// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file license.txt or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_UITHREADCALL, -1) #if wxUSE_GUI static const bool fGUI=true; #else static const bool fGUI=false; #endif inline int MyMessageBox(const wxString& message, const wxString& caption="Message", int style=wxOK, wxWindow* parent=NULL, int x=-1, int y=-1) { #if wxUSE_GUI if (!fDaemon) return wxMessageBox(message, caption, style, parent, x, y); #endif printf("wxMessageBox %s: %s\n", string(caption).c_str(), string(message).c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", string(caption).c_str(), string(message).c_str()); return wxOK; } #define wxMessageBox MyMessageBox void HandleCtrlA(wxKeyEvent& event); string FormatTxStatus(const CWalletTx& wtx); void UIThreadCall(boost::function0); int ThreadSafeMessageBox(const string& message, const string& caption="Message", int style=wxOK, wxWindow* parent=NULL, int x=-1, int y=-1); bool ThreadSafeAskFee(int64 nFeeRequired, const string& strCaption, wxWindow* parent); void CalledSetStatusBar(const string& strText, int nField); void MainFrameRepaint(); void CreateMainWindow(); #if !wxUSE_GUI inline int ThreadSafeMessageBox(const string& message, const string& caption, int style, wxWindow* parent, int x, int y) { return MyMessageBox(message, caption, style, parent, x, y); } inline bool ThreadSafeAskFee(int64 nFeeRequired, const string& strCaption, wxWindow* parent) { return true; } inline void CalledSetStatusBar(const string& strText, int nField) { } inline void UIThreadCall(boost::function0 fn) { } inline void MainFrameRepaint() { } inline void CreateMainWindow() { } #else // wxUSE_GUI class CMainFrame : public CMainFrameBase { protected: // Event handlers void OnNotebookPageChanged(wxNotebookEvent& event); void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); void OnIconize(wxIconizeEvent& event); void OnMouseEvents(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { HandleCtrlA(event); } void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event); void OnPaintListCtrl(wxPaintEvent& event); void OnMenuFileExit(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMenuOptionsGenerate(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnUpdateUIOptionsGenerate(wxUpdateUIEvent& event); void OnMenuOptionsChangeYourAddress(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMenuOptionsOptions(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMenuHelpAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonSend(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonAddressBook(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetFocusAddress(wxFocusEvent& event); void OnMouseEventsAddress(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnButtonNew(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonCopy(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnListColBeginDrag(wxListEvent& event); void OnListItemActivated(wxListEvent& event); void OnListItemActivatedProductsSent(wxListEvent& event); void OnListItemActivatedOrdersSent(wxListEvent& event); void OnListItemActivatedOrdersReceived(wxListEvent& event); public: /** Constructor */ CMainFrame(wxWindow* parent); ~CMainFrame(); // Custom enum { ALL = 0, SENTRECEIVED = 1, SENT = 2, RECEIVED = 3, }; int nPage; wxListCtrl* m_listCtrl; bool fShowGenerated; bool fShowSent; bool fShowReceived; bool fRefreshListCtrl; bool fRefreshListCtrlRunning; bool fOnSetFocusAddress; unsigned int nListViewUpdated; bool fRefresh; void OnUIThreadCall(wxCommandEvent& event); int GetSortIndex(const string& strSort); void InsertLine(bool fNew, int nIndex, uint256 hashKey, string strSort, const wxString& str1, const wxString& str2, const wxString& str3, const wxString& str4, const wxString& str5); bool DeleteLine(uint256 hashKey); bool InsertTransaction(const CWalletTx& wtx, bool fNew, int nIndex=-1); void RefreshListCtrl(); void RefreshStatusColumn(); }; class CTxDetailsDialog : public CTxDetailsDialogBase { protected: // Event handlers void OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& event); public: /** Constructor */ CTxDetailsDialog(wxWindow* parent, CWalletTx wtx); // State CWalletTx wtx; }; class COptionsDialog : public COptionsDialogBase { protected: // Event handlers void OnListBox(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnKillFocusTransactionFee(wxFocusEvent& event); void OnCheckBoxLimitProcessors(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCheckBoxUseProxy(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnKillFocusProxy(wxFocusEvent& event); void OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonCancel(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonApply(wxCommandEvent& event); public: /** Constructor */ COptionsDialog(wxWindow* parent); // Custom bool fTmpStartOnSystemStartup; bool fTmpMinimizeOnClose; void SelectPage(int nPage); CAddress GetProxyAddr(); }; class CAboutDialog : public CAboutDialogBase { protected: // Event handlers void OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& event); public: /** Constructor */ CAboutDialog(wxWindow* parent); }; class CSendDialog : public CSendDialogBase { protected: // Event handlers void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { HandleCtrlA(event); } void OnTextAddress(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnKillFocusAmount(wxFocusEvent& event); void OnButtonAddressBook(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonPaste(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonSend(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonCancel(wxCommandEvent& event); public: /** Constructor */ CSendDialog(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& strAddress=""); // Custom bool fEnabledPrev; string strFromSave; string strMessageSave; }; class CSendingDialog : public CSendingDialogBase { public: // Event handlers void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); void OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonCancel(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event); public: /** Constructor */ CSendingDialog(wxWindow* parent, const CAddress& addrIn, int64 nPriceIn, const CWalletTx& wtxIn); ~CSendingDialog(); // State CAddress addr; int64 nPrice; CWalletTx wtx; wxDateTime start; char pszStatus[10000]; bool fCanCancel; bool fAbort; bool fSuccess; bool fUIDone; bool fWorkDone; void Close(); void Repaint(); bool Status(); bool Status(const string& str); bool Error(const string& str); void StartTransfer(); void OnReply2(CDataStream& vRecv); void OnReply3(CDataStream& vRecv); }; void SendingDialogStartTransfer(void* parg); void SendingDialogOnReply2(void* parg, CDataStream& vRecv); void SendingDialogOnReply3(void* parg, CDataStream& vRecv); class CAddressBookDialog : public CAddressBookDialogBase { protected: // Event handlers void OnNotebookPageChanged(wxNotebookEvent& event); void OnListEndLabelEdit(wxListEvent& event); void OnListItemSelected(wxListEvent& event); void OnListItemActivated(wxListEvent& event); void OnButtonDelete(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonCopy(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonEdit(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonNew(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonCancel(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); public: /** Constructor */ CAddressBookDialog(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& strInitSelected, int nPageIn, bool fDuringSendIn); // Custom enum { SENDING = 0, RECEIVING = 1, }; int nPage; wxListCtrl* m_listCtrl; bool fDuringSend; wxString GetAddress(); wxString GetSelectedAddress(); wxString GetSelectedSendingAddress(); wxString GetSelectedReceivingAddress(); bool CheckIfMine(const string& strAddress, const string& strTitle); }; class CGetTextFromUserDialog : public CGetTextFromUserDialogBase { protected: // Event handlers void OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(true); } void OnButtonCancel(wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(false); } void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { EndModal(false); } void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { if (event.GetKeyCode() == '\r' || event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER) EndModal(true); else HandleCtrlA(event); } public: /** Constructor */ CGetTextFromUserDialog(wxWindow* parent, const string& strCaption, const string& strMessage1, const string& strValue1="", const string& strMessage2="", const string& strValue2="") : CGetTextFromUserDialogBase(parent, wxID_ANY, strCaption) { int x = GetSize().GetWidth(); int y = GetSize().GetHeight(); m_staticTextMessage1->SetLabel(strMessage1); m_textCtrl1->SetValue(strValue1); y += wxString(strMessage1).Freq('\n') * 14; if (!strMessage2.empty()) { m_staticTextMessage2->Show(true); m_staticTextMessage2->SetLabel(strMessage2); m_textCtrl2->Show(true); m_textCtrl2->SetValue(strValue2); y += 46 + wxString(strMessage2).Freq('\n') * 14; } if (!fWindows) { x *= 1.14; y *= 1.14; } SetSize(x, y); } // Custom string GetValue() { return (string)m_textCtrl1->GetValue(); } string GetValue1() { return (string)m_textCtrl1->GetValue(); } string GetValue2() { return (string)m_textCtrl2->GetValue(); } }; class CMyTaskBarIcon : public wxTaskBarIcon { protected: // Event handlers void OnLeftButtonDClick(wxTaskBarIconEvent& event); void OnMenuRestore(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMenuOptions(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnUpdateUIGenerate(wxUpdateUIEvent& event); void OnMenuGenerate(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMenuExit(wxCommandEvent& event); public: CMyTaskBarIcon() : wxTaskBarIcon() { Show(true); } void Show(bool fShow=true); void Hide(); void Restore(); void UpdateTooltip(); virtual wxMenu* CreatePopupMenu(); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif // wxUSE_GUI