AddressBookPage Right-click to edit address or label Klik kanan untuk mengubah alamat atau label Create a new address Buat sebuah alamat baru &New &Baru Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard Salin alamat yang dipilih ke dalam clipboard sistem &Copy &Salin C&lose &Tutup Delete the currently selected address from the list Hapus alamat yang dipilih dari daftar &Export &Export &Delete &Hapus Choose the address to send coins to Pilih alamat untuk mengirim koin kepada Choose the address to receive coins with Pilih alamat untuk menerima koin C&hoose P&ilih Sending addresses Alamat mengirim Receiving addresses Alamat menerima These are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins. Ini adalah alamat Bitcoin anda untuk mengirim pembayaran. Selalu periksa jumlah dan alamat penerima sebelum mengirim koin These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. It is recommended to use a new receiving address for each transaction. Ini adalah alamat Bitcoin anda untuk menerima pembayaran. Disarankan untuk menggunakan alamat penerimaan baru untuk setiap transaksi &Copy Address &Salin Alamat Copy &Label Copy &Label &Edit &Edit Export Address List Export Daftar Alamat Comma separated file (*.csv) File dipisahkan dengan Comma (*.csv) Exporting Failed Exporting Gagal There was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again. Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan daftar alamat %1. Silahkan coba kembali. AddressTableModel Label Label Address Alamat (no label) (tanpa label) AskPassphraseDialog Passphrase Dialog Dialog passphrase Enter passphrase Masukan passphrase New passphrase Passphrase baru Repeat new passphrase Ulangi passphrase baru Encrypt wallet Enkripsi wallet This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet. Tindakan ini memerlukan passphrase untuk membuka wallet anda Unlock wallet Buka wallet This operation needs your wallet passphrase to decrypt the wallet. Tindakan ini memerlukan passphrase untuk mendekripsi wallet anda Decrypt wallet Dekripsi wallet Change passphrase Ganti passphrase Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase to the wallet. Masukan passphrase lama dan passphrase baru ke wallet Confirm wallet encryption Konfirmasi proses enkripsi wallet Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>! Peringatan: Jika anda mengenkripsi wallet anda dan lupa/hilang passphrase anda, anda akan ‭<b> KEHILANGAN SEMUA BITCOIN ANDA </b>! Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet? Apa anda yakin ingin mengenkripsi wallet anda? Wallet encrypted Wallet terenkripsi Wallet encryption failed Enkripsi wallet gagal Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted. Enkripsi wallet gagal karena kesalahan internal. Wallet anda belum terenkripsi The supplied passphrases do not match. Passphrase yang dimasukan tidak cocok. Wallet unlock failed Gagal membuka wallet The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect. Passphrase yang dimasukan untuk dekripsi wallet salah Wallet decryption failed Gagal mendekripsi wallet Wallet passphrase was successfully changed. Passphrase wallet berhasil diganti Warning: The Caps Lock key is on! Peringatan: Caps Lock key menyala! BanTableModel IP/Netmask IP/Netmask BitcoinGUI Node Node &Transactions &Transaksi Browse transaction history Telusuri history transaksi E&xit &Keluar Quit application Tutup aplikasi &About %1 &Tentang %1 Show information about %1 Tunjukan informasi tentang %1 About &Qt Tentang &Qt Show information about Qt Tampilkan informasi tentang Qt &Options... &Pilihan... Modify configuration options for %1 Ubah pilihan konfigurasi untuk %1 &Encrypt Wallet... &Enkripsi wallet... &Backup Wallet... &Backup wallet &Change Passphrase... &Ganti Passphrase... &Sending addresses... &Mengirim alamat &Receiving addresses... &Menerima alamat... Click to disable network activity. Klik untuk menonaktifkan aktifitas network Network activity disabled. Aktifitas network tidak aktif Click to enable network activity again. Klik untuk mengaktifkan kembali network Send coins to a Bitcoin address Kirim koin ke alamat Bitcoin Backup wallet to another location Backup wallet ke lokasi lain Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption Ganti passphrase yang digunakan untuk enkripsi wallet &Debug window &Debug window Open debugging and diagnostic console Buka debugging dan diagnostic console &Verify message... &Verifikasi pesan... Bitcoin Bitcoin Wallet Wallet &Send &Kirim &Receive &Terima &Show / Hide &Tampilkan/ Sembunyikan Show or hide the main Window Tampilkan atau sembunyikan tampilan utama Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet Enkripsi private keys wallet anda Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own them Tambahkan pesan di alamat Bitcoin untuk membuktikan bahwa anda pemiliknya Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses Verifikasi pesan untuk memastikan bahwa telah ditanda tangani dengan alamat Bitcoin tertentu &File &File &Settings &Pengaturan &Help &Bantuan Tabs toolbar Toolbar Tabs Show the list of used sending addresses and labels Tampilkan daftar alamat kirim yg telah digunakan dan label CoinControlDialog (no label) (tanpa label) EditAddressDialog FreespaceChecker HelpMessageDialog Intro Bitcoin Bitcoin ModalOverlay OpenURIDialog OptionsDialog OverviewPage PaymentServer PeerTableModel QObject QObject::QObject QRImageWidget RPCConsole ReceiveCoinsDialog ReceiveRequestDialog Address Alamat Label Label RecentRequestsTableModel Label Label (no label) (tanpa label) SendCoinsDialog (no label) (tanpa label) SendCoinsEntry SendConfirmationDialog ShutdownWindow SignVerifyMessageDialog SplashScreen TrafficGraphWidget TransactionDesc TransactionDescDialog TransactionTableModel Label Label (no label) (tanpa label) TransactionView Comma separated file (*.csv) File dipisahkan dengan Comma (*.csv) Label Label Address Alamat Exporting Failed Exporting gagal UnitDisplayStatusBarControl WalletFrame WalletModel WalletView &Export &Export bitcoin-core