// Copyright 2014 BitPay Inc. // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include "univalue.h" #include "univalue_escapes.h" // TODO: Using UTF8 using namespace std; static string json_escape(const string& inS) { string outS; outS.reserve(inS.size() * 2); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inS.size(); i++) { unsigned char ch = inS[i]; const char *escStr = escapes[ch]; if (escStr) outS += escStr; else if (isprint(ch)) outS += ch; else { char tmpesc[16]; sprintf(tmpesc, "\\u%04x", ch); outS += tmpesc; } } return outS; } string UniValue::write(unsigned int prettyIndent, unsigned int indentLevel) const { string s; s.reserve(1024); unsigned int modIndent = indentLevel; if (modIndent == 0) modIndent = 1; switch (typ) { case VNULL: s += "null"; break; case VOBJ: writeObject(prettyIndent, modIndent, s); break; case VARR: writeArray(prettyIndent, modIndent, s); break; case VSTR: s += "\"" + json_escape(val) + "\""; break; case VNUM: s += val; break; case VBOOL: s += (val == "1" ? "true" : "false"); break; } return s; } static string spaceStr; static string indentStr(unsigned int prettyIndent, unsigned int indentLevel) { unsigned int spaces = prettyIndent * indentLevel; while (spaceStr.size() < spaces) spaceStr += " "; return spaceStr.substr(0, spaces); } void UniValue::writeArray(unsigned int prettyIndent, unsigned int indentLevel, string& s) const { s += "["; if (prettyIndent) s += "\n"; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { if (prettyIndent) s += indentStr(prettyIndent, indentLevel); s += values[i].write(prettyIndent, indentLevel + 1); if (i != (values.size() - 1)) { s += ","; if (prettyIndent) s += " "; } if (prettyIndent) s += "\n"; } if (prettyIndent) s += indentStr(prettyIndent, indentLevel - 1); s += "]"; } void UniValue::writeObject(unsigned int prettyIndent, unsigned int indentLevel, string& s) const { s += "{"; if (prettyIndent) s += "\n"; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { if (prettyIndent) s += indentStr(prettyIndent, indentLevel); s += "\"" + json_escape(keys[i]) + "\":"; if (prettyIndent) s += " "; s += values[i].write(prettyIndent, indentLevel + 1); if (i != (values.size() - 1)) s += ","; if (prettyIndent) s += "\n"; } if (prettyIndent) s += indentStr(prettyIndent, indentLevel - 1); s += "}"; }