#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2021-present The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test for assumeutxo, a means of quickly bootstrapping a node using a serialized version of the UTXO set at a certain height, which corresponds to a hash that has been compiled into bitcoind. The assumeutxo value generated and used here is committed to in `CRegTestParams::m_assumeutxo_data` in `src/kernel/chainparams.cpp`. ## Possible test improvements Interesting test cases could be loading an assumeutxo snapshot file with: - TODO: Valid snapshot file, but referencing a snapshot block that turns out to be invalid, or has an invalid parent - TODO: Valid snapshot file and snapshot block, but the block is not on the most-work chain Interesting starting states could be loading a snapshot when the current chain tip is: - TODO: An ancestor of snapshot block - TODO: Not an ancestor of the snapshot block but has less work - TODO: The snapshot block - TODO: A descendant of the snapshot block - TODO: Not an ancestor or a descendant of the snapshot block and has more work """ from shutil import rmtree from dataclasses import dataclass from test_framework.messages import tx_from_hex from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error, ) from test_framework.wallet import ( getnewdestination, MiniWallet, ) START_HEIGHT = 199 SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT = 299 FINAL_HEIGHT = 399 COMPLETE_IDX = {'synced': True, 'best_block_height': FINAL_HEIGHT} class AssumeutxoTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): """Use the pregenerated, deterministic chain up to height 199.""" self.num_nodes = 3 self.rpc_timeout = 120 self.extra_args = [ [], ["-fastprune", "-prune=1", "-blockfilterindex=1", "-coinstatsindex=1"], ["-persistmempool=0","-txindex=1", "-blockfilterindex=1", "-coinstatsindex=1"], ] def setup_network(self): """Start with the nodes disconnected so that one can generate a snapshot including blocks the other hasn't yet seen.""" self.add_nodes(3) self.start_nodes(extra_args=self.extra_args) def test_invalid_snapshot_scenarios(self, valid_snapshot_path): self.log.info("Test different scenarios of loading invalid snapshot files") with open(valid_snapshot_path, 'rb') as f: valid_snapshot_contents = f.read() bad_snapshot_path = valid_snapshot_path + '.mod' def expected_error(log_msg="", rpc_details=""): with self.nodes[1].assert_debug_log([log_msg]): assert_raises_rpc_error(-32603, f"Unable to load UTXO snapshot{rpc_details}", self.nodes[1].loadtxoutset, bad_snapshot_path) self.log.info(" - snapshot file referring to a block that is not in the assumeutxo parameters") prev_block_hash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT - 1) bogus_block_hash = "0" * 64 # Represents any unknown block hash for bad_block_hash in [bogus_block_hash, prev_block_hash]: with open(bad_snapshot_path, 'wb') as f: # block hash of the snapshot base is stored right at the start (first 32 bytes) f.write(bytes.fromhex(bad_block_hash)[::-1] + valid_snapshot_contents[32:]) error_details = f", assumeutxo block hash in snapshot metadata not recognized ({bad_block_hash})" expected_error(rpc_details=error_details) self.log.info(" - snapshot file with wrong number of coins") valid_num_coins = int.from_bytes(valid_snapshot_contents[32:32 + 8], "little") for off in [-1, +1]: with open(bad_snapshot_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(valid_snapshot_contents[:32]) f.write((valid_num_coins + off).to_bytes(8, "little")) f.write(valid_snapshot_contents[32 + 8:]) expected_error(log_msg=f"bad snapshot - coins left over after deserializing 298 coins" if off == -1 else f"bad snapshot format or truncated snapshot after deserializing 299 coins") self.log.info(" - snapshot file with alternated UTXO data") cases = [ # (content, offset, wrong_hash, custom_message) [b"\xff" * 32, 0, "7d52155c9a9fdc4525b637ef6170568e5dad6fabd0b1fdbb9432010b8453095b", None], # wrong outpoint hash [(1).to_bytes(4, "little"), 32, "9f4d897031ab8547665b4153317ae2fdbf0130c7840b66427ebc48b881cb80ad", None], # wrong outpoint index [b"\x81", 36, "3da966ba9826fb6d2604260e01607b55ba44e1a5de298606b08704bc62570ea8", None], # wrong coin code VARINT [b"\x80", 36, "091e893b3ccb4334378709578025356c8bcb0a623f37c7c4e493133c988648e5", None], # another wrong coin code [b"\x84\x58", 36, None, "[snapshot] bad snapshot data after deserializing 0 coins"], # wrong coin case with height 364 and coinbase 0 [b"\xCA\xD2\x8F\x5A", 41, None, "[snapshot] bad snapshot data after deserializing 0 coins - bad tx out value"], # Amount exceeds MAX_MONEY ] for content, offset, wrong_hash, custom_message in cases: with open(bad_snapshot_path, "wb") as f: f.write(valid_snapshot_contents[:(32 + 8 + offset)]) f.write(content) f.write(valid_snapshot_contents[(32 + 8 + offset + len(content)):]) log_msg = custom_message if custom_message is not None else f"[snapshot] bad snapshot content hash: expected a4bf3407ccb2cc0145c49ebba8fa91199f8a3903daf0883875941497d2493c27, got {wrong_hash}" expected_error(log_msg=log_msg) def test_headers_not_synced(self, valid_snapshot_path): for node in self.nodes[1:]: assert_raises_rpc_error(-32603, "The base block header (3bb7ce5eba0be48939b7a521ac1ba9316afee2c7bada3a0cca24188e6d7d96c0) must appear in the headers chain. Make sure all headers are syncing, and call this RPC again.", node.loadtxoutset, valid_snapshot_path) def test_invalid_chainstate_scenarios(self): self.log.info("Test different scenarios of invalid snapshot chainstate in datadir") self.log.info(" - snapshot chainstate referring to a block that is not in the assumeutxo parameters") self.stop_node(0) chainstate_snapshot_path = self.nodes[0].chain_path / "chainstate_snapshot" chainstate_snapshot_path.mkdir() with open(chainstate_snapshot_path / "base_blockhash", 'wb') as f: f.write(b'z' * 32) def expected_error(log_msg="", error_msg=""): with self.nodes[0].assert_debug_log([log_msg]): self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error(expected_msg=error_msg) expected_error_msg = f"Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details: Assumeutxo data not found for the given blockhash '7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a'." error_details = f"Assumeutxo data not found for the given blockhash" expected_error(log_msg=error_details, error_msg=expected_error_msg) # resurrect node again rmtree(chainstate_snapshot_path) self.start_node(0) def test_invalid_mempool_state(self, dump_output_path): self.log.info("Test bitcoind should fail when mempool not empty.") node=self.nodes[2] tx = MiniWallet(node).send_self_transfer(from_node=node) assert tx['txid'] in node.getrawmempool() # Attempt to load the snapshot on Node 2 and expect it to fail with node.assert_debug_log(expected_msgs=["[snapshot] can't activate a snapshot when mempool not empty"]): assert_raises_rpc_error(-32603, "Unable to load UTXO snapshot", node.loadtxoutset, dump_output_path) self.restart_node(2, extra_args=self.extra_args[2]) def run_test(self): """ Bring up two (disconnected) nodes, mine some new blocks on the first, and generate a UTXO snapshot. Load the snapshot into the second, ensure it syncs to tip and completes background validation when connected to the first. """ n0 = self.nodes[0] n1 = self.nodes[1] n2 = self.nodes[2] self.mini_wallet = MiniWallet(n0) # Mock time for a deterministic chain for n in self.nodes: n.setmocktime(n.getblockheader(n.getbestblockhash())['time']) # Generate a series of blocks that `n0` will have in the snapshot, # but that n1 and n2 don't yet see. assert n0.getblockcount() == START_HEIGHT blocks = {START_HEIGHT: Block(n0.getbestblockhash(), 1, START_HEIGHT + 1)} for i in range(100): block_tx = 1 if i % 3 == 0: self.mini_wallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=n0) block_tx += 1 self.generate(n0, nblocks=1, sync_fun=self.no_op) height = n0.getblockcount() hash = n0.getbestblockhash() blocks[height] = Block(hash, block_tx, blocks[height-1].chain_tx + block_tx) if i == 4: # Create a stale block that forks off the main chain before the snapshot. temp_invalid = n0.getbestblockhash() n0.invalidateblock(temp_invalid) stale_hash = self.generateblock(n0, output="raw(aaaa)", transactions=[], sync_fun=self.no_op)["hash"] n0.invalidateblock(stale_hash) n0.reconsiderblock(temp_invalid) stale_block = n0.getblock(stale_hash, 0) self.log.info("-- Testing assumeutxo + some indexes + pruning") assert_equal(n0.getblockcount(), SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) assert_equal(n1.getblockcount(), START_HEIGHT) self.log.info(f"Creating a UTXO snapshot at height {SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT}") dump_output = n0.dumptxoutset('utxos.dat') self.log.info("Test loading snapshot when headers are not synced") self.test_headers_not_synced(dump_output['path']) # In order for the snapshot to activate, we have to ferry over the new # headers to n1 and n2 so that they see the header of the snapshot's # base block while disconnected from n0. for i in range(1, 300): block = n0.getblock(n0.getblockhash(i), 0) # make n1 and n2 aware of the new header, but don't give them the # block. n1.submitheader(block) n2.submitheader(block) # Ensure everyone is seeing the same headers. for n in self.nodes: assert_equal(n.getblockchaininfo()["headers"], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) assert_equal( dump_output['txoutset_hash'], "a4bf3407ccb2cc0145c49ebba8fa91199f8a3903daf0883875941497d2493c27") assert_equal(dump_output["nchaintx"], blocks[SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT].chain_tx) assert_equal(n0.getblockchaininfo()["blocks"], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) # Mine more blocks on top of the snapshot that n1 hasn't yet seen. This # will allow us to test n1's sync-to-tip on top of a snapshot. self.generate(n0, nblocks=100, sync_fun=self.no_op) assert_equal(n0.getblockcount(), FINAL_HEIGHT) assert_equal(n1.getblockcount(), START_HEIGHT) assert_equal(n0.getblockchaininfo()["blocks"], FINAL_HEIGHT) self.test_invalid_mempool_state(dump_output['path']) self.test_invalid_snapshot_scenarios(dump_output['path']) self.test_invalid_chainstate_scenarios() self.log.info(f"Loading snapshot into second node from {dump_output['path']}") loaded = n1.loadtxoutset(dump_output['path']) assert_equal(loaded['coins_loaded'], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) assert_equal(loaded['base_height'], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) def check_tx_counts(final: bool) -> None: """Check nTx and nChainTx intermediate values right after loading the snapshot, and final values after the snapshot is validated.""" for height, block in blocks.items(): tx = n1.getblockheader(block.hash)["nTx"] chain_tx = n1.getchaintxstats(nblocks=1, blockhash=block.hash)["txcount"] # Intermediate nTx of the starting block should be set, but nTx of # later blocks should be 0 before they are downloaded. if final or height == START_HEIGHT: assert_equal(tx, block.tx) else: assert_equal(tx, 0) # Intermediate nChainTx of the starting block and snapshot block # should be set, but others should be 0 until they are downloaded. if final or height in (START_HEIGHT, SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT): assert_equal(chain_tx, block.chain_tx) else: assert_equal(chain_tx, 0) check_tx_counts(final=False) normal, snapshot = n1.getchainstates()["chainstates"] assert_equal(normal['blocks'], START_HEIGHT) assert_equal(normal.get('snapshot_blockhash'), None) assert_equal(normal['validated'], True) assert_equal(snapshot['blocks'], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) assert_equal(snapshot['snapshot_blockhash'], dump_output['base_hash']) assert_equal(snapshot['validated'], False) assert_equal(n1.getblockchaininfo()["blocks"], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) self.log.info("Submit a stale block that forked off the chain before the snapshot") # Normally a block like this would not be downloaded, but if it is # submitted early before the background chain catches up to the fork # point, it winds up in m_blocks_unlinked and triggers a corner case # that previously crashed CheckBlockIndex. n1.submitblock(stale_block) n1.getchaintips() n1.getblock(stale_hash) self.log.info("Submit a spending transaction for a snapshot chainstate coin to the mempool") # spend the coinbase output of the first block that is not available on node1 spend_coin_blockhash = n1.getblockhash(START_HEIGHT + 1) assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, "Block not found on disk", n1.getblock, spend_coin_blockhash) prev_tx = n0.getblock(spend_coin_blockhash, 3)['tx'][0] prevout = {"txid": prev_tx['txid'], "vout": 0, "scriptPubKey": prev_tx['vout'][0]['scriptPubKey']['hex']} privkey = n0.get_deterministic_priv_key().key raw_tx = n1.createrawtransaction([prevout], {getnewdestination()[2]: 24.99}) signed_tx = n1.signrawtransactionwithkey(raw_tx, [privkey], [prevout])['hex'] signed_txid = tx_from_hex(signed_tx).rehash() assert n1.gettxout(prev_tx['txid'], 0) is not None n1.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx) assert signed_txid in n1.getrawmempool() assert not n1.gettxout(prev_tx['txid'], 0) PAUSE_HEIGHT = FINAL_HEIGHT - 40 self.log.info("Restarting node to stop at height %d", PAUSE_HEIGHT) self.restart_node(1, extra_args=[ f"-stopatheight={PAUSE_HEIGHT}", *self.extra_args[1]]) # Finally connect the nodes and let them sync. # # Set `wait_for_connect=False` to avoid a race between performing connection # assertions and the -stopatheight tripping. self.connect_nodes(0, 1, wait_for_connect=False) n1.wait_until_stopped(timeout=5) self.log.info("Checking that blocks are segmented on disk") assert self.has_blockfile(n1, "00000"), "normal blockfile missing" assert self.has_blockfile(n1, "00001"), "assumed blockfile missing" assert not self.has_blockfile(n1, "00002"), "too many blockfiles" self.log.info("Restarted node before snapshot validation completed, reloading...") self.restart_node(1, extra_args=self.extra_args[1]) # Send snapshot block to n1 out of order. This makes the test less # realistic because normally the snapshot block is one of the last # blocks downloaded, but its useful to test because it triggers more # corner cases in ReceivedBlockTransactions() and CheckBlockIndex() # setting and testing nChainTx values, and it exposed previous bugs. snapshot_hash = n0.getblockhash(SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) snapshot_block = n0.getblock(snapshot_hash, 0) n1.submitblock(snapshot_block) self.connect_nodes(0, 1) self.log.info(f"Ensuring snapshot chain syncs to tip. ({FINAL_HEIGHT})") self.wait_until(lambda: n1.getchainstates()['chainstates'][-1]['blocks'] == FINAL_HEIGHT) self.sync_blocks(nodes=(n0, n1)) self.log.info("Ensuring background validation completes") self.wait_until(lambda: len(n1.getchainstates()['chainstates']) == 1) # Ensure indexes have synced. completed_idx_state = { 'basic block filter index': COMPLETE_IDX, 'coinstatsindex': COMPLETE_IDX, } self.wait_until(lambda: n1.getindexinfo() == completed_idx_state) self.log.info("Re-check nTx and nChainTx values") check_tx_counts(final=True) for i in (0, 1): n = self.nodes[i] self.log.info(f"Restarting node {i} to ensure (Check|Load)BlockIndex passes") self.restart_node(i, extra_args=self.extra_args[i]) assert_equal(n.getblockchaininfo()["blocks"], FINAL_HEIGHT) chainstate, = n.getchainstates()['chainstates'] assert_equal(chainstate['blocks'], FINAL_HEIGHT) if i != 0: # Ensure indexes have synced for the assumeutxo node self.wait_until(lambda: n.getindexinfo() == completed_idx_state) # Node 2: all indexes + reindex # ----------------------------- self.log.info("-- Testing all indexes + reindex") assert_equal(n2.getblockcount(), START_HEIGHT) self.log.info(f"Loading snapshot into third node from {dump_output['path']}") loaded = n2.loadtxoutset(dump_output['path']) assert_equal(loaded['coins_loaded'], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) assert_equal(loaded['base_height'], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) for reindex_arg in ['-reindex=1', '-reindex-chainstate=1']: self.log.info(f"Check that restarting with {reindex_arg} will delete the snapshot chainstate") self.restart_node(2, extra_args=[reindex_arg, *self.extra_args[2]]) assert_equal(1, len(n2.getchainstates()["chainstates"])) for i in range(1, 300): block = n0.getblock(n0.getblockhash(i), 0) n2.submitheader(block) loaded = n2.loadtxoutset(dump_output['path']) assert_equal(loaded['coins_loaded'], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) assert_equal(loaded['base_height'], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) normal, snapshot = n2.getchainstates()['chainstates'] assert_equal(normal['blocks'], START_HEIGHT) assert_equal(normal.get('snapshot_blockhash'), None) assert_equal(normal['validated'], True) assert_equal(snapshot['blocks'], SNAPSHOT_BASE_HEIGHT) assert_equal(snapshot['snapshot_blockhash'], dump_output['base_hash']) assert_equal(snapshot['validated'], False) self.connect_nodes(0, 2) self.wait_until(lambda: n2.getchainstates()['chainstates'][-1]['blocks'] == FINAL_HEIGHT) self.sync_blocks() self.log.info("Ensuring background validation completes") self.wait_until(lambda: len(n2.getchainstates()['chainstates']) == 1) completed_idx_state = { 'basic block filter index': COMPLETE_IDX, 'coinstatsindex': COMPLETE_IDX, 'txindex': COMPLETE_IDX, } self.wait_until(lambda: n2.getindexinfo() == completed_idx_state) for i in (0, 2): n = self.nodes[i] self.log.info(f"Restarting node {i} to ensure (Check|Load)BlockIndex passes") self.restart_node(i, extra_args=self.extra_args[i]) assert_equal(n.getblockchaininfo()["blocks"], FINAL_HEIGHT) chainstate, = n.getchainstates()['chainstates'] assert_equal(chainstate['blocks'], FINAL_HEIGHT) if i != 0: # Ensure indexes have synced for the assumeutxo node self.wait_until(lambda: n.getindexinfo() == completed_idx_state) self.log.info("Test -reindex-chainstate of an assumeutxo-synced node") self.restart_node(2, extra_args=[ '-reindex-chainstate=1', *self.extra_args[2]]) assert_equal(n2.getblockchaininfo()["blocks"], FINAL_HEIGHT) self.wait_until(lambda: n2.getblockcount() == FINAL_HEIGHT) self.log.info("Test -reindex of an assumeutxo-synced node") self.restart_node(2, extra_args=['-reindex=1', *self.extra_args[2]]) self.connect_nodes(0, 2) self.wait_until(lambda: n2.getblockcount() == FINAL_HEIGHT) @dataclass class Block: hash: str tx: int chain_tx: int if __name__ == '__main__': AssumeutxoTest().main()