AddressBookPageRight-click to edit address or labelBonyeza kulia ili kuhariri anwani au leboCreate a new addressFungua anuani mpya&New&MpyaCopy the currently selected address to the system clipboardNakili anwani iliyochaguliwa sasa kwenye ubao wa kunakili wa mfumo&Copy&nakiliC&loseC&FungaDelete the currently selected address from the listFuta anwani iliyochaguliwa sasa kutoka kwenye orodhaEnter address or label to searchWeka anwani au chapa ili utafuteExport the data in the current tab to a fileToa data katika kichupo cha sasa hadi kwenye faili&Export&Toa&Delete&FutaChoose the address to send coins toChagua anwani ya kutuma sarafuChoose the address to receive coins withChagua anwani ya kupokea sarafuC&hooseChaguaThese are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.Hizi ndizo anwani zako za kutuma malipo ya sarafu ya Bitcoin. Hakikisha kila wakati kiwango na anwani ya kupokea kabla ya kutuma sarafu.These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses.
Signing is only possible with addresses of the type 'legacy'.Hizi ndizo anwani zako za Bitcoin za kupokea malipo. Tumia kitufe cha 'Unda anwani mpya ya kupokea' kwenye kichupo cha kupokea ili kuunda anwani mpya.
Kutia sahihi kunawezekana tu kwa anwani za aina ya 'urithi'.&Copy AddressNakili &anwaniCopy &LabelNakili & Chapa&Edit& haririExport Address ListToa orodha ya anuaniComma separated fileExpanded name of the CSV file format. See: linalotenganishwa kwa mkatoThere was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again.An error message. %1 is a stand-in argument for the name of the file we attempted to save to.Kulikuwa na kosa jaribu kuokoa orodha ya anwani kwa %1. Tafadhali jaribu tena.Exporting FailedUtoaji HaujafanikiwaAddressTableModelLabelChapaAddressAnuani(no label)(hamna chapa)AskPassphraseDialogPassphrase DialogKisanduku Kidadisi cha Nenosiri Enter passphraseIngiza nenosiriNew passphraseNenosiri jipyaRepeat new passphraseRudia nenosiri jipyaShow passphraseOnyesha nenosiriEncrypt walletSimba mkobaThis operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.Operesheni hii inahitaji kaulisiri ya mkoba wako ili kufungua pochi.Unlock walletFungua mkobaChange passphraseBadilisha nenosiri Confirm wallet encryptionThibitisha usimbaji fiche wa pochiWarning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>!Ilani: Ikiwa utasimba pochi yako na ukapoteza nenosiri lako, <b> UTAPOTEZA BITCOIN ZAKO ZOTE </b>!Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?Je, una uhakika ungependa kusimba kibeti chako kwa njia fiche?Wallet encryptedWallet imesimbwa kwa njia ficheEnter the new passphrase for the wallet.<br/>Please use a passphrase of <b>ten or more random characters</b>, or <b>eight or more words</b>.Ingiza nenosiri jipya kwa ajili ya pochi yako.<br/>Tafadhali tumia nenosiri la <b>herufi holelaholela kumi au zaidi</b>, au <b>maneno kumi au zaidi</b>.Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase for the wallet.Ingiza nenosiri la zamani na nenosiri jipya la pochi yako.Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer.Kumbuka kwamba usimbaji fiche wa mkoba wako hauwezi kulinda bitcoins zako zisiibiwe na programu hasidi kuambukiza kompyuta yako.Wallet to be encryptedWallet itasimbwa kwa njia ficheYour wallet is about to be encrypted. Mkoba wako unakaribia kusimbwa kwa njia fiche.Your wallet is now encrypted. Mkoba wako sasa umesimbwa kwa njia fiche.IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.MUHIMU: Chelezo zozote ulizofanya hapo awali za faili lako la pochi zinapaswa kubadilishwa na faili mpya ya pochi iliyosimbwa. Kwa sababu za usalama, chelezo za awali za faili la pochi lisilosimbwa zitakuwa hazifai mara tu utakapoanza kutumia pochi mpya iliyosimbwa.
Wallet encryption failedUsimbaji fiche wa Wallet haukufauluWallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.Usimbaji fiche wa Wallet umeshindwa kwa sababu ya hitilafu ya ndani. Pochi yako haikusimbwa kwa njia fiche.The supplied passphrases do not match.Nenosiri liliyotolewa haifanani.The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.Nenosiri liliyoingizwa kwa ajili ya kufungua pochi sio sahihi.The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption is incorrect. It contains a null character (ie - a zero byte). If the passphrase was set with a version of this software prior to 25.0, please try again with only the characters up to — but not including — the first null character. If this is successful, please set a new passphrase to avoid this issue in the future.Nenosiri lililowekwa kwa ajili ya kusimbua mkoba si sahihi. Ina herufi tupu (yaani - zero byte). Ikiwa kaulisiri iliwekwa na toleo la programu hii kabla ya 25.0, tafadhali jaribu tena na herufi tu hadi - lakini bila kujumuisha - herufi batili ya kwanza. Hili likifanikiwa, tafadhali weka kaulisiri mpya ili kuepuka tatizo hili katika siku zijazo.Wallet passphrase was successfully changed.Nenosiri la pochi limefanikiwa kubadilishwa.Passphrase change failedMabadiliko ya nenosiri hayajafanikiwaThe old passphrase entered for the wallet decryption is incorrect. It contains a null character (ie - a zero byte). If the passphrase was set with a version of this software prior to 25.0, please try again with only the characters up to — but not including — the first null character.Nenosiri la zamani liliyoingizwa kwa ajili ya kufungulia pochi sio sahihi. Linabeba herufi batili (yaani - yenye byte 0 ). Kama nenosiri liliwekwa na toleo la programu hii kabla ya 25.0, tafadhali jaribu tena na herufi zote mpaka — lakini usiweka — herufi batili ya kwanza.Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!Onyo: Kitufe cha Caps Lock kimewashwa!BanTableModelBanned UntilImepigwa Marufuku HadiBitcoinApplicationSettings file %1 might be corrupt or invalid.Faili ya mipangilio ya asilimia %1 inaweza kuwa mbovu au batili.Runaway exceptionUbaguzi wa kukimbiaA fatal error occurred. %1 can no longer continue safely and will quit.Kosa kubwa limejitokeza. %1 haliwezi kuendelea salama na litajiondoa.Internal errorHitilafu ya ndaniAn internal error occurred. %1 will attempt to continue safely. This is an unexpected bug which can be reported as described below.Hitilafu ya ndani ilitokea. %1 itajaribu kuendelea salama. Hii ni mdudu usiotarajiwa ambao unaweza kuripotiwa kama ilivyoelezwa hapa chini.QObjectDo you want to reset settings to default values, or to abort without making changes?Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file cannot be read. Prompts user to make a choice between resetting or aborting.Unataka kurejesha mipangilio kwa thamani za awali, au kusitisha bila kufanya mabadiliko?A fatal error occurred. Check that settings file is writable, or try running with -nosettings.Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file could not be written. Prompts user to check that we have the ability to write to the file. Explains that the user has the option of running without a settings file.Kosa kubwa limejitokeza. Angalia kwamba faili ya mipangilio inaweza kuandikwa, au jaribu kuendesha na -nosettings.Error: %1Kosa: %1%1 didn't yet exit safely…%1 bado hajaondoka salama...%n second(s)%n minute(s)%n hour(s)%n day(s)%n week(s)%n year(s)BitcoinGUI&Overview&MuhtasariShow general overview of walletOnyesha muhtasari wa jumla wa mkoba&Transactions&Shughuli za malipoBrowse transaction historyAngalia historia ya shughuli za malipoQuit applicationAcha programu&About %1Kuhusu %1Show information about %1Onyesha habari kuhusu %1About &QtKuhusu &QtShow information about QtOnyesha habari kuhusu QtModify configuration options for %1Badilisha chaguo za usanidi kwa %1Create a new walletUnda mkoba mpya&MinimizeKupunguzaWallet:Mkoba:Network activity disabled.A substring of the tooltip.Shughuli ya mtandao imelemazwa.Proxy is <b>enabled</b>: %1Proxy <b>imeamilishwa</b>: %1Send coins to a Bitcoin addressTuma sarafu kwa anwani ya BitcoinBackup wallet to another locationCheleza mkoba hadi eneo lingineChange the passphrase used for wallet encryptionBadilisha nenosiri liliyotumika kusimba pochi&Send&TUMA&Receive&Pokea&Options…&Chaguo...Encrypt the private keys that belong to your walletFunga funguo za siri zinazomiliki mkoba wako.&Change Passphrase…&Badilisha Nenosiri...Sign &message…Saini &ujumbe...Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own themSaini ujumbe na anwani zako za Bitcoin ili kuthibitisha umiliki wao.Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addressesHakikisha ujumbe umethibitishwa kuwa ulisainiwa na anwani za Bitcoin zilizotajwaOpen &URI…Fungua &URI ...Close Wallet…Funga pochiCreate Wallet…Unda pochiClose All Wallets…Funga pochi yzote&File&Faili&Settings&Vipimo&Help&MsaidieTabs toolbarVidirisha vya vichupoSyncing Headers (%1%)…Kuunganisha Vichwa vya habari (%1%) ...Synchronizing with network…Kuunganisha na mtandao ...Indexing blocks on disk…Kuweka alama za vitengo kwenye diski ...Processing blocks on disk…Kusindika vitalu kwenye diski ...Connecting to peers…Kuunganisha na wenzako wa kushirikiana...Request payments (generates QR codes and bitcoin: URIs)Omba malipo (huzalisha nambari za QR na bitcoin: URIs)Show the list of used sending addresses and labelsOnyesha orodha ya anuani za kutuma zilizotumika na chapaShow the list of used receiving addresses and labelsOnyesha orodha ya anuani za kupokea zilizotumika na chapa&Command-line options&Chaguo za amri ya amriProcessed %n block(s) of transaction history.Transactions after this will not yet be visible.Shughuli baada ya hii bado hazitaonekana.ErrorKosaWarningOnyoInformationHabariOpen WalletFungua PochiClose walletFunga pochiWallet NameLabel of the input field where the name of the wallet is entered.Jina la Wallet&Hide&Ficha%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.A substring of the tooltip.Error: %1Kosa: %1Label: %1
Chapa: %1
CoinControlDialogQuantity:WingiAmount:Kiasi:Fee:Ada:After Fee:Baada ya AdaReceived with labelImepokelewa na chapaCopy &labelNakili &chapa(no label)(hamna chapa)OpenWalletActivityOpen WalletTitle of window indicating the progress of opening of a wallet.Fungua PochiRestoreWalletActivityRestore wallet warningTitle of message box which is displayed when the wallet is restored with some warning.Rejesha onyo la pochiWalletControllerClose walletFunga PochiClosing the wallet for too long can result in having to resync the entire chain if pruning is enabled.Kufunga pochi kwa muda mrefu sana kunaweza kusababisha kusawazisha tena mnyororo mzima ikiwa upogoaji umewezeshwa.CreateWalletDialogWallet NameJina la WalletEncrypt the wallet. The wallet will be encrypted with a passphrase of your choice.Simba pochi. Pochi itasimbwa kwa kutumia nenosiri utakalo chagua.Disable private keys for this wallet. Wallets with private keys disabled will have no private keys and cannot have an HD seed or imported private keys. This is ideal for watch-only wallets.Zima funguo za siri kwa ajili ya pochi hii. Pochi zenye funguo za siri zilizozimwa hazitakua na funguo za siri na hazitakuwa na mbegu ya HD au funguo za siri zilizoingizwa. Hii inafaa kwa pochi za uangalizi tu.Make a blank wallet. Blank wallets do not initially have private keys or scripts. Private keys and addresses can be imported, or an HD seed can be set, at a later time.Tengeneza pochi tupu. Pochi tupu kwa kuanza hazina funguo za siri au hati. Funguo za siri zinaweza kuingizwa, au mbegu ya HD inaweza kuwekwa baadae.Use an external signing device such as a hardware wallet. Configure the external signer script in wallet preferences first.Tumia kifaa cha kutia sahihi cha nje kama vile pochi ya maunzi. Sanidi hati ya kutia sahihi ya nje katika mapendeleo ya pochi kwanza.EditAddressDialog&Label&ChapaThe label associated with this address list entryChapa inayohusiana na hiki kipendele cha orodha ya anuaniEdit sending addressBadilisha anwani ya kutumaAddress "%1" already exists as a receiving address with label "%2" and so cannot be added as a sending address.Anuani "%1" ipo teyari kama anuani ya kupokea ikiwa na chapa "%2" hivyo haiwezi kuongezwa kama anuani ya kutuma.The entered address "%1" is already in the address book with label "%2".Anuani iliyoingizwa "%1" teyari ipo kwenye kitabu cha anuani ikiwa na chapa "%2".Could not unlock wallet.Haikuweza kufungua pochi.New key generation failed.Uzalishaji mpya wa ufunguo umeshindwa.FreespaceCheckerA new data directory will be created.Saraka mpya ya data itaundwa.nameJinaPath already exists, and is not a directory.Njia tayari ipo, na si saraka.Cannot create data directory here.Haiwezi kuunda saraka ya data hapa.Intro%n GB of space available(of %n GB needed)(%n GB needed for full chain)(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.ErrorOnyoOptionsDialogErrorOnyoPeerTableModelAddressTitle of Peers Table column which contains the IP/Onion/I2P address of the connected peer.AnuaniQRImageWidgetResulting URI too long, try to reduce the text for label / message.URI inayotokea ni ndefu sana. Jaribu kupunguza maandishi ya chapa / ujumbe.ReceiveCoinsDialog&Label:&Chapa:An optional label to associate with the new receiving address.Chapa ya hiari kuhusisha na anuani mpya ya kupokea.An optional label to associate with the new receiving address (used by you to identify an invoice). It is also attached to the payment request.Chapa ya hiari kuhusisha na anuani mpya ya kupokea (hutumika na wewe kutambua ankara). Pia huambatanishwa kwenye ombi la malipo.Copy &labelNakili &chapaCould not unlock wallet.Haikuweza kufungua pochi.ReceiveRequestDialogAmount:Kiasi:Label:Chapa:Wallet:Mkoba:RecentRequestsTableModelLabelChapa(no label)(hamna chapa)SendCoinsDialogQuantity:WingiAmount:Kiasi:Fee:Ada:After Fee:Baada ya AdaEstimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).(no label)(hamna chapa)SendCoinsEntry&Label:&Chapa:Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addressesIngiza chapa kwa ajili ya anuani hii kuiongeza katika orodha ya anuani zilizotumikaTransactionDesclabelchapamatures in %n more block(s)TransactionTableModelLabelChapa(no label)(hamna chapa)TransactionViewEnter address, transaction id, or label to searchIngiza anuani, kitambulisho cha muamala, au chapa kutafutaCopy &labelNakili &chapa&Edit address label&Hariri chapa ya anuaniExport Transaction HistoryToa Historia ya MiamalaComma separated fileExpanded name of the CSV file format. See: linalotenganishwa kwa mkatoLabelChapaAddressAnuaniExporting FailedUtoaji HaujafanikiwaExporting SuccessfulUtoaji UmefanikiwaWalletFrameCreate a new walletUnda mkoba mpyaErrorOnyoWalletView&Export&ToaExport the data in the current tab to a fileToa data katika kichupo cha sasa hadi kwenye failibitcoin-coreMore than one onion bind address is provided. Using %s for the automatically created Tor onion service.Zaidi ya anuani moja ya onion bind imetolewa. Inatumia %skwa ajili ya huduma ya Tor onion inayotengeneza kiotomatiki. Cannot resolve -%s address: '%s'Imeshindwa kutatua -%s anuani: '%s'Error: Address book data in wallet cannot be identified to belong to migrated walletsHitilafu: Data za kitabu cha anunai katika pochi haziwezi kutambulika kuwa ni ya pochi zilizohamia.Error: No %s addresses available.Hitilafu: Hamna anuani zilizopo %s.Error: Unable to remove watchonly address book dataHitilafu: Imeshindwa kuondoa data katika kitabu cha anuani ya kutazama tuImporting…Inaingizwa...Invalid -i2psam address or hostname: '%s'Anuani ya -i2psam au jina la mwenyeji ni batili: '%s'Invalid -onion address or hostname: '%s'Anuani ya onion au jina la mwenyeji ni batili: '%s'Invalid -proxy address or hostname: '%s'Anuani ya wakala au jina la mwenyeji ni batili: '%s'Loading P2P addresses…Tunapakia anuani za P2PNo addresses availableHakuna anuani zinazopatikanaTransaction needs a change address, but we can't generate it.Muamala unahitaji mabadiliko ya anuani, lakini hatuwezi kuitengeneza.Unknown address type '%s'Aina ya anuani haifahamiki '%s'Verifying wallet(s)…Kuthibitisha mkoba/mikoba