AddressBookPage Right-click to edit address or label Manzil yoki yorliqni tahrirlash uchun oʻng tugmani bosing Create a new address Yangi manzil yaratish &New &Yangi &Copy &Nusxalash C&lose Yo&pish &Delete &O'chirish &Copy Address &Manzillarni nusxalash AddressTableModel Label Yorliq Address Manzil QObject %n second(s) %n minute(s) %n hour(s) %n day(s) %n week(s) %n year(s) BitcoinGUI Processed %n block(s) of transaction history. %n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network. A substring of the tooltip. Intro (sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old) Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target. PeerTableModel Address Title of Peers Table column which contains the IP/Onion/I2P address of the connected peer. Manzil RecentRequestsTableModel Label Yorliq SendCoinsDialog Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s). TransactionDesc matures in %n more block(s) TransactionTableModel Label Yorliq TransactionView Label Yorliq Address Manzil