AddressBookPage Right-click to edit address or label Fai Click co botón dereito para editar o enderezo ou etiqueta Create a new address Crea un novo enderezo &New &Novo Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard Copia o enderezo seleccionado ao portapapeis do sistema &Copy &Copiar C&lose Pechar Delete the currently selected address from the list Borra o enderezo seleccionado actualmente da lista Enter address or label to search Introduce un enderezo ou etiqueta para buscar Export the data in the current tab to a file Exporta os datos na pestana actual a un ficheiro &Export Exportar &Delete Borrar Choose the address to send coins to Selecciona o enderezo ó que enviar moedas Choose the address to receive coins with Selecciona o enderezo do que recibir moedas C&hoose Selecciona Sending addresses Enderezos de envío Receiving addresses Enderezos de recepción These are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins. Estes son os teus enderezos de Bitcoin para enviar pagamentos. Asegurate sempre de comprobar a cantidade e maila dirección antes de enviar moedas. These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses. Estes son os teus enderezos para recibir pagamentos. Usa o botón 'Crear novo enderezo de recepción' na pestana de recibir para crear un novo enderezo. &Copy Address Copiar Enderezo Copy &Label Copia Etiqueta &Edit Edita Export Address List Exporta a Lista de Enderezos Comma separated file (*.csv) Ficheiro Separado por Comas (*.csv) Exporting Failed Exportación Fallida There was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again. Houbo un erro tentando gardar a lista de enderezos en %1. Por favor proba de novo. AddressTableModel Label Etiqueta Address Enderezo (no label) (sin etiqueta) AskPassphraseDialog Passphrase Dialog Diálogo de Frase Contrasinal Enter passphrase Introduce a frase contrasinal New passphrase Nova frase contrasinal Repeat new passphrase Repite a frase contrasinal Show passphrase Mostra frase contrasinal Encrypt wallet Encriptar carteira This operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet. Esta operación necesita da túa frase contrasinal para desbloqueares a carteira. Unlock wallet Desbloquear carteira This operation needs your wallet passphrase to decrypt the wallet. Esta operación necesita da túa frase contrasinal para desbloquea a carteira. Decrypt wallet Desencriptar carteira Change passphrase Cambiar frase contrasinal Confirm wallet encryption Confirmar encriptación da carteira Warning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>! Aviso: Si encriptas a túa carteira e perdes a túa frase contrasinal, <b>PERDERÁS TODOS OS TEUS BITCOINS</b>! Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet? ¿Seguro que queres encriptar a túa carteira? Wallet encrypted Carteira encriptada Enter the new passphrase for the wallet.<br/>Please use a passphrase of <b>ten or more random characters</b>, or <b>eight or more words</b>. Introduce unha nova frase contrasinal para a carteira.<br/>Por favor utiliza una frase contrasinal que <b>teña dez ou máis caracteres aleatorios</b>, ou <b>oito ou máis palabras</b>. Enter the old passphrase and new passphrase for the wallet. Introduce a frase contrasinal anterior mais a nova frase contrasinal para a carteira. Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer. Recorda que encriptar a tua carteira non protexe completamente que os teus bitcoins poidan ser roubados por malware que afecte ó teu computador. Wallet to be encrypted Carteira para ser encriptada Your wallet is about to be encrypted. A túa carteira vai a ser encriptada. Your wallet is now encrypted. A túa carteira está agora encriptada. IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet. IMPORTANTE: Calquera copia de respaldo que tiveras feita da túa carteira debería ser sustituída por unha nova copia xerada a partires da túa nova carteira encriptada. Por razóns de seguridade, as copias de respaldo da túa carteira sin encriptar non se poderán usar unha vez que empeces a utilizar a túa nova carteira encriptada. Wallet encryption failed Error na Encriptación da carteira Wallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted. A encriptación da carteira fallou debido a un erro interno. A túa carteira no foi encriptada. The supplied passphrases do not match. As frases contrasinal introducidas non coinciden. Wallet unlock failed Desbloqueo de carteira fallido The passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect. A frase contrasinal introducida para o desencriptamento da carteira é incorrecto. Wallet decryption failed Fallou o desencriptado da carteira Wallet passphrase was successfully changed. A frase contrasinal da carteira mudouse correctamente. Warning: The Caps Lock key is on! Aviso: ¡A tecla Bloq. Mayús está activada! BanTableModel IP/Netmask IP/Máscara de rede Banned Until Vedado ata BitcoinGUI Sign &message... Firma &a mensaxe... Synchronizing with network... Sincronizando ca rede... &Overview &visión xeral Show general overview of wallet Mostra una visión xeral da carteira &Transactions &Transaccións Browse transaction history Busca no historial de transaccións E&xit S&aír Quit application Saír da aplicación &About %1 &A cerca de %1 Show information about %1 Mostra información acerca de %1 About &Qt Acerca de &Qt Show information about Qt Mostra información acerca de Qt &Options... &Opcións... Modify configuration options for %1 Modifica as opcións de configuración de %1 &Encrypt Wallet... &Encriptar Carteira... &Backup Wallet... &Respaldar Carteira... &Change Passphrase... &Mudar frase contrasinal... Open &URI... Abrir &URI... Create Wallet... Crear Carteira... Create a new wallet Crear unha nova carteira Wallet: Carteira: Click to disable network activity. Fai click para desactivar a actividade da rede. Network activity disabled. Actividade da rede desactivada. Click to enable network activity again. Fai click para activar a activade da red de novo. Syncing Headers (%1%)... Sincronizando Cabeceiras (%1%)... Reindexing blocks on disk... Reindexando bloques en disco... Proxy is <b>enabled</b>: %1 Proxy <b>activado</b>: %1 Send coins to a Bitcoin address Envía moedas a un enderezo de Bitcoin Backup wallet to another location Respalda a carteira noutro destino Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption Cambia a frase contrasinal usada para a encriptación da carteira &Verify message... &Verifica a mensaxe... &Send &Envía &Receive &Recibir &Show / Hide &Mostra / Agocha Show or hide the main Window Mostra ou agocha a xanela principal Encrypt the private keys that belong to your wallet Encripta as claves privadas que pertencen á túa carteira Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own them Asina mensaxes cos teus enderezos de Bitcoin para probar que che pertencen Verify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses Verifica mensaxes para asegurar que foron asinados cos enderezos de Bitcoin especificados &File &Arquivo &Settings &Opcións &Help &Axuda Tabs toolbar Barra de ferramentas das pestanas Request payments (generates QR codes and bitcoin: URIs) Solicita pagamentos (xera un código QR e bitocin : URIs) Show the list of used sending addresses and labels Mostra a lista de enderezos de envío e etiquetas usadas Show the list of used receiving addresses and labels Mostra a lista de enderezos de recepción e etiquetas usadas &Command-line options &Opcións de comando %n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network %n active connection to Bitcoin network%n Conexións activas cara a rede de Bitcoin Indexing blocks on disk... Indexando bloques no disco... Processing blocks on disk... Procesando bloques no disco... Processed %n block(s) of transaction history. Processed %n block of transaction history.Procesando %n bloques do historial de transaccións. %1 behind %1 tras Last received block was generated %1 ago. O último bloque recibido foi xerado fai %1. Transactions after this will not yet be visible. Transaccións despois desta non serán aínda visibles. Error Error Warning Aviso Information Información Up to date Actualizado Node window Xanela de Nodo Open node debugging and diagnostic console Abre a consola de depuración e diagnostico do nodo &Sending addresses &Enderezos de envío &Receiving addresses &Enderezos de recepción Open a bitcoin: URI Abre una URI de Bitcoin Open Wallet Abrir carteira Open a wallet Abrir unha carteira Close Wallet... Pechar carteira... Close wallet Pechar carteira Show the %1 help message to get a list with possible Bitcoin command-line options Mostra a %1 mensaxe de axuda para obter unha lista cas posibles opcións de línea de comando de Bitcoin default wallet Carteira por defecto No wallets available Non hai carteiras dispoñibles &Window &Xanela Minimize Minimizar Zoom Zoom Main Window Xanela Principal %1 client %1 cliente Connecting to peers... Connectando con compañeiros... Catching up... Poñéndose ao día... Error: %1 Error: %1 Warning: %1 Aviso: %1 Date: %1 Data: %1 Amount: %1 Cantidade: %1 Wallet: %1 Carteira: %1 Type: %1 Escribe: %1 Label: %1 Etiqueta: %1 Address: %1 Enderezo: %1 Sent transaction Transacción enviada Incoming transaction Transacción entrante HD key generation is <b>enabled</b> A xeración de clave HD está <b>activada</b> HD key generation is <b>disabled</b> A xeración de clave HD está <b>desactivada</b> Private key <b>disabled</b> Clave privada <b>desactivada</b> Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>unlocked</b> A carteira está <b>encrypted</b> e actualmente <b>desbloqueada</b> Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>locked</b> A carteira está <b>encriptada</b> e actualmente <b>bloqueada</b> A fatal error occurred. Bitcoin can no longer continue safely and will quit. Produciuse un error fatal. Bitcoin non pode seguir funcionando de maneira segura e sairá. CoinControlDialog Coin Selection Selección de moeda Quantity: Cantidade: Bytes: Bytes: Amount: Cantidade: Fee: taxa: Dust: po: After Fee: Despois de taxas: Change: Cambio: (un)select all (de)seleccionar todo Tree mode Modo en árbore List mode Modo en Lista Amount Cantidade Received with label Recibida con etiqueta Received with address Recibida con enderezo Date Data Confirmations Confirmacións Confirmed Confirmada Copy address Copiar enderezo Copy label Copiar etiqueta Copy amount Copiar cantidade Copy transaction ID Copiar ID da transacción Lock unspent Bloquear o non gastado Unlock unspent Desbloquear o non gastado Copy quantity Copiar cantidade Copy fee Copiar taxa Copy after fee Copiar despois de taxa Copy bytes Copiar bytes Copy dust Copiar po Copy change Copiar cambio (%1 locked) (%1 bloqueado) yes no no This label turns red if any recipient receives an amount smaller than the current dust threshold. Esta etiqueta tórnase vermella se algún receptor recibe unha cantidade máis pequena que o actual límite de po. Can vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input. Pode variar +/- %1 satoshi(s) por entrada. (no label) (sen etiqueta) change from %1 (%2) Cambia de %1 a (%2) (change) (Cambia) CreateWalletActivity Creating Wallet <b>%1</b>... Creando Carteira <b>%1</b>... Create wallet failed Creación de carteira fallida Create wallet warning Creación de carteira con aviso CreateWalletDialog Create Wallet Crea unha Carteira Wallet Name Nome da Carteira Encrypt the wallet. The wallet will be encrypted with a passphrase of your choice. Encripta a carteira. A carteira sera encriptada cunha frase contrasinal que tú elixas. Encrypt Wallet Encriptar Carteira Disable private keys for this wallet. Wallets with private keys disabled will have no private keys and cannot have an HD seed or imported private keys. This is ideal for watch-only wallets. Desactiva as claves privadas para esta carteira. Carteiras con claves privadas desactivadas non terán claves privadas e polo tanto non poderan ter unha semente HD ou claves privadas importadas. Esto é ideal para carteiras de solo visualización. Disable Private Keys Desactivar Claves Privadas Make a blank wallet. Blank wallets do not initially have private keys or scripts. Private keys and addresses can be imported, or an HD seed can be set, at a later time. Crear unha Carteira en blanco. As carteiras en blanco non teñen inicialmente claves privadas ou scripts. As claves privadas poden ser importadas ou unha semente HD poder ser configurada, máis adiante. Make Blank Wallet Crea unha Carteira en Blanco Create Crea EditAddressDialog Edit Address Editar Enderezo &Label &Etiqueta The label associated with this address list entry A etiqueta asociada con esta entrada na lista de enderezos The address associated with this address list entry. This can only be modified for sending addresses. O enderezo asociado con esta entrada na lista de enderezos. Solo pode ser modificado por enderezos de envío. &Address &Enderezo New sending address Novo enderezo de envío Edit receiving address Editar enderezo de recepción Edit sending address Editar enderezo de envío The entered address "%1" is not a valid Bitcoin address. O enderezo introducido "%1" non é un enderezo de Bitcoin válido. Address "%1" already exists as a receiving address with label "%2" and so cannot be added as a sending address. O enderezo "%1" xa existe como un enderezo de recepción ca etiqueta "%2" polo que non pode ser añadido como un enderezo de envío. The entered address "%1" is already in the address book with label "%2". O enderezo introducido "%1" xa existe na axenda de enderezos ca etiqueta "%2". Could not unlock wallet. Non se puido desbloquear a carteira. New key generation failed. New key generation failed. FreespaceChecker A new data directory will be created. A new data directory will be created. name name Directory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here. Directory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here. Path already exists, and is not a directory. Path already exists, and is not a directory. Cannot create data directory here. Cannot create data directory here. HelpMessageDialog version version About %1 About %1 Command-line options Command-line options Intro Welcome Welcome Welcome to %1. Welcome to %1. As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where %1 will store its data. As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where %1 will store its data. When you click OK, %1 will begin to download and process the full %4 block chain (%2GB) starting with the earliest transactions in %3 when %4 initially launched. When you click OK, %1 will begin to download and process the full %4 block chain (%2GB) starting with the earliest transactions in %3 when %4 initially launched. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. It is faster to download the full chain first and prune it later. Disables some advanced features. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. It is faster to download the full chain first and prune it later. Disables some advanced features. This initial synchronisation is very demanding, and may expose hardware problems with your computer that had previously gone unnoticed. Each time you run %1, it will continue downloading where it left off. This initial synchronisation is very demanding, and may expose hardware problems with your computer that had previously gone unnoticed. Each time you run %1, it will continue downloading where it left off. If you have chosen to limit block chain storage (pruning), the historical data must still be downloaded and processed, but will be deleted afterward to keep your disk usage low. If you have chosen to limit block chain storage (pruning), the historical data must still be downloaded and processed, but will be deleted afterward to keep your disk usage low. Use the default data directory Use the default data directory Use a custom data directory: Use a custom data directory: Bitcoin Bitcoin Discard blocks after verification, except most recent %1 GB (prune) Discard blocks after verification, except most recent %1 GB (prune) At least %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time. At least %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time. Approximately %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory. Approximately %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory. %1 will download and store a copy of the Bitcoin block chain. %1 will download and store a copy of the Bitcoin block chain. The wallet will also be stored in this directory. The wallet will also be stored in this directory. Error: Specified data directory "%1" cannot be created. Error: Specified data directory "%1" cannot be created. Error Error %n GB of free space available %n GB of free space available%n GB of free space available (of %n GB needed) (of %n GB needed)(of %n GB needed) (%n GB needed for full chain) (%n GB needed for full chain)(%n GB needed for full chain) ModalOverlay Form Form Recent transactions may not yet be visible, and therefore your wallet's balance might be incorrect. This information will be correct once your wallet has finished synchronizing with the bitcoin network, as detailed below. Recent transactions may not yet be visible, and therefore your wallet's balance might be incorrect. This information will be correct once your wallet has finished synchronizing with the bitcoin network, as detailed below. Attempting to spend bitcoins that are affected by not-yet-displayed transactions will not be accepted by the network. Attempting to spend bitcoins that are affected by not-yet-displayed transactions will not be accepted by the network. Number of blocks left Number of blocks left Unknown... Unknown... Last block time Last block time Progress Progress Progress increase per hour Progress increase per hour calculating... calculating... Estimated time left until synced Estimated time left until synced Hide Hide Esc Esc %1 is currently syncing. It will download headers and blocks from peers and validate them until reaching the tip of the block chain. %1 is currently syncing. It will download headers and blocks from peers and validate them until reaching the tip of the block chain. Unknown. Syncing Headers (%1, %2%)... Unknown. Syncing Headers (%1, %2%)... OpenURIDialog Open bitcoin URI Open bitcoin URI URI: URI: OpenWalletActivity Open wallet failed Open wallet failed Open wallet warning Open wallet warning default wallet default wallet Opening Wallet <b>%1</b>... Opening Wallet <b>%1</b>... OptionsDialog Options Options &Main &Main Automatically start %1 after logging in to the system. Automatically start %1 after logging in to the system. &Start %1 on system login &Start %1 on system login Size of &database cache Size of &database cache Number of script &verification threads Number of script &verification threads IP address of the proxy (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1) IP address of the proxy (e.g. IPv4: / IPv6: ::1) Shows if the supplied default SOCKS5 proxy is used to reach peers via this network type. Shows if the supplied default SOCKS5 proxy is used to reach peers via this network type. Use separate SOCKS&5 proxy to reach peers via Tor hidden services: Use separate SOCKS&5 proxy to reach peers via Tor hidden services: Hide the icon from the system tray. Hide the icon from the system tray. &Hide tray icon &Hide tray icon Minimize instead of exit the application when the window is closed. When this option is enabled, the application will be closed only after selecting Exit in the menu. Minimize instead of exit the application when the window is closed. When this option is enabled, the application will be closed only after selecting Exit in the menu. Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |. Third party URLs (e.g. a block explorer) that appear in the transactions tab as context menu items. %s in the URL is replaced by transaction hash. Multiple URLs are separated by vertical bar |. Open the %1 configuration file from the working directory. Open the %1 configuration file from the working directory. Open Configuration File Open Configuration File Reset all client options to default. Reset all client options to default. &Reset Options &Reset Options &Network &Network Disables some advanced features but all blocks will still be fully validated. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. Actual disk usage may be somewhat higher. Disables some advanced features but all blocks will still be fully validated. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. Actual disk usage may be somewhat higher. Prune &block storage to Prune &block storage to GB GB Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. MiB MiB (0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free) (0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free) W&allet W&allet Expert Expert Enable coin &control features Enable coin &control features If you disable the spending of unconfirmed change, the change from a transaction cannot be used until that transaction has at least one confirmation. This also affects how your balance is computed. If you disable the spending of unconfirmed change, the change from a transaction cannot be used until that transaction has at least one confirmation. This also affects how your balance is computed. &Spend unconfirmed change &Spend unconfirmed change Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled. Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled. Map port using &UPnP Map port using &UPnP Accept connections from outside. Accept connections from outside. Allow incomin&g connections Allow incomin&g connections Connect to the Bitcoin network through a SOCKS5 proxy. Connect to the Bitcoin network through a SOCKS5 proxy. &Connect through SOCKS5 proxy (default proxy): &Connect through SOCKS5 proxy (default proxy): Proxy &IP: Proxy &IP: &Port: &Port: Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050) Port of the proxy (e.g. 9050) Used for reaching peers via: Used for reaching peers via: IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6 Tor Tor Connect to the Bitcoin network through a separate SOCKS5 proxy for Tor hidden services. Connect to the Bitcoin network through a separate SOCKS5 proxy for Tor hidden services. &Window &Window Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window. Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window. &Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar &Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar M&inimize on close M&inimize on close &Display &Display User Interface &language: User Interface &language: The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting %1. The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting %1. &Unit to show amounts in: &Unit to show amounts in: Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins. Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins. Whether to show coin control features or not. Whether to show coin control features or not. &Third party transaction URLs &Third party transaction URLs Options set in this dialog are overridden by the command line or in the configuration file: Options set in this dialog are overridden by the command line or in the configuration file: &OK &OK &Cancel &Cancel default default none none Confirm options reset Confirm options reset Client restart required to activate changes. Client restart required to activate changes. Client will be shut down. Do you want to proceed? Client will be shut down. Do you want to proceed? Configuration options Configuration options The configuration file is used to specify advanced user options which override GUI settings. Additionally, any command-line options will override this configuration file. The configuration file is used to specify advanced user options which override GUI settings. Additionally, any command-line options will override this configuration file. Error Error The configuration file could not be opened. The configuration file could not be opened. This change would require a client restart. This change would require a client restart. The supplied proxy address is invalid. The supplied proxy address is invalid. OverviewPage Form Form The displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Bitcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet. The displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Bitcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet. Watch-only: Watch-only: Available: Available: Your current spendable balance Your current spendable balance Pending: Pending: Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balance Immature: Immature: Mined balance that has not yet matured Mined balance that has not yet matured Balances Balances Total: Total: Your current total balance Your current total balance Your current balance in watch-only addresses Your current balance in watch-only addresses Spendable: Spendable: Recent transactions Recent transactions Unconfirmed transactions to watch-only addresses Unconfirmed transactions to watch-only addresses Mined balance in watch-only addresses that has not yet matured Mined balance in watch-only addresses that has not yet matured Current total balance in watch-only addresses Current total balance in watch-only addresses PaymentServer Payment request error Payment request error Cannot start bitcoin: click-to-pay handler Cannot start bitcoin: click-to-pay handler URI handling URI handling 'bitcoin://' is not a valid URI. Use 'bitcoin:' instead. 'bitcoin://' is not a valid URI. Use 'bitcoin:' instead. Cannot process payment request because BIP70 is not supported. Cannot process payment request because BIP70 is not supported. Due to widespread security flaws in BIP70 it's strongly recommended that any merchant instructions to switch wallets be ignored. Due to widespread security flaws in BIP70 it's strongly recommended that any merchant instructions to switch wallets be ignored. If you are receiving this error you should request the merchant provide a BIP21 compatible URI. If you are receiving this error you should request the merchant provide a BIP21 compatible URI. Invalid payment address %1 Invalid payment address %1 URI cannot be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Bitcoin address or malformed URI parameters. URI cannot be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Bitcoin address or malformed URI parameters. Payment request file handling Payment request file handling PeerTableModel User Agent User Agent Node/Service Node/Service NodeId NodeId Ping Ping Sent Sent Received Received QObject Amount Amount Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. %1) Enter a Bitcoin address (e.g. %1) %1 d %1 d %1 h %1 h %1 m %1 m %1 s %1 s None None N/A N/A %1 ms %1 ms %n second(s) %n second%n seconds %n minute(s) %n minute%n minutes %n hour(s) %n hour%n hours %n day(s) %n day%n days %n week(s) %n week%n weeks %1 and %2 %1 and %2 %n year(s) %n year%n years %1 B %1 B %1 KB %1 KB %1 MB %1 MB %1 GB %1 GB Error: Specified data directory "%1" does not exist. Error: Specified data directory "%1" does not exist. Error: Cannot parse configuration file: %1. Error: Cannot parse configuration file: %1. Error: %1 Error: %1 %1 didn't yet exit safely... %1 didn't yet exit safely... unknown unknown QRImageWidget &Save Image... &Save Image... &Copy Image &Copy Image Resulting URI too long, try to reduce the text for label / message. Resulting URI too long, try to reduce the text for label / message. Error encoding URI into QR Code. Error encoding URI into QR Code. QR code support not available. QR code support not available. Save QR Code Save QR Code PNG Image (*.png) PNG Image (*.png) RPCConsole N/A N/A Client version Client version &Information &Information General General Using BerkeleyDB version Using BerkeleyDB version Datadir Datadir To specify a non-default location of the data directory use the '%1' option. To specify a non-default location of the data directory use the '%1' option. Blocksdir Blocksdir To specify a non-default location of the blocks directory use the '%1' option. To specify a non-default location of the blocks directory use the '%1' option. Startup time Startup time Network Network Name Name Number of connections Number of connections Block chain Block chain Current number of blocks Current number of blocks Memory Pool Memory Pool Current number of transactions Current number of transactions Memory usage Memory usage Wallet: Wallet: (none) (none) &Reset &Reset Received Received Sent Sent &Peers &Peers Banned peers Banned peers Select a peer to view detailed information. Select a peer to view detailed information. Whitelisted Whitelisted Direction Direction Version Version Starting Block Starting Block Synced Headers Synced Headers Synced Blocks Synced Blocks The mapped Autonomous System used for diversifying peer selection. The mapped Autonomous System used for diversifying peer selection. Mapped AS Mapped AS User Agent User Agent Node window Node window Open the %1 debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files. Open the %1 debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files. Decrease font size Decrease font size Increase font size Increase font size Services Services Ban Score Ban Score Connection Time Connection Time Last Send Last Send Last Receive Last Receive Ping Time Ping Time The duration of a currently outstanding ping. The duration of a currently outstanding ping. Ping Wait Ping Wait Min Ping Min Ping Time Offset Time Offset Last block time Last block time &Open &Open &Console &Console &Network Traffic &Network Traffic Totals Totals In: In: Out: Out: Debug log file Debug log file Clear console Clear console 1 &hour 1 &hour 1 &day 1 &day 1 &week 1 &week 1 &year 1 &year &Disconnect &Disconnect Ban for Ban for &Unban &Unban Welcome to the %1 RPC console. Welcome to the %1 RPC console. Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and %1 to clear screen. Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and %1 to clear screen. Type %1 for an overview of available commands. Type %1 for an overview of available commands. For more information on using this console type %1. For more information on using this console type %1. WARNING: Scammers have been active, telling users to type commands here, stealing their wallet contents. Do not use this console without fully understanding the ramifications of a command. WARNING: Scammers have been active, telling users to type commands here, stealing their wallet contents. Do not use this console without fully understanding the ramifications of a command. Network activity disabled Network activity disabled Executing command without any wallet Executing command without any wallet Executing command using "%1" wallet Executing command using "%1" wallet (node id: %1) (node id: %1) via %1 via %1 never never Inbound Inbound Outbound Outbound Yes Yes No No Unknown Unknown ReceiveCoinsDialog &Amount: &Amount: &Label: &Label: &Message: &Message: An optional message to attach to the payment request, which will be displayed when the request is opened. Note: The message will not be sent with the payment over the Bitcoin network. An optional message to attach to the payment request, which will be displayed when the request is opened. Note: The message will not be sent with the payment over the Bitcoin network. An optional label to associate with the new receiving address. An optional label to associate with the new receiving address. Use this form to request payments. All fields are <b>optional</b>. Use this form to request payments. All fields are <b>optional</b>. An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount. An optional amount to request. Leave this empty or zero to not request a specific amount. An optional label to associate with the new receiving address (used by you to identify an invoice). It is also attached to the payment request. An optional label to associate with the new receiving address (used by you to identify an invoice). It is also attached to the payment request. An optional message that is attached to the payment request and may be displayed to the sender. An optional message that is attached to the payment request and may be displayed to the sender. &Create new receiving address &Create new receiving address Clear all fields of the form. Clear all fields of the form. Clear Clear Native segwit addresses (aka Bech32 or BIP-173) reduce your transaction fees later on and offer better protection against typos, but old wallets don't support them. When unchecked, an address compatible with older wallets will be created instead. Native segwit addresses (aka Bech32 or BIP-173) reduce your transaction fees later on and offer better protection against typos, but old wallets don't support them. When unchecked, an address compatible with older wallets will be created instead. Generate native segwit (Bech32) address Generate native segwit (Bech32) address Requested payments history Requested payments history Show the selected request (does the same as double clicking an entry) Show the selected request (does the same as double clicking an entry) Show Show Remove the selected entries from the list Remove the selected entries from the list Remove Remove Copy URI Copy URI Copy label Copy label Copy message Copy message Copy amount Copy amount ReceiveRequestDialog QR Code QR Code Copy &URI Copy &URI Copy &Address Copy &Address &Save Image... &Save Image... Request payment to %1 Request payment to %1 Payment information Payment information URI URI Address Address Amount Amount Label Label Message Message Wallet Wallet RecentRequestsTableModel Date Date Label Label Message Message (no label) (no label) (no message) (no message) (no amount requested) (no amount requested) Requested Requested SendCoinsDialog Send Coins Send Coins Coin Control Features Coin Control Features Inputs... Inputs... automatically selected automatically selected Insufficient funds! Insufficient funds! Quantity: Quantity: Bytes: Bytes: Amount: Amount: Fee: Fee: After Fee: After Fee: Change: Change: If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address. If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address. Custom change address Custom change address Transaction Fee: Transaction Fee: Choose... Choose... Using the fallbackfee can result in sending a transaction that will take several hours or days (or never) to confirm. Consider choosing your fee manually or wait until you have validated the complete chain. Using the fallbackfee can result in sending a transaction that will take several hours or days (or never) to confirm. Consider choosing your fee manually or wait until you have validated the complete chain. Warning: Fee estimation is currently not possible. Warning: Fee estimation is currently not possible. Specify a custom fee per kB (1,000 bytes) of the transaction's virtual size. Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis per kB" for a transaction size of 500 bytes (half of 1 kB) would ultimately yield a fee of only 50 satoshis. Specify a custom fee per kB (1,000 bytes) of the transaction's virtual size. Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis per kB" for a transaction size of 500 bytes (half of 1 kB) would ultimately yield a fee of only 50 satoshis. per kilobyte per kilobyte Hide Hide Recommended: Recommended: Custom: Custom: (Smart fee not initialized yet. This usually takes a few blocks...) (Smart fee not initialized yet. This usually takes a few blocks...) Send to multiple recipients at once Send to multiple recipients at once Add &Recipient Add &Recipient Clear all fields of the form. Clear all fields of the form. Dust: Dust: Hide transaction fee settings Hide transaction fee settings When there is less transaction volume than space in the blocks, miners as well as relaying nodes may enforce a minimum fee. Paying only this minimum fee is just fine, but be aware that this can result in a never confirming transaction once there is more demand for bitcoin transactions than the network can process. When there is less transaction volume than space in the blocks, miners as well as relaying nodes may enforce a minimum fee. Paying only this minimum fee is just fine, but be aware that this can result in a never confirming transaction once there is more demand for bitcoin transactions than the network can process. A too low fee might result in a never confirming transaction (read the tooltip) A too low fee might result in a never confirming transaction (read the tooltip) Confirmation time target: Confirmation time target: Enable Replace-By-Fee Enable Replace-By-Fee With Replace-By-Fee (BIP-125) you can increase a transaction's fee after it is sent. Without this, a higher fee may be recommended to compensate for increased transaction delay risk. With Replace-By-Fee (BIP-125) you can increase a transaction's fee after it is sent. Without this, a higher fee may be recommended to compensate for increased transaction delay risk. Clear &All Clear &All Balance: Balance: Confirm the send action Confirm the send action S&end S&end Copy quantity Copy quantity Copy amount Copy amount Copy fee Copy fee Copy after fee Copy after fee Copy bytes Copy bytes Copy dust Copy dust Copy change Copy change %1 (%2 blocks) %1 (%2 blocks) Cr&eate Unsigned Cr&eate Unsigned Creates a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) for use with e.g. an offline %1 wallet, or a PSBT-compatible hardware wallet. Creates a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) for use with e.g. an offline %1 wallet, or a PSBT-compatible hardware wallet. from wallet '%1' from wallet '%1' %1 to '%2' %1 to '%2' %1 to %2 %1 to %2 Do you want to draft this transaction? Do you want to draft this transaction? Are you sure you want to send? Are you sure you want to send? Please, review your transaction proposal. This will produce a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) which you can copy and then sign with e.g. an offline %1 wallet, or a PSBT-compatible hardware wallet. Please, review your transaction proposal. This will produce a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) which you can copy and then sign with e.g. an offline %1 wallet, or a PSBT-compatible hardware wallet. or or You can increase the fee later (signals Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125). You can increase the fee later (signals Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125). Please, review your transaction. Please, review your transaction. Transaction fee Transaction fee Not signalling Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125. Not signalling Replace-By-Fee, BIP-125. Total Amount Total Amount To review recipient list click "Show Details..." To review recipient list click "Show Details..." Confirm send coins Confirm send coins Confirm transaction proposal Confirm transaction proposal Copy PSBT to clipboard Copy PSBT to clipboard Send Send PSBT copied PSBT copied Watch-only balance: Watch-only balance: The recipient address is not valid. Please recheck. The recipient address is not valid. Please recheck. The amount to pay must be larger than 0. The amount to pay must be larger than 0. The amount exceeds your balance. The amount exceeds your balance. The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included. The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included. Duplicate address found: addresses should only be used once each. Duplicate address found: addresses should only be used once each. Transaction creation failed! Transaction creation failed! A fee higher than %1 is considered an absurdly high fee. A fee higher than %1 is considered an absurdly high fee. Payment request expired. Payment request expired. Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s). Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block.Estimated to begin confirmation within %n blocks. Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address Warning: Invalid Bitcoin address Warning: Unknown change address Warning: Unknown change address Confirm custom change address Confirm custom change address The address you selected for change is not part of this wallet. Any or all funds in your wallet may be sent to this address. Are you sure? The address you selected for change is not part of this wallet. Any or all funds in your wallet may be sent to this address. Are you sure? (no label) (no label) SendCoinsEntry A&mount: A&mount: Pay &To: Pay &To: &Label: &Label: Choose previously used address Choose previously used address The Bitcoin address to send the payment to The Bitcoin address to send the payment to Alt+A Alt+A Paste address from clipboard Paste address from clipboard Alt+P Alt+P Remove this entry Remove this entry The amount to send in the selected unit The amount to send in the selected unit The fee will be deducted from the amount being sent. The recipient will receive less bitcoins than you enter in the amount field. If multiple recipients are selected, the fee is split equally. The fee will be deducted from the amount being sent. The recipient will receive less bitcoins than you enter in the amount field. If multiple recipients are selected, the fee is split equally. S&ubtract fee from amount S&ubtract fee from amount Use available balance Use available balance Message: Message: This is an unauthenticated payment request. This is an unauthenticated payment request. This is an authenticated payment request. This is an authenticated payment request. Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses Enter a label for this address to add it to the list of used addresses A message that was attached to the bitcoin: URI which will be stored with the transaction for your reference. Note: This message will not be sent over the Bitcoin network. A message that was attached to the bitcoin: URI which will be stored with the transaction for your reference. Note: This message will not be sent over the Bitcoin network. Pay To: Pay To: Memo: Memo: ShutdownWindow %1 is shutting down... %1 is shutting down... Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears. Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears. SignVerifyMessageDialog Signatures - Sign / Verify a Message Signatures - Sign / Verify a Message &Sign Message &Sign Message You can sign messages/agreements with your addresses to prove you can receive bitcoins sent to them. Be careful not to sign anything vague or random, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to. You can sign messages/agreements with your addresses to prove you can receive bitcoins sent to them. Be careful not to sign anything vague or random, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to. The Bitcoin address to sign the message with The Bitcoin address to sign the message with Choose previously used address Choose previously used address Alt+A Alt+A Paste address from clipboard Paste address from clipboard Alt+P Alt+P Enter the message you want to sign here Enter the message you want to sign here Signature Signature Copy the current signature to the system clipboard Copy the current signature to the system clipboard Sign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin address Sign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin address Sign &Message Sign &Message Reset all sign message fields Reset all sign message fields Clear &All Clear &All &Verify Message &Verify Message Enter the receiver's address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack. Note that this only proves the signing party receives with the address, it cannot prove sendership of any transaction! Enter the receiver's address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack. Note that this only proves the signing party receives with the address, it cannot prove sendership of any transaction! The Bitcoin address the message was signed with The Bitcoin address the message was signed with The signed message to verify The signed message to verify The signature given when the message was signed The signature given when the message was signed Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Bitcoin address Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Bitcoin address Verify &Message Verify &Message Reset all verify message fields Reset all verify message fields Click "Sign Message" to generate signature Click "Sign Message" to generate signature The entered address is invalid. The entered address is invalid. Please check the address and try again. Please check the address and try again. The entered address does not refer to a key. The entered address does not refer to a key. Wallet unlock was cancelled. Wallet unlock was cancelled. No error No error Private key for the entered address is not available. Private key for the entered address is not available. Message signing failed. Message signing failed. Message signed. Message signed. The signature could not be decoded. The signature could not be decoded. Please check the signature and try again. Please check the signature and try again. The signature did not match the message digest. The signature did not match the message digest. Message verification failed. Message verification failed. Message verified. Message verified. TrafficGraphWidget KB/s KB/s TransactionDesc Open for %n more block(s) Open for %n more blockOpen for %n more blocks Open until %1 Open until %1 conflicted with a transaction with %1 confirmations conflicted with a transaction with %1 confirmations 0/unconfirmed, %1 0/unconfirmed, %1 in memory pool in memory pool not in memory pool not in memory pool abandoned abandoned %1/unconfirmed %1/unconfirmed %1 confirmations %1 confirmations Status Status Date Date Source Source Generated Generated From From unknown unknown To To own address own address watch-only watch-only label label Credit Credit matures in %n more block(s) matures in %n more blockmatures in %n more blocks not accepted not accepted Debit Debit Total debit Total debit Total credit Total credit Transaction fee Transaction fee Net amount Net amount Message Message Comment Comment Transaction ID Transaction ID Transaction total size Transaction total size Transaction virtual size Transaction virtual size Output index Output index (Certificate was not verified) (Certificate was not verified) Merchant Merchant Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours. Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours. Debug information Debug information Transaction Transaction Inputs Inputs Amount Amount true true false false TransactionDescDialog This pane shows a detailed description of the transaction This pane shows a detailed description of the transaction Details for %1 Details for %1 TransactionTableModel Date Date Type Type Label Label Open for %n more block(s) Open for %n more blockOpen for %n more blocks Open until %1 Open until %1 Unconfirmed Unconfirmed Abandoned Abandoned Confirming (%1 of %2 recommended confirmations) Confirming (%1 of %2 recommended confirmations) Confirmed (%1 confirmations) Confirmed (%1 confirmations) Conflicted Conflicted Immature (%1 confirmations, will be available after %2) Immature (%1 confirmations, will be available after %2) Generated but not accepted Generated but not accepted Received with Received with Received from Received from Sent to Sent to Payment to yourself Payment to yourself Mined Mined watch-only watch-only (n/a) (n/a) (no label) (no label) Transaction status. Hover over this field to show number of confirmations. Transaction status. Hover over this field to show number of confirmations. Date and time that the transaction was received. Date and time that the transaction was received. Type of transaction. Type of transaction. Whether or not a watch-only address is involved in this transaction. Whether or not a watch-only address is involved in this transaction. User-defined intent/purpose of the transaction. User-defined intent/purpose of the transaction. Amount removed from or added to balance. Amount removed from or added to balance. TransactionView All All Today Today This week This week This month This month Last month Last month This year This year Range... Range... Received with Received with Sent to Sent to To yourself To yourself Mined Mined Other Other Enter address, transaction id, or label to search Enter address, transaction id, or label to search Min amount Min amount Abandon transaction Abandon transaction Increase transaction fee Increase transaction fee Copy address Copy address Copy label Copy label Copy amount Copy amount Copy transaction ID Copy transaction ID Copy raw transaction Copy raw transaction Copy full transaction details Copy full transaction details Edit label Edit label Show transaction details Show transaction details Export Transaction History Export Transaction History Comma separated file (*.csv) Comma separated file (*.csv) Confirmed Confirmed Watch-only Watch-only Date Date Type Type Label Label Address Address ID ID Exporting Failed Exporting Failed There was an error trying to save the transaction history to %1. There was an error trying to save the transaction history to %1. Exporting Successful Exporting Successful The transaction history was successfully saved to %1. The transaction history was successfully saved to %1. Range: Range: to to UnitDisplayStatusBarControl Unit to show amounts in. Click to select another unit. Unit to show amounts in. Click to select another unit. WalletController Close wallet Close wallet Are you sure you wish to close the wallet <i>%1</i>? Are you sure you wish to close the wallet <i>%1</i>? Closing the wallet for too long can result in having to resync the entire chain if pruning is enabled. Closing the wallet for too long can result in having to resync the entire chain if pruning is enabled. WalletFrame No wallet has been loaded. No wallet has been loaded. WalletModel Send Coins Send Coins Fee bump error Fee bump error Increasing transaction fee failed Increasing transaction fee failed Do you want to increase the fee? Do you want to increase the fee? Do you want to draft a transaction with fee increase? Do you want to draft a transaction with fee increase? Current fee: Current fee: Increase: Increase: New fee: New fee: Confirm fee bump Confirm fee bump Can't draft transaction. Can't draft transaction. PSBT copied PSBT copied Can't sign transaction. Can't sign transaction. Could not commit transaction Could not commit transaction default wallet default wallet WalletView &Export &Export Export the data in the current tab to a file Export the data in the current tab to a file Backup Wallet Backup Wallet Wallet Data (*.dat) Wallet Data (*.dat) Backup Failed Backup Failed There was an error trying to save the wallet data to %1. There was an error trying to save the wallet data to %1. Backup Successful Backup Successful The wallet data was successfully saved to %1. The wallet data was successfully saved to %1. Cancel Cancel bitcoin-core Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file %s or %s Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file %s or %s Prune configured below the minimum of %d MiB. Please use a higher number. Prune configured below the minimum of %d MiB. Please use a higher number. Prune: last wallet synchronisation goes beyond pruned data. You need to -reindex (download the whole blockchain again in case of pruned node) Prune: last wallet synchronisation goes beyond pruned data. You need to -reindex (download the whole blockchain again in case of pruned node) Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details Pruning blockstore... Pruning blockstore... Unable to start HTTP server. See debug log for details. Unable to start HTTP server. See debug log for details. The %s developers The %s developers Can't generate a change-address key. No keys in the internal keypool and can't generate any keys. Can't generate a change-address key. No keys in the internal keypool and can't generate any keys. Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. %s is probably already running. Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. %s is probably already running. Cannot provide specific connections and have addrman find outgoing connections at the same. Cannot provide specific connections and have addrman find outgoing connections at the same. Error reading %s! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect. Error reading %s! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect. Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong, %s will not work properly. Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong, %s will not work properly. Please contribute if you find %s useful. Visit %s for further information about the software. Please contribute if you find %s useful. Visit %s for further information about the software. The block database contains a block which appears to be from the future. This may be due to your computer's date and time being set incorrectly. Only rebuild the block database if you are sure that your computer's date and time are correct The block database contains a block which appears to be from the future. This may be due to your computer's date and time being set incorrectly. Only rebuild the block database if you are sure that your computer's date and time are correct This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications This is the transaction fee you may discard if change is smaller than dust at this level This is the transaction fee you may discard if change is smaller than dust at this level Unable to replay blocks. You will need to rebuild the database using -reindex-chainstate. Unable to replay blocks. You will need to rebuild the database using -reindex-chainstate. Unable to rewind the database to a pre-fork state. You will need to redownload the blockchain Unable to rewind the database to a pre-fork state. You will need to redownload the blockchain Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues. Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues. Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade. Warning: We do not appear to fully agree with our peers! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade. %d of last 100 blocks have unexpected version %d of last 100 blocks have unexpected version %s corrupt, salvage failed %s corrupt, salvage failed -maxmempool must be at least %d MB -maxmempool must be at least %d MB Cannot resolve -%s address: '%s' Cannot resolve -%s address: '%s' Change index out of range Change index out of range Config setting for %s only applied on %s network when in [%s] section. Config setting for %s only applied on %s network when in [%s] section. Copyright (C) %i-%i Copyright (C) %i-%i Corrupted block database detected Corrupted block database detected Could not find asmap file %s Could not find asmap file %s Could not parse asmap file %s Could not parse asmap file %s Do you want to rebuild the block database now? Do you want to rebuild the block database now? Error initializing block database Error initializing block database Error initializing wallet database environment %s! Error initializing wallet database environment %s! Error loading %s Error loading %s Error loading %s: Private keys can only be disabled during creation Error loading %s: Private keys can only be disabled during creation Error loading %s: Wallet corrupted Error loading %s: Wallet corrupted Error loading %s: Wallet requires newer version of %s Error loading %s: Wallet requires newer version of %s Error loading block database Error loading block database Error opening block database Error opening block database Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this. Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this. Failed to rescan the wallet during initialization Failed to rescan the wallet during initialization Importing... Importing... Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network? Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network? Initialization sanity check failed. %s is shutting down. Initialization sanity check failed. %s is shutting down. Invalid P2P permission: '%s' Invalid P2P permission: '%s' Invalid amount for -%s=<amount>: '%s' Invalid amount for -%s=<amount>: '%s' Invalid amount for -discardfee=<amount>: '%s' Invalid amount for -discardfee=<amount>: '%s' Invalid amount for -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s' Invalid amount for -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s' Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist. Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist. Unknown address type '%s' Unknown address type '%s' Unknown change type '%s' Unknown change type '%s' Upgrading txindex database Upgrading txindex database Loading P2P addresses... Loading P2P addresses... Error: Disk space is too low! Error: Disk space is too low! Loading banlist... Loading banlist... Not enough file descriptors available. Not enough file descriptors available. Prune cannot be configured with a negative value. Prune cannot be configured with a negative value. Prune mode is incompatible with -txindex. Prune mode is incompatible with -txindex. Replaying blocks... Replaying blocks... Rewinding blocks... Rewinding blocks... The source code is available from %s. The source code is available from %s. Transaction fee and change calculation failed Transaction fee and change calculation failed Unable to bind to %s on this computer. %s is probably already running. Unable to bind to %s on this computer. %s is probably already running. Unable to generate keys Unable to generate keys Unsupported logging category %s=%s. Unsupported logging category %s=%s. Upgrading UTXO database Upgrading UTXO database User Agent comment (%s) contains unsafe characters. User Agent comment (%s) contains unsafe characters. Verifying blocks... Verifying blocks... Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart %s to complete Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart %s to complete Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s) Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s) Invalid amount for -maxtxfee=<amount>: '%s' (must be at least the minrelay fee of %s to prevent stuck transactions) Invalid amount for -maxtxfee=<amount>: '%s' (must be at least the minrelay fee of %s to prevent stuck transactions) The transaction amount is too small to send after the fee has been deducted The transaction amount is too small to send after the fee has been deducted You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain Error reading from database, shutting down. Error reading from database, shutting down. Error upgrading chainstate database Error upgrading chainstate database Error: Disk space is low for %s Error: Disk space is low for %s Invalid -onion address or hostname: '%s' Invalid -onion address or hostname: '%s' Invalid -proxy address or hostname: '%s' Invalid -proxy address or hostname: '%s' Invalid amount for -paytxfee=<amount>: '%s' (must be at least %s) Invalid amount for -paytxfee=<amount>: '%s' (must be at least %s) Invalid netmask specified in -whitelist: '%s' Invalid netmask specified in -whitelist: '%s' Need to specify a port with -whitebind: '%s' Need to specify a port with -whitebind: '%s' Prune mode is incompatible with -blockfilterindex. Prune mode is incompatible with -blockfilterindex. Reducing -maxconnections from %d to %d, because of system limitations. Reducing -maxconnections from %d to %d, because of system limitations. Section [%s] is not recognized. Section [%s] is not recognized. Signing transaction failed Signing transaction failed Specified -walletdir "%s" does not exist Specified -walletdir "%s" does not exist Specified -walletdir "%s" is a relative path Specified -walletdir "%s" is a relative path Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory The specified config file %s does not exist The specified config file %s does not exist The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee This is experimental software. This is experimental software. Transaction amount too small Transaction amount too small Transaction too large Transaction too large Unable to bind to %s on this computer (bind returned error %s) Unable to bind to %s on this computer (bind returned error %s) Unable to create the PID file '%s': %s Unable to create the PID file '%s': %s Unable to generate initial keys Unable to generate initial keys Unknown -blockfilterindex value %s. Unknown -blockfilterindex value %s. Verifying wallet(s)... Verifying wallet(s)... Warning: unknown new rules activated (versionbit %i) Warning: unknown new rules activated (versionbit %i) Zapping all transactions from wallet... Zapping all transactions from wallet... -maxtxfee is set very high! Fees this large could be paid on a single transaction. -maxtxfee is set very high! Fees this large could be paid on a single transaction. This is the transaction fee you may pay when fee estimates are not available. This is the transaction fee you may pay when fee estimates are not available. Total length of network version string (%i) exceeds maximum length (%i). Reduce the number or size of uacomments. Total length of network version string (%i) exceeds maximum length (%i). Reduce the number or size of uacomments. Warning: Wallet file corrupt, data salvaged! Original %s saved as %s in %s; if your balance or transactions are incorrect you should restore from a backup. Warning: Wallet file corrupt, data salvaged! Original %s saved as %s in %s; if your balance or transactions are incorrect you should restore from a backup. %s is set very high! %s is set very high! Error loading wallet %s. Duplicate -wallet filename specified. Error loading wallet %s. Duplicate -wallet filename specified. Starting network threads... Starting network threads... The wallet will avoid paying less than the minimum relay fee. The wallet will avoid paying less than the minimum relay fee. This is the minimum transaction fee you pay on every transaction. This is the minimum transaction fee you pay on every transaction. This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction. This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction. Transaction amounts must not be negative Transaction amounts must not be negative Transaction has too long of a mempool chain Transaction has too long of a mempool chain Transaction must have at least one recipient Transaction must have at least one recipient Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s' Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s' Insufficient funds Insufficient funds Cannot upgrade a non HD split wallet without upgrading to support pre split keypool. Please use -upgradewallet=169900 or -upgradewallet with no version specified. Cannot upgrade a non HD split wallet without upgrading to support pre split keypool. Please use -upgradewallet=169900 or -upgradewallet with no version specified. Fee estimation failed. Fallbackfee is disabled. Wait a few blocks or enable -fallbackfee. Fee estimation failed. Fallbackfee is disabled. Wait a few blocks or enable -fallbackfee. Warning: Private keys detected in wallet {%s} with disabled private keys Warning: Private keys detected in wallet {%s} with disabled private keys Cannot write to data directory '%s'; check permissions. Cannot write to data directory '%s'; check permissions. Loading block index... Loading block index... Loading wallet... Loading wallet... Cannot downgrade wallet Cannot downgrade wallet Rescanning... Rescanning... Done loading Done loading