// Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

#include <consensus/amount.h>
#include <policy/fees.h>
#include <validation.h>
#include <wallet/coincontrol.h>
#include <wallet/spend.h>
#include <wallet/test/util.h>
#include <wallet/test/wallet_test_fixture.h>

#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

namespace wallet {
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(spend_tests, WalletTestingSetup)

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SubtractFee, TestChain100Setup)
    CreateAndProcessBlock({}, GetScriptForRawPubKey(coinbaseKey.GetPubKey()));
    auto wallet = CreateSyncedWallet(*m_node.chain, m_node.chainman->ActiveChain(), m_args, coinbaseKey);

    // Check that a subtract-from-recipient transaction slightly less than the
    // coinbase input amount does not create a change output (because it would
    // be uneconomical to add and spend the output), and make sure it pays the
    // leftover input amount which would have been change to the recipient
    // instead of the miner.
    auto check_tx = [&wallet](CAmount leftover_input_amount) {
        CRecipient recipient{GetScriptForRawPubKey({}), 50 * COIN - leftover_input_amount, true /* subtract fee */};
        constexpr int RANDOM_CHANGE_POSITION = -1;
        bilingual_str error;
        CCoinControl coin_control;
        coin_control.fOverrideFeeRate = true;
        // We need to use a change type with high cost of change so that the leftover amount will be dropped to fee instead of added as a change output
        coin_control.m_change_type = OutputType::LEGACY;
        FeeCalculation fee_calc;
        std::optional<CreatedTransactionResult> txr = CreateTransaction(*wallet, {recipient}, RANDOM_CHANGE_POSITION, error, coin_control, fee_calc);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(txr->tx->vout.size(), 1);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(txr->tx->vout[0].nValue, recipient.nAmount + leftover_input_amount - txr->fee);
        BOOST_CHECK_GT(txr->fee, 0);
        return txr->fee;

    // Send full input amount to recipient, check that only nonzero fee is
    // subtracted (to_reduce == fee).
    const CAmount fee{check_tx(0)};

    // Send slightly less than full input amount to recipient, check leftover
    // input amount is paid to recipient not the miner (to_reduce == fee - 123)
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(fee, check_tx(123));

    // Send full input minus fee amount to recipient, check leftover input
    // amount is paid to recipient not the miner (to_reduce == 0)
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(fee, check_tx(fee));

    // Send full input minus more than the fee amount to recipient, check
    // leftover input amount is paid to recipient not the miner (to_reduce ==
    // -123). This overpays the recipient instead of overpaying the miner more
    // than double the necessary fee.
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(fee, check_tx(fee + 123));

static void TestFillInputToWeight(int64_t additional_weight, std::vector<int64_t> expected_stack_sizes)
    static const int64_t EMPTY_INPUT_WEIGHT = GetTransactionInputWeight(CTxIn());

    CTxIn input;
    int64_t target_weight = EMPTY_INPUT_WEIGHT + additional_weight;
    BOOST_CHECK(FillInputToWeight(input, target_weight));
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetTransactionInputWeight(input), target_weight);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input.scriptWitness.stack.size(), expected_stack_sizes.size());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expected_stack_sizes.size(); ++i) {
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input.scriptWitness.stack[i].size(), expected_stack_sizes[i]);

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(FillInputToWeightTest, BasicTestingSetup)
        // Less than or equal minimum of 165 should not add any witness data
        CTxIn input;
        BOOST_CHECK(!FillInputToWeight(input, -1));
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetTransactionInputWeight(input), 165);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input.scriptWitness.stack.size(), 0);
        BOOST_CHECK(!FillInputToWeight(input, 0));
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetTransactionInputWeight(input), 165);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input.scriptWitness.stack.size(), 0);
        BOOST_CHECK(!FillInputToWeight(input, 164));
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetTransactionInputWeight(input), 165);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input.scriptWitness.stack.size(), 0);
        BOOST_CHECK(FillInputToWeight(input, 165));
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetTransactionInputWeight(input), 165);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input.scriptWitness.stack.size(), 0);

    // Make sure we can add at least one weight
    TestFillInputToWeight(1, {0});

    // 1 byte compact size uint boundary
    TestFillInputToWeight(252, {251});
    TestFillInputToWeight(253, {83, 168});
    TestFillInputToWeight(262, {86, 174});
    TestFillInputToWeight(263, {260});

    // 3 byte compact size uint boundary
    TestFillInputToWeight(65535, {65532});
    TestFillInputToWeight(65536, {21842, 43688});
    TestFillInputToWeight(65545, {21845, 43694});
    TestFillInputToWeight(65546, {65541});

    // Note: We don't test the next boundary because of memory allocation constraints.

} // namespace wallet