AddressBookPageRight-click to edit address or labelI-right click ban alilan ing address o libelCreate a new addressMaglalang kang bayung address&New&BayuCopy the currently selected address to the system clipboardKopyan me ing salukuyan at makipiling address keng system clipboard&Copy&KopyanC&loseI&saraDelete the currently selected address from the listIlako ya ing kasalungsungan makapiling address keng listahanEnter address or label to searchMagpalub kang address o label para pantunan&Delete&IlakoChoose the address to send coins toPilinan ing address a magpadalang coins kangChoose the address to receive coins withPilinan ing address a tumanggap coins a atinC&hooseP&ilinanThese are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.Reni reng kekang Bitcoin address king pamagpadalang kabayaran. Lawan mulang masalese reng alaga ampo ing address na ning tumanggap bayu ka magpadalang barya.&Copy Address&Kopyan ing addressCopy &LabelKopyan ing &Label&Edit&AlilanAddressTableModel(no label)(alang label)AskPassphraseDialogPassphrase DialogDialogo ning PassphraseEnter passphraseMamalub kang passphraseNew passphrasePanibayung passphraseRepeat new passphrasePasibayuan ya ing bayung passphraseEncrypt walletI-encrypt ye ing walletThis operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.Ing operasyun a ini kailangan ne ing kekayung wallet passphrase, ban a-unlock ya ing walletUnlock walletUnlock ya ing walletChange passphraseAlilan ya ing passphraseConfirm wallet encryptionKumpirman ya ing wallet encryptionWarning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>!Kapabaluan: Istung in-encrypt me ing kekang wallet at meala ya ing passphrase na, ma-<b>ALA NO NGAN RING KEKANG BITCOINS</b>Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?Siguradu na kang buri meng i-encrypt ing kekang wallet?Wallet encryptedMe-encrypt ne ing walletIMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.Mayalaga: Reng milabas a backups a gewa mu gamit ing wallet file mu dapat lamung mialilan bayung gawang encrypted wallet file. Para keng seguridad , reng milabas a backups dareng ali maka encrypt a wallet file ma-ala nala istung inumpisan mu nalang gamitan reng bayu, at me encrypt a wallet. Wallet encryption failedMemali ya ing pamag-encrypt king wallet Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.Memali ya ing encryption uli na ning ausan dang internal error. E ya me-encrypt ing wallet yu.The supplied passphrases do not match.E la mitutugma ring mibieng passphraseWallet unlock failedMemali ya ing pamag-unlock king wallet The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.E ya istu ing passphrase a pepalub da para king wallet decryptionWallet passphrase was successfully changed.Mi-alilan ne ing passphrase na ning wallet.Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!Kapabaluan: Makabuklat ya ing Caps Lock key!QObjectunknowne miya baluAmountAlaga%n second(s)%n minute(s)%n hour(s)%n day(s)%n week(s)%n year(s)BitcoinGUIShow general overview of walletIpakit ing kabuuang lawe ning wallet&Transactions&TransaksionBrowse transaction historyLawan ing kasalesayan ning transaksionE&xitL&umwalQuit applicationTuknangan ing aplikasyonAbout &QtTungkul &QtShow information about QtMagpakit impormasion tungkul king QtSend coins to a Bitcoin addressMagpadalang barya king Bitcoin addressBackup wallet to another locationI-backup ing wallet king aliwang lugalChange the passphrase used for wallet encryptionAlilan ya ing passphrase a gagamitan para king wallet encryption&Settings&Pamag-ayus&Help&SaupTabs toolbarGamit para king Tabs&Command-line optionsPipamilian &command-lineProcessed %n block(s) of transaction history.Last received block was generated %1 ago.Ing tatauling block a metanggap, me-generate ya %1 ing milabasTransactions after this will not yet be visible.Ing transaksion kaibat na nini ali yapa magsilbing ipakit.ErrorMaliWarningKapabaluanInformation&ImpormasionUp to dateMakatuki ya king aldo&Window&Awang%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.A substring of the tooltip.Sent transactionMipadalang transaksionIncoming transactionPaparatang a transaksionWallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>unlocked</b>Maka-<b>encrypt</b> ya ing wallet at kasalukuyan yang maka-<b>unlocked</b>Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>locked</b>Maka-<b>encrypt</b> ya ing wallet at kasalukuyan yang maka-<b>locked</b>CoinControlDialogAmount:Alaga:AmountAlagaDateKaaldauanConfirmedMe-kumpirmaCopy amountKopyan ing alaga(no label)(alang label)EditAddressDialogEdit AddressAlilan ing AddressNew sending addressBayung address king pamagpadalaEdit receiving addressAlilan ya ing address king pamagpadalaEdit sending addressAlilan ya ing address king pamagpadalaThe entered address "%1" is not a valid Bitcoin address.Ing pepalub yung address "%1" ali ya katanggap-tanggap a Bitcoin address.Could not unlock wallet.Ali ya bisang mag-unlock ing walletNew key generation failed.Memali ya ing pamangaua king keyIntro%n GB of space available(of %n GB needed)(%n GB needed for full chain)(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.ErrorMaliWelcomeMalaus kaHelpMessageDialogversionbersionCommand-line optionsPipamilian command-lineModalOverlayLast block timeTatauling oras na ning blockOpenURIDialogPaste address from clipboardTooltip text for button that allows you to paste an address that is in your clipboard.Idikit ing address menibat king clipboardOptionsDialogOptionsPipamilian&Main&PunAutomatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.Ibuklat yang antimanu ing Bitcoin client port king router. Gagana yamu ini istung ing router mu susuporta yang UPnP at magsilbi ya.Map port using &UPnPMapa ng ning port gamit ing &UPnPPort of the proxy (e.g. 9050)Port na ning proxy(e.g. 9050)&Window&AwangShow only a tray icon after minimizing the window.Ipakit mu ing tray icon kaibat meng pelatian ing awang.&Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar&Latian ya ing tray kesa king taskbarM&inimize on closeP&alatian istung isara&Display&IpaltoUser Interface &language:Amanu na ning user interface:&Unit to show amounts in:Ing &Unit a ipakit king alaga ning:Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins.Pilinan ing default subdivision unit a ipalto o ipakit king interface at istung magpadala kang barya.&CancelI-&CancelErrorMaliThe supplied proxy address is invalid.Ing milageng proxy address eya katanggap-tanggap.OverviewPageThe displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Bitcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet.Ing makaltong impormasion mapalyaring luma ne. Ing kekang wallet otomatiku yang mag-synchronize keng Bitcoin network istung mekakonekta ne king network, oneng ing prosesung ini ali ya pa kumpletu.Your current spendable balanceIng kekang kasalungsungan balanse a malyari mung gastusanTotal of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balanceIng kabuuan dareng transaksion a kasalungsungan ali pa me-kumpirma, at kasalungsungan ali pa mebilang kareng kekang balanseng malyari mung gastusanMined balance that has not yet maturedReng me-minang balanse a epa meg-maturedTotal:Kabuuan:Your current total balanceIng kekang kasalungsungan kabuuang balansePSBTOperationsDialogown addresssariling addressPeerTableModelTypeTitle of Peers Table column which describes the type of peer connection. The "type" describes why the connection exists.KlaseRPCConsoleClient versionBersion ning Cliente&Information&ImpormasionStartup timeOras ning umpisaNumber of connectionsBilang dareng koneksionLast block timeTatauling oras na ning block&Open&IbuklatTotalsKabuuan:Clear consoleI-Clear ing consoleToPara kangFromMenibatReceiveCoinsDialogCould not unlock wallet.Ali ya bisang mag-unlock ing walletReceiveRequestDialogAmount:Alaga:Message:Mensayi:Copy &Address&Kopyan ing addressRecentRequestsTableModelDateKaaldauanMessageMensayi(no label)(alang label)SendCoinsDialogSend CoinsMagpadalang BaryaInsufficient funds!Kulang a pondoAmount:Alaga:Transaction Fee:Bayad king Transaksion:Send to multiple recipients at onceMisanang magpadala kareng alialiuang tumanggapAdd &RecipientMaglage &TumanggapClear &AllI-Clear &EganaganaBalance:Balanse:Confirm the send actionKumpirman ing aksion king pamagpadalaS&end&IpadalaCopy amountKopyan ing alagaTransaction feeBayad king TransaksionConfirm send coinsKumpirman ing pamagpadalang baryaThe amount to pay must be larger than 0.Ing alaga na ning bayaran dapat mung mas matas ya king 0.The amount exceeds your balance.Ing alaga mipasobra ya king kekang balanse.The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included.Ing kabuuan mipasobra ya king kekang balanse istung inabe ya ing %1 a bayad king transaksion Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).(no label)(alang label)SendCoinsEntryA&mount:A&laga:Pay &To:Ibayad &kang:Paste address from clipboardIdikit ing address menibat king clipboardMessage:Mensayi:SignVerifyMessageDialogSignatures - Sign / Verify a MessagePirma - Pirman / I-beripika ing mensayi&Sign Message&Pirman ing MensayiPaste address from clipboardIdikit ing address menibat king clipboardEnter the message you want to sign hereIpalub ing mensayi a buri mung pirman keniSignaturePirmaCopy the current signature to the system clipboardKopyan ing kasalungsungan pirma king system clipboardSign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin addressPirman ing mensayi ban patune na keka ya ining Bitcoin addressSign &MessagePirman ing &MensayiReset all sign message fieldsIbalik keng dati reng ngan fields keng pamamirmang mensayiClear &AllI-Clear &Eganagana&Verify Message&Beripikan ing MensayiVerify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Bitcoin addressBeripikan ing mensayi ban asiguradu a me pirma ya ini gamit ing mepiling Bitcoin addressVerify &MessageBeripikan ing &MensayiReset all verify message fieldsIbalik king dati reng ngan fields na ning pamag beripikang mensayiClick "Sign Message" to generate signatureI-click ing "Pirman ing Mensayi" ban agawa ya ing metung a pirmaThe entered address is invalid.Ing milub a address e ya katanggap-tanggap.Please check the address and try again.Maliaring pakilawe pasibayu ing address at pasibayuan ya iti.The entered address does not refer to a key.Ing milub a address ali ya mag-refer king metung a key.Wallet unlock was cancelled.Me-kansela ya ing pamag-unlock king wallet.Private key for the entered address is not available.Ing private key para king milub a address, ala ya.Message signing failed.Me-mali ya ing pamag-pirma king mensayi .Message signed.Me-pirman ne ing mensayi.The signature could not be decoded.Ing pirma ali ya bisang ma-decode.Please check the signature and try again.Maliaring pakilawe pasibayu ing pirma kaibat pasibayuan ya iti.The signature did not match the message digest.Ing pirma ali ya makatugma king message digest.Message verification failed.Me-mali ya ing pamag-beripika king mensayi.Message verified.Me-beripika ne ing mensayi.TransactionDesc%1/unconfirmedText explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents a transaction confirmed in at least one block, but less than 6 blocks.%1/ali me-kumpirma%1 confirmationsText explaining the current status of a transaction, shown in the status field of the details window for this transaction. This status represents a transaction confirmed in 6 or more blocks.%1 kumpirmasionStatusKabilianDateKaaldauanSourcePikuananGeneratedMegawaFromMenibatunknowne miya baluToPara kangown addresssariling addressmatures in %n more block(s)not acceptedali metanggapTransaction feeBayad king TransaksionNet amountAlaga dareng eganaganaMessageMensayiCommentKomentuTransaction IDIDDebug informationImpormasion ning DebugTransactionTransaksionAmountAlagatruetutufalsee tutuTransactionDescDialogThis pane shows a detailed description of the transactionIning pane a ini magpakit yang detalyadung description ning transaksionTransactionTableModelDateKaaldauanTypeKlaseConfirmed (%1 confirmations)Me-kumpirma(%1 kumpirmasion)Generated but not acceptedMe-generate ya oneng ali ya metanggapReceived withAtanggap kayabe ningReceived fromAtanggap menibat kangSent toMipadala kangMinedMe-mina(no label)(alang label)Transaction status. Hover over this field to show number of confirmations.Status ning Transaksion: Itapat me babo na ning field a ini ban ipakit dala reng bilang dareng me-kumpirma naDate and time that the transaction was received.Aldo at oras nung kapilan me tanggap ya ing transaksionType of transaction.Klase ning transaksionAmount removed from or added to balance.Alagang milako o miragdag king balanse.TransactionViewAllEganaganaTodayAldo itiThis weekParuminggung itiThis monthBulan a itiLast monthMilabas a bulanThis yearBanuang itiReceived withAtanggap kayabe ningSent toMipadala kangMinedMe-minaOtherAliwaMin amountPekaditak a alagaConfirmedMe-kumpirmaDateKaaldauanTypeKlaseRange:Angga:topara kangWalletFrameErrorMaliWalletModelSend CoinsMagpadalang Baryabitcoin-coreCorrupted block database detectedMekapansin lang me-corrupt a block databaseDo you want to rebuild the block database now?Buri meng buuan pasibayu ing block database ngene?Done loadingYari ne ing pamag-loadError initializing block databaseKamalian king pamag-initialize king block na ning databaseError opening block databaseKamalian king pamag buklat king block databaseFailed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.Memali ya ing pamakiramdam kareng gang nanung port. Gamita me ini -listen=0 nung buri me ini.Insufficient fundsKulang a pondoTransaction too largeMaragul yang masiadu ing transaksionUnknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'E kilalang network ing mepili king -onlynet: '%s'