1; } esd->fd = -1; err = pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &set, &old_set); if (err) { qesd_logerr (err, "pthread_sigmask failed\n"); goto fail1; } esd->fd = esd_record_stream (esdfmt, as->freq, conf.adc_host, NULL); if (esd->fd < 0) { qesd_logerr (errno, "esd_record_stream failed\n"); goto fail2; } if (audio_pt_init (&esd->pt, qesd_thread_in, esd, AUDIO_CAP, AUDIO_FUNC)) { goto fail3; } err = pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &old_set, NULL); if (err) { qesd_logerr (err, "pthread_sigmask(restore) failed\n"); } return 0; fail3: if (close (esd->fd)) { qesd_logerr (errno, "%s: close on esd socket(%d) failed\n", AUDIO_FUNC, esd->fd); } esd->fd = -1; fail2: err = pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &old_set, NULL); if (err) { qesd_logerr (err, "pthread_sigmask(restore) failed\n"); } fail1: qemu_free (esd->pcm_buf); esd->pcm_buf = NULL; return -1; } static void qesd_fini_in (HWVoiceIn *hw) { void *ret; ESDVoiceIn *esd = (ESDVoiceIn *) hw; audio_pt_lock (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); esd->done = 1; audio_pt_unlock_and_signal (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); audio_pt_join (&esd->pt, &ret, AUDIO_FUNC); if (esd->fd >= 0) { if (close (esd->fd)) { qesd_logerr (errno, "failed to close esd socket\n"); } esd->fd = -1; } audio_pt_fini (&esd->pt, AUDIO_FUNC); qemu_free (esd->pcm_buf); esd->pcm_buf = NULL; } static int qesd_ctl_in (HWVoiceIn *hw, int cmd, ...) { (void) hw; (void) cmd; return 0; } /* common */ static void *qesd_audio_init (void) { return &conf; } static void qesd_audio_fini (void *opaque) { (void) opaque; ldebug ("esd_fini"); } struct audio_option qesd_options[] = { { .name = "SAMPLES", .tag = AUD_OPT_INT, .valp = &conf.samples, .descr = "buffer size in samples" }, { .name = "DIVISOR", .tag = AUD_OPT_INT, .valp = &conf.divisor, .descr = "threshold divisor" }, { .name = "DAC_HOST", .tag = AUD_OPT_STR, .valp = &conf.dac_host, .descr = "playback host" }, { .name = "ADC_HOST", .tag = AUD_OPT_STR, .valp = &conf.adc_host, .descr = "capture host" }, { /* End of list */ } }; static struct audio_pcm_ops qesd_pcm_ops = { .init_out = qesd_init_out, .fini_out = qesd_fini_out, .run_out = qesd_run_out, .write = qesd_write, .ctl_out = qesd_ctl_out, .init_in = qesd_init_in, .fini_in = qesd_fini_in, .run_in = qesd_run_in, .read = qesd_read, .ctl_in = qesd_ctl_in, }; struct audio_driver esd_audio_driver = { .name = "esd", .descr = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esound", .options = qesd_options, .init = qesd_audio_init, .fini = qesd_audio_fini, .pcm_ops = &qesd_pcm_ops, .can_be_default = 0, .max_voices_out = INT_MAX, .max_voices_in = INT_MAX, .voice_size_out = sizeof (ESDVoiceOut), .voice_size_in = sizeof (ESDVoiceIn) };