AddressBookPage Right-click to edit address or label Klikni desnim tasterom za uređivanje adrese ili oznake Create a new address Kreiraj novu adresu &New &Novi Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard Kopiraj selektovanu adresu u sistemski klipbord &Copy &Kopiraj C&lose Zatvori Delete the currently selected address from the list Briše trenutno izabranu adresu sa liste Enter address or label to search Unesite adresu ili oznaku za pretragu Export the data in the current tab to a file Izvoz podataka iz trenutne kartice u datoteku &Export &Izvoz &Delete &Izbrisati Choose the address to send coins to Izaberite adresu za slanje novčića Choose the address to receive coins with Izaberite adresu za prijem novčića C&hoose I&zaberi Sending addresses Adresa na koju se šalje Receiving addresses Adresa na koju se prima These are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins. Ovo su Vaše Bitcoin adrese na koju se vrše uplate. Uvek proverite iznos i prijemnu adresu pre slanja novčića. &Copy Address &Kopiraj Adresu Copy &Label Kopiranje &Oznaka &Edit &Izmena Export Address List Izvezi Listu Adresa There was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again. An error message. %1 is a stand-in argument for the name of the file we attempted to save to. Desila se greška prilikom čuvanja liste adresa u %1. Molimo pokusajte ponovo. Exporting Failed Izvoz Neuspeo AddressTableModel Label Oznaka Address Adresa (no label) (bez oznake) AskPassphraseDialog Passphrase Dialog Dialog pristupne fraze Enter passphrase Unesi pristupnu frazu New passphrase Nova pristupna fraza Repeat new passphrase Ponovo unesite pristupnu frazu Show passphrase Prikaži lozinku Encrypt wallet Šifrujte novčanik This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet. Da biste otključali novčanik potrebno je da unesete svoju pristupnu frazu. Unlock wallet Otključajte novčanik Change passphrase Promenite pristupnu frazu Confirm wallet encryption Potvrdite šifrovanje novčanika Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>! Upozorenje: Ako šifrujete svoj novčanik, i potom izgubite svoju pristupnu frazu <b>IZGUBIĆETE SVE SVOJE BITKOINE</b>! Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet? Da li ste sigurni da želite da šifrujete svoj novčanik? Wallet encrypted Novčanik je šifrovan Enter the new passphrase for the wallet.<br/>Please use a passphrase of <b>ten or more random characters</b>, or <b>eight or more words</b>. Unesite lozinku u novčanik. <br/>Molimo, koristite lozinku koja ima <b> deset ili više nasumičnih znakova</b>, ili <b>osam ili više reči</b>. Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase for the wallet. Unesite u novčanik staru lozinku i novu lozinku. Your wallet is about to be encrypted. Novčanik će vam biti šifriran. Your wallet is now encrypted. Vaš novčanik je sada šifrovan. IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet. VAŽNO: Ranije rezervne kopije wallet datoteke trebate zameniti sa novo-kreiranom, enkriptovanom wallet datotekom. Iz sigurnosnih razloga, ranije ne-enkriptovane wallet datoteke će postati neupotrebljive čim počnete koristiti novi, enkriptovani novčanik. Wallet encryption failed Enkripcija novčanika neuspešna Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted. Enkripcija novčanika nije uspela zbog greške u programu. Vaš novčanik nije enkriptovan. The supplied passphrases do not match. Unete pristupne fraze nisu tačne. Wallet unlock failed Otključavanje novčanika neuspešno The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect. Pristupna fraza za dekriptovanje novčanika nije tačna. Wallet passphrase was successfully changed. Pristupna fraza novčanika je uspešno promenjena. Warning: The Caps Lock key is on! Upozorenje: Caps Lock je uključen! BanTableModel Banned Until Banovani ste do BitcoinApplication Internal error Interna greška QObject Error: %1 Greška: %1 unknown nepoznato Amount Kolicina %n second(s) %n minute(s) %n hour(s) %n day(s) %n week(s) %n year(s) bitcoin-core Settings file could not be read Datoteka sa podešavanjima nije mogla biti iščitana Done loading Zavrseno ucitavanje Insufficient funds Nedovoljno sredstava BitcoinGUI &Overview &Pregled Show general overview of wallet Prikaži opšti pregled novčanika &Transactions &Transakcije Browse transaction history Pregled istorije transakcija E&xit I&zađi Quit application Isključi aplikaciju &About %1 &Otprilike %1 Show information about %1 Prikaži informacije za otprilike %1 About &Qt O &Qt Show information about Qt Prikaži informacije o Qt Modify configuration options for %1 Izmeni podešavanja za %1 Create a new wallet Napravi novi novčanik &Minimize &Minimiziraj Wallet: Novčanik: Network activity disabled. A substring of the tooltip. Aktivnost na mreži je prekinuta. Send coins to a Bitcoin address Pošalji novčiće na Bitcoin adresu Backup wallet to another location Napravite rezervnu kopiju novčanika na drugom mestu Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption Promenite pristupnu frazu za enkiptovanje novčanika &Send &Pošalji &Receive &Primi &Options… &Opcije… &Encrypt Wallet… &Šifruj novčanik… Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet Enkriptuj privatne ključeve novčanika &Change Passphrase… &Promeni lozinku… Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own them Potpišite poruke sa svojim Bitcoin adresama da biste dokazali njihovo vlasništvo &Verify message… &Verifikuj poruku… Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses Proverite poruke da biste utvrdili sa kojim Bitcoin adresama su potpisane Close Wallet… Zatvori novčanik… Create Wallet… Napravi novčanik… Close All Wallets… Zatvori sve novčanike… &File &Fajl &Settings &Podešavanja &Help &Pomoć Tabs toolbar Alatke za tabove Request payments (generates QR codes and bitcoin: URIs) Zatražite plaćanje (generiše QR kodove i bitcoin: URI-e) Processed %n block(s) of transaction history. Error Greska Warning Upozorenje Information Informacije Open Wallet Otvori novčanik %1 client %1 klijent %n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network. A substring of the tooltip. Error: %1 Greška: %1 Date: %1 Datum: %1 Amount: %1 Iznos: %1 Type: %1 Tip: %1 Label: %1 Oznaka: %1 Address: %1 Adresa: %1 CoinControlDialog Quantity: Količina: Amount: Iznos: Fee: Naknada: After Fee: Nakon Naknade: Amount Kolicina Date Datum (no label) (bez oznake) OpenWalletActivity Open Wallet Title of window indicating the progress of opening of a wallet. Otvori novčanik CreateWalletDialog Wallet Novčanik Encrypt the wallet. The wallet will be encrypted with a passphrase of your choice. Šifrujte novčanik. Novčanik će biti šifrovan koristeći lozinku po Vašem izboru. Disable private keys for this wallet. Wallets with private keys disabled will have no private keys and cannot have an HD seed or imported private keys. This is ideal for watch-only wallets. Onemogućite privatne ključeve za ovaj novčanik. Novčanici sa isključenim privatnim ključevima neće imati privatne ključeve i ne mogu imati HD seme ili uvezene privatne ključeve. Ovo je idealno za novčanike samo za gledanje. EditAddressDialog Edit Address Izmeni Adresu &Label &Oznaka &Address &Adresa Intro %n GB of space available (of %n GB needed) (%n GB needed for full chain) (sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old) Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target. Error Greska OptionsDialog Error Greska PeerTableModel Address Title of Peers Table column which contains the IP/Onion/I2P address of the connected peer. Adresa Type Title of Peers Table column which describes the type of peer connection. The "type" describes why the connection exists. Tip RPCConsole To Kome From Od ReceiveRequestDialog Amount: Iznos: Wallet: Novčanik: RecentRequestsTableModel Date Datum Label Oznaka Message Poruka (no label) (bez oznake) SendCoinsDialog Quantity: Količina: Amount: Iznos: Fee: Naknada: After Fee: Nakon Naknade: Transaction fee Taksa transakcije Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s). (no label) (bez oznake) TransactionDesc %1/unconfirmed Text explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents a transaction confirmed in at least one block, but less than 6 blocks. %1/nepotvrdjeno %1 confirmations Text explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents a transaction confirmed in 6 or more blocks. %1 potvrdjeno/ih Status Stanje/Status Date Datum Source Izvor Generated Generisano From Od unknown nepoznato To Kome own address sopstvena adresa watch-only samo za gledanje label etiketa Credit Kredit matures in %n more block(s) not accepted nije prihvaceno Debit Zaduzenje Total debit Ukupno zaduzenje Total credit Totalni kredit Transaction fee Taksa transakcije Net amount Neto iznos Message Poruka Comment Komentar Transaction ID ID Transakcije Merchant Trgovac Debug information Informacije debugovanja Transaction Transakcije Inputs Unosi Amount Kolicina true tacno false netacno TransactionTableModel Date Datum Type Tip Label Oznaka Received with Primljeno uz Received from Primljeno od Sent to Poslat Payment to yourself Placanje samom sebi Mined Iskopano watch-only samo za gledanje (no label) (bez oznake) TransactionView Received with Primljeno uz Sent to Poslat Mined Iskopano Date Datum Type Tip Label Oznaka Address Adresa Exporting Failed Izvoz Neuspeo WalletFrame Create a new wallet Napravi novi novčanik Error Greska WalletView &Export &Izvoz Export the data in the current tab to a file Izvoz podataka iz trenutne kartice u datoteku