#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2023 Random "Randy" Lattice and Sean Andersen # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. ''' Generate a C file with ECDSA testvectors from the Wycheproof project. ''' import json import sys filename_input = sys.argv[1] with open(filename_input) as f: doc = json.load(f) num_groups = len(doc['testGroups']) def to_c_array(x): if x == "": return "" s = ',0x'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(x[::2], x[1::2])) return "0x" + s num_vectors = 0 offset_msg_running, offset_pk_running, offset_sig = 0, 0, 0 out = "" messages = "" signatures = "" public_keys = "" cache_msgs = {} cache_public_keys = {} for i in range(num_groups): group = doc['testGroups'][i] num_tests = len(group['tests']) public_key = group['publicKey'] for j in range(num_tests): test_vector = group['tests'][j] # // 2 to convert hex to byte length sig_size = len(test_vector['sig']) // 2 msg_size = len(test_vector['msg']) // 2 if test_vector['result'] == "invalid": expected_verify = 0 elif test_vector['result'] == "valid": expected_verify = 1 else: raise ValueError("invalid result field") if num_vectors != 0 and sig_size != 0: signatures += ",\n " new_msg = False msg = to_c_array(test_vector['msg']) msg_offset = offset_msg_running # check for repeated msg if msg not in cache_msgs: if num_vectors != 0 and msg_size != 0: messages += ",\n " cache_msgs[msg] = offset_msg_running messages += msg new_msg = True else: msg_offset = cache_msgs[msg] new_pk = False pk = to_c_array(public_key['uncompressed']) pk_offset = offset_pk_running # check for repeated pk if pk not in cache_public_keys: if num_vectors != 0: public_keys += ",\n " cache_public_keys[pk] = offset_pk_running public_keys += pk new_pk = True else: pk_offset = cache_public_keys[pk] signatures += to_c_array(test_vector['sig']) out += " /" + "* tcId: " + str(test_vector['tcId']) + ". " + test_vector['comment'] + " *" + "/\n" out += f" {{{pk_offset}, {msg_offset}, {msg_size}, {offset_sig}, {sig_size}, {expected_verify} }},\n" if new_msg: offset_msg_running += msg_size if new_pk: offset_pk_running += 65 offset_sig += sig_size num_vectors += 1 struct_definition = """ typedef struct { size_t pk_offset; size_t msg_offset; size_t msg_len; size_t sig_offset; size_t sig_len; int expected_verify; } wycheproof_ecdsa_testvector; """ print("/* Note: this file was autogenerated using tests_wycheproof_generate.py. Do not edit. */") print(f"#define SECP256K1_ECDSA_WYCHEPROOF_NUMBER_TESTVECTORS ({num_vectors})") print(struct_definition) print("static const unsigned char wycheproof_ecdsa_messages[] = { " + messages + "};\n") print("static const unsigned char wycheproof_ecdsa_public_keys[] = { " + public_keys + "};\n") print("static const unsigned char wycheproof_ecdsa_signatures[] = { " + signatures + "};\n") print("static const wycheproof_ecdsa_testvector testvectors[SECP256K1_ECDSA_WYCHEPROOF_NUMBER_TESTVECTORS] = {") print(out) print("};")