AddressBookPage &New &Nutaamik sanagit &Copy &Kopeeruk C&lose M&atuguk Delete the currently selected address from the list Allattorsimaffimminngaanniit toqqakkat peeruk &Delete &Peeruk AddressTableModel Label Taaguut AskPassphraseDialog Enter passphrase Isissutissaq allaguk New passphrase Isissutissaq nutaaq sanajuk Repeat new passphrase Isissutissaq ilaaqqiguk Show passphrase Isissutissaq nuisiguk Encrypt wallet Aningaasiviit kode-leruk Unlock wallet Aningaasiviit parnaarunnaaruk Change passphrase Isertaatik allanngortiguk Confirm wallet encryption Aningaasivippit matuersaataa uppernarsaruk Wallet encrypted Angingaasivik paasipuminaappoq Wallet passphrase was successfully changed. Aningaasiviup isissutissaa taarserpoq QObject Amount Aningaasat amerlassusaa %1 h %1 t %n second(s) %n minute(s) %n hour(s) %n day(s) %n week(s) %n year(s) BitcoinGUI Wallet: Aningaasivik: Processed %n block(s) of transaction history. Open Wallet Ammaruk aningaasivik %n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network. A substring of the tooltip. Amount: %1 Bitcoin amerlassusaa: %1 CoinControlDialog Fee: Akileraarut After Fee: Akileraarut peereerlugu: Amount Aningaasat amerlassusaa Date Ulloq Confirmations Akuersissutit Confirmed Akuerineqarpoq OpenWalletActivity Open Wallet Title of window indicating the progress of opening of a wallet. Ammaruk aningaasivik EditAddressDialog &Label &Taajuut Could not unlock wallet. Aningaasivik ammarneqanngilaq Intro (sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old) Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target. Welcome Tikilluarit Welcome to %1. Tikilluarit uunga %1 ModalOverlay Hide Tarrisiguk OptionsDialog Options Toqqagassat ReceiveCoinsDialog Could not unlock wallet. Aningaasivik ammarneqanngilaq ReceiveRequestDialog Wallet: Aningaasivik: RecentRequestsTableModel Date Ulloq Label Taaguut SendCoinsDialog Fee: Akileraarut After Fee: Akileraarut peereerlugu: Hide Tarrisiguk Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s). TransactionDesc Date Ulloq matures in %n more block(s) Amount Aningaasat amerlassusaa TransactionTableModel Date Ulloq Label Taaguut TransactionView Confirmed Akuerineqarpoq Date Ulloq Label Taaguut