#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test transaction signing using the signrawtransaction* RPCs.""" from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework import decimal class RpcCreateMultiSigTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 def get_keys(self): node0,node1,node2 = self.nodes self.add = [node1.getnewaddress() for _ in range(self.nkeys)] self.pub = [node1.getaddressinfo(a)["pubkey"] for a in self.add] self.priv = [node1.dumpprivkey(a) for a in self.add] self.final = node2.getnewaddress() def run_test(self): node0,node1,node2 = self.nodes # 50 BTC each, rest will be 25 BTC each node0.generate(149) self.sync_all() self.moved = 0 for self.nkeys in [3,5]: for self.nsigs in [2,3]: for self.output_type in ["bech32", "p2sh-segwit", "legacy"]: self.get_keys() self.do_multisig() self.checkbalances() def checkbalances(self): node0,node1,node2 = self.nodes node0.generate(100) self.sync_all() bal0 = node0.getbalance() bal1 = node1.getbalance() bal2 = node2.getbalance() height = node0.getblockchaininfo()["blocks"] assert 150 < height < 350 total = 149*50 + (height-149-100)*25 assert bal1 == 0 assert bal2 == self.moved assert bal0+bal1+bal2 == total def do_multisig(self): node0,node1,node2 = self.nodes msig = node2.createmultisig(self.nsigs, self.pub, self.output_type) madd = msig["address"] mredeem = msig["redeemScript"] if self.output_type == 'bech32': assert madd[0:4] == "bcrt" # actually a bech32 address # compare against addmultisigaddress msigw = node1.addmultisigaddress(self.nsigs, self.pub, None, self.output_type) maddw = msigw["address"] mredeemw = msigw["redeemScript"] # addmultisigiaddress and createmultisig work the same assert maddw == madd assert mredeemw == mredeem txid = node0.sendtoaddress(madd, 40) tx = node0.getrawtransaction(txid, True) vout = [v["n"] for v in tx["vout"] if madd in v["scriptPubKey"].get("addresses",[])] assert len(vout) == 1 vout = vout[0] scriptPubKey = tx["vout"][vout]["scriptPubKey"]["hex"] value = tx["vout"][vout]["value"] prevtxs = [{"txid": txid, "vout": vout, "scriptPubKey": scriptPubKey, "redeemScript": mredeem, "amount": value}] node0.generate(1) outval = value - decimal.Decimal("0.00001000") rawtx = node2.createrawtransaction([{"txid": txid, "vout": vout}], [{self.final: outval}]) rawtx2 = node2.signrawtransactionwithkey(rawtx, self.priv[0:self.nsigs-1], prevtxs) rawtx3 = node2.signrawtransactionwithkey(rawtx2["hex"], [self.priv[-1]], prevtxs) self.moved += outval tx = node0.sendrawtransaction(rawtx3["hex"], True) blk = node0.generate(1)[0] assert tx in node0.getblock(blk)["tx"] txinfo = node0.getrawtransaction(tx, True, blk) self.log.info("n/m=%d/%d %s size=%d vsize=%d weight=%d" % (self.nsigs, self.nkeys, self.output_type, txinfo["size"], txinfo["vsize"], txinfo["weight"])) if __name__ == '__main__': RpcCreateMultiSigTest().main()