AddressBookPage Right-click to edit address or label Dèan briogadh deas airson seòladh no bileag a dheasachadh Create a new address Cruthaich seòladh ùr Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard Dèan lethbhreac den t-seòladh a chaidh a thaghadh an-dràsta gu cairt-bhòrd an t-siostaim Delete the currently selected address from the list Thoir às an seòladh a chaidh a thaghadh an-dràsta bhon liosta Choose the address to send coins to Tagh an seòladh airson buinn a chuir thuige Sending addresses A ’cur sheòlaidhean AddressTableModel Address Seòladh AskPassphraseDialog BanTableModel BitcoinGUI Error Mearachd Warning Rabhadh Information Fiosrachadh CoinControlDialog CreateWalletActivity CreateWalletDialog Wallet Name Ainm Wallet EditAddressDialog FreespaceChecker name ainm HelpMessageDialog Intro Error Mearachd ModalOverlay Form Fhoirm OpenURIDialog OpenWalletActivity OptionsDialog Error Mearachd OverviewPage Form Fhoirm PaymentServer PeerTableModel QObject QRImageWidget RPCConsole ReceiveCoinsDialog ReceiveRequestDialog Address Seòladh RecentRequestsTableModel SendCoinsDialog SendCoinsEntry ShutdownWindow SignVerifyMessageDialog TrafficGraphWidget TransactionDesc TransactionDescDialog TransactionTableModel TransactionView Address Seòladh UnitDisplayStatusBarControl WalletController WalletFrame WalletModel WalletView bitcoin-core