#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test processing of feefilter messages.""" from decimal import Decimal import time from test_framework.messages import MSG_TX, MSG_WTX, msg_feefilter from test_framework.mininode import mininode_lock, P2PInterface from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal def hashToHex(hash): return format(hash, '064x') # Wait up to 60 secs to see if the testnode has received all the expected invs def allInvsMatch(invsExpected, testnode): for _ in range(60): with mininode_lock: if (sorted(invsExpected) == sorted(testnode.txinvs)): return True time.sleep(1) return False class FeefilterConn(P2PInterface): feefilter_received = False def on_feefilter(self, message): self.feefilter_received = True def assert_feefilter_received(self, recv: bool): with mininode_lock: assert_equal(self.feefilter_received, recv) class TestP2PConn(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.txinvs = [] def on_inv(self, message): for i in message.inv: if (i.type == MSG_TX) or (i.type == MSG_WTX): self.txinvs.append(hashToHex(i.hash)) def clear_invs(self): with mininode_lock: self.txinvs = [] class FeeFilterTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 2 # We lower the various required feerates for this test # to catch a corner-case where feefilter used to slightly undercut # mempool and wallet feerate calculation based on GetFee # rounding down 3 places, leading to stranded transactions. # See issue #16499 self.extra_args = [["-minrelaytxfee=0.00000100", "-mintxfee=0.00000100"]] * self.num_nodes def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def run_test(self): self.test_feefilter_forcerelay() self.test_feefilter() def test_feefilter_forcerelay(self): self.log.info('Check that peers without forcerelay permission (default) get a feefilter message') self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(FeefilterConn()).assert_feefilter_received(True) self.log.info('Check that peers with forcerelay permission do not get a feefilter message') self.restart_node(0, extra_args=['-whitelist=forcerelay@']) self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(FeefilterConn()).assert_feefilter_received(False) # Restart to disconnect peers and load default extra_args self.restart_node(0) self.connect_nodes(1, 0) def test_feefilter(self): node1 = self.nodes[1] node0 = self.nodes[0] conn = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(TestP2PConn()) self.log.info("Test txs paying 0.2 sat/byte are received by test connection") node1.settxfee(Decimal("0.00000200")) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for _ in range(3)] assert allInvsMatch(txids, conn) conn.clear_invs() # Set a fee filter of 0.15 sat/byte on test connection conn.send_and_ping(msg_feefilter(150)) self.log.info("Test txs paying 0.15 sat/byte are received by test connection") node1.settxfee(Decimal("0.00000150")) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for _ in range(3)] assert allInvsMatch(txids, conn) conn.clear_invs() self.log.info("Test txs paying 0.1 sat/byte are no longer received by test connection") node1.settxfee(Decimal("0.00000100")) [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for _ in range(3)] self.sync_mempools() # must be sure node 0 has received all txs # Send one transaction from node0 that should be received, so that we # we can sync the test on receipt (if node1's txs were relayed, they'd # be received by the time this node0 tx is received). This is # unfortunately reliant on the current relay behavior where we batch up # to 35 entries in an inv, which means that when this next transaction # is eligible for relay, the prior transactions from node1 are eligible # as well. node0.settxfee(Decimal("0.00020000")) txids = [node0.sendtoaddress(node0.getnewaddress(), 1)] assert allInvsMatch(txids, conn) conn.clear_invs() self.log.info("Remove fee filter and check txs are received again") conn.send_and_ping(msg_feefilter(0)) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for _ in range(3)] assert allInvsMatch(txids, conn) conn.clear_invs() if __name__ == '__main__': FeeFilterTest().main()