#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ Check for specified flake8 and mypy warnings in python files. """ import os import pkg_resources import subprocess import sys DEPS = ['flake8', 'lief', 'mypy', 'pyzmq'] MYPY_CACHE_DIR = f"{os.getenv('BASE_ROOT_DIR', '')}/test/.mypy_cache" # All .py files, except those in src/ (to exclude subtrees there) FLAKE_FILES_ARGS = ['git', 'ls-files', '*.py', ':!:src/*.py'] # Only .py files in test/functional and contrib/devtools have type annotations # enforced. MYPY_FILES_ARGS = ['git', 'ls-files', 'test/functional/*.py', 'contrib/devtools/*.py'] ENABLED = ( 'E101,' # indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs 'E112,' # expected an indented block 'E113,' # unexpected indentation 'E115,' # expected an indented block (comment) 'E116,' # unexpected indentation (comment) 'E125,' # continuation line with same indent as next logical line 'E129,' # visually indented line with same indent as next logical line 'E131,' # continuation line unaligned for hanging indent 'E133,' # closing bracket is missing indentation 'E223,' # tab before operator 'E224,' # tab after operator 'E242,' # tab after ',' 'E266,' # too many leading '#' for block comment 'E271,' # multiple spaces after keyword 'E272,' # multiple spaces before keyword 'E273,' # tab after keyword 'E274,' # tab before keyword 'E275,' # missing whitespace after keyword 'E304,' # blank lines found after function decorator 'E306,' # expected 1 blank line before a nested definition 'E401,' # multiple imports on one line 'E402,' # module level import not at top of file 'E502,' # the backslash is redundant between brackets 'E701,' # multiple statements on one line (colon) 'E702,' # multiple statements on one line (semicolon) 'E703,' # statement ends with a semicolon 'E711,' # comparison to None should be 'if cond is None:' 'E714,' # test for object identity should be "is not" 'E721,' # do not compare types, use "isinstance()" 'E722,' # do not use bare 'except' 'E742,' # do not define classes named "l", "O", or "I" 'E743,' # do not define functions named "l", "O", or "I" 'E901,' # SyntaxError: invalid syntax 'E902,' # TokenError: EOF in multi-line string 'F401,' # module imported but unused 'F402,' # import module from line N shadowed by loop variable 'F403,' # 'from foo_module import *' used; unable to detect undefined names 'F404,' # future import(s) name after other statements 'F405,' # foo_function may be undefined, or defined from star imports: bar_module 'F406,' # "from module import *" only allowed at module level 'F407,' # an undefined __future__ feature name was imported 'F601,' # dictionary key name repeated with different values 'F602,' # dictionary key variable name repeated with different values 'F621,' # too many expressions in an assignment with star-unpacking 'F622,' # two or more starred expressions in an assignment (a, *b, *c = d) 'F631,' # assertion test is a tuple, which are always True 'F632,' # use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals 'F701,' # a break statement outside of a while or for loop 'F702,' # a continue statement outside of a while or for loop 'F703,' # a continue statement in a finally block in a loop 'F704,' # a yield or yield from statement outside of a function 'F705,' # a return statement with arguments inside a generator 'F706,' # a return statement outside of a function/method 'F707,' # an except: block as not the last exception handler 'F811,' # redefinition of unused name from line N 'F812,' # list comprehension redefines 'foo' from line N 'F821,' # undefined name 'Foo' 'F822,' # undefined name name in __all__ 'F823,' # local variable name … referenced before assignment 'F831,' # duplicate argument name in function definition 'F841,' # local variable 'foo' is assigned to but never used 'W191,' # indentation contains tabs 'W291,' # trailing whitespace 'W292,' # no newline at end of file 'W293,' # blank line contains whitespace 'W601,' # .has_key() is deprecated, use "in" 'W602,' # deprecated form of raising exception 'W603,' # "<>" is deprecated, use "!=" 'W604,' # backticks are deprecated, use "repr()" 'W605,' # invalid escape sequence "x" 'W606,' # 'async' and 'await' are reserved keywords starting with Python 3.7 ) def check_dependencies(): working_set = {pkg.key for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set} for dep in DEPS: if dep not in working_set: print(f"Skipping Python linting since {dep} is not installed.") exit(0) def main(): check_dependencies() if len(sys.argv) > 1: flake8_files = sys.argv[1:] else: flake8_files = subprocess.check_output(FLAKE_FILES_ARGS).decode("utf-8").splitlines() flake8_args = ['flake8', '--ignore=B,C,E,F,I,N,W', f'--select={ENABLED}'] + flake8_files flake8_env = os.environ.copy() flake8_env["PYTHONWARNINGS"] = "ignore" try: subprocess.check_call(flake8_args, env=flake8_env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: exit(1) mypy_files = subprocess.check_output(MYPY_FILES_ARGS).decode("utf-8").splitlines() mypy_args = ['mypy', '--show-error-codes'] + mypy_files try: subprocess.check_call(mypy_args) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()