#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the setban rpc call.""" from contextlib import ExitStack from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( p2p_port, assert_equal, ) class SetBanTests(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True self.extra_args = [[],[]] def is_banned(self, node, addr): return any(e['address'] == addr for e in node.listbanned()) def run_test(self): # Node 0 connects to Node 1, check that the noban permission is not granted self.connect_nodes(0, 1) peerinfo = self.nodes[1].getpeerinfo()[0] assert not "noban" in peerinfo["permissions"] # Node 0 get banned by Node 1 self.nodes[1].setban("", "add") # Node 0 should not be able to reconnect context = ExitStack() context.enter_context(self.nodes[1].assert_debug_log(expected_msgs=['dropped (banned)\n'], timeout=50)) # When disconnected right after connecting, a v2 node will attempt to reconnect with v1. # Wait for that to happen so that it cannot mess with later tests. if self.options.v2transport: context.enter_context(self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log(expected_msgs=['trying v1 connection'], timeout=50)) with context: self.restart_node(1, []) self.nodes[0].addnode("" + str(p2p_port(1)), "onetry") # However, node 0 should be able to reconnect if it has noban permission self.restart_node(1, ['-whitelist=']) self.connect_nodes(0, 1) peerinfo = self.nodes[1].getpeerinfo()[0] assert "noban" in peerinfo["permissions"] # If we remove the ban, Node 0 should be able to reconnect even without noban permission self.nodes[1].setban("", "remove") self.restart_node(1, []) self.connect_nodes(0, 1) peerinfo = self.nodes[1].getpeerinfo()[0] assert not "noban" in peerinfo["permissions"] self.log.info("Test that a non-IP address can be banned/unbanned") node = self.nodes[1] tor_addr = "pg6mmjiyjmcrsslvykfwnntlaru7p5svn6y2ymmju6nubxndf4pscryd.onion" ip_addr = "" assert not self.is_banned(node, tor_addr) assert not self.is_banned(node, ip_addr) node.setban(tor_addr, "add") assert self.is_banned(node, tor_addr) assert not self.is_banned(node, ip_addr) node.setban(tor_addr, "remove") assert not self.is_banned(self.nodes[1], tor_addr) assert not self.is_banned(node, ip_addr) self.log.info("Test -bantime") self.restart_node(1, ["-bantime=1234"]) self.nodes[1].setban("", "add") banned = self.nodes[1].listbanned()[0] assert_equal(banned['ban_duration'], 1234) if __name__ == '__main__': SetBanTests(__file__).main()