// Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. // Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial // Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. package routing import ( "fmt" "net/http" "time" "github.com/element-hq/dendrite/internal/httputil" relayInternal "github.com/element-hq/dendrite/relayapi/internal" "github.com/element-hq/dendrite/setup/config" "github.com/getsentry/sentry-go" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/matrix-org/gomatrixserverlib" "github.com/matrix-org/gomatrixserverlib/fclient" "github.com/matrix-org/gomatrixserverlib/spec" "github.com/matrix-org/util" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) // Setup registers HTTP handlers with the given ServeMux. // The provided publicAPIMux MUST have `UseEncodedPath()` enabled or else routes will incorrectly // path unescape twice (once from the router, once from MakeRelayAPI). We need to have this enabled // so we can decode paths like foo/bar%2Fbaz as [foo, bar/baz] - by default it will decode to [foo, bar, baz] func Setup( fedMux *mux.Router, cfg *config.FederationAPI, relayAPI *relayInternal.RelayInternalAPI, keys gomatrixserverlib.JSONVerifier, ) { v1fedmux := fedMux.PathPrefix("/v1").Subrouter() v1fedmux.Handle("/send_relay/{txnID}/{userID}", MakeRelayAPI( "send_relay_transaction", "", cfg.Matrix.IsLocalServerName, keys, func(httpReq *http.Request, request *fclient.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse { logrus.Infof("Handling send_relay from: %s", request.Origin()) if !relayAPI.RelayingEnabled() { logrus.Warnf("Dropping send_relay from: %s", request.Origin()) return util.JSONResponse{ Code: http.StatusNotFound, } } userID, err := spec.NewUserID(vars["userID"], false) if err != nil { return util.JSONResponse{ Code: http.StatusBadRequest, JSON: spec.InvalidUsername("Username was invalid"), } } return SendTransactionToRelay( httpReq, request, relayAPI, gomatrixserverlib.TransactionID(vars["txnID"]), *userID, ) }, )).Methods(http.MethodPut, http.MethodOptions) v1fedmux.Handle("/relay_txn/{userID}", MakeRelayAPI( "get_relay_transaction", "", cfg.Matrix.IsLocalServerName, keys, func(httpReq *http.Request, request *fclient.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse { logrus.Infof("Handling relay_txn from: %s", request.Origin()) if !relayAPI.RelayingEnabled() { logrus.Warnf("Dropping relay_txn from: %s", request.Origin()) return util.JSONResponse{ Code: http.StatusNotFound, } } userID, err := spec.NewUserID(vars["userID"], false) if err != nil { return util.JSONResponse{ Code: http.StatusBadRequest, JSON: spec.InvalidUsername("Username was invalid"), } } return GetTransactionFromRelay(httpReq, request, relayAPI, *userID) }, )).Methods(http.MethodGet, http.MethodOptions) } // MakeRelayAPI makes an http.Handler that checks matrix relay authentication. func MakeRelayAPI( metricsName string, serverName spec.ServerName, isLocalServerName func(spec.ServerName) bool, keyRing gomatrixserverlib.JSONVerifier, f func(*http.Request, *fclient.FederationRequest, map[string]string) util.JSONResponse, ) http.Handler { h := func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse { fedReq, errResp := fclient.VerifyHTTPRequest( req, time.Now(), serverName, isLocalServerName, keyRing, ) if fedReq == nil { return errResp } // add the user to Sentry, if enabled hub := sentry.GetHubFromContext(req.Context()) if hub != nil { // clone the hub, so we don't send garbage events with e.g. mismatching rooms/event_ids hub = hub.Clone() hub.Scope().SetTag("origin", string(fedReq.Origin())) hub.Scope().SetTag("uri", fedReq.RequestURI()) } defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { if hub != nil { hub.CaptureException(fmt.Errorf("%s panicked", req.URL.Path)) } // re-panic to return the 500 panic(r) } }() vars, err := httputil.URLDecodeMapValues(mux.Vars(req)) if err != nil { return util.MatrixErrorResponse(400, string(spec.ErrorUnrecognized), "badly encoded query params") } jsonRes := f(req, fedReq, vars) // do not log 4xx as errors as they are client fails, not server fails if hub != nil && jsonRes.Code >= 500 { hub.Scope().SetExtra("response", jsonRes) hub.CaptureException(fmt.Errorf("%s returned HTTP %d", req.URL.Path, jsonRes.Code)) } return jsonRes } return httputil.MakeExternalAPI(metricsName, h) }