AddressBookPage Right-click to edit address or label 右键单击来编辑地址或者标签 Create a new address 创建一个新地址 Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard 复制当前已选地址到系统剪切板 Delete the currently selected address from the list 从列表中删除当前已选地址 Export the data in the current tab to a file 将当前选项卡中的数据导出到文件 Choose the address to send coins to 选择想要发送币的地址 AddressTableModel AskPassphraseDialog BanTableModel BitcoinGUI Error 错误 Warning 警告 CoinControlDialog Date 日期 EditAddressDialog FreespaceChecker HelpMessageDialog Intro Error 错误 ModalOverlay OpenURIDialog OptionsDialog Error 错误 OverviewPage PaymentServer PeerTableModel QObject QObject::QObject QRImageWidget RPCConsole ReceiveCoinsDialog ReceiveRequestDialog RecentRequestsTableModel Date 日期 SendCoinsDialog Insufficient funds! 余额不足 Choose... 选择... The recipient address is not valid. Please recheck. 收款人地址无效,请再次确认。 Pay only the required fee of %1 仅支付全额的%1 Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address 警告:比特币地址无效 SendCoinsEntry SendConfirmationDialog ShutdownWindow SignVerifyMessageDialog SplashScreen TrafficGraphWidget TransactionDesc Date 日期 TransactionDescDialog TransactionTableModel Date 日期 TransactionView Date 日期 UnitDisplayStatusBarControl WalletFrame WalletModel WalletView Export the data in the current tab to a file 将当前选项卡中的数据导出到文件 bitcoin-core Transaction too large for fee policy 根据费率标准,本次转账超额 Transaction too large 超额转账 Warning 警告 Insufficient funds 余额不足 Loading wallet... 正在载入钱包... Rescanning... 再次扫描... Done loading 载入完成 Error 错误