// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

#include <wallet/load.h>

#include <fs.h>
#include <interfaces/chain.h>
#include <scheduler.h>
#include <util/check.h>
#include <util/string.h>
#include <util/system.h>
#include <util/translation.h>
#include <wallet/context.h>
#include <wallet/spend.h>
#include <wallet/wallet.h>
#include <wallet/walletdb.h>

#include <univalue.h>

bool VerifyWallets(WalletContext& context)
    interfaces::Chain& chain = *context.chain;
    ArgsManager& args = *Assert(context.args);

    if (args.IsArgSet("-walletdir")) {
        fs::path wallet_dir = fs::PathFromString(args.GetArg("-walletdir", ""));
        boost::system::error_code error;
        // The canonical path cleans the path, preventing >1 Berkeley environment instances for the same directory
        fs::path canonical_wallet_dir = fs::canonical(wallet_dir, error);
        if (error || !fs::exists(wallet_dir)) {
            chain.initError(strprintf(_("Specified -walletdir \"%s\" does not exist"), fs::PathToString(wallet_dir)));
            return false;
        } else if (!fs::is_directory(wallet_dir)) {
            chain.initError(strprintf(_("Specified -walletdir \"%s\" is not a directory"), fs::PathToString(wallet_dir)));
            return false;
        // The canonical path transforms relative paths into absolute ones, so we check the non-canonical version
        } else if (!wallet_dir.is_absolute()) {
            chain.initError(strprintf(_("Specified -walletdir \"%s\" is a relative path"), fs::PathToString(wallet_dir)));
            return false;
        args.ForceSetArg("-walletdir", fs::PathToString(canonical_wallet_dir));

    LogPrintf("Using wallet directory %s\n", fs::PathToString(GetWalletDir()));

    chain.initMessage(_("Verifying wallet(s)…").translated);

    // For backwards compatibility if an unnamed top level wallet exists in the
    // wallets directory, include it in the default list of wallets to load.
    if (!args.IsArgSet("wallet")) {
        DatabaseOptions options;
        DatabaseStatus status;
        bilingual_str error_string;
        options.require_existing = true;
        options.verify = false;
        if (MakeWalletDatabase("", options, status, error_string)) {
            util::SettingsValue wallets(util::SettingsValue::VARR);
            wallets.push_back(""); // Default wallet name is ""
            // Pass write=false because no need to write file and probably
            // better not to. If unnamed wallet needs to be added next startup
            // and the setting is empty, this code will just run again.
            chain.updateRwSetting("wallet", wallets, /* write= */ false);

    // Keep track of each wallet absolute path to detect duplicates.
    std::set<fs::path> wallet_paths;

    for (const auto& wallet : chain.getSettingsList("wallet")) {
        const auto& wallet_file = wallet.get_str();
        const fs::path path = fsbridge::AbsPathJoin(GetWalletDir(), fs::PathFromString(wallet_file));

        if (!wallet_paths.insert(path).second) {
            chain.initWarning(strprintf(_("Ignoring duplicate -wallet %s."), wallet_file));

        DatabaseOptions options;
        DatabaseStatus status;
        options.require_existing = true;
        options.verify = true;
        bilingual_str error_string;
        if (!MakeWalletDatabase(wallet_file, options, status, error_string)) {
            if (status == DatabaseStatus::FAILED_NOT_FOUND) {
                chain.initWarning(Untranslated(strprintf("Skipping -wallet path that doesn't exist. %s", error_string.original)));
            } else {
                return false;

    return true;

bool LoadWallets(WalletContext& context)
    interfaces::Chain& chain = *context.chain;
    try {
        std::set<fs::path> wallet_paths;
        for (const auto& wallet : chain.getSettingsList("wallet")) {
            const auto& name = wallet.get_str();
            if (!wallet_paths.insert(fs::PathFromString(name)).second) {
            DatabaseOptions options;
            DatabaseStatus status;
            options.require_existing = true;
            options.verify = false; // No need to verify, assuming verified earlier in VerifyWallets()
            bilingual_str error;
            std::vector<bilingual_str> warnings;
            std::unique_ptr<WalletDatabase> database = MakeWalletDatabase(name, options, status, error);
            if (!database && status == DatabaseStatus::FAILED_NOT_FOUND) {
            chain.initMessage(_("Loading wallet…").translated);
            std::shared_ptr<CWallet> pwallet = database ? CWallet::Create(context, name, std::move(database), options.create_flags, error, warnings) : nullptr;
            if (!warnings.empty()) chain.initWarning(Join(warnings, Untranslated("\n")));
            if (!pwallet) {
                return false;
            AddWallet(context, pwallet);
        return true;
    } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
        return false;

void StartWallets(WalletContext& context, CScheduler& scheduler)
    for (const std::shared_ptr<CWallet>& pwallet : GetWallets(context)) {

    // Schedule periodic wallet flushes and tx rebroadcasts
    if (context.args->GetBoolArg("-flushwallet", DEFAULT_FLUSHWALLET)) {
        scheduler.scheduleEvery([&context] { MaybeCompactWalletDB(context); }, std::chrono::milliseconds{500});
    scheduler.scheduleEvery([&context] { MaybeResendWalletTxs(context); }, std::chrono::milliseconds{1000});

void FlushWallets(WalletContext& context)
    for (const std::shared_ptr<CWallet>& pwallet : GetWallets(context)) {

void StopWallets(WalletContext& context)
    for (const std::shared_ptr<CWallet>& pwallet : GetWallets(context)) {

void UnloadWallets(WalletContext& context)
    auto wallets = GetWallets(context);
    while (!wallets.empty()) {
        auto wallet = wallets.back();
        std::vector<bilingual_str> warnings;
        RemoveWallet(context, wallet, /* load_on_start= */ std::nullopt, warnings);