#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 Pieter Wuille # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Reference implementation for Bech32/Bech32m and segwit addresses.""" import unittest from enum import Enum CHARSET = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l" BECH32_CONST = 1 BECH32M_CONST = 0x2bc830a3 class Encoding(Enum): """Enumeration type to list the various supported encodings.""" BECH32 = 1 BECH32M = 2 def bech32_polymod(values): """Internal function that computes the Bech32 checksum.""" generator = [0x3b6a57b2, 0x26508e6d, 0x1ea119fa, 0x3d4233dd, 0x2a1462b3] chk = 1 for value in values: top = chk >> 25 chk = (chk & 0x1ffffff) << 5 ^ value for i in range(5): chk ^= generator[i] if ((top >> i) & 1) else 0 return chk def bech32_hrp_expand(hrp): """Expand the HRP into values for checksum computation.""" return [ord(x) >> 5 for x in hrp] + [0] + [ord(x) & 31 for x in hrp] def bech32_verify_checksum(hrp, data): """Verify a checksum given HRP and converted data characters.""" check = bech32_polymod(bech32_hrp_expand(hrp) + data) if check == BECH32_CONST: return Encoding.BECH32 elif check == BECH32M_CONST: return Encoding.BECH32M else: return None def bech32_create_checksum(encoding, hrp, data): """Compute the checksum values given HRP and data.""" values = bech32_hrp_expand(hrp) + data const = BECH32M_CONST if encoding == Encoding.BECH32M else BECH32_CONST polymod = bech32_polymod(values + [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) ^ const return [(polymod >> 5 * (5 - i)) & 31 for i in range(6)] def bech32_encode(encoding, hrp, data): """Compute a Bech32 or Bech32m string given HRP and data values.""" combined = data + bech32_create_checksum(encoding, hrp, data) return hrp + '1' + ''.join([CHARSET[d] for d in combined]) def bech32_decode(bech): """Validate a Bech32/Bech32m string, and determine HRP and data.""" if ((any(ord(x) < 33 or ord(x) > 126 for x in bech)) or (bech.lower() != bech and bech.upper() != bech)): return (None, None, None) bech = bech.lower() pos = bech.rfind('1') if pos < 1 or pos + 7 > len(bech) or len(bech) > 90: return (None, None, None) if not all(x in CHARSET for x in bech[pos+1:]): return (None, None, None) hrp = bech[:pos] data = [CHARSET.find(x) for x in bech[pos+1:]] encoding = bech32_verify_checksum(hrp, data) if encoding is None: return (None, None, None) return (encoding, hrp, data[:-6]) def convertbits(data, frombits, tobits, pad=True): """General power-of-2 base conversion.""" acc = 0 bits = 0 ret = [] maxv = (1 << tobits) - 1 max_acc = (1 << (frombits + tobits - 1)) - 1 for value in data: if value < 0 or (value >> frombits): return None acc = ((acc << frombits) | value) & max_acc bits += frombits while bits >= tobits: bits -= tobits ret.append((acc >> bits) & maxv) if pad: if bits: ret.append((acc << (tobits - bits)) & maxv) elif bits >= frombits or ((acc << (tobits - bits)) & maxv): return None return ret def decode_segwit_address(hrp, addr): """Decode a segwit address.""" encoding, hrpgot, data = bech32_decode(addr) if hrpgot != hrp: return (None, None) decoded = convertbits(data[1:], 5, 8, False) if decoded is None or len(decoded) < 2 or len(decoded) > 40: return (None, None) if data[0] > 16: return (None, None) if data[0] == 0 and len(decoded) != 20 and len(decoded) != 32: return (None, None) if (data[0] == 0 and encoding != Encoding.BECH32) or (data[0] != 0 and encoding != Encoding.BECH32M): return (None, None) return (data[0], decoded) def encode_segwit_address(hrp, witver, witprog): """Encode a segwit address.""" encoding = Encoding.BECH32 if witver == 0 else Encoding.BECH32M ret = bech32_encode(encoding, hrp, [witver] + convertbits(witprog, 8, 5)) if decode_segwit_address(hrp, ret) == (None, None): return None return ret class TestFrameworkScript(unittest.TestCase): def test_segwit_encode_decode(self): def test_python_bech32(addr): hrp = addr[:4] self.assertEqual(hrp, "bcrt") (witver, witprog) = decode_segwit_address(hrp, addr) self.assertEqual(encode_segwit_address(hrp, witver, witprog), addr) # P2WPKH test_python_bech32('bcrt1qthmht0k2qnh3wy7336z05lu2km7emzfpm3wg46') # P2WSH test_python_bech32('bcrt1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq3xueyj') test_python_bech32('bcrt1qft5p2uhsdcdc3l2ua4ap5qqfg4pjaqlp250x7us7a8qqhrxrxfsqseac85') # P2TR test_python_bech32('bcrt1p0xlxvlhemja6c4dqv22uapctqupfhlxm9h8z3k2e72q4k9hcz7vqc8gma6')