#include "rpcconsole.h" #include "ui_rpcconsole.h" #include "clientmodel.h" #include "bitcoinrpc.h" #include "guiutil.h" #include #include #include #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 #include #endif #include #include // TODO: add a scrollback limit, as there is currently none // TODO: make it possible to filter out categories (esp debug messages when implemented) // TODO: receive errors and debug messages through ClientModel const int CONSOLE_HISTORY = 50; const QSize ICON_SIZE(24, 24); const struct { const char *url; const char *source; } ICON_MAPPING[] = { {"cmd-request", ":/icons/tx_input"}, {"cmd-reply", ":/icons/tx_output"}, {"cmd-error", ":/icons/tx_output"}, {"misc", ":/icons/tx_inout"}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* Object for executing console RPC commands in a separate thread. */ class RPCExecutor : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: void request(const QString &command); signals: void reply(int category, const QString &command); }; #include "rpcconsole.moc" /** * Split shell command line into a list of arguments. Aims to emulate \c bash and friends. * * - Arguments are delimited with whitespace * - Extra whitespace at the beginning and end and between arguments will be ignored * - Text can be "double" or 'single' quoted * - The backslash \c \ is used as escape character * - Outside quotes, any character can be escaped * - Within double quotes, only escape \c " and backslashes before a \c " or another backslash * - Within single quotes, no escaping is possible and no special interpretation takes place * * @param[out] args Parsed arguments will be appended to this list * @param[in] strCommand Command line to split */ bool parseCommandLine(std::vector &args, const std::string &strCommand) { enum CmdParseState { STATE_EATING_SPACES, STATE_ARGUMENT, STATE_SINGLEQUOTED, STATE_DOUBLEQUOTED, STATE_ESCAPE_OUTER, STATE_ESCAPE_DOUBLEQUOTED } state = STATE_EATING_SPACES; std::string curarg; foreach(char ch, strCommand) { switch(state) { case STATE_ARGUMENT: // In or after argument case STATE_EATING_SPACES: // Handle runs of whitespace switch(ch) { case '"': state = STATE_DOUBLEQUOTED; break; case '\'': state = STATE_SINGLEQUOTED; break; case '\\': state = STATE_ESCAPE_OUTER; break; case ' ': case '\n': case '\t': if(state == STATE_ARGUMENT) // Space ends argument { args.push_back(curarg); curarg.clear(); } state = STATE_EATING_SPACES; break; default: curarg += ch; state = STATE_ARGUMENT; } break; case STATE_SINGLEQUOTED: // Single-quoted string switch(ch) { case '\'': state = STATE_ARGUMENT; break; default: curarg += ch; } break; case STATE_DOUBLEQUOTED: // Double-quoted string switch(ch) { case '"': state = STATE_ARGUMENT; break; case '\\': state = STATE_ESCAPE_DOUBLEQUOTED; break; default: curarg += ch; } break; case STATE_ESCAPE_OUTER: // '\' outside quotes curarg += ch; state = STATE_ARGUMENT; break; case STATE_ESCAPE_DOUBLEQUOTED: // '\' in double-quoted text if(ch != '"' && ch != '\\') curarg += '\\'; // keep '\' for everything but the quote and '\' itself curarg += ch; state = STATE_DOUBLEQUOTED; break; } } switch(state) // final state { case STATE_EATING_SPACES: return true; case STATE_ARGUMENT: args.push_back(curarg); return true; default: // ERROR to end in one of the other states return false; } } void RPCExecutor::request(const QString &command) { std::vector args; if(!parseCommandLine(args, command.toStdString())) { emit reply(RPCConsole::CMD_ERROR, QString("Parse error: unbalanced ' or \"")); return; } if(args.empty()) return; // Nothing to do try { std::string strPrint; // Convert argument list to JSON objects in method-dependent way, // and pass it along with the method name to the dispatcher. json_spirit::Value result = tableRPC.execute( args[0], RPCConvertValues(args[0], std::vector(args.begin() + 1, args.end()))); // Format result reply if (result.type() == json_spirit::null_type) strPrint = ""; else if (result.type() == json_spirit::str_type) strPrint = result.get_str(); else strPrint = write_string(result, true); emit reply(RPCConsole::CMD_REPLY, QString::fromStdString(strPrint)); } catch (json_spirit::Object& objError) { try // Nice formatting for standard-format error { int code = find_value(objError, "code").get_int(); std::string message = find_value(objError, "message").get_str(); emit reply(RPCConsole::CMD_ERROR, QString::fromStdString(message) + " (code " + QString::number(code) + ")"); } catch(std::runtime_error &) // raised when converting to invalid type, i.e. missing code or message { // Show raw JSON object emit reply(RPCConsole::CMD_ERROR, QString::fromStdString(write_string(json_spirit::Value(objError), false))); } } catch (std::exception& e) { emit reply(RPCConsole::CMD_ERROR, QString("Error: ") + QString::fromStdString(e.what())); } } RPCConsole::RPCConsole(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::RPCConsole), clientModel(0), historyPtr(0) { ui->setupUi(this); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC ui->openDebugLogfileButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/export")); ui->showCLOptionsButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/options")); #endif // Install event filter for up and down arrow ui->lineEdit->installEventFilter(this); ui->messagesWidget->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clear())); // set OpenSSL version label ui->openSSLVersion->setText(SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); startExecutor(); clear(); } RPCConsole::~RPCConsole() { emit stopExecutor(); delete ui; } bool RPCConsole::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent *event) { if(event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) // Special key handling { QKeyEvent *keyevt = static_cast(event); int key = keyevt->key(); Qt::KeyboardModifiers mod = keyevt->modifiers(); switch(key) { case Qt::Key_Up: if(obj == ui->lineEdit) { browseHistory(-1); return true; } break; case Qt::Key_Down: if(obj == ui->lineEdit) { browseHistory(1); return true; } break; case Qt::Key_PageUp: /* pass paging keys to messages widget */ case Qt::Key_PageDown: if(obj == ui->lineEdit) { QApplication::postEvent(ui->messagesWidget, new QKeyEvent(*keyevt)); return true; } break; default: // Typing in messages widget brings focus to line edit, and redirects key there // Exclude most combinations and keys that emit no text, except paste shortcuts if(obj == ui->messagesWidget && ( (!mod && !keyevt->text().isEmpty() && key != Qt::Key_Tab) || ((mod & Qt::ControlModifier) && key == Qt::Key_V) || ((mod & Qt::ShiftModifier) && key == Qt::Key_Insert))) { ui->lineEdit->setFocus(); QApplication::postEvent(ui->lineEdit, new QKeyEvent(*keyevt)); return true; } } } return QDialog::eventFilter(obj, event); } void RPCConsole::setClientModel(ClientModel *model) { this->clientModel = model; if(model) { // Subscribe to information, replies, messages, errors connect(model, SIGNAL(numConnectionsChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setNumConnections(int))); connect(model, SIGNAL(numBlocksChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(setNumBlocks(int,int))); // Provide initial values ui->clientVersion->setText(model->formatFullVersion()); ui->clientName->setText(model->clientName()); ui->buildDate->setText(model->formatBuildDate()); ui->startupTime->setText(model->formatClientStartupTime()); setNumConnections(model->getNumConnections()); ui->isTestNet->setChecked(model->isTestNet()); } } static QString categoryClass(int category) { switch(category) { case RPCConsole::CMD_REQUEST: return "cmd-request"; break; case RPCConsole::CMD_REPLY: return "cmd-reply"; break; case RPCConsole::CMD_ERROR: return "cmd-error"; break; default: return "misc"; } } void RPCConsole::clear() { ui->messagesWidget->clear(); history.clear(); historyPtr = 0; ui->lineEdit->clear(); ui->lineEdit->setFocus(); // Add smoothly scaled icon images. // (when using width/height on an img, Qt uses nearest instead of linear interpolation) for(int i=0; ICON_MAPPING[i].url; ++i) { ui->messagesWidget->document()->addResource( QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl(ICON_MAPPING[i].url), QImage(ICON_MAPPING[i].source).scaled(ICON_SIZE, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } // Set default style sheet ui->messagesWidget->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet( "table { }" "td.time { color: #808080; padding-top: 3px; } " "td.message { font-family: Monospace; font-size: 12px; } " "td.cmd-request { color: #006060; } " "td.cmd-error { color: red; } " "b { color: #006060; } " ); message(CMD_REPLY, (tr("Welcome to the Bitcoin RPC console.") + "
" + tr("Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and Ctrl-L to clear screen.") + "
" + tr("Type help for an overview of available commands.")), true); } void RPCConsole::message(int category, const QString &message, bool html) { QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); QString timeString = time.toString(); QString out; out += ""; out += ""; out += "
" + timeString + ""; if(html) out += message; else out += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(message, true); out += "
"; ui->messagesWidget->append(out); } void RPCConsole::setNumConnections(int count) { ui->numberOfConnections->setText(QString::number(count)); } void RPCConsole::setNumBlocks(int count, int countOfPeers) { ui->numberOfBlocks->setText(QString::number(count)); // If there is no current countOfPeers available display N/A instead of 0, which can't ever be true ui->totalBlocks->setText(countOfPeers == 0 ? tr("N/A") : QString::number(countOfPeers)); if(clientModel) ui->lastBlockTime->setText(clientModel->getLastBlockDate().toString()); } void RPCConsole::on_lineEdit_returnPressed() { QString cmd = ui->lineEdit->text(); ui->lineEdit->clear(); if(!cmd.isEmpty()) { message(CMD_REQUEST, cmd); emit cmdRequest(cmd); // Truncate history from current position history.erase(history.begin() + historyPtr, history.end()); // Append command to history history.append(cmd); // Enforce maximum history size while(history.size() > CONSOLE_HISTORY) history.removeFirst(); // Set pointer to end of history historyPtr = history.size(); // Scroll console view to end scrollToEnd(); } } void RPCConsole::browseHistory(int offset) { historyPtr += offset; if(historyPtr < 0) historyPtr = 0; if(historyPtr > history.size()) historyPtr = history.size(); QString cmd; if(historyPtr < history.size()) cmd = history.at(historyPtr); ui->lineEdit->setText(cmd); } void RPCConsole::startExecutor() { QThread *thread = new QThread; RPCExecutor *executor = new RPCExecutor(); executor->moveToThread(thread); // Replies from executor object must go to this object connect(executor, SIGNAL(reply(int,QString)), this, SLOT(message(int,QString))); // Requests from this object must go to executor connect(this, SIGNAL(cmdRequest(QString)), executor, SLOT(request(QString))); // On stopExecutor signal // - queue executor for deletion (in execution thread) // - quit the Qt event loop in the execution thread connect(this, SIGNAL(stopExecutor()), executor, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(stopExecutor()), thread, SLOT(quit())); // Queue the thread for deletion (in this thread) when it is finished connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater())); // Default implementation of QThread::run() simply spins up an event loop in the thread, // which is what we want. thread->start(); } void RPCConsole::on_tabWidget_currentChanged(int index) { if(ui->tabWidget->widget(index) == ui->tab_console) { ui->lineEdit->setFocus(); } } void RPCConsole::on_openDebugLogfileButton_clicked() { GUIUtil::openDebugLogfile(); } void RPCConsole::scrollToEnd() { QScrollBar *scrollbar = ui->messagesWidget->verticalScrollBar(); scrollbar->setValue(scrollbar->maximum()); } void RPCConsole::on_showCLOptionsButton_clicked() { GUIUtil::HelpMessageBox help; help.exec(); }