#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2019-present The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Run fuzz test targets. """ from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from pathlib import Path import argparse import configparser import logging import os import platform import random import subprocess import sys def get_fuzz_env(*, target, source_dir): symbolizer = os.environ.get('LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH', "/usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer") fuzz_env = { 'FUZZ': target, 'UBSAN_OPTIONS': f'suppressions={source_dir}/test/sanitizer_suppressions/ubsan:print_stacktrace=1:halt_on_error=1:report_error_type=1', 'UBSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH':symbolizer, "ASAN_OPTIONS": "detect_stack_use_after_return=1:check_initialization_order=1:strict_init_order=1", 'ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH':symbolizer, 'MSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH':symbolizer, } if platform.system() == "Windows": # On Windows, `env` option must include valid `SystemRoot`. fuzz_env = {**fuzz_env, 'SystemRoot': os.environ.get('SystemRoot')} return fuzz_env def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='''Run the fuzz targets with all inputs from the corpus_dir once.''', ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--loglevel", dest="loglevel", default="INFO", help="log events at this level and higher to the console. Can be set to DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL. Passing --loglevel DEBUG will output all logs to console.", ) parser.add_argument( '--valgrind', action='store_true', help='If true, run fuzzing binaries under the valgrind memory error detector', ) parser.add_argument( "--empty_min_time", type=int, help="If set, run at least this long, if the existing fuzz inputs directory is empty.", ) parser.add_argument( '-x', '--exclude', help="A comma-separated list of targets to exclude", ) parser.add_argument( '--par', '-j', type=int, default=4, help='How many targets to merge or execute in parallel.', ) parser.add_argument( 'corpus_dir', help='The corpus to run on (must contain subfolders for each fuzz target).', ) parser.add_argument( 'target', nargs='*', help='The target(s) to run. Default is to run all targets.', ) parser.add_argument( '--m_dir', action="append", help="Merge inputs from these directories into the corpus_dir.", ) parser.add_argument( '-g', '--generate', action='store_true', help='Create new corpus (or extend the existing ones) by running' ' the given targets for a finite number of times. Outputs them to' ' the passed corpus_dir.' ) args = parser.parse_args() args.corpus_dir = Path(args.corpus_dir) # Set up logging logging.basicConfig( format='%(message)s', level=int(args.loglevel) if args.loglevel.isdigit() else args.loglevel.upper(), ) # Read config generated by configure. config = configparser.ConfigParser() configfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + "/../config.ini" config.read_file(open(configfile, encoding="utf8")) if not config["components"].getboolean("ENABLE_FUZZ_BINARY"): logging.error("Must have fuzz executable built") sys.exit(1) fuzz_bin=os.getenv("BITCOINFUZZ", default=os.path.join(config["environment"]["BUILDDIR"], 'src', 'test', 'fuzz', 'fuzz')) # Build list of tests test_list_all = parse_test_list( fuzz_bin=fuzz_bin, source_dir=config['environment']['SRCDIR'], ) if not test_list_all: logging.error("No fuzz targets found") sys.exit(1) logging.debug("{} fuzz target(s) found: {}".format(len(test_list_all), " ".join(sorted(test_list_all)))) args.target = args.target or test_list_all # By default run all test_list_error = list(set(args.target).difference(set(test_list_all))) if test_list_error: logging.error("Unknown fuzz targets selected: {}".format(test_list_error)) test_list_selection = list(set(test_list_all).intersection(set(args.target))) if not test_list_selection: logging.error("No fuzz targets selected") if args.exclude: for excluded_target in args.exclude.split(","): if excluded_target not in test_list_selection: logging.error("Target \"{}\" not found in current target list.".format(excluded_target)) continue test_list_selection.remove(excluded_target) test_list_selection.sort() logging.info("{} of {} detected fuzz target(s) selected: {}".format(len(test_list_selection), len(test_list_all), " ".join(test_list_selection))) if not args.generate: test_list_missing_corpus = [] for t in test_list_selection: corpus_path = os.path.join(args.corpus_dir, t) if not os.path.exists(corpus_path) or len(os.listdir(corpus_path)) == 0: test_list_missing_corpus.append(t) test_list_missing_corpus.sort() if test_list_missing_corpus: logging.info( "Fuzzing harnesses lacking a corpus: {}".format( " ".join(test_list_missing_corpus) ) ) logging.info("Please consider adding a fuzz corpus at https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets") try: help_output = subprocess.run( args=[ fuzz_bin, '-help=1', ], env=get_fuzz_env(target=test_list_selection[0], source_dir=config['environment']['SRCDIR']), timeout=20, check=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ).stderr using_libfuzzer = "libFuzzer" in help_output if (args.generate or args.m_dir) and not using_libfuzzer: logging.error("Must be built with libFuzzer") sys.exit(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: logging.error("subprocess timed out: Currently only libFuzzer is supported") sys.exit(1) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.par) as fuzz_pool: if args.generate: return generate_corpus( fuzz_pool=fuzz_pool, src_dir=config['environment']['SRCDIR'], fuzz_bin=fuzz_bin, corpus_dir=args.corpus_dir, targets=test_list_selection, ) if args.m_dir: merge_inputs( fuzz_pool=fuzz_pool, corpus=args.corpus_dir, test_list=test_list_selection, src_dir=config['environment']['SRCDIR'], fuzz_bin=fuzz_bin, merge_dirs=[Path(m_dir) for m_dir in args.m_dir], ) return run_once( fuzz_pool=fuzz_pool, corpus=args.corpus_dir, test_list=test_list_selection, src_dir=config['environment']['SRCDIR'], fuzz_bin=fuzz_bin, using_libfuzzer=using_libfuzzer, use_valgrind=args.valgrind, empty_min_time=args.empty_min_time, ) def transform_process_message_target(targets, src_dir): """Add a target per process message, and also keep ("process_message", {}) to allow for cross-pollination, or unlimited search""" p2p_msg_target = "process_message" if (p2p_msg_target, {}) in targets: lines = subprocess.run( ["git", "grep", "--function-context", "g_all_net_message_types{", src_dir / "src" / "protocol.cpp"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ).stdout.splitlines() lines = [l.split("::", 1)[1].split(",")[0].lower() for l in lines if l.startswith("src/protocol.cpp- NetMsgType::")] assert len(lines) targets += [(p2p_msg_target, {"LIMIT_TO_MESSAGE_TYPE": m}) for m in lines] return targets def transform_rpc_target(targets, src_dir): """Add a target per RPC command, and also keep ("rpc", {}) to allow for cross-pollination, or unlimited search""" rpc_target = "rpc" if (rpc_target, {}) in targets: lines = subprocess.run( ["git", "grep", "--function-context", "RPC_COMMANDS_SAFE_FOR_FUZZING{", src_dir / "src" / "test" / "fuzz" / "rpc.cpp"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ).stdout.splitlines() lines = [l.split("\"", 1)[1].split("\"")[0] for l in lines if l.startswith("src/test/fuzz/rpc.cpp- \"")] assert len(lines) targets += [(rpc_target, {"LIMIT_TO_RPC_COMMAND": r}) for r in lines] return targets def generate_corpus(*, fuzz_pool, src_dir, fuzz_bin, corpus_dir, targets): """Generates new corpus. Run {targets} without input, and outputs the generated corpus to {corpus_dir}. """ logging.info("Generating corpus to {}".format(corpus_dir)) targets = [(t, {}) for t in targets] # expand to add dictionary for target-specific env variables targets = transform_process_message_target(targets, Path(src_dir)) targets = transform_rpc_target(targets, Path(src_dir)) def job(command, t, t_env): logging.debug(f"Running '{command}'") logging.debug("Command '{}' output:\n'{}'\n".format( command, subprocess.run( command, env={ **t_env, **get_fuzz_env(target=t, source_dir=src_dir), }, check=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ).stderr, )) futures = [] for target, t_env in targets: target_corpus_dir = corpus_dir / target os.makedirs(target_corpus_dir, exist_ok=True) use_value_profile = int(random.random() < .3) command = [ fuzz_bin, "-rss_limit_mb=8000", "-max_total_time=6000", "-reload=0", f"-use_value_profile={use_value_profile}", target_corpus_dir, ] futures.append(fuzz_pool.submit(job, command, target, t_env)) for future in as_completed(futures): future.result() def merge_inputs(*, fuzz_pool, corpus, test_list, src_dir, fuzz_bin, merge_dirs): logging.info(f"Merge the inputs from the passed dir into the corpus_dir. Passed dirs {merge_dirs}") jobs = [] for t in test_list: args = [ fuzz_bin, '-rss_limit_mb=8000', '-set_cover_merge=1', # set_cover_merge is used instead of -merge=1 to reduce the overall # size of the qa-assets git repository a bit, but more importantly, # to cut the runtime to iterate over all fuzz inputs [0]. # [0] https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets/issues/130#issuecomment-1761760866 '-shuffle=0', '-prefer_small=1', '-use_value_profile=0', # use_value_profile is enabled by oss-fuzz [0], but disabled for # now to avoid bloating the qa-assets git repository [1]. # [0] https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/issues/1406#issuecomment-387790487 # [1] https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets/issues/130#issuecomment-1749075891 os.path.join(corpus, t), ] + [str(m_dir / t) for m_dir in merge_dirs] os.makedirs(os.path.join(corpus, t), exist_ok=True) for m_dir in merge_dirs: (m_dir / t).mkdir(exist_ok=True) def job(t, args): output = 'Run {} with args {}\n'.format(t, " ".join(args)) output += subprocess.run( args, env=get_fuzz_env(target=t, source_dir=src_dir), check=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ).stderr logging.debug(output) jobs.append(fuzz_pool.submit(job, t, args)) for future in as_completed(jobs): future.result() def run_once(*, fuzz_pool, corpus, test_list, src_dir, fuzz_bin, using_libfuzzer, use_valgrind, empty_min_time): jobs = [] for t in test_list: corpus_path = corpus / t os.makedirs(corpus_path, exist_ok=True) args = [ fuzz_bin, ] empty_dir = not any(corpus_path.iterdir()) if using_libfuzzer: if empty_min_time and empty_dir: args += [f"-max_total_time={empty_min_time}"] else: args += [ "-runs=1", corpus_path, ] else: args += [corpus_path] if use_valgrind: args = ['valgrind', '--quiet', '--error-exitcode=1'] + args def job(t, args): output = 'Run {} with args {}'.format(t, args) result = subprocess.run( args, env=get_fuzz_env(target=t, source_dir=src_dir), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) output += result.stderr return output, result, t jobs.append(fuzz_pool.submit(job, t, args)) stats = [] for future in as_completed(jobs): output, result, target = future.result() logging.debug(output) if using_libfuzzer: done_stat = [l for l in output.splitlines() if "DONE" in l] assert len(done_stat) == 1 stats.append((target, done_stat[0])) try: result.check_returncode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.stdout: logging.info(e.stdout) if e.stderr: logging.info(e.stderr) logging.info(f"Target {result.args} failed with exit code {e.returncode}") sys.exit(1) if using_libfuzzer: print("Summary:") max_len = max(len(t[0]) for t in stats) for t, s in sorted(stats): t = t.ljust(max_len + 1) print(f"{t}{s}") def parse_test_list(*, fuzz_bin, source_dir): test_list_all = subprocess.run( fuzz_bin, env={ 'PRINT_ALL_FUZZ_TARGETS_AND_ABORT': '', **get_fuzz_env(target="", source_dir=source_dir) }, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True, ).stdout.splitlines() return test_list_all if __name__ == '__main__': main()