AddressBookPage AddressTableModel AskPassphraseDialog BanTableModel BitcoinGUI Error 错误 Warning 警告 CoinControlDialog Date 日期 EditAddressDialog FreespaceChecker HelpMessageDialog Intro Error 错误 ModalOverlay OpenURIDialog OptionsDialog Error 错误 OverviewPage PaymentServer PeerTableModel QObject QObject::QObject QRImageWidget RPCConsole ReceiveCoinsDialog ReceiveRequestDialog RecentRequestsTableModel Date 日期 SendCoinsDialog Insufficient funds! 余额不足 Choose... 选择... The recipient address is not valid. Please recheck. 收款人地址无效,请再次确认。 Pay only the required fee of %1 仅支付全额的%1 Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address 警告:比特币地址无效 SendCoinsEntry SendConfirmationDialog ShutdownWindow SignVerifyMessageDialog SplashScreen TrafficGraphWidget TransactionDesc Date 日期 TransactionDescDialog TransactionTableModel Date 日期 TransactionView Date 日期 UnitDisplayStatusBarControl WalletFrame WalletModel WalletView bitcoin-core Transaction too large for fee policy 根据费率标准,本次转账超额 Transaction too large 超额转账 Warning 警告 Insufficient funds 余额不足 Loading wallet... 正在载入钱包... Rescanning... 再次扫描... Done loading 载入完成 Error 错误