AddressBookPageRight-click to edit address or labelМанзил ёки ёрлиқни таҳрирлаш учун икки марта босингCreate a new addressЯнги манзил яратинг&New&ЯнгиCopy the currently selected address to the system clipboardЖорий танланган манзилни тизим вақтинчалик хотирасига нусха кўчиринг&Copy&Нусха олишC&lose&ЁпишDelete the currently selected address from the listЖорий танланган манзилни рўйхатдан ўчиришEnter address or label to searchИзлаш учун манзил ёки ёрлиқни киритингExport the data in the current tab to a fileЖорий ички ойна ичидаги маълумотларни файлга экспорт қилиш&Export&Экспорт&Delete&ЎчиришChoose the address to send coins toТангаларни жўнатиш учун манзилни танлангChoose the address to receive coins withТангаларни қабул қилиш учун манзилни танлангC&hoose&ТанлашSending addressesЖўнатиладиган манзилларReceiving addressesҚабул қилинадиган манзилларThese are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.Улар тўловларни жўнатиш учун сизнинг Bitcoin манзилларингиз. Доимо тангаларни жўнатишдан олдин сумма ва қабул қилувчи манзилни текшириб кўринг. These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses.
Signing is only possible with addresses of the type 'legacy'.Улар тўловларни қабул қилиш учун сизнинг Bitcoin манзилларингиз. Янги манзилларни яратиш учун қабул қилиш варағидаги "Янги қабул қилиш манзилини яратиш" устига босинг.
Фақат 'legacy' туридаги манзиллар билан ҳисобга кириш мумкин.&Copy AddressМанзилдан &нусха олишCopy &LabelНусха олиш ва ёрлиқ&Edit&ТаҳрирлашExport Address ListМанзил рўйхатини экспорт қилишComma separated fileExpanded name of the CSV file format. See:Вергул билан ажратилган файлThere was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again.An error message. %1 is a stand-in argument for the name of the file we attempted to save to.Манзил рўйхатини %1.га сақлашда хатолик юз берди. Яна уриниб кўринг.Exporting FailedЭкспорт қилиб бўлмадиAddressTableModelLabelЁрлиқAddressМанзил(no label)(Ёрлиқ мавжуд эмас)AskPassphraseDialogPassphrase DialogМахфий сўз ойнасиEnter passphraseМахфий сўзни киритингNew passphraseЯнги махфий сўзRepeat new passphraseЯнги махфий сўзни такрорлангShow passphraseМахфий сўзни кўрсатишEncrypt walletҲамённи шифрлашThis operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.Ушбу операцияни амалга ошириш учун ҳамённи қулфдан чиқариш махфий сўзини талаб қилади.Unlock walletҲамённи қулфдан чиқаришChange passphraseМахфий сузни узгартиришConfirm wallet encryptionҲамённи кодлашни тасдиқлашWarning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>!Диққат: Агар сиз ҳамёнингизни кодласангиз ва махфий сўзингизни унутсангиз, сиз <b>БАРЧА BITCOIN ПУЛЛАРИНГИЗНИ ЙЎҚОТАСИЗ</b>!Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?Ҳамёнингизни кодлашни ростдан хоҳлайсизми?Wallet encryptedҲамён шифрланганEnter the new passphrase for the wallet.<br/>Please use a passphrase of <b>ten or more random characters</b>, or <b>eight or more words</b>.Hamyon uchun yangi maxfiy so'zni kiriting. <br/>Iltimos, <b>10 va undan ortiq istalgan</b> yoki <b>8 va undan ortiq so'zlardan</b> iborat maxfiy so'zdan foydalaning.Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase for the wallet.Hamyonning oldingi va yangi maxfiy so'zlarini kiritingRemember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer.Shuni yodda tutingki, hamyonni shifrlash kompyuterdagi virus yoki zararli dasturlar sizning bitcoinlaringizni o'g'irlashidan to'liq himoyalay olmaydi.Wallet to be encryptedШифрланадиган ҳамёнYour wallet is about to be encrypted. Ҳамёнингиз шифрланиш арафасида.Your wallet is now encrypted. Ҳамёнингиз энди шифрланади.IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.МУҲИМ: Сиз қилган олдинги ҳамён файли заҳиралари янги яратилган, кодланган ҳамён файли билан алмаштирилиши керак. Хавфсизлик сабабларига кўра олдинги кодланган ҳамён файли заҳираси янги кодланган ҳамёндан фойдаланишингиз билан яроқсиз ҳолга келади.Wallet encryption failedҲамённи кодлаш амалга ошмадиWallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.Ҳамённи кодлаш ташқи хато туфайли амалга ошмади. Ҳамёнингиз кодланмади.The supplied passphrases do not match.Киритилган пароллар мос келмади.Wallet unlock failedҲамённи қулфдан чиқариш амалга ошмадиThe passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.Ҳамённи коддан чиқариш учун киритилган парол нотўғри.Wallet passphrase was successfully changed.Ҳамён пароли муваффақиятли алмаштирилди.Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!Диққат: Caps Lock тугмаси ёқилган!BanTableModelBanned Untilgacha kirish taqiqlanadiBitcoinApplicationRunaway exceptionqo'shimcha istisnoA fatal error occurred. %1 can no longer continue safely and will quit.Fatal xatolik yuz berdi. %1 xavfsiz ravishda davom eta olmaydi va tizimni tark etadi. Internal errorIchki xatolikAn internal error occurred. %1 will attempt to continue safely. This is an unexpected bug which can be reported as described below.Ichki xatolik yuzaga keldi. %1 xavfsiz protsessni davom ettirishga harakat qiladi. Bu kutilmagan xato boʻlib, uni quyida tavsiflanganidek xabar qilish mumkin.QObjectDo you want to reset settings to default values, or to abort without making changes?Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file cannot be read. Prompts user to make a choice between resetting or aborting.Sozlamalarni asliga qaytarishni xohlaysizmi yoki o'zgartirishlar saqlanmasinmi?A fatal error occurred. Check that settings file is writable, or try running with -nosettings.Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file could not be written. Prompts user to check that we have the ability to write to the file. Explains that the user has the option of running without a settings file.Fatal xatolik yuz berdi. Sozlamalar fayli tahrirlashga yaroqliligini tekshiring yoki -nosettings bilan davom etishga harakat qiling.Error: Specified data directory "%1" does not exist.Xatolik. Belgilangan "%1" mavjud emas.Error: Cannot parse configuration file: %1.Xatolik. %1 ni tahlil qilish imkonsiz.Error: %1Xatolik: %1%1 didn't yet exit safely…%1 hali tizimni xavfsiz ravishda tark etgani yo'q...unknownНомаълумAmountМиқдориEnter a Bitcoin address (e.g. %1)Bitcoin манзилини киритинг (масалан. %1)InboundAn inbound connection from a peer. An inbound connection is a connection initiated by a peer.Ички йўналишOutboundAn outbound connection to a peer. An outbound connection is a connection initiated by us.Ташқи йўналиш%1 m%1 д%1 s%1 сNoneЙўқN/AТўғри келмайди%1 ms%1 мс%n second(s)%n minute(s)%n hour(s)%n day(s)%n week(s)%1 and %2%1 ва %2%n year(s)%1 B%1 Б%1 MB%1 МБ%1 GB%1 ГБbitcoin-coreSettings file could not be readSozlamalar fayli o'qishga yaroqsizSettings file could not be writtenSozlamalar fayli yaratish uchun yaroqsizDone loadingЮклаш тайёрInsufficient fundsКам миқдорUnable to start HTTP server. See debug log for details.HTTP serverni ishga tushirib bo'lmadi. Tafsilotlar uchun disk raskadrovka jurnaliga qarang.Verifying blocks…Bloklar tekshirilmoqda…Verifying wallet(s)…Hamyon(lar) tekshirilmoqda…Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart %s to completeHamyonni qayta yozish kerak: bajarish uchun 1%s ni qayta ishga tushiringBitcoinGUI&Overview&Кўриб чиқишShow general overview of walletҲамённинг умумий кўринишини кўрсатиш&Transactions&Пул ўтказмалариBrowse transaction historyПул ўтказмалари тарихини кўришE&xitЧ&иқишQuit applicationИловадан чиқиш&About %1&%1 haqidaShow information about %1%1 haqida axborotni ko'rsatishAbout &Qt&Qt ҳақидаShow information about QtQt ҳақидаги маълумотларни кўрсатишModify configuration options for %1%1 konfiguratsiya sozlamalarini o'zgartirishCreate a new walletYangi hamyon yaratish&Minimize&KichraytirishWallet:HamyonNetwork activity disabled.A substring of the tooltip.Mobil tarmoq faoliyati o'chirilganProxy is <b>enabled</b>: %1Proksi <b>yoqildi</b>: %1Send coins to a Bitcoin addressТангаларни Bitcoin манзилига жўнатишBackup wallet to another locationҲамённи бошқа манзилга заҳиралашChange the passphrase used for wallet encryptionПаролни ўзгартириш ҳамённи кодлашда фойдаланилади&Send&Жўнатиш&Receive&Қабул қилиш&Options…&Sozlamalar...&Encrypt Wallet…&Hamyonni shifrlash...Encrypt the private keys that belong to your walletҲамёнингизга тегишли махфий калитларни кодлаш&Backup Wallet…&Hamyon nusxasi...&Change Passphrase…&Maxfiy so'zni o'zgartirish...Sign &message…Kirish &xabarlashishSign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own themBitcoin манзилидан унинг эгаси эканлигингизни исботлаш учун хабарлар ёзинг&Verify message…&Xabarni tasdiqlashVerify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addressesХабарларни махсус Bitcoin манзилларингиз билан ёзилганлигига ишонч ҳосил қилиш учун уларни тасдиқланг&Load PSBT from file…&PSBT ni fayldan yuklash...Open &URI…&URL manzilni ochishClose Wallet…Hamyonni yopishCreate Wallet…Hamyonni yaratish...Close All Wallets…Barcha hamyonlarni yopish...&File&Файл&Settings& Созламалар&Help&ЁрдамTabs toolbarИчки ойналар асбоблар панелиSyncing Headers (%1%)…Sarlavhalar sinxronlashtirilmoqda (%1%)...Synchronizing with network…Internet bilan sinxronlash...Indexing blocks on disk…Diskdagi bloklarni indekslashProcessing blocks on disk…Diskdagi bloklarni protsesslashReindexing blocks on disk…Diskdagi bloklarni qayta indekslash...Connecting to peers…Pirlarga ulanish...Request payments (generates QR codes and bitcoin: URIs)Тўловлар (QR кодлари ва bitcoin ёрдамида яратишлар: URI’лар) сўрашShow the list of used sending addresses and labelsФойдаланилган жўнатилган манзиллар ва ёрлиқлар рўйхатини кўрсатишShow the list of used receiving addresses and labelsФойдаланилган қабул қилинган манзиллар ва ёрлиқлар рўйхатини кўрсатиш&Command-line options&Буйруқлар сатри мосламалариProcessed %n block(s) of transaction history.Tranzaksiya tarixining %n blok(lar)i qayta ishlandi.%1 behind%1 орқадаCatching up…Yetkazilmoqda...Last received block was generated %1 ago.Сўнги қабул қилинган блок %1 олдин яратилган.Transactions after this will not yet be visible.Бундан кейинги пул ўтказмалари кўринмайдиган бўлади.ErrorХатоликWarningДиққатInformationМаълумотUp to dateЯнгиланганLoad Partially Signed Bitcoin TransactionQisman signlangan Bitkoin tranzaksiyasini yuklashLoad PSBT from &clipboard…&Nusxalanganlar dan PSBT ni yuklashLoad Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction from clipboardNusxalanganlar qisman signlangan Bitkoin tranzaksiyalarini yuklashNode windowNode oynasiOpen node debugging and diagnostic consoleNode debuglash va tahlil konsolini ochish&Sending addresses&Yuborish manzillari&Receiving addresses&Qabul qilish manzillariOpen a bitcoin: URIBitkoinni ochish: URIOpen WalletHamyonni ochishOpen a walletHamyonni ochishClose walletHamyonni yopishClose all walletsBarcha hamyonlarni yopishShow the %1 help message to get a list with possible Bitcoin command-line optionsYozilishi mumkin bo'lgan command-line sozlamalar ro'yxatini olish uchun %1 yordam xabarini ko'rsatishMask the values in the Overview tabUmumiy ko'rinish menyusidagi qiymatlarni maskirovka qilishdefault walletstandart hamyonNo wallets availableHamyonlar mavjud emasWallet NameLabel of the input field where the name of the wallet is entered.Hamyon nomi&Window&ОйнаZoomKattalashtirishMain WindowAsosiy Oyna%1 client%1 mijoz &Hide&YashirishS&howKo'&rsatish%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.A substring of the tooltip.Bitkoin tarmog'iga %n aktiv ulanishlar.Click for more actions.A substring of the tooltip. "More actions" are available via the context menu.Ko'proq sozlamalar uchun bosing.Show Peers tabA context menu item. The "Peers tab" is an element of the "Node window".Pirlar oynasini ko'rsatishDisable network activityA context menu item.Ijtimoiy tarmoq faoliyatini cheklashEnable network activityA context menu item. The network activity was disabled previously.Ijtimoiy tarmoq faoliyatini yoqishError: %1Xatolik: %1Warning: %1Ogohlantirish: %1Date: %1
Sana: %1Amount: %1
Miqdor: %1
Wallet: %1
Hamyon: %1
Type: %1
Tip: %1
Label: %1
Yorliq: %1
Address: %1
Manzil: %1
Sent transactionЖўнатилган операцияIncoming transactionКирувчи операцияHD key generation is <b>enabled</b>HD kalit yaratish <b>imkonsiz</b>HD key generation is <b>disabled</b>HD kalit yaratish <b>imkonsiz</b>Private key <b>disabled</b>Maxfiy kalit <b>o'chiq</b>Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>unlocked</b>Ҳамён <b>кодланган</b> ва вақтинча <b>қулфдан чиқарилган</b>Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>locked</b>Ҳамён <b>кодланган</b> ва вақтинча <b>қулфланган</b>Original message:Asl xabar:UnitDisplayStatusBarControlUnit to show amounts in. Click to select another unit.Miqdorlarni ko'rsatish birligi. Boshqa birlik tanlash uchun bosing.CoinControlDialogCoin SelectionCoin tanlashQuantity:Сони:Bytes:Байт:Amount:Миқдори:Fee:Солиқ:Dust:Ахлат қутиси:After Fee:Солиқдан сўнг:Change:Ўзгартириш:(un)select allбарчасини танаш (бекор қилиш)Tree modeДарахт усулидаList modeРўйхат усулидаAmountМиқдориReceived with labelYorliq orqali qabul qilinganReceived with addressManzil orqali qabul qilinganDateСанаConfirmationsТасдиқлашларConfirmedТасдиқландиCopy amountКийматни нусхала&Copy address&Manzilni nusxalashCopy &label&Yorliqni nusxalashCopy &amount&Miqdorni nusxalashCopy transaction &ID and output indexTranzaksiya &IDsi ni va chiquvchi indeksni nusxalashL&ock unspentSarflanmagan miqdorlarni q&ulflash&Unlock unspentSarflanmaqan tranzaksiyalarni &qulfdan chiqarishCopy quantityНусха сониCopy feeНусха солиғиCopy after feeНусха солиқдан сўнгCopy bytesНусха байтиCopy dustНусха чанггиCopy changeНусха қайтими(%1 locked)(%1 қулфланган)yesҳаnoйўқThis label turns red if any recipient receives an amount smaller than the current dust threshold.Agar qabul qiluvchi joriy 'dust' chegarasidan kichikroq miqdor olsa, bu yorliq qizil rangga aylanadiCan vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input.Ҳар бир кирим +/- %1 сатоши(лар) билан ўзгариши мумкин.(no label)(Ёрлиқ мавжуд эмас)change from %1 (%2)%1 (%2)дан ўзгартириш(change)(ўзгартириш)CreateWalletActivityCreate WalletTitle of window indicating the progress of creation of a new wallet.Hamyon yaratishCreating Wallet <b>%1</b>…Descriptive text of the create wallet progress window which indicates to the user which wallet is currently being created.Hamyon yaratilmoqda <b>%1</b>...Create wallet failedHamyon yaratilishi amalga oshmadiCreate wallet warningHamyon yaratish ogohlantirishiCan't list signersSignerlarni ro'yxat shakliga keltirib bo'lmaydiLoadWalletsActivityLoad WalletsTitle of progress window which is displayed when wallets are being loaded.Hamyonni yuklashLoading wallets…Descriptive text of the load wallets progress window which indicates to the user that wallets are currently being loaded.Hamyonlar yuklanmoqda...OpenWalletActivityOpen wallet failedHamyonni ochib bo'lmaydiOpen wallet warningHamyonni ochish ogohlantirishidefault walletstandart hamyonOpen WalletTitle of window indicating the progress of opening of a wallet.Hamyonni ochishOpening Wallet <b>%1</b>…Descriptive text of the open wallet progress window which indicates to the user which wallet is currently being opened.Hamyonni ochish <b>%1</b>...WalletControllerClose walletHamyonni yopishAre you sure you wish to close the wallet <i>%1</i>?Ushbu hamyonni<i>%1</i> yopmoqchi ekaningizga ishonchingiz komilmi?Closing the wallet for too long can result in having to resync the entire chain if pruning is enabled.Agar 'pruning' funksiyasi o'chirilgan bo'lsa, hamyondan uzoq vaqt foydalanmaslik butun zanjirnni qayta sinxronlashga olib kelishi mumkin.Close all walletsBarcha hamyonlarni yopishAre you sure you wish to close all wallets?Hamma hamyonlarni yopmoqchimisiz?CreateWalletDialogCreate WalletHamyon yaratishWallet NameHamyon nomiWalletҲамёнEncrypt the wallet. The wallet will be encrypted with a passphrase of your choice.Hamyonni shifrlash. Hamyon siz tanlagan maxfiy so'z bilan shifrlanadiEncrypt WalletHamyonni shifrlashAdvanced OptionsQo'shimcha sozlamalarDisable private keys for this wallet. Wallets with private keys disabled will have no private keys and cannot have an HD seed or imported private keys. This is ideal for watch-only wallets.Ushbu hamyon uchun maxfiy kalitlarni o'chirish. Maxfiy kalitsiz hamyonlar maxfiy kalitlar yoki import qilingan maxfiy kalitlar, shuningdek, HD seedlarga ega bo'la olmaydi.Disable Private KeysMaxfiy kalitlarni faolsizlantirishMake a blank wallet. Blank wallets do not initially have private keys or scripts. Private keys and addresses can be imported, or an HD seed can be set, at a later time.Bo'sh hamyon yaratish. Bo'sh hamyonlarga keyinchalik maxfiy kalitlar yoki manzillar import qilinishi mumkin, yana HD seedlar ham o'rnatilishi mumkin.Make Blank WalletBo'sh hamyon yaratishUse descriptors for scriptPubKey managementscriptPubKey yaratishda izohlovchidan foydalanishDescriptor WalletIzohlovchi hamyonUse an external signing device such as a hardware wallet. Configure the external signer script in wallet preferences first.Uskuna hamyoni kabi tashqi signing qurilmasidan foydalaning. Avval hamyon sozlamalarida tashqi signer skriptini sozlang.External signerTashqi signerCreateYaratmoqCompiled without sqlite support (required for descriptor wallets)Sqlite yordamisiz tuzilgan (deskriptor hamyonlari uchun talab qilinadi)Compiled without external signing support (required for external signing)"External signing" means using devices such as hardware wallets.Tashqi signing yordamisiz tuzilgan (tashqi signing uchun zarur)EditAddressDialogEdit AddressМанзилларни таҳрирлаш&Label&ЁрликThe label associated with this address list entryЁрлиқ ушбу манзилар рўйхати ёзуви билан боғланганThe address associated with this address list entry. This can only be modified for sending addresses.Манзил ушбу манзиллар рўйхати ёзуви билан боғланган. Уни фақат жўнатиладиган манзиллар учун ўзгартирса бўлади.&Address&МанзилNew sending addressЯнги жунатилувчи манзилEdit receiving addressКабул килувчи манзилни тахрирлашEdit sending addressЖунатилувчи манзилни тахрирлашThe entered address "%1" is not a valid Bitcoin address.Киритилган "%1" манзили тўғри Bitcoin манзили эмас.Address "%1" already exists as a receiving address with label "%2" and so cannot be added as a sending address.Yuboruvchi(%1manzil) va qabul qiluvchi(%2manzil) bir xil bo'lishi mumkin emasThe entered address "%1" is already in the address book with label "%2".Kiritilgan %1manzil allaqachon %2yorlig'i bilan manzillar kitobidaCould not unlock wallet.Ҳамён қулфдан чиқмади.New key generation failed.Янги калит яратиш амалга ошмади.FreespaceCheckerA new data directory will be created.Янги маълумотлар директорияси яратилади.nameномиDirectory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here.Директория аллақачон мавжуд. Агар бу ерда янги директория яратмоқчи бўлсангиз, %1 қўшинг.Path already exists, and is not a directory.Йўл аллақачон мавжуд. У директория эмас.Cannot create data directory here.Маълумотлар директориясини бу ерда яратиб бўлмайди..Intro%n GB of space available(of %n GB needed)(%n GB needed for full chain)At least %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time.Kamida %1 GB ma'lumot bu yerda saqlanadi va vaqtlar davomida o'sib boradiApproximately %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory.Bu katalogda %1 GB ma'lumot saqlanadi(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.(%n kun oldingi zaxira nusxalarini tiklash uchun etarli)%1 will download and store a copy of the Bitcoin block chain. Bitcoin blok zanjirining%1 nusxasini yuklab oladi va saqlaydiThe wallet will also be stored in this directory.Hamyon ham ushbu katalogda saqlanadi.Error: Specified data directory "%1" cannot be created.Хато: кўрсатилган "%1" маълумотлар директориясини яратиб бўлмайди.ErrorХатоликWelcomeХуш келибсизWelcome to %1.%1 ga xush kelibsizAs this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where %1 will store its data.Birinchi marta dastur ishga tushirilganda, siz %1 o'z ma'lumotlarini qayerda saqlashini tanlashingiz mumkinLimit block chain storage toBlok zanjiri xotirasini bungacha cheklash:Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. It is faster to download the full chain first and prune it later. Disables some advanced features.Bu sozlamani qaytarish butun blok zanjirini qayta yuklab olishni talab qiladi. Avval to'liq zanjirni yuklab olish va keyinroq kesish kamroq vaqt oladi. Ba'zi qo'shimcha funksiyalarni cheklaydi. GBGBThis initial synchronisation is very demanding, and may expose hardware problems with your computer that had previously gone unnoticed. Each time you run %1, it will continue downloading where it left off.Ushbu dastlabki sinxronlash juda qiyin va kompyuteringiz bilan ilgari sezilmagan apparat muammolarini yuzaga keltirishi mumkin. Har safar %1 ni ishga tushirganingizda, u yuklab olish jarayonini qayerda to'xtatgan bo'lsa, o'sha yerdan boshlab davom ettiradi.If you have chosen to limit block chain storage (pruning), the historical data must still be downloaded and processed, but will be deleted afterward to keep your disk usage low.Agar siz blok zanjirini saqlashni cheklashni tanlagan bo'lsangiz (pruning), eski ma'lumotlar hali ham yuklab olinishi va qayta ishlanishi kerak, ammo diskdan kamroq foydalanish uchun keyin o'chiriladi.Use the default data directoryСтандарт маълумотлар директориясидан фойдаланишUse a custom data directory:Бошқа маълумотлар директориясида фойдаланинг:HelpMessageDialogversionверсиясиAbout %1%1 haqidaCommand-line optionsБуйруқлар сатри мосламалариShutdownWindow%1 is shutting down…%1 yopilmoqda...Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.Bu oyna paydo bo'lmagunicha kompyuterni o'chirmang.ModalOverlayFormШаклRecent transactions may not yet be visible, and therefore your wallet's balance might be incorrect. This information will be correct once your wallet has finished synchronizing with the bitcoin network, as detailed below.So'nggi tranzaksiyalar hali ko'rinmasligi mumkin, shuning uchun hamyoningiz balansi noto'g'ri ko'rinishi mumkin. Sizning hamyoningiz bitkoin tarmog'i bilan sinxronlashni tugatgandan so'ng, quyida batafsil tavsiflanganidek, bu ma'lumot to'g'rilanadi.Attempting to spend bitcoins that are affected by not-yet-displayed transactions will not be accepted by the network.Hali ko'rsatilmagan tranzaksiyalarga bitkoinlarni sarflashga urinish tarmoq tomonidan qabul qilinmaydi.Number of blocks leftqolgan bloklar soniUnknown…Noma'lum...calculating…hisoblanmoqda...Last block timeСўнгги блок вақтиProgressO'sishProgress increase per hourHarakatning soatiga o'sishiEstimated time left until syncedSinxronizatsiya yakunlanishiga taxminan qolgan vaqtHideYashirmoq%1 is currently syncing. It will download headers and blocks from peers and validate them until reaching the tip of the block chain.%1 sinxronlanmoqda. U pirlardan sarlavhalar va bloklarni yuklab oladi va ularni blok zanjirining uchiga yetguncha tasdiqlaydi.Unknown. Syncing Headers (%1, %2%)…Noma'lum. Sarlavhalarni sinxronlash(%1, %2%)...OpenURIDialogOpen bitcoin URIBitkoin URI sini ochishPaste address from clipboardTooltip text for button that allows you to paste an address that is in your clipboard.Клипбоарддан манзилни қўйишOptionsDialogOptionsТанламалар&Main&АсосийAutomatically start %1 after logging in to the system.%1 ni sistemaga kirilishi bilanoq avtomatik ishga tushirish.&Start %1 on system login%1 ni sistemaga kirish paytida &ishga tushirishEnabling pruning significantly reduces the disk space required to store transactions. All blocks are still fully validated. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain.Do'kon tranzaksiyalari katta xotira talab qilgani tufayli pruning ni yoqish sezilarli darajada xotirada joy kamayishiga olib keladi. Barcha bloklar hali ham to'liq tasdiqlangan. Bu sozlamani qaytarish butun blok zanjirini qayta yuklab olishni talab qiladi.Size of &database cache&Маълумотлар базаси кешиNumber of script &verification threadsМавзуларни &тўғрилаш скрипти миқдориIP address of the proxy (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1)Прокси IP манзили (масалан: IPv4: / IPv6: ::1)Shows if the supplied default SOCKS5 proxy is used to reach peers via this network type.Taqdim etilgan standart SOCKS5 proksi-serveridan ushbu tarmoq turi orqali pirlar bilan bog‘lanish uchun foydalanilganini ko'rsatadi.Minimize instead of exit the application when the window is closed. When this option is enabled, the application will be closed only after selecting Exit in the menu.Oyna yopilganda dasturdan chiqish o'rniga minimallashtirish. Ushbu parametr yoqilganda, dastur faqat menyuda Chiqish ni tanlagandan keyin yopiladi.Open the %1 configuration file from the working directory.%1 konfiguratsion faylini ishlash katalogidan ochish.Open Configuration FileKonfiguratsion faylni ochishReset all client options to default.Barcha mijoz sozlamalarini asl holiga qaytarish.&Reset OptionsSozlamalarni &qayta o'rnatish&NetworkТармоқPrune &block storage to&Blok xotirasini bunga kesish:Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain.Bu sozlamani qaytarish butun blok zanjirini qayta yuklab olishni talab qiladi.Maximum database cache size. A larger cache can contribute to faster sync, after which the benefit is less pronounced for most use cases. Lowering the cache size will reduce memory usage. Unused mempool memory is shared for this cache.Tooltip text for Options window setting that sets the size of the database cache. Explains the corresponding effects of increasing/decreasing this value.Ma'lumotlar bazasi keshining maksimal hajmi. Kattaroq kesh tezroq sinxronlashtirishga hissa qo'shishi mumkin, ya'ni foyda kamroq sezilishi mumkin.Set the number of script verification threads. Negative values correspond to the number of cores you want to leave free to the system.Tooltip text for Options window setting that sets the number of script verification threads. Explains that negative values mean to leave these many cores free to the system.Skriptni tekshirish ip lari sonini belgilang. (0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free)(0 = avtomatik, <0 = bu yadrolarni bo'sh qoldirish)This allows you or a third party tool to communicate with the node through command-line and JSON-RPC commands.Tooltip text for Options window setting that enables the RPC server.Bu sizga yoki uchinchi tomon vositasiga command-line va JSON-RPC buyruqlari orqali node bilan bog'lanish imkonini beradi.Enable R&PC serverAn Options window setting to enable the RPC server.R&PC serverni yoqishW&alletҲамёнWhether to set subtract fee from amount as default or not.Tooltip text for Options window setting that sets subtracting the fee from a sending amount as default.Chegirma to'lovini standart qilib belgilash kerakmi yoki yo'qmi?Subtract &fee from amount by defaultAn Options window setting to set subtracting the fee from a sending amount as default.Standart bo'yicha chegirma belgilashExpertEkspertEnable coin &control featuresTangalarni &nazorat qilish funksiyasini yoqishEnable &PSBT controlsAn options window setting to enable PSBT controls.&PSBT nazoratini yoqishWhether to show PSBT controls.Tooltip text for options window setting that enables PSBT controls.PSBT boshqaruvlarini ko'rsatish kerakmi?External Signer (e.g. hardware wallet)Tashqi Signer(masalan: hamyon apparati)&External signer script path&Tashqi signer skripti yo'liProxy &IP:Прокси &IP рақами:&Port:&Порт:Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050)Прокси порти (e.g. 9050)&Window&ОйнаShow only a tray icon after minimizing the window.Ойна йиғилгандан сўнг фақат трэй нишончаси кўрсатилсин.&Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbarМанзиллар панели ўрнига трэйни &йиғишM&inimize on closeЁпишда й&иғиш&Display&КўрсатишUser Interface &language:Фойдаланувчи интерфейси &тили:&Unit to show amounts in:Миқдорларни кўрсатиш учун &қисм:&Cancel&Бекор қилишCompiled without external signing support (required for external signing)"External signing" means using devices such as hardware wallets.Tashqi signing yordamisiz tuzilgan (tashqi signing uchun zarur)defaultстандартnoneйўқConfirm options resetWindow title text of pop-up window shown when the user has chosen to reset options.Тасдиқлаш танловларини рад қилишClient restart required to activate changes.Text explaining that the settings changed will not come into effect until the client is restarted.Ўзгаришлар амалга ошиши учун мижозни қайта ишга тушириш талаб қилинади.ErrorХатоликThis change would require a client restart.Ушбу ўзгариш мижозни қайтадан ишга туширишни талаб қилади.The supplied proxy address is invalid.Келтирилган прокси манзили ишламайди.OverviewPageFormШаклThe displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Bitcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet.Кўрсатилган маълумот эскирган бўлиши мумкин. Ҳамёнингиз алоқа ўрнатилгандан сўнг Bitcoin тармоқ билан автоматик тарзда синхронланади, аммо жараён ҳалигача тугалланмади.Watch-only:Фақат кўришгаAvailable:Мавжуд:Your current spendable balanceЖорий сарфланадиган балансингизPending:Кутилмоқда:Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balanceЖами ўтказмалар ҳозиргача тасдиқланган ва сафланадиган баланс томонга ҳали ҳам ҳисобланмадиImmature:Тайёр эмас:Mined balance that has not yet maturedМиналаштирилган баланс ҳалигача тайёр эмасBalancesБалансларTotal:Жами:Your current total balanceЖорий умумий балансингизYour current balance in watch-only addressesЖорий балансингиз фақат кўринадиган манзиллардаSpendable:Сарфланадиган:Recent transactionsСўнгги пул ўтказмалариUnconfirmed transactions to watch-only addressesТасдиқланмаган ўтказмалар-фақат манзилларини кўришCurrent total balance in watch-only addressesЖорий умумий баланс фақат кўринадиган манзиллардаPSBTOperationsDialogorёкиPaymentServerPayment request errorТўлов сўрови хатоURI handlingURI осилиб қолмоқдаPeerTableModelUser AgentTitle of Peers Table column which contains the peer's User Agent string.Фойдаланувчи вакилDirectionTitle of Peers Table column which indicates the direction the peer connection was initiated from.ЙўналишAddressTitle of Peers Table column which contains the IP/Onion/I2P address of the connected peer.МанзилTypeTitle of Peers Table column which describes the type of peer connection. The "type" describes why the connection exists.ТуриNetworkTitle of Peers Table column which states the network the peer connected through.ТармоқInboundAn Inbound Connection from a Peer.Ички йўналишOutboundAn Outbound Connection to a Peer.Ташқи йўналишQRImageWidget&Copy ImageРасмдан &нусха олишSave QR CodeQR кодни сақлашRPCConsoleN/AТўғри келмайдиClient versionМижоз номи&Information&МаълумотGeneralАсосийStartup timeБошланиш вақтиNetworkТармоқNameНом&Peers&УламларSelect a peer to view detailed information.Батафсил маълумотларни кўриш учун уламни танланг.VersionВерсияUser AgentФойдаланувчи вакилNode windowNode oynasiServicesХизматларConnection TimeУланиш вақтиLast SendСўнгги жўнатилганLast ReceiveСўнгги қабул қилинганPing TimePing вақтиLast block timeСўнгги блок вақти&Open&Очиш&Console&Терминал&Network Traffic&Тармоқ трафигиTotalsЖамиDebug log fileТузатиш журнали файлиClear consoleТерминални тозалашIn:Ичига:Out:Ташқарига:&Copy addressContext menu action to copy the address of a peer.&Manzilni nusxalashvia %1%1 орқалиYesҲаNoЙўқToГаFromДанUnknownНомаълумReceiveCoinsDialog&Amount:&Миқдор:&Label:&Ёрлиқ:&Message:&Хабар:An optional label to associate with the new receiving address.Янги қабул қилинаётган манзил билан боғланган танланадиган ёрлиқ.Use this form to request payments. All fields are <b>optional</b>.Ушбу сўровдан тўловларни сўраш учун фойдаланинг. Барча майдонлар <b>мажбурий эмас</b>.An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount.Хоҳланган миқдор сўрови. Кўрсатилган миқдорни сўраш учун буни бўш ёки ноль қолдиринг.Clear all fields of the form.Шаклнинг барча майдончаларини тозалашClearТозалашRequested payments historyСўралган тўлов тарихиShow the selected request (does the same as double clicking an entry)Танланган сўровни кўрсатиш (икки марта босилганда ҳам бир хил амал бажарилсин)ShowКўрсатишRemove the selected entries from the listТанланганларни рўйхатдан ўчиришRemoveЎчириш&Copy address&Manzilni nusxalashCopy &label&Yorliqni nusxalashCopy &amount&Miqdorni nusxalashCould not unlock wallet.Ҳамён қулфдан чиқмади.ReceiveRequestDialogAmount:Миқдори:Message:ХабарWallet:HamyonCopy &AddressНусҳалаш & МанзилPayment informationТўлов маълумотиRequest payment to %1 %1 дан Тўловни сўрашRecentRequestsTableModelDateСанаLabelЁрлиқMessageХабар(no label)(Ёрлиқ мавжуд эмас)(no message)(Хабар йўқ)SendCoinsDialogSend CoinsТангаларни жунатCoin Control FeaturesТанга бошқаруви ҳусусиятлариautomatically selectedавтоматик тарзда танланганInsufficient funds!Кам миқдорQuantity:Сони:Bytes:Байт:Amount:Миқдори:Fee:Солиқ:After Fee:Солиқдан сўнг:Change:Ўзгартириш:If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address.Агар бу фаоллаштирилса, аммо ўзгартирилган манзил бўл ёки нотўғри бўлса, ўзгариш янги яратилган манзилга жўнатилади.Custom change addressБошқа ўзгартирилган манзилTransaction Fee:Ўтказма тўловиper kilobyteХар килобайтигаHideYashirmoqRecommended:Тавсия этилганSend to multiple recipients at onceБирданига бир нечта қабул қилувчиларга жўнатишClear all fields of the form.Шаклнинг барча майдончаларини тозалашDust:Ахлат қутиси:Clear &AllБарчасини & ТозалашBalance:БалансConfirm the send actionЖўнатиш амалини тасдиқлашS&endЖў&натишCopy quantityНусха сониCopy amountКийматни нусхалаCopy feeНусха солиғиCopy after feeНусха солиқдан сўнгCopy bytesНусха байтиCopy dustНусха чанггиCopy changeНусха қайтими%1 to %2%1 дан %2orёкиTransaction feeЎтказма тўловиConfirm send coinsТангалар жўнаишни тасдиқлашThe amount to pay must be larger than 0.Тўлов миқдори 0. дан катта бўлиши керак. Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).Warning: Invalid Bitcoin addressДиққат: Нотўғр Bitcoin манзилиWarning: Unknown change addressДиққат: Номаълум ўзгариш манзили(no label)(Ёрлиқ мавжуд эмас)SendCoinsEntryA&mount:&Миқдори:Pay &To:&Тўлов олувчи:&Label:&Ёрлиқ:Choose previously used addressОлдин фойдаланилган манзилни танлаPaste address from clipboardКлипбоарддан манзилни қўйишMessage:ХабарSignVerifyMessageDialogChoose previously used addressОлдин фойдаланилган манзилни танлаPaste address from clipboardКлипбоарддан манзилни қўйишSignatureИмзоClear &AllБарчасини & ТозалашMessage verified.Хабар тасдиқланди.TransactionDesc%1/unconfirmedText explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents a transaction confirmed in at least one block, but less than 6 blocks.%1/тасдиқланмади%1 confirmationsText explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents a transaction confirmed in 6 or more blocks.%1 тасдиқлашларDateСанаSourceМанбаGeneratedЯратилганFromДанunknownНомаълумToГаown addressўз манзилиlabelёрлиқCreditКредит (қарз)matures in %n more block(s)not acceptedқабул қилинмадиTransaction feeЎтказма тўловиNet amountУмумий миқдорMessageХабарCommentШарҳTransaction IDIDMerchantСавдоTransactionЎтказмаAmountМиқдориtrueростfalseёлғонTransactionDescDialogThis pane shows a detailed description of the transactionУшбу ойна операциянинг батафсил таърифини кўрсатадиTransactionTableModelDateСанаTypeТуриLabelЁрлиқUnconfirmedТасдиқланмаганConfirmed (%1 confirmations)Тасдиқланди (%1 та тасдиқ)Generated but not acceptedЯратилди, аммо қабул қилинмадиReceived withЁрдамида қабул қилишReceived fromДан қабул қилишSent toЖўнатишPayment to yourselfЎзингизга тўловMinedФойда(n/a)(қ/қ)(no label)(Ёрлиқ мавжуд эмас)Transaction status. Hover over this field to show number of confirmations.Ўтказма ҳолати. Ушбу майдон бўйлаб тасдиқлашлар сонини кўрсатиш.Date and time that the transaction was received.Ўтказма қабул қилинган сана ва вақт.Type of transaction.Пул ўтказмаси туриAmount removed from or added to balance.Миқдор ўчирилган ёки балансга қўшилган.TransactionViewAllБарчаTodayБугунThis weekШу ҳафтаThis monthШу ойLast monthЎтган хафтаThis yearШу йилReceived withЁрдамида қабул қилишSent toЖўнатишTo yourselfЎзингизгаMinedФойдаOtherБошкаMin amountМин қиймат&Copy address&Manzilni nusxalashCopy &label&Yorliqni nusxalashCopy &amount&Miqdorni nusxalashExport Transaction HistoryЎтказмалар тарихини экспорт қилишComma separated fileExpanded name of the CSV file format. See:Вергул билан ажратилган файлConfirmedТасдиқландиWatch-onlyФақат кўришгаDateСанаTypeТуриLabelЁрлиқAddressМанзилExporting FailedЭкспорт қилиб бўлмадиThe transaction history was successfully saved to %1.Ўтказмалар тарихи %1 га муваффаққиятли сақланди.Range:Оралиқ:toКимгаWalletFrameCreate a new walletYangi hamyon yaratishErrorХатоликWalletModelSend CoinsТангаларни жунатdefault walletstandart hamyonWalletView&Export&ЭкспортExport the data in the current tab to a fileЖорий ички ойна ичидаги маълумотларни файлга экспорт қилиш