#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the bumpfee RPC. Verifies that the bumpfee RPC creates replacement transactions successfully when its preconditions are met, and returns appropriate errors in other cases. This module consists of around a dozen individual test cases implemented in the top-level functions named as test_. The test functions can be disabled or reordered if needed for debugging. If new test cases are added in the future, they should try to follow the same convention and not make assumptions about execution order. """ from decimal import Decimal from test_framework.blocktools import ( COINBASE_MATURITY, ) from test_framework.messages import ( MAX_BIP125_RBF_SEQUENCE, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_greater_than, assert_raises_rpc_error, ) from test_framework.wallet import MiniWallet WALLET_PASSPHRASE = "test" WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT = 3600 # Fee rates (sat/vB) INSUFFICIENT = 1 ECONOMICAL = 50 NORMAL = 100 HIGH = 500 TOO_HIGH = 100000 class BumpFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def add_options(self, parser): self.add_wallet_options(parser) def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.extra_args = [[ "-walletrbf={}".format(i), "-mintxfee=0.00002", "-addresstype=bech32", "-whitelist=noban@", ] for i in range(self.num_nodes)] def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def clear_mempool(self): # Clear mempool between subtests. The subtests may only depend on chainstate (utxos) self.generate(self.nodes[1], 1) def run_test(self): # Encrypt wallet for test_locked_wallet_fails test self.nodes[1].encryptwallet(WALLET_PASSPHRASE) self.nodes[1].walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT) peer_node, rbf_node = self.nodes rbf_node_address = rbf_node.getnewaddress() # fund rbf node with 10 coins of 0.001 btc (100,000 satoshis) self.log.info("Mining blocks...") self.generate(peer_node, 110) for _ in range(25): peer_node.sendtoaddress(rbf_node_address, 0.001) self.sync_all() self.generate(peer_node, 1) assert_equal(rbf_node.getbalance(), Decimal("0.025")) self.log.info("Running tests") dest_address = peer_node.getnewaddress() for mode in ["default", "fee_rate", "new_outputs"]: test_simple_bumpfee_succeeds(self, mode, rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address) self.test_invalid_parameters(rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address) test_segwit_bumpfee_succeeds(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_nonrbf_bumpfee_fails(self, peer_node, dest_address) test_notmine_bumpfee(self, rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address) test_bumpfee_with_descendant_fails(self, rbf_node, rbf_node_address, dest_address) test_bumpfee_with_abandoned_descendant_succeeds(self, rbf_node, rbf_node_address, dest_address) test_dust_to_fee(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_watchonly_psbt(self, peer_node, rbf_node, dest_address) test_rebumping(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_rebumping_not_replaceable(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_bumpfee_already_spent(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_unconfirmed_not_spendable(self, rbf_node, rbf_node_address) test_bumpfee_metadata(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_locked_wallet_fails(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_change_script_match(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_settxfee(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_maxtxfee_fails(self, rbf_node, dest_address) # These tests wipe out a number of utxos that are expected in other tests test_small_output_with_feerate_succeeds(self, rbf_node, dest_address) test_no_more_inputs_fails(self, rbf_node, dest_address) def test_invalid_parameters(self, rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test invalid parameters') rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) self.sync_mempools((rbf_node, peer_node)) assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() and rbfid in peer_node.getrawmempool() for key in ["totalFee", "feeRate"]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-3, "Unexpected key {}".format(key), rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {key: NORMAL}) # Bumping to just above minrelay should fail to increase the total fee enough. assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Insufficient total fee 0.00000141", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"fee_rate": INSUFFICIENT}) self.log.info("Test invalid fee rate settings") assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Specified or calculated fee 0.141 is too high (cannot be higher than -maxtxfee 0.10", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"fee_rate": TOO_HIGH}) # Test fee_rate with zero values. msg = "Insufficient total fee 0.00" for zero_value in [0, 0.000, 0.00000000, "0", "0.000", "0.00000000"]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, msg, rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"fee_rate": zero_value}) msg = "Invalid amount" # Test fee_rate values that don't pass fixed-point parsing checks. for invalid_value in ["", 0.000000001, 1e-09, 1.111111111, 1111111111111111, "31.999999999999999999999"]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-3, msg, rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"fee_rate": invalid_value}) # Test fee_rate values that cannot be represented in sat/vB. for invalid_value in [0.0001, 0.00000001, 0.00099999, 31.99999999, "0.0001", "0.00000001", "0.00099999", "31.99999999"]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-3, msg, rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"fee_rate": invalid_value}) # Test fee_rate out of range (negative number). assert_raises_rpc_error(-3, "Amount out of range", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"fee_rate": -1}) # Test type error. for value in [{"foo": "bar"}, True]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-3, "Amount is not a number or string", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"fee_rate": value}) self.log.info("Test explicit fee rate raises RPC error if both fee_rate and conf_target are passed") assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Cannot specify both conf_target and fee_rate. Please provide either a confirmation " "target in blocks for automatic fee estimation, or an explicit fee rate.", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"conf_target": NORMAL, "fee_rate": NORMAL}) self.log.info("Test explicit fee rate raises RPC error if both fee_rate and estimate_mode are passed") assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Cannot specify both estimate_mode and fee_rate", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"estimate_mode": "economical", "fee_rate": NORMAL}) self.log.info("Test invalid conf_target settings") assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "confTarget and conf_target options should not both be set", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"confTarget": 123, "conf_target": 456}) self.log.info("Test invalid estimate_mode settings") for k, v in {"number": 42, "object": {"foo": "bar"}}.items(): assert_raises_rpc_error(-3, f"JSON value of type {k} for field estimate_mode is not of expected type string", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"estimate_mode": v}) for mode in ["foo", Decimal("3.1415"), "sat/B", "BTC/kB"]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, 'Invalid estimate_mode parameter, must be one of: "unset", "economical", "conservative"', rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"estimate_mode": mode}) self.log.info("Test invalid outputs values") assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Invalid parameter, output argument cannot be an empty array", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"outputs": []}) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Invalid parameter, duplicated address: " + dest_address, rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"outputs": [{dest_address: 0.1}, {dest_address: 0.2}]}) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Invalid parameter, duplicate key: data", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"outputs": [{"data": "deadbeef"}, {"data": "deadbeef"}]}) self.clear_mempool() def test_simple_bumpfee_succeeds(self, mode, rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test simple bumpfee: {}'.format(mode)) rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) rbftx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid) self.sync_mempools((rbf_node, peer_node)) assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() and rbfid in peer_node.getrawmempool() if mode == "fee_rate": bumped_psbt = rbf_node.psbtbumpfee(rbfid, {"fee_rate": str(NORMAL)}) bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"fee_rate": NORMAL}) elif mode == "new_outputs": new_address = peer_node.getnewaddress() bumped_psbt = rbf_node.psbtbumpfee(rbfid, {"outputs": {new_address: 0.0003}}) bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"outputs": {new_address: 0.0003}}) else: bumped_psbt = rbf_node.psbtbumpfee(rbfid) bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid) assert_equal(bumped_tx["errors"], []) assert bumped_tx["fee"] > -rbftx["fee"] assert_equal(bumped_tx["origfee"], -rbftx["fee"]) assert "psbt" not in bumped_tx assert_equal(bumped_psbt["errors"], []) assert bumped_psbt["fee"] > -rbftx["fee"] assert_equal(bumped_psbt["origfee"], -rbftx["fee"]) assert "psbt" in bumped_psbt # check that bumped_tx propagates, original tx was evicted and has a wallet conflict self.sync_mempools((rbf_node, peer_node)) assert bumped_tx["txid"] in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert bumped_tx["txid"] in peer_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in peer_node.getrawmempool() oldwtx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid) assert len(oldwtx["walletconflicts"]) > 0 # check wallet transaction replaces and replaced_by values bumpedwtx = rbf_node.gettransaction(bumped_tx["txid"]) assert_equal(oldwtx["replaced_by_txid"], bumped_tx["txid"]) assert_equal(bumpedwtx["replaces_txid"], rbfid) # if this is a new_outputs test, check that outputs were indeed replaced if mode == "new_outputs": assert len(bumpedwtx["details"]) == 1 assert bumpedwtx["details"][0]["address"] == new_address self.clear_mempool() def test_segwit_bumpfee_succeeds(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that segwit-sourcing bumpfee works') # Create a transaction with segwit output, then create an RBF transaction # which spends it, and make sure bumpfee can be called on it. segwit_out = rbf_node.getnewaddress(address_type='bech32') segwitid = rbf_node.send({segwit_out: "0.0009"}, options={"change_position": 1})["txid"] rbfraw = rbf_node.createrawtransaction([{ 'txid': segwitid, 'vout': 0, "sequence": MAX_BIP125_RBF_SEQUENCE }], {dest_address: Decimal("0.0005"), rbf_node.getrawchangeaddress(): Decimal("0.0003")}) rbfsigned = rbf_node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(rbfraw) rbfid = rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(rbfsigned["hex"]) assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid) assert bumped_tx["txid"] in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() self.clear_mempool() def test_nonrbf_bumpfee_fails(self, peer_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that we cannot replace a non RBF transaction') not_rbfid = peer_node.sendtoaddress(dest_address, Decimal("0.00090000")) assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Transaction is not BIP 125 replaceable", peer_node.bumpfee, not_rbfid) self.clear_mempool() def test_notmine_bumpfee(self, rbf_node, peer_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that it cannot bump fee if non-owned inputs are included') # here, the rbftx has a peer_node coin and then adds a rbf_node input # Note that this test depends upon the RPC code checking input ownership prior to change outputs # (since it can't use fundrawtransaction, it lacks a proper change output) fee = Decimal("0.001") utxos = [node.listunspent(query_options={'minimumAmount': fee})[-1] for node in (rbf_node, peer_node)] inputs = [{ "txid": utxo["txid"], "vout": utxo["vout"], "address": utxo["address"], "sequence": MAX_BIP125_RBF_SEQUENCE } for utxo in utxos] output_val = sum(utxo["amount"] for utxo in utxos) - fee rawtx = rbf_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, {dest_address: output_val}) signedtx = rbf_node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(rawtx) signedtx = peer_node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(signedtx["hex"]) rbfid = rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) entry = rbf_node.getmempoolentry(rbfid) old_fee = entry["fees"]["base"] old_feerate = int(old_fee / entry["vsize"] * Decimal(1e8)) assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Transaction contains inputs that don't belong to this wallet", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid) def finish_psbtbumpfee(psbt): psbt = rbf_node.walletprocesspsbt(psbt) psbt = peer_node.walletprocesspsbt(psbt["psbt"]) final = rbf_node.finalizepsbt(psbt["psbt"]) res = rbf_node.testmempoolaccept([final["hex"]]) assert res[0]["allowed"] assert_greater_than(res[0]["fees"]["base"], old_fee) self.log.info("Test that psbtbumpfee works for non-owned inputs") psbt = rbf_node.psbtbumpfee(txid=rbfid) finish_psbtbumpfee(psbt["psbt"]) psbt = rbf_node.psbtbumpfee(txid=rbfid, options={"fee_rate": old_feerate + 10}) finish_psbtbumpfee(psbt["psbt"]) self.clear_mempool() def test_bumpfee_with_descendant_fails(self, rbf_node, rbf_node_address, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that fee cannot be bumped when it has descendant') # parent is send-to-self, so we don't have to check which output is change when creating the child tx parent_id = spend_one_input(rbf_node, rbf_node_address) tx = rbf_node.createrawtransaction([{"txid": parent_id, "vout": 0}], {dest_address: 0.00020000}) tx = rbf_node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(tx) rbf_node.sendrawtransaction(tx["hex"]) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Transaction has descendants in the wallet", rbf_node.bumpfee, parent_id) # create tx with descendant in the mempool by using MiniWallet miniwallet = MiniWallet(rbf_node) parent_id = spend_one_input(rbf_node, miniwallet.get_address()) tx = rbf_node.gettransaction(txid=parent_id, verbose=True)['decoded'] miniwallet.scan_tx(tx) miniwallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=rbf_node) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Transaction has descendants in the mempool", rbf_node.bumpfee, parent_id) self.clear_mempool() def test_bumpfee_with_abandoned_descendant_succeeds(self, rbf_node, rbf_node_address, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that fee can be bumped when it has abandoned descendant') # parent is send-to-self, so we don't have to check which output is change when creating the child tx parent_id = spend_one_input(rbf_node, rbf_node_address) # Submit child transaction with low fee child_id = rbf_node.send(outputs={dest_address: 0.00020000}, options={"inputs": [{"txid": parent_id, "vout": 0}], "fee_rate": 2})["txid"] assert child_id in rbf_node.getrawmempool() # Restart the node with higher min relay fee so the descendant tx is no longer in mempool so that we can abandon it self.restart_node(1, ['-minrelaytxfee=0.00005'] + self.extra_args[1]) rbf_node.walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT) self.connect_nodes(1, 0) assert parent_id in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert child_id not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() # Should still raise an error even if not in mempool assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "Transaction has descendants in the wallet", rbf_node.bumpfee, parent_id) # Now abandon the child transaction and bump the original rbf_node.abandontransaction(child_id) bumped_result = rbf_node.bumpfee(parent_id, {"fee_rate": HIGH}) assert bumped_result['txid'] in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert parent_id not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() # Cleanup self.restart_node(1, self.extra_args[1]) rbf_node.walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT) self.connect_nodes(1, 0) self.clear_mempool() def test_small_output_with_feerate_succeeds(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Testing small output with feerate bump succeeds') # Make sure additional inputs exist self.generatetoaddress(rbf_node, COINBASE_MATURITY + 1, rbf_node.getnewaddress()) rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) input_list = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(rbfid, 1)["vin"] assert_equal(len(input_list), 1) original_txin = input_list[0] self.log.info('Keep bumping until transaction fee out-spends non-destination value') tx_fee = 0 while True: input_list = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(rbfid, 1)["vin"] new_item = list(input_list)[0] assert_equal(len(input_list), 1) assert_equal(original_txin["txid"], new_item["txid"]) assert_equal(original_txin["vout"], new_item["vout"]) rbfid_new_details = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid) rbfid_new = rbfid_new_details["txid"] raw_pool = rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in raw_pool assert rbfid_new in raw_pool rbfid = rbfid_new tx_fee = rbfid_new_details["fee"] # Total value from input not going to destination if tx_fee > Decimal('0.00050000'): break # input(s) have been added final_input_list = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(rbfid, 1)["vin"] assert_greater_than(len(final_input_list), 1) # Original input is in final set assert [txin for txin in final_input_list if txin["txid"] == original_txin["txid"] and txin["vout"] == original_txin["vout"]] self.generatetoaddress(rbf_node, 1, rbf_node.getnewaddress()) assert_equal(rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid)["confirmations"], 1) self.clear_mempool() def test_dust_to_fee(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that bumped output that is dust is dropped to fee') rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) fulltx = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(rbfid, 1) # The DER formatting used by Bitcoin to serialize ECDSA signatures means that signatures can have a # variable size of 70-72 bytes (or possibly even less), with most being 71 or 72 bytes. The signature # in the witness is divided by 4 for the vsize, so this variance can take the weight across a 4-byte # boundary. Thus expected transaction size (p2wpkh, 1 input, 2 outputs) is 140-141 vbytes, usually 141. if not 140 <= fulltx["vsize"] <= 141: raise AssertionError("Invalid tx vsize of {} (140-141 expected), full tx: {}".format(fulltx["vsize"], fulltx)) # Bump with fee_rate of 350.25 sat/vB vbytes to create dust. # Expected fee is 141 vbytes * fee_rate 0.00350250 BTC / 1000 vbytes = 0.00049385 BTC. # or occasionally 140 vbytes * fee_rate 0.00350250 BTC / 1000 vbytes = 0.00049035 BTC. # Dust should be dropped to the fee, so actual bump fee is 0.00050000 BTC. bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"fee_rate": 350.25}) full_bumped_tx = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(bumped_tx["txid"], 1) assert_equal(bumped_tx["fee"], Decimal("0.00050000")) assert_equal(len(fulltx["vout"]), 2) assert_equal(len(full_bumped_tx["vout"]), 1) # change output is eliminated assert_equal(full_bumped_tx["vout"][0]['value'], Decimal("0.00050000")) self.clear_mempool() def test_settxfee(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test settxfee') assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "txfee cannot be less than min relay tx fee", rbf_node.settxfee, Decimal('0.000005')) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "txfee cannot be less than wallet min fee", rbf_node.settxfee, Decimal('0.000015')) # check that bumpfee reacts correctly to the use of settxfee (paytxfee) rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) requested_feerate = Decimal("0.00025000") rbf_node.settxfee(requested_feerate) bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid) actual_feerate = bumped_tx["fee"] * 1000 / rbf_node.getrawtransaction(bumped_tx["txid"], True)["vsize"] # Assert that the difference between the requested feerate and the actual # feerate of the bumped transaction is small. assert_greater_than(Decimal("0.00001000"), abs(requested_feerate - actual_feerate)) rbf_node.settxfee(Decimal("0.00000000")) # unset paytxfee # check that settxfee respects -maxtxfee self.restart_node(1, ['-maxtxfee=0.000025'] + self.extra_args[1]) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, "txfee cannot be more than wallet max tx fee", rbf_node.settxfee, Decimal('0.00003')) self.restart_node(1, self.extra_args[1]) rbf_node.walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT) self.connect_nodes(1, 0) self.clear_mempool() def test_maxtxfee_fails(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that bumpfee fails when it hits -maxtxfee') # size of bumped transaction (p2wpkh, 1 input, 2 outputs): 141 vbytes # expected bump fee of 141 vbytes * 0.00200000 BTC / 1000 vbytes = 0.00002820 BTC # which exceeds maxtxfee and is expected to raise self.restart_node(1, ['-maxtxfee=0.000025'] + self.extra_args[1]) rbf_node.walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT) rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Unable to create transaction. Fee exceeds maximum configured by user (e.g. -maxtxfee, maxfeerate)", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid) self.restart_node(1, self.extra_args[1]) rbf_node.walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT) self.connect_nodes(1, 0) self.clear_mempool() def test_watchonly_psbt(self, peer_node, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that PSBT is returned for bumpfee in watchonly wallets') priv_rec_desc = "wpkh([00000001/84'/1'/0']tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPd7Uf69XL1XwhmjHopUGep8GuEiJDZmbQz6o58LninorQAfcKZWARbtRtfnLcJ5MQ2AtHcQJCCRUcMRvmDUjyEmNUWwx8UbK/0/*)#rweraev0" pub_rec_desc = rbf_node.getdescriptorinfo(priv_rec_desc)["descriptor"] priv_change_desc = "wpkh([00000001/84'/1'/0']tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPd7Uf69XL1XwhmjHopUGep8GuEiJDZmbQz6o58LninorQAfcKZWARbtRtfnLcJ5MQ2AtHcQJCCRUcMRvmDUjyEmNUWwx8UbK/1/*)#j6uzqvuh" pub_change_desc = rbf_node.getdescriptorinfo(priv_change_desc)["descriptor"] # Create a wallet with private keys that can sign PSBTs rbf_node.createwallet(wallet_name="signer", disable_private_keys=False, blank=True) signer = rbf_node.get_wallet_rpc("signer") assert signer.getwalletinfo()['private_keys_enabled'] reqs = [{ "desc": priv_rec_desc, "timestamp": 0, "range": [0,1], "internal": False, "keypool": False # Keys can only be imported to the keypool when private keys are disabled }, { "desc": priv_change_desc, "timestamp": 0, "range": [0, 0], "internal": True, "keypool": False }] if self.options.descriptors: result = signer.importdescriptors(reqs) else: result = signer.importmulti(reqs) assert_equal(result, [{'success': True}, {'success': True}]) # Create another wallet with just the public keys, which creates PSBTs rbf_node.createwallet(wallet_name="watcher", disable_private_keys=True, blank=True) watcher = rbf_node.get_wallet_rpc("watcher") assert not watcher.getwalletinfo()['private_keys_enabled'] reqs = [{ "desc": pub_rec_desc, "timestamp": 0, "range": [0, 10], "internal": False, "keypool": True, "watchonly": True, "active": True, }, { "desc": pub_change_desc, "timestamp": 0, "range": [0, 10], "internal": True, "keypool": True, "watchonly": True, "active": True, }] if self.options.descriptors: result = watcher.importdescriptors(reqs) else: result = watcher.importmulti(reqs) assert_equal(result, [{'success': True}, {'success': True}]) funding_address1 = watcher.getnewaddress(address_type='bech32') funding_address2 = watcher.getnewaddress(address_type='bech32') peer_node.sendmany("", {funding_address1: 0.001, funding_address2: 0.001}) self.generate(peer_node, 1) # Create single-input PSBT for transaction to be bumped # Ensure the payment amount + change can be fully funded using one of the 0.001BTC inputs. psbt = watcher.walletcreatefundedpsbt([watcher.listunspent()[0]], {dest_address: 0.0005}, 0, {"fee_rate": 1, "add_inputs": False}, True)['psbt'] psbt_signed = signer.walletprocesspsbt(psbt=psbt, sign=True, sighashtype="ALL", bip32derivs=True) psbt_final = watcher.finalizepsbt(psbt_signed["psbt"]) original_txid = watcher.sendrawtransaction(psbt_final["hex"]) assert_equal(len(watcher.decodepsbt(psbt)["tx"]["vin"]), 1) # bumpfee can't be used on watchonly wallets assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "bumpfee is not available with wallets that have private keys disabled. Use psbtbumpfee instead.", watcher.bumpfee, original_txid) # Bump fee, obnoxiously high to add additional watchonly input bumped_psbt = watcher.psbtbumpfee(original_txid, {"fee_rate": HIGH}) assert_greater_than(len(watcher.decodepsbt(bumped_psbt['psbt'])["tx"]["vin"]), 1) assert "txid" not in bumped_psbt assert_equal(bumped_psbt["origfee"], -watcher.gettransaction(original_txid)["fee"]) assert not watcher.finalizepsbt(bumped_psbt["psbt"])["complete"] # Sign bumped transaction bumped_psbt_signed = signer.walletprocesspsbt(psbt=bumped_psbt["psbt"], sign=True, sighashtype="ALL", bip32derivs=True) bumped_psbt_final = watcher.finalizepsbt(bumped_psbt_signed["psbt"]) assert bumped_psbt_final["complete"] # Broadcast bumped transaction bumped_txid = watcher.sendrawtransaction(bumped_psbt_final["hex"]) assert bumped_txid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert original_txid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() rbf_node.unloadwallet("watcher") rbf_node.unloadwallet("signer") self.clear_mempool() def test_rebumping(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that re-bumping the original tx fails, but bumping successor works') rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) bumped = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"fee_rate": ECONOMICAL}) assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, f"Cannot bump transaction {rbfid} which was already bumped by transaction {bumped['txid']}", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid, {"fee_rate": NORMAL}) rbf_node.bumpfee(bumped["txid"], {"fee_rate": NORMAL}) self.clear_mempool() def test_rebumping_not_replaceable(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that re-bumping non-replaceable fails') rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) bumped = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"fee_rate": ECONOMICAL, "replaceable": False}) assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Transaction is not BIP 125 replaceable", rbf_node.bumpfee, bumped["txid"], {"fee_rate": NORMAL}) self.clear_mempool() def test_bumpfee_already_spent(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that bumping tx with already spent coin fails') txid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) self.generate(rbf_node, 1) # spend coin simply by mining block with tx spent_input = rbf_node.gettransaction(txid=txid, verbose=True)['decoded']['vin'][0] assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, f"{spent_input['txid']}:{spent_input['vout']} is already spent", rbf_node.bumpfee, txid, {"fee_rate": NORMAL}) def test_unconfirmed_not_spendable(self, rbf_node, rbf_node_address): self.log.info('Test that unconfirmed outputs from bumped txns are not spendable') rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, rbf_node_address) rbftx = rbf_node.gettransaction(rbfid)["hex"] assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() bumpid = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid)["txid"] assert bumpid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() # check that outputs from the bump transaction are not spendable # due to the replaces_txid check in CWallet::AvailableCoins assert_equal([t for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False) if t["txid"] == bumpid], []) # submit a block with the rbf tx to clear the bump tx out of the mempool, # then invalidate the block so the rbf tx will be put back in the mempool. # This makes it possible to check whether the rbf tx outputs are # spendable before the rbf tx is confirmed. block = self.generateblock(rbf_node, output="raw(51)", transactions=[rbftx]) # Can not abandon conflicted tx assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, 'Transaction not eligible for abandonment', lambda: rbf_node.abandontransaction(txid=bumpid)) rbf_node.invalidateblock(block["hash"]) # Call abandon to make sure the wallet doesn't attempt to resubmit # the bump tx and hope the wallet does not rebroadcast before we call. rbf_node.abandontransaction(bumpid) assert bumpid not in rbf_node.getrawmempool() assert rbfid in rbf_node.getrawmempool() # check that outputs from the rbf tx are not spendable before the # transaction is confirmed, due to the replaced_by_txid check in # CWallet::AvailableCoins assert_equal([t for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False) if t["txid"] == rbfid], []) # check that the main output from the rbf tx is spendable after confirmed self.generate(rbf_node, 1, sync_fun=self.no_op) assert_equal( sum(1 for t in rbf_node.listunspent(minconf=0, include_unsafe=False) if t["txid"] == rbfid and t["address"] == rbf_node_address and t["spendable"]), 1) self.clear_mempool() def test_bumpfee_metadata(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that bumped txn metadata persists to new txn record') assert rbf_node.getbalance() < 49 self.generatetoaddress(rbf_node, 101, rbf_node.getnewaddress()) rbfid = rbf_node.sendtoaddress(dest_address, 49, "comment value", "to value") bumped_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid) bumped_wtx = rbf_node.gettransaction(bumped_tx["txid"]) assert_equal(bumped_wtx["comment"], "comment value") assert_equal(bumped_wtx["to"], "to value") self.clear_mempool() def test_locked_wallet_fails(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that locked wallet cannot bump txn') rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) rbf_node.walletlock() assert_raises_rpc_error(-13, "Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid) rbf_node.walletpassphrase(WALLET_PASSPHRASE, WALLET_PASSPHRASE_TIMEOUT) self.clear_mempool() def test_change_script_match(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that the same change addresses is used for the replacement transaction when possible') def get_change_address(tx): tx_details = rbf_node.getrawtransaction(tx, 1) txout_addresses = [txout['scriptPubKey']['address'] for txout in tx_details["vout"]] return [address for address in txout_addresses if rbf_node.getaddressinfo(address)["ischange"]] # Check that there is only one change output rbfid = spend_one_input(rbf_node, dest_address) change_addresses = get_change_address(rbfid) assert_equal(len(change_addresses), 1) # Now find that address in each subsequent tx, and no other change bumped_total_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(rbfid, {"fee_rate": ECONOMICAL}) assert_equal(change_addresses, get_change_address(bumped_total_tx['txid'])) bumped_rate_tx = rbf_node.bumpfee(bumped_total_tx["txid"]) assert_equal(change_addresses, get_change_address(bumped_rate_tx['txid'])) self.clear_mempool() def spend_one_input(node, dest_address, change_size=Decimal("0.00049000"), data=None): tx_input = dict( sequence=MAX_BIP125_RBF_SEQUENCE, **next(u for u in node.listunspent() if u["amount"] == Decimal("0.00100000"))) destinations = {dest_address: Decimal("0.00050000")} if change_size > 0: destinations[node.getrawchangeaddress()] = change_size if data: destinations['data'] = data rawtx = node.createrawtransaction([tx_input], destinations) signedtx = node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(rawtx) txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) return txid def test_no_more_inputs_fails(self, rbf_node, dest_address): self.log.info('Test that bumpfee fails when there are no available confirmed outputs') # feerate rbf requires confirmed outputs when change output doesn't exist or is insufficient self.generatetoaddress(rbf_node, 1, dest_address) # spend all funds, no change output rbfid = rbf_node.sendall(recipients=[rbf_node.getnewaddress()])['txid'] assert_raises_rpc_error(-4, "Unable to create transaction. Insufficient funds", rbf_node.bumpfee, rbfid) self.clear_mempool() if __name__ == "__main__": BumpFeeTest().main()