AddressBookPage Right-click to edit address or label 按右擊修改位址或標記 Create a new address 新增一個位址 &New 新增 &N Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard 複製目前選擇的位址到系統剪貼簿 &Copy 複製 &C C&lose 關閉 &l Delete the currently selected address from the list 把目前選擇的位址從列表中刪除 Export the data in the current tab to a file 把目前分頁的資料匯出至檔案 &Export 匯出 &E &Delete 刪除 &D AddressTableModel AskPassphraseDialog Passphrase Dialog 複雜密碼對話方塊 Enter passphrase 請輸入密碼 New passphrase 新密碼 Repeat new passphrase 重複新密碼 BanTableModel IP/Netmask IP位址/遮罩 Banned Until 封鎖至 BitcoinGUI Sign &message... 簽署訊息... &m Synchronizing with network... 與網絡同步中... &Overview 總覽 &O Node 節點 Show general overview of wallet 顯示錢包一般總覽 &Transactions 交易 &T Browse transaction history 瀏覽交易紀錄 E&xit 結束 &x Quit application 結束應用程式 About &Qt 關於 Qt &Q Show information about Qt 顯示 Qt 相關資訊 &Options... 選項... &O &Encrypt Wallet... 加密錢包... &E &Backup Wallet... 備份錢包... &B &Change Passphrase... 改變密碼... &C &Sending addresses... 付款位址... &S &Receiving addresses... 收款位址... &R Open &URI... 開啓網址... &U Reindexing blocks on disk... 正在為磁碟區塊重建索引... Send coins to a Bitcoin address 付款至一個 Bitcoin 位址 Backup wallet to another location 把錢包備份到其它地方 Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption 改變錢包加密用的密碼 &Debug window 除錯視窗 &D Open debugging and diagnostic console 開啓除錯和診斷主控台 &Verify message... 驗證訊息... &V Bitcoin Bitcoin Wallet 錢包 &Send 付款 &S &Receive 收款 &R &Show / Hide 顯示 / 隱藏 &S Show or hide the main Window 顯示或隱藏主視窗 CoinControlDialog EditAddressDialog FreespaceChecker HelpMessageDialog Intro OpenURIDialog OptionsDialog OverviewPage PaymentServer PeerTableModel QObject QRImageWidget RPCConsole ReceiveCoinsDialog ReceiveRequestDialog RecentRequestsTableModel SendCoinsDialog SendCoinsEntry SendConfirmationDialog ShutdownWindow SignVerifyMessageDialog SplashScreen TrafficGraphWidget TransactionDesc TransactionDescDialog TransactionTableModel TransactionView UnitDisplayStatusBarControl WalletFrame WalletModel WalletView bitcoin-core