AddressBookPageRight-click to edit address or labelTikiake matau ki te whakamāori i te kupu whakamāoritanga:
Right-click to edit address or labelCreate a new addressWhakapūmau he wāhitau hōu&New&HouCopy the currently selected address to the system clipboardWhakakopi te whiriwhiri i te wāhitau kua whiriwhirihia ki te papatohu rorohiko&Copy&KapeC&lose&KatiDelete the currently selected address from the listMukua te whiriwhiri i te wāhitau kua whiriwhirihia i te rārangiEnter address or label to searchTuriwhenua i te wāhitau, ingoa rānei ki te rapu.Export the data in the current tab to a fileWhakapau kaha te raraunga i te whārangi o nāianei ki tētahi kōnae&Export&Kaweake&Delete&WhakakoreChoose the address to send coins toWhiriwhiria te wāhitau hei tuku moni ki.Choose the address to receive coins withWhiriwhiria te wāhitau hei whiwhi moniThese are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.Ko ēnei ngā whakamāoritanga mō ō whakamahi Bitcoin hei tuku moni. Tirohia i te moni me te wāhi whiwhi i mua i te tuku i ngā moni.These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses.
Signing is only possible with addresses of the type 'legacy'.Ko ēnei ngā whakamāoritanga mō ō whakaaetanga Bitcoin hei whiwhi utu. Whakamahi i te pātene 'Waihanga whakaaronga hōu' i te pae whiwhi ki te whakapūmau i ngā whakaaronga hōu.
Ko te whakakī i ēnei whakaaronga e taea ana anake ki ngā whakararuraru o te momo 'tawhito'.&Copy Address&Tārua wāhitauCopy &LabelTātari & Tapanga &Edit&WhakatikaExport Address ListWhakaputu Rārangi WāhitauComma separated fileExpanded name of the CSV file format. See: whakawhiti kōmaThere was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again.An error message. %1 is a stand-in argument for the name of the file we attempted to save to.I whakapā atu i te hapa i te whakaputa i te rārangi wāhitau ki %1. Whakamātau anō, koa.Exporting FailedKore te whakapau koreAddressTableModelLabelTapangaAddressWāhitauAskPassphraseDialogPassphrase DialogWhakapātai KōreroEnter passphraseWhakauru kupu whakapākehāNew passphraseTūtohi hōuRepeat new passphraseTōaitia anō te kupu whakawhitiwhiti hōuEncrypt walletWhakakino pūteaThis operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.Kia whakapiri tēnei mahi ki tō whakapuaki moni hei whakawhiti i te whare moni.Unlock walletWhakatangohia te pēke moniChange passphraseWhakarerekē kīangaConfirm wallet encryptionWhakamana te whakakītanga pūteaWarning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>!Whakatūpato: Ki te whakakino i tō pēke moni me te ngaro i tō kupuhipa, ka <b>NGARO KATOA ŌU PĪNIHA BITCOIN</b>!Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?Kei te whakapau kaha koe ki te whakakino i to whare moni?Wallet encryptedWhakakorengia te wharetaongaEnter the new passphrase for the wallet.<br/>Please use a passphrase of <b>ten or more random characters</b>, or <b>eight or more words</b>.Whakauruhia te kīangahipa hou mo te putea. Whakamahia he kupu huna kia tekau, neke atu ranei nga tohu matapōkere 2, 3 waru neke atu ranei nga kupu 3Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase for the wallet.Whakauru te kupu whakapākehā me te kupu hōu mō te pēke moni.Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer.Mahara kia whakakorehia te whakakino i ō wharepukapuka kia whakararuraru i ō wharepūkoro.Wallet to be encryptedWhakakī i te pēkeYour wallet is about to be encrypted. Kei te whakakorehia tō pēke moni.Your wallet is now encrypted. Kua whakakītia ināianei tō pēke.IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.HEMENGĀ: Me whakakapi ngā tāruarau i mua i te whakaputa i te kōnae pēke whakamahi kē o tō wharemoni ki te kōnae pēke hōu, whakakapi. Hei ētahi take whakamarumaru, ka whakakore ngā tāruarau i mua i te kōnae pēke kore whakakapi, ka whiwhi whakamahi i te kōnae pēke hōu, whakakapi.Wallet encryption failedKati te whakamātau i te whakakorenga wharetaongaWallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.Kua whakakore te whakakītanga pūtea wharetaonga i te whakakoretanga ā-roto. Kāore i whakakītia tō pūtea wharetaonga.The supplied passphrases do not match.Kāore ngā kupu whakapāhohe i te rite.Wallet unlock failedKati te whakakore i te whakatuwhera o te whareparakauThe passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.Ko te kupuhipa i whakauruhia mō te whakapau kōnae whakamāhukihuki, he hē.The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption is incorrect. It contains a null character (ie - a zero byte). If the passphrase was set with a version of this software prior to 25.0, please try again with only the characters up to — but not including — the first null character. If this is successful, please set a new passphrase to avoid this issue in the future.Ko te kupu whakapā atu i whakauruhia mō te whakapau kōnae kore tika. Kei roto i te kupu whakapā he pūāhua kore (hei tauira - he tūmomo kore). Ki te whakapau kōnae te kupu whakapā i te wā i whakatūria ai tēnei whakamahi i mua i te 25.0, whakamātau anō ki te whakapau kōnae ki te whakakore i tēnei raruraru i te wā e whai ake nei.Wallet passphrase was successfully changed.Kua whakarerekētia te kupuhipa pūtea.Passphrase change failedKua whakapau kē te whakarerekē i te kupu whakapākehā.The old passphrase entered for the wallet decryption is incorrect. It contains a null character (ie - a zero byte). If the passphrase was set with a version of this software prior to 25.0, please try again with only the characters up to — but not including — the first null character.Ko te kupuhipa tawhito i whakauruhia mō te whakamāori i te wharetaonga he hē. Kei roto i te kupuhipa tētahi pūāhua kore (hei tauira - he tīmatanga kore). Ki te whakaritea te kupuhipa ki te whakamahi i tētahi wāhanga o tēnei wharepukapuka i mua i te 25.0, whakamātau anō ki te whakamahi anō me ngā pūāhua ki te — engari kāore i whakauruhia — te pūāhua tuatahi kore.Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!Whakatūpato: Kei te whakakā te pātuhi Caps Lock!BanTableModelIP/NetmaskIP/NetmaskIP/NetmaskBanned UntilKati i te wa i whakakore aiBitcoinApplicationSettings file %1 might be corrupt or invalid.Settings file %1 me whakapōrearea, me whakararuraru rānei.Runaway exception<text_to_translate>Tūkino whakawhiti</text_to_translate>A fatal error occurred. %1 can no longer continue safely and will quit.I whakararuraru mate. Ka whakakore %1 i te whakararuraru haumaru, ka whakakore hoki.Internal errorHapa whaiaroAn internal error occurred. %1 will attempt to continue safely. This is an unexpected bug which can be reported as described below.Kua puta he hapa ā-roto. Ka whakamātau a %1 ki te whakarite i te whakararuraru i te āhua haere tonu. He hē whakararuraru tēnei e whakapātaitia ana i raro i te whakamārama i raro nei.QObject%n second(s)%n minute(s)%n hour(s)%n day(s)%n week(s)%n year(s)BitcoinGUIProcessed %n block(s) of transaction history.%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.A substring of the tooltip.Intro%n GB of space available(of %n GB needed)(%n GB needed for full chain)(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.PeerTableModelAddressTitle of Peers Table column which contains the IP/Onion/I2P address of the connected peer.WāhitauRecentRequestsTableModelLabelTapangaSendCoinsDialogEstimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).TransactionDescmatures in %n more block(s)TransactionTableModelLabelTapangaTransactionViewComma separated fileExpanded name of the CSV file format. See: whakawhiti kōmaLabelTapangaAddressWāhitauExporting FailedKore te whakapau koreWalletView&Export&KaweakeExport the data in the current tab to a fileWhakapau kaha te raraunga i te whārangi o nāianei ki tētahi kōnaebitcoin-coreInput not found or already spentKāore i kitea te urupare, kua whiwhi i mua, kua whiwhi rānei.Insufficient dbcache for block verificationKore rawa i te nui te dbcache mō te whakamātau i te parakaInsufficient fundsHe iti te whiwhi moniInvalid -i2psam address or hostname: '%s'Kore whakaaetanga -i2psam wāhitau rite, ingoa wāhi: '%s'Invalid -onion address or hostname: '%s'Kore whakaaetanga -onion wāhitau, ingoa ranei: '%s'Invalid -proxy address or hostname: '%s'Kore whakaaetanga -proxy wāhitau ranei ingoa whare: '%s'Invalid P2P permission: '%s'Invalid P2P whakaaetanga: '%s'Invalid amount for %s=<amount>: '%s' (must be at least %s)He whakararuraru te whiwhinga mō %s = <amount>: '%s' (me whakarite i te mea atu i te %s)Invalid amount for %s=<amount>: '%s'Kore whiwhinga mō te %s=<amount>: '%s'Invalid amount for -%s=<amount>: '%s'Kore whiwhinga mō te -%s=<amount>: '%s'Invalid netmask specified in -whitelist: '%s'Kua whakapau kaha te netmask kore whaimana i whakarārangi i roto i te -whitelist: '%s'Invalid port specified in %s: '%s'Kua whakapātaitia te pōti korewhiwhi i roto i %s: '%s'Invalid pre-selected input %sKāore i te tika te kōwhiri i tātari i te urupare %sListening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s)Whakararuraru ana te whakarongo i ngā hononga e haere mai ana (kua whakahokia te hapa %s)Loading P2P addresses…Whakararuraru P2P addresses ...Loading banlist…Whakararuraru ana, ka whakapau kaha ki te whakamāori i te kupu whakamāoritanga.Loading block index…Whakaritea te rārangi whakaputa...Loading wallet…Whakararuraru pūtea...Missing amountTe moni i ngaroMissing solving data for estimating transaction sizeKua ngaro ngā raraunga whakatikatika mō te whakarite i te rahi whakaritenga whakawhitiNeed to specify a port with -whitebind: '%s'Me whakarite i tētahi pōti me te -whitebind: '%s'No addresses availableKāore he wāhitau wāteaRescanning…Whakarerekētia...SQLiteDatabase: Failed to execute statement to verify database: %sSQLiteDatabase: Kua whakakorehia te whakahaere i te kōrero hei whakamana i te papakupu: %sSQLiteDatabase: Failed to prepare statement to verify database: %sSQLiteDatabase: Kua whakakorehia te whakarite i te kupu hei whakamāmā i te papakupu: %sSQLiteDatabase: Failed to read database verification error: %sSQLiteDatabase: Kua whakapau kaha te pānui i te hapa whakamātau o te papamahi: %sSQLiteDatabase: Unexpected application id. Expected %u, got %uSQLiteDatabase: Tino whakararuraru te tuhinga whakamahi. Tūpono %u, ka whiwhi %uSection [%s] is not recognized.Kāore i whakaaetia te wāhanga [%s].Signing transaction failedKo te whakakore i te whakauru i te whakaritengaSpecified -walletdir "%s" does not existKāore i te whiwhi i te -walletdir i whakaritea "%s"Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directoryKāore i te whare tūmatanui te -walletdir i whakaritea "%s"Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.Kāore te whare pūranga i whakaritea "%s" e whai wāhi.Specified data directory "%s" does not exist.Kāore te whare pūranga raraunga i whakaritea "%s" i te whiwhi.Starting network threads…Whakamāori i te tekau whakahaere whatunga...The source code is available from %s.Ko te kōnae pūnaha e wātea ana i te %s.The specified config file %s does not existKāore te kōnae whirihoranga i whiwhi i te %s i te wā e whakapau kore anaThe transaction amount is too small to pay the feeKo te moni whakaritenga he iti rawa hei utu i te utuThe wallet will avoid paying less than the minimum relay fee.Ka whakakore te pōkeka i te utu iti ake i te utu tawhiti i te iti rawa.This is experimental software.He mea whakamātautau tēnei pūmanawa.This is the minimum transaction fee you pay on every transaction.Ko tēnei te utu whakaritenga iti rawa ka whiwhi koe i ia whakaritenga.This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction.Ko te utu whakawhiti tāuta tēnei ka utu e whiwhi ana koe ki te tuku i tētahi tāuta.Transaction amount too smallHe iti rawa te moni whakaritengaTransaction amounts must not be negativeKāore e whakaaetia ngā moni whakaritenga kia whakararuraru.Transaction change output index out of rangeHe whakawhitiwhitinga whakaputanga hōputu whakararuraru te tūngaTransaction has too long of a mempool chainHe whakawhitiwhitinga whakapau kaha te whakapau kaha o te whakapau kaha.Transaction must have at least one recipientMe whiwhi whakaritenga tātari tētahi whiwhi whakaritenga ki te kaiwhiwhi kotahi i te minimumaTransaction needs a change address, but we can't generate it.He hiahia te whakarerekē i te whakaritenga whakaritenga, engari kāore e taea e mātou te whakaputa.Transaction too largeHe whakawhitiwhitinga nui rawa te whakapau kahaUnable to allocate memory for -maxsigcachesize: '%s' MiBKāore e taea te whakararuraru i te mahere mō te -maxsigcachesize: '%s' MiBUnable to bind to %s on this computer (bind returned error %s)Kāore e taea te whakakōtuitui ki %s i tēnei rorohiko (kua whakahoki te whakakōtuitui i te hapa %s)Unable to bind to %s on this computer. %s is probably already running.Kāore e taea te whakakōtuitui ki %s i tēnei rorohiko. E whakapau kē ana te %s e whakahaere ana.Unable to create the PID file '%s': %sKāore e taea te hanga i te kōnae PID '%s': %sUnable to find UTXO for external inputKāore i te kite i te UTXO mō te whakauru ā-wahoUnable to generate initial keysKāore e taea te whakaputa i ngā kī tīmatangaUnable to generate keysKāore e taea te whakaputa i ngā kīUnable to open %s for writingKāore e taea te whakatuwhera i %s hei tuhiUnable to parse -maxuploadtarget: '%s'Kāore e taea te whakamāori i te -maxuploadtarget: '%s'Unable to start HTTP server. See debug log for details.Kāore e taea te whakahohe i te tūmau HTTP. Tirohia te rārangi whakararuraru mō ngā whakamārama.Unable to unload the wallet before migratingKāore e taea te whakakore i te whareparakore i mua i te whakawhiti.Unknown -blockfilterindex value %s.-He mea kore te -blockfilterindex whiwhi %s.Unknown address type '%s'He aha te momo wāhitau kore mō '%s'Unknown change type '%s'He whakararuraru, he momo hēhē '%s'Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'He whakamāoritia te tekau whakamāoritanga:
'Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s''Unknown new rules activated (versionbit %i)He whakapau kaha hōu kua whakakāhoretia (wāhanga %i)Unsupported logging category %s=%s.Kāore i te tautoko te kāwai rorohiko %s=%sUser Agent comment (%s) contains unsafe characters.Te korero a te kaihoko (%s) e whakararuraru ana i ngā tohu kore whakapau kaha.Verifying blocks…Whakamāramatia ngā paraka...Verifying wallet(s)…Whakamātau i te wharepukapuka...Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart %s to completeMe whakakore i te whare moni: whakamatau i te %s hei whakakore i te whakamutungaSettings file could not be readKāore i taea te pānui i te kōnae tautuhingaSettings file could not be writtenKāore i taea te tuhi i te kōnae tautuhinga