// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include CAmount GetRequiredFee(unsigned int nTxBytes) { return std::max(CWallet::minTxFee.GetFee(nTxBytes), ::minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nTxBytes)); } CAmount GetMinimumFee(unsigned int nTxBytes, const CCoinControl& coin_control, const CTxMemPool& pool, const CBlockPolicyEstimator& estimator, FeeCalculation *feeCalc) { /* User control of how to calculate fee uses the following parameter precedence: 1. coin_control.m_feerate 2. coin_control.m_confirm_target 3. payTxFee (user-set global variable) 4. nTxConfirmTarget (user-set global variable) The first parameter that is set is used. */ CAmount fee_needed; if (coin_control.m_feerate) { // 1. fee_needed = coin_control.m_feerate->GetFee(nTxBytes); if (feeCalc) feeCalc->reason = FeeReason::PAYTXFEE; // Allow to override automatic min/max check over coin control instance if (coin_control.fOverrideFeeRate) return fee_needed; } else if (!coin_control.m_confirm_target && ::payTxFee != CFeeRate(0)) { // 3. TODO: remove magic value of 0 for global payTxFee fee_needed = ::payTxFee.GetFee(nTxBytes); if (feeCalc) feeCalc->reason = FeeReason::PAYTXFEE; } else { // 2. or 4. // We will use smart fee estimation unsigned int target = coin_control.m_confirm_target ? *coin_control.m_confirm_target : ::nTxConfirmTarget; // By default estimates are economical iff we are signaling opt-in-RBF bool conservative_estimate = !coin_control.signalRbf; // Allow to override the default fee estimate mode over the CoinControl instance if (coin_control.m_fee_mode == FeeEstimateMode::CONSERVATIVE) conservative_estimate = true; else if (coin_control.m_fee_mode == FeeEstimateMode::ECONOMICAL) conservative_estimate = false; fee_needed = estimator.estimateSmartFee(target, feeCalc, conservative_estimate).GetFee(nTxBytes); if (fee_needed == 0) { // if we don't have enough data for estimateSmartFee, then use fallbackFee fee_needed = CWallet::fallbackFee.GetFee(nTxBytes); if (feeCalc) feeCalc->reason = FeeReason::FALLBACK; // directly return if fallback fee is disabled (feerate 0 == disabled) if (CWallet::fallbackFee.GetFee(1000) == 0) return fee_needed; } // Obey mempool min fee when using smart fee estimation CAmount min_mempool_fee = pool.GetMinFee(gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000).GetFee(nTxBytes); if (fee_needed < min_mempool_fee) { fee_needed = min_mempool_fee; if (feeCalc) feeCalc->reason = FeeReason::MEMPOOL_MIN; } } // prevent user from paying a fee below minRelayTxFee or minTxFee CAmount required_fee = GetRequiredFee(nTxBytes); if (required_fee > fee_needed) { fee_needed = required_fee; if (feeCalc) feeCalc->reason = FeeReason::REQUIRED; } // But always obey the maximum if (fee_needed > maxTxFee) { fee_needed = maxTxFee; if (feeCalc) feeCalc->reason = FeeReason::MAXTXFEE; } return fee_needed; } CFeeRate GetDiscardRate(const CBlockPolicyEstimator& estimator) { unsigned int highest_target = estimator.HighestTargetTracked(FeeEstimateHorizon::LONG_HALFLIFE); CFeeRate discard_rate = estimator.estimateSmartFee(highest_target, nullptr /* FeeCalculation */, false /* conservative */); // Don't let discard_rate be greater than longest possible fee estimate if we get a valid fee estimate discard_rate = (discard_rate == CFeeRate(0)) ? CWallet::m_discard_rate : std::min(discard_rate, CWallet::m_discard_rate); // Discard rate must be at least dustRelayFee discard_rate = std::max(discard_rate, ::dustRelayFee); return discard_rate; }