AddressBookPageRight-click to edit address or labelHøgraklikk fyri at broyta adressu ella spjaldurCreate a new addressStovna adressuDelete the currently selected address from the listStrika valdu adressuna av listanumEnter address or label to searchLeita eftir adressu ella spjaldri&Copy Address&Avrita addressuCopy &LabelAvrita &Spjaldur&Edit&BroytThere was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again.An error message. %1 is a stand-in argument for the name of the file we attempted to save to.Villa við goyming av adressuskrá til %1. Vinaliga royn aftur.AddressTableModelLabelSpjaldurAddressAdressa(no label)(einki spjaldur)BitcoinApplicationSettings file %1 might be corrupt or invalid.Uppsetanarfílan %1 kann vera avskeplað ella ógildig.Internal errorInnanhýsis villaQObjectDo you want to reset settings to default values, or to abort without making changes?Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file cannot be read. Prompts user to make a choice between resetting or aborting.Ynskir tú at endurstilla stillingar til upprunaligar stillingar, ella at avlýsa broytingar?Error: %1Villa: %1AmountUpphæddEnter a Bitcoin address (e.g. %1)Inntøppa eina Bitcoin adressu (t.d. %1)Ctrl+WCTRL+WInboundAn inbound connection from a peer. An inbound connection is a connection initiated by a peer.InngangandiOutboundAn outbound connection to a peer. An outbound connection is a connection initiated by us.Útgangandi%1 h%1 t%n second(s)%n sekund%n sekund%n minute(s)%n minuttur%n minuttir%n hour(s)%n tími%n tímar%n day(s)%n dagur%n dagar%n week(s)%n vika%n vikur%1 and %2%1 og %2%n year(s)%n ár%n árBitcoinGUI&Overview&YvirlitQuit applicationSløkk forrit&About %1&Um %1Show information about %1Vís upplýsingar um %1About &QtUm &QtShow information about QtVís upplýsingar um QtModify configuration options for %1Broyt uppsetanarstillingar fyri %1Network activity disabled.A substring of the tooltip.Net-virksemi óvirkijað.&Receive&MóttakSign &message…&Undirrita boðSign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own themUndirrita boðini við tíni Bitcoin-adressu fyri at prógva at tey eru tíni&File&Fíla&Settings&Stillingar&Help&HjálpProcessed %n block(s) of transaction history.%1 behind%1 aftanfyriErrorVillaWarningÁvaringUp to dateJavnsetturCtrl+QCTRL+QCtrl+MCTRL+M%1 client%1 viðskiftari%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.A substring of the tooltip.%n virkið samband til Bitcoin netið.%n virkin sambond til Bitcoin netið.Disable network activityA context menu item.Óvirkja net-virksemið.Enable network activityA context menu item. The network activity was disabled previously.Virkja net-virksemið.Error: %1Villa: %1Warning: %1Ávaring: %1Label: %1
Spjaldur: %1
Address: %1
Adressa: %1
CoinControlDialogQuantity:Mongd:Bytes:Být:Amount:Upphædd:Change:Vekslipeningur:(un)select all(frá)vel altAmountUpphæddCopy amountAvrita mongd&Copy address&Avrita adressuCopy &labelAvrita &spjaldurCopy &amountAvrita &upphæddCopy quantityAvrita mongdCopy bytesAvrita býtCopy changeAvrita vekslipeningCan vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input.Kann vera ymiskt +/- %1 satoshi fyri hvørt ískoyti.(no label)(einki spjaldur)change from %1 (%2)vekslipeningur frá %1 (%2)(change)(vekslipeningur)CreateWalletDialogAdvanced OptionsVíðkaðar stillingarEditAddressDialogEdit AddressBroyt adressu&Label&SpjaldurThe label associated with this address list entrySpjaldrið knýtt at hesi adressuni í adressuskránni&Address&AdressaFreespaceCheckernamenavnIntro%n GB of space available%n GB av goymsluplássi tøkt%n GB av goymsluplássi tøkt(of %n GB needed)(av %n GB ið tørvur er á)(av %n GB ið tørvur er á)(%n GB needed for full chain)Approximately %1 GB of data will be stored in this directory.Á leið %1 GB av dátum verða goymd í hesi fíluskránni.(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.ErrorVillaWelcomeVælkominWelcome to %1.Vælkomin til %1. GBGBThis initial synchronisation is very demanding, and may expose hardware problems with your computer that had previously gone unnoticed. Each time you run %1, it will continue downloading where it left off.Hendan innleiðandi stevjavningin er sera krevjandi, og kann avdúka trupulleikar, við tólbúnaðinum í teldu tíni, ið tú annars ikki hevur varnast. %1 heldur á fram at takað niður, hvørja ferð %1 verður koyrt.HelpMessageDialogAbout %1Um %1ShutdownWindow%1 is shutting down…%1 letur aftur...ModalOverlayProgressGongdProgress increase per hourFramgongd um tímanEstimated time left until syncedMett tíð eftir til fulla stevjavnanHideLokaOptionsDialogOptionsStillingarAutomatically start %1 after logging in to the system.Koyr %1 sjálvvirkandi eftir innritan á stýrikerviðFull path to a %1 compatible script (e.g. C:\Downloads\hwi.exe or /Users/you/Downloads/ Beware: malware can steal your coins!Fullfíggja leið til eitt %1 sambæriligt skeljarrit (t.d. C:\Downloads\hwi.exe ella /Users/you/Downloads/ Gev gætur: Illbúnaður kann stjala tín pening!Open Configuration FileLat upp uppsetanarfílReset all client options to default.Endurstilla allar viðskiftarastillingar til sjálvsettar.&Reset Options&Endurstilla stillingarAutomatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.Sjálvvirkandi upplating av Bicoin viðskiftara porturinum á beinaranum. Hetta virkar bert um UPnP er virkja í beinaranum, á netinum tú brúkar.Automatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports NAT-PMP and it is enabled. The external port could be random.Sjálvvirkandi upplating av Bicoin viðskiftara porturinum á beinaranum. Hetta virkar bert um NAT-PMP er virkja í beinaranum, á netinum tú brúkar. Ytra porturnummari kann vera tilvildarligt.&Port:&Portur:User Interface &language:Mál á nýtaramóti:The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting %1.Her kann mál á nýtaramóti ásetast. Stillingin hevur virknað eftir at %1 er endurbyrja.&Cancel&AvlýsdefaultsjálvsettConfirm options resetWindow title text of pop-up window shown when the user has chosen to reset options.Vátta endurstilling av stillingumClient restart required to activate changes.Text explaining that the settings changed will not come into effect until the client is restarted.Endurbyrjan av viðskiftara kravd fyri at virkja broyting(ar).Client will be shut down. Do you want to proceed?Text asking the user to confirm if they would like to proceed with a client shutdown.Viðskiftari verður slóktur. Ynskir tú at halda áfram?Configuration optionsWindow title text of pop-up box that allows opening up of configuration file.UppsetanarstillingarCancelAvlýsErrorVillaThe configuration file could not be opened.Innlesan av uppsetanarfílu miseydnaðist.This change would require a client restart.Broytingin krevur endurbyrjan av viðskiftaranum.OverviewPageAvailable:Tókt:Pending:Óváttað:PSBTOperationsDialogSave…Goym...own addressegin adressaTotal AmountSamlað upphæddorellaPeerTableModelAgeTitle of Peers Table column which indicates the duration (length of time) since the peer connection started.AldurReceivedTitle of Peers Table column which indicates the total amount of network information we have received from the peer.MóttikiðAddressTitle of Peers Table column which contains the IP/Onion/I2P address of the connected peer.AdressaTypeTitle of Peers Table column which describes the type of peer connection. The "type" describes why the connection exists.SlagNetworkTitle of Peers Table column which states the network the peer connected through.NetInboundAn Inbound Connection from a Peer.InngangandiOutboundAn Outbound Connection to a Peer.ÚtgangandiQRImageWidget&Save Image…&Goym mynd...&Copy Image&Avrita myndSave QR CodeGoym QR kotuPNG ImageExpanded name of the PNG file format. See: myndRPCConsoleClient versionViðskiftaraútgávaNetworkNetNameNavnNumber of connectionsTal av sambondumMemory usageMinnisnýtsla&ResetTómstillaReceivedMóttikiðVersionÚtgávaPing TimePing tíðDebug log fileGerðalistafíla til villukembanIn:Niður:Out:Upp:Ctrl++Main shortcut to increase the RPC console font size.CTRL++Ctrl+=Secondary shortcut to increase the RPC console font size.CTRL+=Ctrl+-Main shortcut to decrease the RPC console font size.CTRL+-Ctrl+_Secondary shortcut to decrease the RPC console font size.CTRL+_&Copy addressContext menu action to copy the address of a peer.&Avrita adressu1 &hour1 &tíma1 d&ay1 &dag1 &week1 &viku1 &year1 &árCtrl+ICTRL+ICtrl+TCTRL+TCtrl+NCTRL+NCtrl+PCTRL+PExecuting…A console message indicating an entered command is currently being executed.Innir...via %1umvegis %1YesJaNoNeiToTilFromFráReceiveCoinsDialog&Label:&Spjaldur:ClearTómstillaShowVís&Copy address&Avrita adressuCopy &labelAvrita &spjaldurCopy &amountAvrita &upphæddReceiveRequestDialogAddress:Adressu:Amount:Upphædd:Label:Spjaldur:Message:Boð:Copy &AddressAvrita &adressu&Save Image…&Goym mynd...RecentRequestsTableModelLabelSpjaldurMessageBoð(no label)(einki spjaldur)(no message)(eingi boð)SendCoinsDialogQuantity:Mongd:Bytes:Být:Amount:Upphædd:Change:Vekslipeningur:If this is activated, but the change address is empty or invalid, change will be sent to a newly generated address.Um hetta er virkja, men teigurin til adressu fyri vekslipening er tómur ella ógildigur, so verður vekslipeningurin sendur til eina ný-myndaða adressu.Custom change addressAdressa til vekslipeningper kilobyteper kilobýtHideLokaRecommended:Viðmælt:Send to multiple recipients at onceSend til fleiri móttakarar í einumChoose…Vel...Clear &AllTómstilla &altCopy quantityAvrita mongdCopy amountAvrita mongdCopy bytesAvrita býtCopy changeAvrita vekslipeningSign on device"device" usually means a hardware wallet.Undirrita á eind%1 to '%2'%1 til '%2'%1 to %2%1 til %2Sign failedUndirritan miseydnaðistorellaTotal AmountSamlað upphæddThe recipient address is not valid. Please recheck.Móttakara adressan er ógildig. Vinaliga eftirkanna.Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).Warning: Invalid Bitcoin addressÁvaring: Ógildig Bitcoin adressaWarning: Unknown change addressÁvaring: Ókend adressa til vekslipeningConfirm custom change addressVáttað adressu til vekslipening(no label)(einki spjaldur)SendCoinsEntry&Label:&Spjaldur:Choose previously used addressBrúka adressuna ið frammanundan var brúktAlt+AALT+AAlt+PALT+PMessage:Boð:SignVerifyMessageDialogSignatures - Sign / Verify a MessageUndirskriftir - Undirrita / Vátta eini boð&Sign Message&Undirrita BoðThe Bitcoin address to sign the message withBitcoin adressan at undirskriva boðini viðChoose previously used addressBrúka adressuna ið frammanundan var brúktAlt+AALT+AAlt+PALT+PEnter the message you want to sign hereInntøppa boðini, tú ynskir at undirrita, herSignatureUndirskriftSign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin addressUndirskriva boðini fyri at prógva at Bitcoin-adressan er tínSign &Message&Undirrita boðClear &AllTómstilla &altThe Bitcoin address the message was signed withBitcoin-adressan ið undirskrivaði boðiniThe signed message to verifyUndirritað boð at váttaClick "Sign Message" to generate signatureTrýst á "Undirrita boð" fyri at gera eina undirskriftNo errorEingin villaMessage signing failed.Undirritan av boðum miseydnaðist.Message signed.Boð undirritaðThe signature could not be decoded.Undirskriftin er ógildig.Please check the signature and try again.Vinaliga kanna undirskriftina og royn aftur.The signature did not match the message digest.Undirskriftin samsvaraði ikki við innihaldi í boðnum.TransactionDescSourceKeldaFromFráToTilown addressegin adressalabelspjaldurmatures in %n more block(s)MessageBoðCommentViðmerkingInputsÍskoytirAmountUpphæddtruesattfalseósattTransactionDescDialogDetails for %1Nágreinilig lýsing um %1TransactionTableModelTypeSlagLabelSpjaldurSent toSent til(no label)(einki spjaldur)TransactionViewTodayÍ dagThis weekHesa vikunaThis monthHendan mánaðinLast monthSíðsta mánaðThis yearÍ árSent toSent tilMin amountMinstaupphæddRange…Talstrekki...&Copy address&Avrita adressuCopy &labelAvrita &spjaldurCopy &amountAvrita &upphædd&Edit address label&Broyt adressuspjaldurShow in %1Transactions table context menu action to show the selected transaction in a third-party block explorer. %1 is a stand-in argument for the URL of the explorer.Vís í %1TypeSlagLabelSpjaldurAddressAdressaRange:Talstrekki:totilWalletFrameErrorVillaWalletModelIncrease:Øking:WalletViewCancelAvlýsbitcoin-coreThe %s developers%smennararnir%s request to listen on port %u. This port is considered "bad" and thus it is unlikely that any peer will connect to it. See doc/ for details and a full list.%s umbøn at lurta á portur %u. Hetta portrið er tulkað "óhóskandi" og tí er ósannlíkt at nakar viðskiftari sambindur í tað. Sí lista yvir "óhóskandi" portur og nágreiniligari upplýsingar í doc/ is set very high!Ásetingin %s er sera høgt!-maxmempool must be at least %d MB-maxmempool skal vera í minsta lagi %d MBOutbound connections restricted to CJDNS (-onlynet=cjdns) but -cjdnsreachable is not providedÚtgangandi sambond eru avmarkaði til CJDNS (-onlynet=cjdns) men -cjdnsreachable er ikki ásett.Outbound connections restricted to i2p (-onlynet=i2p) but -i2psam is not providedÚtgangandi sambond avmarkaði til i2p (-onlynet=i2p) men -i2psam er ikki ásett.Error loading %sVilla við innlesan %sError reading configuration file: %sVilla við innlesing av uppsetanarfílu: %sError reading from database, shutting down.Villa við innlesan av dátugrunni. Letur aftur.Error: Disk space is low for %sVilla: Tøkt disk goymslupláss og lítið til %sError: Got key that was not hex: %sVilla: Fekk lykil ið ikki er sekstandatal: %sError: Got value that was not hex: %sVilla: Fekk virði ið ikki er sekstandatal: %sError: No %s addresses available.Villa: Ongar %s adressur tøkar.Error: Unable to begin reading all records in the databaseVilla: Bar ikki til at byrja at innlesa skrásetingar í dátugrunninumError: Unable to parse version %u as a uint32_tVilla: Bar ikki til at tulkað útgávu %u sum uint32_tError: Unable to read all records in the databaseVilla: Bar ikki til at innlesa allar skrásetingar í dátugrunninumFailed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.Miseydnaðist at lurta á nøkrum portri. Brúka -listen=0 um tú ikki ynskir at lurta á nøkrum portri.Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %s)Lurtingin eftir inngangandi sambondum miseydnaðist (lurtingin gav villuna %s)No addresses availableOngar adressur tøkarThe source code is available from %s.Keldukotan er tøk á %s.The specified config file %s does not existÁsetta uppsetanarfílan %s finst ikkiThis is experimental software.Hetta er royndar-ritbúnaður.Settings file could not be readLesing av uppsetanarfílu miseydnaðistSettings file could not be writtenSkriving av uppsetanarfílu miseydnaðist